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Ss STRIXHAVEN SUPPLEMENTAL Volume I g/ ae SS COURSESCATALOG © Leu? WNC a = ZoESN = WY STRIXHAVEN SUPPLEMENTAL VOLUME 1: STAFF DIRECTORY AND CouRSE CATALOGUE CONTENTS. Introduction New Lorehald Professors New Prismari Professors ‘New Quancrix Professors ‘New Silverquill Professors ther New Neutral Professors and Staff Notes on Published Faculty First-Year Courses Second.Vear Courses Third-Vear Courses ourth-Year Courses DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica, Strixhaven, Arcavios and al other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. ‘This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast andor other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Alex Crews and published under the Community Content ‘Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild Created with Homebrewery. STRIXHAVEN SUPPLEMENTAL lcm tothe Stiahaven Saf Dicctory and OY cots cacog tin gate contain eral ff sper etonie aeicee Peat cilgeac let sf aren Unica Inthe fis vlame here ae 127 Pee vittaecretier nace Meee Bees ors Hee fx Dt ws fer oer Mata are ftere applicable) tionally there are thre euggested olf use to determine wheter students Henn rallies cr Sotrment ‘Asroentioed shor lance contin hei vm remain tha material Sich revarde are optional for DMs but ae intended to replace the pel tun gun fom he new Background, This wl alow for mor coxtl over how a plier charter prs ad denlope re Chen Setter ch ewatdoare A confor mata slimes tut a mage om a Vole of ieee intended to help wth that ‘Within these dance youl ind each ofthe fv new sels arecflored a tear, Howore ropa thangs (2 Wed) dato of them Tia letended toma em lining withthe others Borrowep KNOWLEDGE 2nd level divination Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: S, V, M (a book worth atleast 25 gp) Duration: 1 hour You draw on knowledge from spirits ofthe past. Choose fone skill tool, or instrument in which you lack proficiency. For the spel's duration, you have proficiency in the chosen skill The spell ends early if you cast it again. ‘This revision is designed to add a bit of extra value for the somewhat expensive second level spell slot. While the difference is small, t's useful enough if using the courses in this guide, some of which require different tool skill checks, sich as smith's tools or alchemists supplies, Sivery Barns 2nd -level enchantment Casting Time: 1 reaction Range: 60 ft ‘Components: V Duration: Instantaneous ‘You magically distract the triggering creature and turn its momentary uncertainty into encouragement for another creature. The triggering creature must reroll the d20 and use the lower roll You can then choose a different creature you can see within range (you can choose yourself). The chosen creature gains a point of inspiration. A creature can be empowered by only one use ofthis spell a atime. ‘Many members of the community have been fairly outraged at the released version of Silvery Barbs, From my perspective, I merely wish the spell had been written for 2nd level to be in line with the spells from the other colleges. I've ‘upped the level but instead of forcing the target with advantage to use it on their next roll they can instead keep it ‘a8 point of inspiration. This makes the spell better ft the ‘themes of inspiring Luminancy/Vainglory magic within Silverquill and helps to justify the use of a second level spell, slot [Before getting into some of the new professors, [want total abit about my design guidelines for the courses. Each tier of classes offers spells that are intended to be given at the end of the school year. For the most part, the spells offered should be those a student can begin using immediately. Fourth-year spells are the exception as, due to a general lack of spells at higher levels, I needed to go up to 6th level spells. The table below shows the level of spells taught during individual school years SCHOOL YEAR AND SPELL LEVELS School Year Spell Level First stand 2nd Second 2nd and 3rd Third 3rd and 4th Fourth Sth and 6th Classes are designed so that half ofthe classes offered ‘each year come from one of two dichotomous ideals from ‘each college. Players should be given complete freedom of choice for the classes they take to allow for full autonomy ‘over their character development with the caveat that they should be restricted to only General Studies or classes from their chosen college. PROFESSORS While the published content includes a handful of professors for each college, I wanted to flesh out the faculty to provide ‘enough professors to cover the courses below. In addition, the book makes references to hundreds of students and faculty so the extra professors can also make for useful background characters. Professors tend to stick to a certain Principle from the college's conflicting ideals, but some professors bridge the divide. In the class changes section found later in this guide you'll see fourth-year students have a required class of researching ‘and coming up with a solo or group project. Instead of receiving mentors in thei frst or second year, with my revisions it makes more sense for students to work with ‘mentors during either the beginning or middle oftheir third year as they stat to brainstorm possible projects. Players should try to pick one professor from cach of their college's two principles. Or, in rare cases, may select Orvlo or Verelda who are general studies professors. Professors ‘whose classes players have taken will readily agree unless the student had a strained relationship with the professor or failed the class more than once (more rules on class successes and failures in Volume 2) Players may choose professor even if they have not had a class with that individual, but those professors might want more time to get to know that student and their interests and may request different "hangout" time slots throughout the thied yeas: For more info on time slots see Volume 2 New LorFHOLD PROFESSORS LIANNA FLAMETONGUE LLianna isan older female high lf and a semi-retired member of the Dragonsguard (see stat block in Volume 3} As an official Dragonsguard member, she's accepted a teaching position at the school to both impart her knowledge and to scope out potential recruitable talent. Lisnna's knowledge of the Founder Dragons is vast, and she only lets her guard down when discussing the Founders or the Dragonsguard Otherwise, she is typically stiff and formal, a byproduct of her military experience. She teaches two classes on the Founders and one class on Warsinging, a field in which she is considered an expert. ‘Rumor has it that Lianna attended Strixhaven many, many years ago and attended Lorehold college. She was more happy-goducky and spontancous in her youth. Unfortunately, a careless expedition into a newly discovered ruin led to the death of her bestfriend. Velomachtus Lorehold himself helped Lianna find a new path with the Dragonsguard. Because of her past, Lianna is drawn to chaotic, reckless, and headstrong students out of an almost motherly and protective instinct. Consequently, she can come across as overbearing or nosy in her concer for them. Marrick DEEPFINDER Marrick is a dashingly handsome male halfling and Lorehold professor of chaos. He's well known for his impressive archeological finds and his willingness to dive headfirst into fresh ruins. He's forever looking to test his luck against trapped doors, chests, halls, etc. And as he tells anyone who ‘will listen, it's always his lucky day. He tends to come out on ‘op, both in his expeditions and his business dealings. Marrick and the other Lorchold staff agree that artifacts should be owned and maintained by the community a large. ‘That said Marrick personally believes that dangerous artifacts, especially ones that might hurt students or staff, should be moved into more private collections..for the right price. Marrick might readily accompany students who wish to io ruin-living for artifacts, but he gets selfish about splitting up the finds. His selfishness only extends to profit though as ily puts himself into danger to help students out of Riri BricHrEve Hardly ever seen without her Bottle of Boundless Coffee in ‘one hand, Lorehold professor of order Riri Brighteye is a {female owlin who can be found at all hours. Some students speculate that she never sleeps, and her eyes twitch frequently as ifto confirm that rumor. Professor Brighteye is perpetually energetic, despite spending much of her time pouring over ancient tomes. ‘She can go days or weeks with the same volume in her search to find important details others may have missed She balances the conflicting sides of being a Chaos Scholar who pursues the tiniest details with her Archaeoscribe side in order to record those details fo others to find mare easily, (One of the only times where Riri isnt found in her office or at the Firejlt Cafe is during Mage Tower games where her caffeine fueled lifestyle allows her to cheer atthe same level 1s the most enthusiastic students, TERVIS SHARPWING Inspiration for Tervis was taken from the "Combat Professor” MTG card Terivs, a male owlin, is a powerful battle medium ‘who primarily uses twin spirit swords as he carves up his foes. He's one of the weakest members of the Lorehole staff in terms of arcane ability, he's barely able to use more than a few spells. But he makes up for his lack of magical acumen with his mastial prowess and his experience in dealing with spirits. In addition to his twin blades, Tervis can summon and ‘enhance the spirits of warriors of the past to fight with him, As such, he has learned a great deal about historical weapons and fighting styles, He frequently trains in different weapon, techniques in a small courtyard in Pillardrop and is happy to spar or teach any student who primarily focuses on using ‘weapons instead of magic, even ifthat teaching occurs outside of class, ‘Xvra LANGNING Hila isa relatively young, female gnome. She's a prominent dustspeaker and one of the newest Lorehold professors of order. Ata young age, Xyla grew frustrated over people always misspelling or mispronouncing her name. To combat this, she took it upon herself to learn as many languages as she possibly could That way, atleast she knew she would never make the same mistake. Despite her young age, Xyla is fueat in nearly twice the number of languages as the next ‘most linguistically focused faculty member at Strixhaven. Yyla particularly enjoys researching new and obscure languages and can become overly excited when she meets a student who knows an uncommon or rare language. Like ‘many gnomes, Xjla has an abundant love of life but much of her time is spent listening to ancient spirits bound to statues ‘on Bifigy Row. Xa teaches several courses on language and ‘composition of magical tomes, grimoires, and serolls. ‘New PrisMArt PROFESSORS AHKWA The tortle currently called Ahkwa has had many names in her life. In general most of these have related to different names lr words for water or bodies of water. This elderly Prismari professor of order has lived nearly ten years longer than the average for her people (she's roughly 60) but shows no signs of retiring. She claims that teaching the young keeps her ‘young, Ahkwa typically acts like an old woman and likes to dote on her students, But that act hides her true strength as master waterbinder and ice sculptor who is more than capable of protecting herself and her students. Having reached her golden years, Ahkwa is very honest with her students, knowing just how easy its to waste precious time fretting and overanalyzing even mundane decisions. Contrary to Dean Uvilda's teachings, Ahkwa believes that good art comes from the heart, not the head. However, her preference sil lies towards the perfection side ofthe college's ideals. As such, she often tells her students that practice makes perfect and that they'll know their masterpiece when they see it. IcnariA KAHAFI ‘Asa female summer eladrin, Ignaria is accustomed to getting what she wants. And what she wants most is for students to not eall her "professor” or even "Ignaric’. Preferring to go by Iggy, this Prismari professor of expression can eometimes be oo hot to handle, She is a skilled fire user whose volatile emotions serve as fuel for her magic. Regardless of their relationship, Iggy is always up front and brutally honest with students. Other faculty and individuals can always tell when shes heating up about something because her hair will start to.glow and will give off small amount of smoke. For students who are passionate hard workers, Iggy is one of the best professors they'll ever have. For those who lack ambition, motivation, or natural talent, Iggy can be an overwhelming force who lights a fre (sometimes literally) wader them to drive them towards success, ‘Asa dancer, Iggy often does partner performances with Zeph. His mastery over wind and gusts greatly enhances her ames, The two balance each other well of the stage too. Zeph’s calmness helps to balance Iggy's hot headedness. They're in a budding relationship, though they try to keep this secret from students. However, those who are close to either of them know about it. ROCK, A.K.A. "EARSPLITTER" Rock is a handsome, middle-aged, male, earth genasi and a Prismari professor of expression. Abandoned as an infant, Rock was found by a human farmer who turned him aver to.a local monastery where he was raised in the ways of the ‘monks, In his adolescence Rock struggled with the principles of the monastery, often having emotional outbursts, and creating loud noises that went against the teachings of the ‘monks. Sensing that Rock's path was not with them, the head of the monastic order arranged for his invitation to Strixhaven. There, the young genasi flourished During his second year at Strixhaven, Rock stumbled upon 2 CliLyre and discovered his natural talent with music. Not knowing what the instrument was, Rock initially believed the powers he gained from the lyre were his own. He enjoyed using the fly, invisibility, stone shape, wall of fire, and wind wall spells during concerts. He has since learned what the Lyre is and continues to enjoy its powers when he performs ‘once or twice each school year He earned the nickname "Earspliter” during his 4th year after enchanting his lyre with a thaumaturgy-lke effect that really enhances the sounds it produces. Rock's concerts are held in high regard by students and faculty alike and typically lake place in Strishaven Arena as its the only facility large ‘enough to house the audience. Despite being a famous campus presence, Rock has @ ‘strong, silent type" personality and prefers to let his music speak for him Honestly it's difficult to carry a conversation vith the stoic genasi. Even so, many enamored students and faculty alike have tried throughout the years. Rock makes ‘every attempt to attend his student's performances, whether scheduled or impromptu. He's always ready with bath praise and oritiques. Rock is willing to mentor bueiding musicians outside of class but only if they're a Prismari student. Zara Zeph was born Zephria, a female air genasi. However, as Zephria matured her identi felt ike more of a prison and she eventually transitioned to identifying as a male named Zeph. No longer feeling shackled Zeph’s air magic flourished and he was offered a position as a Prismari professor of perfection. For the most part, Zeph is a calm and collected individual He's easy to spot around campus in self made, ‘overly loose clothing, As both a martial artist anda self proclaimed "movement performer: the loose clothing allows. Zeph freedom to stretch and contract his body in myriad ways, Devoted to his craft, Zephis personality only really changes when frustrated. This ean be seen if he loses balance or is otherwise unable to perfect a certain technique. Zephis method of fighting appears to combine jabs and kicks with various dance moves. When observed by passerby along the Opus Walk, Zephs training appears as a performance unto itself, When not teaching or training, Zeph enjoys climbing to the top of Conjurot Hall and jumping off, using his specially designed clothes to catch and ride the strong gusts around campus. New QuANDRIXx PROFESSORS BripRA FORHEIM [Bven before attending Strizhaven as a Quandrix studer Bildra was obsessed with numbers. As the daughter ofa master dwarven craftsman, Bildra grew up being told by her father to “measure twice, ut once” As a young lass she ‘would wind her way through her father's workshop, ‘measuring and sizing up anything and everything. In time, this evolved past measuring things in the workshop. She started measuring the workshop itself and the surrounding buildings. Architecture became Bildras first love and remains so even during her time at Strixhaven. Bildra's work is focused on the arcano-physics surrounding building and crafting. As a Quandrix professor, her current work lies in a more theoretical realm. She enjoys studying both the interior and exterior ofthe Arithmodrome as she attempts to replicate it on a more practical scale. Bildra still ‘measures things, which tends to carn a laugh at her expense from her colleagues on the theoretical side of the Quandrix faculty, but Bildra gets the last ugh with her perfectly executed theorems. Cie GREENTHUMB ‘Asa relatively smal individual, even among fairies, Clem has, always been concerned with their size, Standing at just one and a half feet tall, with lilac wings that resemble flower petals, Clem was often bullied Frustrated and hurt, Clem left the feywilds at a young age and wandered from town to town until she received an invitation from Strixhaven. Infused with the same magic as other fairies, Clem has always been able to make herself slightly larger. But by studying Quandrix magic, she learned to use a special, self ‘made theorem. This allows her to cast the Enlarge spell on herself multiple times without maintaining concentration on teach individual spell With this at her disposal, Clem ean stack applications and grow to an enormous size. Clem has a zerotolerance policy for bullies. If she encounters one, they've been known to use her ability to make instigators feel as small a their intended vietims. Clem hhas a soft spot for the underdog and often uses magic to help, smal critters and plants grow into larger versions of themselves. ‘Jazack Quickroor Jazack, an Slder male harengon, will be the first to admit he's only really an expert in one thing: running away. That said, he can tell you all kinds of ways to do so. Asa tried-andtrue coward Jazack has mastered numerous methods of saving. his own skin. As luck would have it, some of those happen to bbe magical, Using these techniques, he ran from dangerous situation to dangerous situation until he somehow ended up at Strixhaven. Once there, he quite literally ran right into Dean Kianne. Seeing his skills, the dean promptiy offered him a job, Indeed, due to his mastery, he is now recognized as the leading expert on teleportation spells Unfortunately, he is a complete mess when it comes to any other forms of magic, This fact doesn't concern him, but it either amuses or annoys the other Quandix staff members. As he's stil quite jumpy, some students (and staff) enjoy ‘trying to frighten him into teleporting away, especially Rixy ‘She enjoys sending illusionary monsters after the elderly hharengon. She has been known to laugh until tears fill her ‘eyes as he either takes off running or uses a quick dimension door or teleport spell to get to safety RENALD RoTHTON ‘Renald was born to an influential and magically gifted human noble family. Throughout his formative years he was raised o ‘carry on the family's legacy. That plan had a few issues when itwas discovered Renald could barely use magie at all As a result ofthis discovery, Renald’s mother hired a wizard to tutor Renald in magic, dismissing rumors about the man's past and his often cruel teaching methods. Renald’s life was ‘tragically lost during a lesson gone avy. And then he came back. Only a few hours later, long after his heart stopped pumping blood through his body Renald awoke. As he sat up and looked around he started seeing ‘equations, diagrams, and other such information about whatever he was looking at. Fearing the work of a dark presence, the tutor attempted to kill the young boy with ‘magic Renald now found weak and meaningless, The young boy who could hardly cast a spell instinctively changed the laws of the natural world, crushing the bones of the tutor in a powerful gravity well Upon learning what had happened Renald’s parents wrote to Strixhaven and begged for early ‘admission to be granted to their son, which Strixhaven, approved Now nearing his 19th birthday, Renald is one of the youngest individuals to ever be granted a professorship at Strixhaven. While some are off put by his pale skin and, ‘empty stare that never quite meets your gaze (as he glances at the equations and diagrams only he can see) none can refuse his briliance with reality-bending abstraction magic Roy ‘Asa dedicated prankster ite unclear if Riy, a female ‘changeling and Quandrix professor of theory, enjoys teaching class more for the curriculum or for the many chances to prank her students. Rixy’s pranks are legendary on campus. and she tends to prank students in her introductory classes bby changing her form to be that of a new student. Students in her advanced classes aren't safe either as she's able to perform more elaborate pranks on them. No student has ever seen Rixy's true form and she often shows up to class looking like an entirely new person each day (although typically, but not always, female in appearance). Thanks to her innate gifts Rixy is a master illusionist, She uses those skills asa blooming fractologist and advanced sequence prophet. She is additionally quite skilled at using the Arcane Eye spell, which she learned as a matter of, necessity in order to remotely view some of her more complex pranks. New SILVERQUITL PROFESSORS HELIOZ SUNMANE Inspiration for this professor comes from the Leonin Lightscribe MTG card Helioz is a male Leonin, master Luminancer, and a Silverquill professor of radiance. During his own time at Strixhaven Helioz was drawn to Silverquill but nearly failed out ofthe introductory inkomancy course. His classmates, being fellow Silverquill relentlessly made fun of him with scathing remarks and blistering rumors, But one ofthe luminancy professors atthe time helped Helioz find the words to speak about his experiences, and as he did brilliant light magic flooded forth from within him, turning his brownish hair into a slightly glowing golden color. Helioz went on to become one of the best Luminancy students Strixhaven had ever seen. When his old mentor decided to retire a few years after his graduation she reached ut to Helioz to personally offer him the job, which he graciously accepted, To this day Ilelioz tries his best to emulate that professor, serving as a source of hope and inspiration for students struggling with the cutthroat and competitive Silverquill coursework Liv ann Luc BrANDFORD Like most siblings, humans Liv and Lue Brandford grew up fighting. However, each had their own method to fighting, one that they've managed to hone throughout the years thanks to having the ultimate partner with whom to practice. Bach is a respectable Silverquill professor of shadow but with a different focus. Liv's method is all about a strong offense. She teaches students how to be proactive and aggressive, attempting to end fights before the opponent even knows they're being attacked Her methods might be considered underhanded for, official duels but all that matters to Liv is getting in the last word and showing her superiority As the younger sibling, Luc tes students he was born on the back foot, In addition to stressing the importance of the basic Shield and Mage Armor spells Luc teaches students the importance of not losing control of themselves during a battle and how to outlast an opponent's onslaught until they tire themselves out, one of his favorite techniques from his yout Luc’ talent with defensive magic is so strong that he also teaches a class that focuses less on dueling techniques and ‘more on protecting groups for those who might be venturing into Pilardrop, the Detention Bog, or other potentially dangerous areas. Sacre SOUNDIEL ‘Sace's natural beauty frequently turns heads as people stop land stare, a quality that makes her powerful enchantment ‘magic all the more effective. As a half-elf, Sace has a certain ‘commanding presence that has always drawn people towards hher and made them willing to do as she says. It wasnt until hher family met a Strixhaven professor on sabbatical that they found out she was unconsciously using an almost subliminal level of enchantment magic to enhance these effects Learning that she had been unconsciously forcing people to please her against their wills horrified Sace and she began to {question her reality, Would her parents have been so loving and doting without this magic? Would her friends have been her friends? Sensing both her talent and turmoil the professor offered early admittance to Strixhaven to learn to control these powers, which Sace happily accepted. In Elvish the name Solindiel mesns "Sweetbreeze’, a name ‘most think makes sense when they think ofthe caring and thoughtful professor. However, those with an advanced understanding of rare and magical plants know of an exceedingly rare plant called the Sweetbreeze that lures: "unsuspecting creatures into a deep sleep with magical spores and then uses sharp, bloodsucking roots to entangle and drain the helpless victim. For these individuals, the name still ‘makes sense given Sace’s expertise with Enchantment magic. Luckily, Sace teaches students about ethics and control in using this potent magic and guides students towards using their abilities for peacekeeping and mediation purposes. Smarr Moura Asa Kenku, Smart Mouth isnt what most people think of when they think of a master of word magic. Victim to the ‘same ancient curse that afficts all of his people, Smart Mouth can only duplicate sounds he's heard before, However, with a genius level intellect and a perfect memory Smart ‘Mouth is able to draw upon and duplicate every single word, phrase, and sound he's ever heard before. This tended to land hhim in trouble ata young age when other individuals would ‘ry to pick on him only to discover he was always ready with a perfect and witty comeback. On one particular day he was told he should watch his smart mouth before it landed him in real trouble and thus he adopted the name Smart Mouth, This Silverquill professor of radiance knows more than ‘anyone that words can be magical and that choosing exactly the right word can enhance both meaning and magic exponentially. He teaches students about various words of power and about the importance of syntax and word choice in verbal spells. Most of his exams are oral and he has students read their homework aloud in class in order to both critique their word choices and to build his repository of sounds and phrases. (New WITHERBLOOM PROFESSORS 'SERAFINA ONYX'/LILLIANA VESS Professor Serafina Onyx is a brand new addition to the Witherbloom faculty. As a Witherbloom alumna herself, Onyx. naw teaches the reanimation and undead magic courses she was 50 proficient in during her youth. Onyx is currently laying low atthe school with her new position and unless they want ‘a story revolving around her, DMs are encouraged to introduce her as a normal Witherbloom professor of decay without going into her true identity of Lilliana Vess. For more information on Lilliana’s past I encourage people to research more online ‘She can often be found in the restricted areas of the Biblioplex and is hesitant to form attachments to students (Onyx intially doesnt know how temporary or permanent her position at Strixhaven is so she doesn't want to be tied down in case she needs to make a quick escape. On the other hand however, Onyx skipped the introductory Instructor period and ‘was offered a professorship immediately. A number of faculty from both Witherbloom and the other colleges were a tad jealous as something like this is unheard of. Onyx feels a need to prove herself and her teaching ability As such she holds regular office hours and is happy to have mentoring. sessions with students, SANA VARGUNDIL ‘This professor was inspired by the MTG card Accomplished Alchemist, Asana is an elf with a mastery of using various ingredients to create both potions and antidotes. Asana is ‘young, by elfstandards, but learned her skills by taking classes under Dean Lisette when Lisette was stil just a professor. The two worked closely together during Asana's time as a student and even after Asana had graduated. When Lisette was offered the position of dean it was a no-brainer to ‘ask Asana to teach the healing courses she had excelled at 8 fa student. Asana happily accepted and over the course of a few years was offered a promotion from Instructor 0 Witherbloom professor of growth. ‘Asana has a scientific mind and horrible bedside manor. As she cares for students who may have been attacked or suffered some other injury in the Detention Bog she more often than not will start talking to their wounds or talking about the horrors they could have faced instead of talking to the patients themselves and attempting to keep them calm. ‘Asa scientist Asana prefers to stay within her lab at ‘Widdershins Hall and happily pays students for any potion ingredients they might bring to her. She also worries frequently about the work that Venoc is doing and asks students to bring her any notes about his research so she can prepare proper cures ahead of time. Koyrt Tae TAMER Event asa young fibolg Koj always had a way with animals [Atonly seven years old he helped ealm a mad scurtid, foaming a the mouth, fer long enough to find the wound that had caused the disease. Unable to heal the creature, the village elder helped the scurid pass on. However, instead of passing on, the sprit ofthe scurrd remained and quickly climbed up to Kos shoulder. Inthe years to follow Kojil either tamed or was approached by all manner of dangerous or rare creatures such as Karoks land Cervins and was visited at times by the spirits of other ‘creatures as well The village elder wrote to Strixhaven about ‘these feats, hoping for an explanation and receiving only an ‘admission letter for young Koji in return Kol now serves as a Witherbloom professor of growth with his faithful scurrid ghost/familiar, whom he calls Tal, Ear. Despite the dangers of Sedgemoor and the Detention Bog Koji teaches students how to connect with the fauna of the land and how to use that connection to feel a creature's thoughts, desires, and even fears, allow his charges to form a bbond with the creature. He also shows that even in death creatures can still be called upon and works with the spirits ‘of pests and other ereatures who die in the classes taught by ‘other professors. Sometimes these spirits don't want to serve and sometimes spells can call on other forces, so Kajil teaches all students how to send dangerous entities back to where they came from. ‘VeNOC PLAGUESCALE ‘Asa green dragonborn who has always been afflicted with various illnesses, Venoc has never found much acceptance in the world Which is just fine with him because forall he cares the world can suffer with him. Venoc's primary goal in life is to create increasingly powerful diseases using Banelock ‘magic. IPhe can create just the right concoction he can. spread a disease that will cause others to suffer just as much, ashe has, Asa Witherbloom professor of decay Venoc is barely interested in his students or their studies unless they're a prodigy: Venoc is really only at Strixhaven for the access to research and materials He absolutely hates Asana, whom he considers to be a rival who is always getting in his way by ‘coming up with cures for his diseases. The two professors tend to draw their students into their rivalry as well Venoc ‘pays students for any dangerous spell components they find and encourages them to bring back information about Asanals cures and other research. ‘Verogja People are sometimes surprised that Verooja, a male loxodon and Witherbloom professor of growth, doesn't actually have two green thumbs. The middle-aged Loxodon maintains a fairly large garden on the outskirts of Widdershins Hall near ‘Sedgemoor in addition to maintaining an eye on the flora of, both Sedgemoor and the Detention Bog. The garden maintains a number of rare and dificult to maintain plants, ‘some of which sell for a pretty penny, which Verooja teaches about in his classes, Students that attempt to enter, damage, ‘or steal from the garden typically fail to read the signs posted indicating the garden can and will defend itself from anyone who is not authorized ‘Students and staff who wander past the garden can often hear Verooja talking to his plants with a kind tone, a tactic Verooja swears helps the plants flourish. Verooja has recently expanded the garden to include a nearby cave where he's learning how to grow and care for various magical ‘mushrooms, ‘New NeurrAr PROFESSORS AND STAFF CLEANER Created by Lorehold professor Loshee| this automaton was a success to the point of being a failure. Losheel originally ‘wanted a mechanical creation that would clean up her office and living space but Cleaner took it's duties to the next leve! and promptly started to clean and repair the grounds of the entire Strixhaven campus. Some have noted that Cleaner collects various trinkets and objects from trash and has been assembling a sort of artistic shrine of sorts. While this revelation has some Prismari students questioning the nature of art it has others wondering how alive Cleaner might really be. Cleaner has taken it upon itself to manage and supervise student workers on the campus grounds and none ofthe faculty have seen fit to argue with it. IsaBoucH, HEAD LIBRARIAN Mentioned several times in various MTG cards and in the Blue-Green Ribbons short story, Isabough is a treant who works as the head librarian at the Biblioplex. She is in charge of entry to the restricted sections and she supervises student workers ‘Mtv1 Le DonTo, Lan ADMINISTRATOR ‘Asa Quandrix student Melvi, hisman female, was constantly found in one ofthe lab spaces available in either in the Biblioplex or in one of the other buildings on the Central Campus. She was primarily focused on the intersection of theory and substance where one became the other. It is pethaps because of her time spent in these labs that Mel ‘was able to successfully convince Director Taiva to hire her after she had graduated to organize and lead a program of student workers who clean, organize, and lend a hand to others performing research in labs across each ofthe six campuses. Onvio, GeneRAt SruprEs PROFESSOR Originally a Quandrix professor of theory, this middle-aged vedalken now teaches a series of general studies courses that teaches students about the basies of the different casting schools of magie. While many of the Quandrix faculty focuses on advanced theory Orvlo has always been drawn to the basics of magical composition, particularly the fine details that make the different magical schools unique from one another. COrvlo typically teaches from the Biblioplex, where they spend most oftheir time. When not teaching they work as a volunteer librarian, using their skills to detect any spells students may have attempted to place on the tomes or scrolls and subsequently dispelling them of any such enchantments. ‘They appreciate hard work and earnest study and frown on, students who attempt jokes on them or who try to ingratiate themselves with them. Stomp, Macr Tower Coacu ‘Most who Know Shtomp,a male orc, agree that he was always destined to fail out of Lorehold college. Shtomp barely. ‘made it to his third year with his abysmal grades and poor cffort on tests, However, Shtomp still regards his years at Strixhaven with fondness du to his prowess at Mage Tower. Despite struggling with even basic magic Shtomp was dominating force atthe sport and won The Battle of ‘Strixhaven for his team during all three of his years at the ‘school. He has since been hired on as the general Stadium and Intramural Fields manager and he insists the students ‘who work ander him call him "Coach Shtomp” even though he doesnit coach any ofthe official teams. DRaMITia, QUEEN OF THE STAGE Dramitia was bora Trina Shanti a Gefling Silverqill alumna with a passion for the dramatic. As to make this a point to allwho meet her she changed her name during her firstyear to Dramita. Aa student Dramita eagerly attended every performance atthe Rose Stage and the Dramarium and by her second year she led the Playactors Drama Guild Her performances were so powerful and moving that some members ofthe faculty begged her to stay ater her graduation and she novso-humbly accepted, taking on ‘management ofthe Stixhaven Performing Arts Sociey. Drama assists with the Extracurricular Playactors Drama Guild only when her assistance is requested and otherwise makes due by directing a single performance ot play of her own once a year. This performance is eagerly attended by many ofthe students and faculty and tickets are always sold ata premium inorder to meet the high expenses incurred during rehearsals and at showtimes Zokt, STUDENT LIFE ADMINISTRATOR With most ofthe professors being busy with research and teaching, Zoei happily takes on the work of managing the logistics of housing students. As a satyr, Zoei is a boundless force of energy who loves working with students and watching as they go through the ups and downs associated with campus life. As a Prismari alumna, Zoei uses her pent- ‘up energy to come up with elaborate events for students such a balls, game nights, and other such events. She manages the dormitories for each of the five colleges and dormitory student workers report up to her NoTEs ON PUBLISHED STAFF In the following sections welll lok at fleshing out some of the existing staf, Wizards of the Coast dida't give us many details fon some of the faculty and there are others I've done away with entirely. Ifthere are no notes for a given professor from the books I had no changes for that individual ExIsTING LOREHOLD PROFESSORS Oscre, THE RECONSTRUCTOR Due to his huge size I've dedicated an outdoor workshop space for Osgir near Pillardrop where he examines (and duplicates) artifacts that are brought to him for inspection. He's unable to fit inside most ofthe rooms and chambers on Lorehold’s campus so his classes with students are often held at his workshop regardless of the weather. ‘LOSHEEL, CLOCKWORK SCHOLAR In the theme of giving students rewards for taking certain spells that both matched the clockwork” theme and were an appropriate level I've latched conto Loshee!'s lazy nature and have her near retirement age. She "teaches" one class on the maintenance of different artifacts which usually just consists of one of her automatons dropping off a pre-recorded lesson for students to watch. She is credited with creating Cleaner, which is just salt in the wound for her, and she considers Cleaner to be her greatest failure since it won't come back and clean her quarters for her Losheel is looking forward to a peaceful retirement where she rules over her flock of auslomatons in comfort asses there weren't mat EXISTING PRISMARI PROFESSORS: ‘Veveran, Vorce or DuauTy Many Prismari might lose control oftheir emotions and. others attempt to suppress them, Veyra actively straddles that line. Instead of focusing on powerful, negative emotions however she chooses to focus on joy and happiness. Students can often find her wandering around the Prismari campus with cute elementals based off of dogs, squirrels, rabbits, and other adorable creatures that give students warm nuzzls. Because of her personality Veyranis art typically expresses bright popping colors. She uses a variety of different elements in her spells and has even been known to use illusion magic during live performances for extra-special effects. Veyran never forgets a face and makes a point to keep in touch with students who take her classes. Angin Minexes, Perry InsrrucTor Arkin is noted as a human in his introductory paragraph and. then is described as an orc in Chapter 6 You're welcome to give him whatever race you prefer but I've decided he's better as an ore, Because of his status as an instructor he only teaches an introductory Prismari course. However, because ofhis tile I envision him a8 an ex-cheerleader for the Mage Tower games. Arkin loves the sport of Mage Tower and loves the schoo! spirit behind mascots. He teaches a course on summoning ‘mascots for students who want a litle friend following them around. As the book described, Arkin focuses a lot on ‘cooperation and so the homework for both of his classes is typically either partner or group-themed This serves as a perfect time for DMs to add some socialization. PCs might gets bonuses with driven, competent student NPCs or might get off on the wrong foot with students who shirk their responsibilty to the group. EXISTING QuANDRIX PROFESSORS ADRIX AND NEV, TWINCASTERS ‘Adrix and Nev currently teach two of the substance themed ‘Quandrix courses. However, that shouldn't stop DMs from playing up the sibling rivalry and the differences in thought from the dynamic duo. Une the introductory classes described later where both deans teach on different days, DMs should make a point of Adrix and Nev being present for each and every class together and should have them bouncing off of each other or even stopping class for an argument or two. At times, however, the two appear perfectly {n sync and truly demonstrate what it means for theory to be the building block of substance, DEEKAH, FRACTAL THEORIST In Blue-Green Ribbons we see Zimone taking two Fractal courses with Dean Kianne. However I chose to focus more ‘on the mana scholar studies the book deseribes for Kianne, ‘opting instead to have the rather less defined Deekah handle fractology. The schools of Fractology and Vivifving have ‘opposing principles but both focus on the summoning of fractals, True to her tile, Deeks tends to spend more time focusing on the theory in class but will occasionally teach students how to summon actual fractal ereatures in order to show the class how useful theary can be when applied to ‘substance. Deekal is out of touch at times, sometimes losing her train of thought during lectures when she has a side ‘thought about a particularly interesting theorem or idea. She is commonly seen with a living theorem trailing alongside her, computing away at one of her many hypotheses while she ‘oes about her day to day life. RoxA, PATIENT PROFESSOR ‘Ruxa feels like he was built with inspiration from the MTG card Professor of Zoomancy: However since there are no released ursine races without dipping into homebrew I decided to keep to the book and have Ruxa only teaching introductory classes. Ruxa has a deep, melodie voice and. students often wonder if he's the one who is patient or if patience is a requirement of having him as a professor. The faculty; however, know that Ruxa is a godsend as none of them want to teach the basics to a bunch of irstyears, preferring instead to spend their ime on more exciting ‘things. Ruxa takes this in stride and doubles down on drilling the basics ofthe introductory classes he teaches into his students. EXISTING SILVERQUILL PROFESSORS BREENA, THE DEMAGOGUE Brecna isa bit ofan odd character for me. The book makes a point of diving ever so slightly into her past, something it hardly does for any ofthe professors, only to describe her redceming an Orig agent. As a professor of shadow this is a peculiar thing for her to do when A Silent Voice Calls describes Killian doing the same thing using light magic. ve decided to drop this particular piece of history from her and instead have her teaching as a Bantermage, using the power of words to destroy her opponents instead of ink magic ike some ofthe other shadow professors Nuts, Discrtine ENFORCER Nils is another odd character, He's written as a Silverquill professor of radiance but one who is strict with students and uses scoldings and, presumably, enforces discipline? Sounds like the guy should've been a professor of shadow instead. But with so litle really described about him besides this confusing paradox I decided to just completely do away with him, BRENNETH BLACKSTONE, SCRIFTOLOGY STAR ‘The confusing Silverquill professors seemingly never end. In thinking about the themes of Silverquil I don't really think of ‘magical symbols, Words, phrases, poems, sure. But a symbol, or diferent scripts make me think more of Lorehold. So I've dropped the til, the part about being a rising star, and his involvement with writings and instead will be using him as a lawful evil professor who delves a litle too deep into shadow as a duskmage. Because of this, I've also changed his race from dhampir to tiefling to play off of more of the demonic themes and spells, FAIN, THE BROKER Fainis inclusion in the book is interesting but the description given to him doesn't do mich to describe his place within Silverquill Just because he does shady stuff doesn't tll us how he uses Silverquill shadow magic to do it. [have Fain teaching a general stadies course about using Arcane Lock and will otherwise merely use him asa fence for students seeking magical items and ingredients. EXISTING WITHERBLOOM PROFESSORS ‘Wrownusk, Essence Szer had too many classes that focus on alchemical arts 80 1 chose to have Willawdusk focus instead on teaching students how to find and identify plants and animals that ean be used as spell components. This keeps with the book in having her teach both sides ofthe growth and decay divide. Willowdusk’s classes are usually just really long walks through Sedgemoor and the Detention Bog and office hours are only really held with her if students can catch up to her fon her patrol throughout the bayou, Ifstudents in the Detention Bog ever get in over their head you can potentially use Willowdusk as a perfectly timed savior who helps out in a pinch, TrvasH, GLOOM SUMMONER I really wanted to focus on the line in the book describing Tivash as teaching students the importance of getting their hhands dirty. wash is a death mage who focuses more on destructive death magies rather than the reanimation work of Professor Onyx. Tivash has little patience for students except for those who suck up to him. ‘As a powerful death mage, Tivash commonly uses pests to fuel his work, a feat frowned upon for those who favor the adorable creatures, Tivash has occasionally needed extra fuel for more powerful spells and has no problem substituting his ‘own life energy. Because ofthis his entire eft hand and arm are shriveled completely black, and entirely unusable. Tivash ‘considers this a minor obstacle on his path to greatness as he ‘merely uses magic to do things his left arm used to do. Tivash teaches a general studies course on using magic to solve such problems for those students brave enough to have him asa teacher ‘VerELDA LANG, ARCANO-BIOLOGIST [As Verelda teaches two of the required general studies ‘courses it was easier to just have her teach a third instead of ‘making her fit into the other Witherbloom classes, This also helps make sense of why she also cares for fractals, despite being a Witherbloom professor. Leaving her as a sort of ‘smaller, more scientific Hagridis easier all around ‘Yepora Yedora isa treant that works tirelessly to maintain the entire ‘Strixhaven campus from the rampant chaos that takes place every day. While I enjoy her job of planting people's remains fas trees I decided to make her a more neutral NPC who ins the entire campus. DMs are encouraged to create ‘groundskeeping jobs of trimming bushes or growing flowers under Yedora for more nature-inclined students. Like Dina in The Chains That Bind Yedora is also 2 survivor of Brittleblight, a disease that destroys different groves Gyome, MASTER CHEF ‘Asa member of Strixhaven staff I decided that in addition to being wildly alented Gyome also possesses some manner of arcane abilities, While not an official professor, the university recognizes Gyome's talent and popularity and allows him to teach a General Studies course on cooking using magical ingredients, Interested DMs are encouraged to have their players use meat or other parts from creatures they ‘encounter to use in cooking various magical meals after taking this class. Ideas for such meals are not included in this content and would need to be homebrewed. OTHER EXISTING STAFF Dieecror Tava ‘Taivais barely mentioned at all in the book. A school like ‘Strixhaven with hundreds of students that is founded on a handful of opposing principles would, in my mind, not be ran by an individual content to leave everything to bickering deans. [have Taiva, who has attained a manner of balance like the Founder Dragons, as less passive and much more active in running his school Instead of having a random scroll kickoff the Orientation Challenge in Campus Kerfutfle ‘consider having Taiva there to greet students instead. CLAss CHANGES Keeping in line with the published adventure, students will take a required General Studies course each year. Where I deviate isin having my players choose a college as of Session O.Iryou choose to follow the published content, the courses listed as firstyear courses can be taught as introductory courses to any student. Otherwise, if students have already picked their college, require them to take the introductory course for their college and restrict class choices to those from their college or from the general studies category. ‘Students may take 4 classes each academic year. Certain classes provide rewards (noted in bold) to students who ‘manage to maintain decent grades and pass the corresponding exams, Additional rules on passing and failing exams are explained in Volume 2 It is important to note that if you play with the additional reward rules you should ‘not allow your players to gain the extra spells from the Strixhaven Initiate feats as the rewards from the classes are intended to be used instead. Each class has two names, An intial name made of a humorous idiom or pun and a secondary name identifying ‘what students will learn in the class. added the first names because my players love plays on words but you're welcome to remove these without losing any meaning or intention with the classes, FirsT-YEAR COURSES Found below are the courses, professors, and rewards for each college. Some Professors or Instructors are taken from the published material some are taken as inspiration from various cards in the Magic: The Gathering Strixhaven set and others are made up. See the previous section for more information on each individual professor, Generar Srupres Courses Als For ANKHEG: A COMPLETE GUIDE ON 26 CLassic MONSTERS. (REQUIRED) Assoviated Skill Animal Handling, Nature, Survival ‘Taught by Professor Verelda Lang, a dryad who only teaches General Studies courses about magical flora and fauna, The reward for completing this course is identical to the rewards from the Magical Physiologies class this one replaces. During the incident with mascots in the Party At The Rose Stage adventure | would recommend having one of the wands summon a Chimera instead of making a mascot amalgamation with the same slat, Ideas fr lessons include "Bis for Basilisk, Cis for Chimera’ and so forth, Students will spend time in the Biblioplex researching creatures for homework. Basxnc In THE Gow: BASIC MAGICAL -AURAS Associated Skills: Arcana, Investigation, Perception ‘This class is led by a vedalken named Orvlo In this class they teach students about the patterns left behind by different schools of magic and encourages them to look for those patterns in the higher level spells they'll eventually go on to learn, As a reward for passing this class students are taught tocast Detect Magic. Fame OF KNowLeDGE: Lessons FROM THE FOUNDERS Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Insight Instructor Lianna Flametongue teaches this class as 2 special offering. She instructs students on the history of ‘Strixhaven and passes on the valuable lessons left behind by the Founder Dragons. The reward for passing this class is the Dragon's Breath spell SPEAKING THE SAME LANGUAGE: OVERVIEW OF ‘Macicat NOTATION Associated Skills: Arcans, History, Insight, ‘This course is taught by Xpla Langnig*, a relatively young female gnome, a dust speaker, and one of the newest Lorehold Professors of Order, Xyla teaches students about ‘common symbols and notations used by mages from all walks of life when writing about spells. The reward for passing this class is the Comprehend Languages spell Keep It Secret, KEEP IT SAFE: PROTECTING Tancs Brainp Lockep Doors Associated Skills: Arcana, Deception, Intimidation Fain, Silverquill Professor of Shadow, not only knows how to get ahold of certain things but also maintains a vast knowledge on keeping those precious things safe. Fain keeps a distance from most students s0 as to not let down his guard ‘or draw suspicion. But he might come to favor individuals ‘who are repeat customers or who display sneaky or sketchy tendencies. Students who pass this class learn the Arcane Lock spell Fain looks favorably on students who attempt to cheat on exams and the DC for cheating should be lowered for those exams. LOREHOLD COURSES DiGGinc Up THE Past: INTRODUCTION TO ARCHAEOMANCY (REQUIRED FOR LOREHOLD) Associated Skil Insight, History, Religion Te birss ee oe atoraoe eee eae ty Lorchokis deans Augusta Tillos and Pargg, Te deans ge eet eee ed the DM dsseton bat few tugs should be evened to ee te eet dette Tecturesed with 0 time for questions snd answers, and a tee a eae et {a thle cares euoats wl lara what Lorchol a al about i eee ede eri ee ee env ace t1ia ne rewards, mercy an understanding of what ther eee eee ‘Hinpstcut: EXAMINING AND IDENTIFYING ‘HisorICAL ARCANE ARTIFACTS Associated Rolls: History, Investigation, Various Tools ‘Students might be initially confused about the location of this clase ae tis one of the few that doesnt take place in a lecture hall or classroom, Instead this class takes place in the ‘workshop of Osgir, the Reconstructor, a Lorehold professor of order. These classes can be frequently interrupted by ‘messengers or students bringing him new finds. Osgir ‘welcomes the interruptions asit gives him a new a show his students. Osgir's love for artifacts ofall kinds is plainly apparent and he has historically been moved to give extra credit to students who bring him new artifacts. ‘Students who pass Osgir's class are rewarded with the Identify spelt cto EveRYTHING O1p 18 New AGAIN: METHODS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRESERVATION Associated Skills: Deception, History, Investigation, (One of the only courses taught by Losheel a female Loxodon and Lorehold professor of chaos. Students in this class more often than not are greeted in class by a golem who uses 2 historical artifact to display Losheel’s likeness which then goes into a pre-recorded lesson, The golems tend to be made from ancient parts and can get stuck qui allowing students who participate and pass the class to easily learn the Heat Metal spel as they attempt to repair the automatons. Fauuinc INTO Rum: GUIDELINES ON SUCCESSFUL EXPLORATION OF HISTORICAL Srres Associated Skills: Athletics, History, Sleight of Hand ‘This class is taught by the dashingly handsome Marrick. Deepfinder, a mate halfling and a Lorehold professor of chaos, In his introductory class Marrick teaches students to be dumb enough to head into ruins but smart enough to know when to get out and any who pass lean how to cast Expeditious Retreat. ‘Werre Tuar Down!: Basics oF COMPLETE ‘Hisroricat RECORDKEEPING Associated Skills: History, Investigation, Perception Riri Brighteye, a female Owlin and Lorehold professor of order, teaches students in this introductory class that relevance isin the eye of the reader and as such the only homework she assigns is to maintain a thorough diary every single day. She stresses not to include private details in the diaries as she reads them at the end of term but to otherwise include even the most mundane notes so that historians can choose their own relevant information from the many long pages. While this initial course leans more towards the principle of Chaos it serves as the foundation for her more advanced courses that examine details of ancient civilizations that are often overlooked The reward for passing this class is the Borrowed Knowledge spell. PrisMARI COURSES FASHIONABLY LATE: HISTORY OF MAGIC AND Art (REQUIRED FOR PRISMARI) Associated Skills: History, Perception, Performance his introductory course is taught by the Prismari deans, Usilda Mistcoler and Nassari. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion, but afew things should be stressed to players, ‘This course contains a large number of students, tis lecture: based with no time for questions and answers, and itis very confusing due tothe dichotomous nature of the deans. In this course students wil learn what Prismari i all about through tn exploration of historic ar, both masterpieces and chaotic pop-up exhibits. Asan introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what ther future coursework might ental, Pravin Wirs Fire: CHANNELING FIRE DURING PASSIONATE PERFORMANCES Associated Rolls: Athletics, Performance, Various Tools: Tgnaria "Iggy" Kahati, a female summer eladrin, works with students starting down the path of expression. Iggy teaches students how to let off steam during dance and. ‘musical performances, Homework in this class is usually with an assigned partner with one student critiquing the other. Asa high-intensity and emotional class this gives DMs the ability to add lots of fun socialization or tension between students, The exam ofthis class is done as a performance in front of Iggy and the other students. Iggy is a demanding professor who expects her students to give homework and ‘exams their all and DCs for homework and exams should be higher than average for an introductory course. Those who pass the class learn the Burning Hands spell EYE OF THE STORM: FUNDAMENTALS OF ‘TEMPEST ART Associated Rolls: Strength Saves, Performance, Various Tools In this introductory class Professor Rock teaches students how to turn movement or sound into a force that will quite literally blow people away. He is far less demanding than Iggy and DCs for homework if he even assigns any) and exams for this class should be lower than average for an introductory course, Students who pass learn the Gust of Wind spell Fryinc Cotors: INTRODUCTION TO OpusMaNcy Associated Rolls: Arcana, Performance, Spell Attacks In this class students learn to channel their emotions, not to et them all out at once. In channeling different emotions students can access different elements and can turn those clements into different colored orbs that they can then arc ‘across the sky. Professor Veyran teaches this therapeutic nighttime class. Veyran hardly ever assigns homework due to the class being at night and students potentially already missing out on extracurriculars or jobs, Students who pass this clas learn the Chromatie Orb spell Agr oF War: TECHNIQUES UsED IN COMBAT nD DaNcE ‘Associated Rolls: Athletics, Acrobatics, Dexterity Saves In this class students are taught by Instructor Arkin, a male ore, the basics of moving effectively. By controlling their bodies students can move faster and ean avoid being touched by enemies they're close to. Due to the high value Arkin places on cooperation the homework in this class is almost always cither partner or group exercises, giving DMs a great chance for players to socialize with student NPCs. Students ‘who pass this class learn the Kinetie Jaunt spell. QUANDRIX COURSES CONNECTING THE DoTs: BEGINNING COMPUTATIONAL MAGIC (REQUIRED FOR Quanprx) ‘Besociated Rolls: Arcana, Intelligence, Nature, “This intodctory course is aught by the Quandrix deans, XKianne and Imbraham. The deans might alternate days, weeks, or even spi the clas in two per the DM's discretion, tut few things shouldbe stressed ta players, This course contsin a large mimber of atudents ii leture-based with no time for questions and answers, and itis very confsing die tothe dichotomous nature of the desns In this course students wil learn what Quandrix ell about by delving into complicated and unsolvable theories and then seeing how tweaking equations can enhance magic and create a more comfortable daily life. As an introductory course students gin no rewards, merely an understanding of what their future coursework might entail Brens oF A FEATHER: INTRODUCTION TO RECOGNITION OF NATURAL PATTERNS Associated Skills: Insight, Nature, Perception ‘Taught by the ursine professor, Ruxa, this class teaches students how to find math and equations in the natural world, focusing on natural mathematical phenomena such as the olden ratio. Ruxa’s classes are full of information and tips on picking up the fundamentals and those who manage to pay clase attention may pick up some small details that grant them inspiration on exams. Students who pass learn the Feather Fall spell REPETITION, REPETITION, REPETITION: INTRODUCTION TO FORMS AND FRACTALS Associated Rolls: Insight, Intelligence, Nature Professor Deekah shares her love of math and fractology in this introductory class. Students learn to conjure their own, living theorems in class and as homework use the theorems to compute complex equations. Grades are given not on. complete answers but on how quickly the theorems are able (o solve the equations. Passing this class teaches students how to cast Vortex Warp to use fractals to move themselves or others through space. GrowiNc Pains: How LARGER NUMBERS CAN. Cause More INJURY. Associated Rolls: Arcana, Constitution Saves, Intelligence ‘This course often fecls as heavy as the subject matter it covers. Renald, a reborn professor, does not tend to inspire his students during lectures that can feel as though they drone on and on. Students who can stay awake through the lecture and who can understand the bizarre principles behind abstraction are treated with a beginning glimpse of the abilities that can shape reality. Students who end up passing are able to cast Magnify Gravity. Don't Hare, CULTIVATE: AUGMENTING FOR BEGINNERS Associated Rolls: Athletics, Nature, Survival This introductory class is another one taught by Ruxa. Init, students learn more about using augmenting magic to ‘enhance or dwindle themselves and others. Students are put through physically taxing exercises in class in larger or ‘smaller sizes or emphasize the importance of knowing when to-use different properties of augmenting magic. The exam is ‘booklet of questions about hypothetical situations quizzing students on which aspect of augmenting they would use. The ‘exam is taken in isolation, during which students are suddenly faced with one of the situations described in the booklet (which in actuality is Professor Rix’s illusion magic ‘at work). Students must choose whether to enlarge of shrink, themselves to pass. Those who do gain mastery over the spell Eolarge/Reduce. Sirverguitt Courses MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD: BEGINNING INKOMANCY (REQUIRED FOR SILVERQUILL) Associated Rolls: Charisma Save, Persuasion, Spell tacks This introductory course is taught by the Silverquill deans, ShaileTlonrook and Embrose Lu The dean might ale DM's discretion, buta few tings shouldbe stressed to players. This course contains large mumberofetudent, ts lecture based with no time for questions and anawers and it a re ei cet een Ta thle coureeetoats il learn what Sivcqulia ll about by witnessing firsthand the power of prose and the protection ered cioe thes set ay orem ee eater ee cree eee el ‘SLAM Porrry, DEVASTATING YOUR ENEMIES wITH MAGICAL INSULTS Associated Rolls: Intimidation, Persuasion, Spell Attacks Professor Breena is practically unrivaled when it comes to choosing the most damaging words and phrases, a fact her students learn in this course, Homework may involve brainstorming insults and ruthless remarks. The exam itself hhas students attempt to attack Brena herself with their words. Passing students learn the Dissonant Whispers spell Currine Remarxs: TurNiNc Worps Into ‘WEAPONS Associated Rolls: Athletics, Intimidation, Melee Attacks (Dexterity or Strength Based) On this surface this class is taught by Dean Embrose due tw his prowess as a Shadewing. However he only chooses to teach firstyears as a means of scoping talented individuals he identifies as possessing potential in order to sculpt them into exceptionally powerful mages. Dean Embrose is one of the toughest professors at Strixhaven and the DC for homework: and exams should be higher than average for introductory courses. Dean Embrose happily offers assistance during office hours to those he deems worthy but neglects his other students until they manage to prove themselves. Those lucky enough to pass learn to use Shadow Blade, AKinp Worn: INTRODUCTION TO THE MAGIC OF COMPLIMENTS Associated Rolls: Arcana, Medicine, Persuasion ‘Many Silverquil students opt to take this class just to get to meet Smart Mouth, a male kenku who remembers every sound and phrase hes ever heard In this class students learn the power of Silvertongues and how to aid those around them. As with all of Smart Mouth's classes, exams are oral and homework is often read aloud. As this introductory class is about lifting people up the DC for homework and exams lower than average for an introductory course. Students ga the knowledge to use Healing Word upon passing the class. A Way wir Worps: INTRODUCTION TO OraTory TrCHNIQUES Associated Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion While most Deans only teach their required introductory course and at most one other class, Dean Talonrook’s love of, oration has her teaching two classes on the subject. In this introductory course students read about various techniques in oration which the Dean then puts on display during the next class period The exams inthe class require students (o five a speech on any subject they wish, so ong 2s they employ the required techniques in their speech. Students ‘who pass the course become masters ofthe Silvery Barbe spell ‘WITHERBLOOM COURSES Purrinc Down Roors: ARCANO-BOTANY FOR BEGINNERS (REQUIRED FOR WITHERBLOOM) Associated Skills: Arcana, Medicine, Nature This introductory course is taught by the Witherbloom deans, Lisette and Valentin, The deans might alternate days weeks, or even split the class in two per the DM's discretion, bu a few things should be stressed to players, This course contains a large aumber of student, tis lecture-based with no time for questions and answers, and itis very confusing duct the dichotomous nature ofthe deans. In this course students wll learn what Witherbloom is ll about by learning how to respect and embrace nature and how to harness the abundant life energies foun in nature for personal power AS an introductory course students gain no rewards, merely an understanding of what ther future coursework might entail S.T.E.M: Soorue, TAK, EvALUATE, MEND: ‘LEAFBINDING FOR BEGINNERS Associated Rolls: Alchemy Tools, Medicine, Persu: Many firstyear Witherbloom students become passionate about medicine after taking this course with Dean Lisette. ‘The renowned healer teaches introductory healing techniques including not only how to heal the wound but how to help the injured mentally cope with the shock of being. injured Lisett's techniques teach students how to calm down the patient, how to talk to them to keep their minds off ‘of the pain, evaluate the wound to determine how best to heal it, and then take the appropriate measures to mend the ‘wound At the end of the course, upon passing, students learn the Cure Wounds spell Gertinc Boccep Down: PRINCIPLES OF BOUGHCALLING Associated Skills: Animal Handling, Nature, Persuasion Professor Kojil the Tamer and his scurrid familiar Tall Ear are beloved staples of Witherbloom. Students who take this introductory course learn how to summon spirits from recently deceased creatures with the understanding that, for Witherbloom students, death is not the end but merely a new: beginning. Students start by summoning smaller spirits such as mice and scurrids and work their way up to larger and ‘more complex creatures. Those who pass the class gain the ability to Summon Beast. A TuorN IN One's Sipe: THE DANGER OF MISIDENTIFIED SPELL COMPONENTS Associated Skills: Nature, Perception, Survival ‘Willowdusk started teaching this class nearly a century ago after finding one too many corpses of individuals who harvested a dangerous and misidentified spell component. In this class Willowdusk takes students on patrol with her and points out the small difficult to miss details that separate perfectly benign ingredients from far more dangerous ones. Exams require students to correctly identify a set number of ‘samples. Those who pass learn how to use some of these dangerous components in new ways. Students learn either Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, or Hail of Thorns based on their preference. ‘Werepinc Our THE WEAK: INTRODUCTION TO Buca Macro Associated Rolls: Alchemy Tools, Constitution Saves, Spell Attacks Venoe Plaguescale has little patience for students, especially new students, To those who wish to learn the secrets of being a Banelock and how to drain life and wither nature he says "prove it’. In this class Venoc does some “hands on" teaching where he throws blight magic at students in an effort to make them drop the class. Those who struggle through and make the effort to carry on learning are rewarded with the Ray of Enfeeblement spell and Venoc's reluctant respect. SECOND-YEAR COURSES In their second year students should now either be part of college or comfortable with the fundamentals behind their college. Their coursework increases slightly as each student is now required to take atleast one lab course to gain practical hands-on experience. Ambitious students may take ‘multiple labs but it should be noted that labs eat into student's free time (which is explored further in Volume 2) GENERAL STUDIES COURSES ScRAWL TO THE WALL: SORIVENING AND Symmotocy (REQutRED) ‘Associated Ros: Arcana, History, Spellessting Modifier Instead of being taught by Silvergul's Breneth Blackstone, this cassis tavght by Lorehold professor Xyla Langning. In er first-year course Xyla teaches students about symbols used by authors of spell scrolls and tomes but in this class she teaches students about the inherent magical power of more complex symbols and glyphs. This class includes alot of memorization and exams may take the form of independent study into how glyphs vary in diferent cultures. As a result students who pass may either learn a new language of their choice or learn the Glyph of Warding spel Reuse To Lose: THE IMPORTANCE OF Mascots AND SCHOOL SPIRIT Associated Rolls: Animal Handling, Performance, Spellcasting Modifier "Arkin Minexes, the Prismari Instructor and excheerleader {caches this course, Not every student has the innate knack to summon their own mascot. Some students learn on their own, over time, but Arkin teaches those who are willing to learn in this course, Students learn how to use the skills they're learning in their respective schools to conjure their vvery own mascot. In the later half ofthe course homework ‘might involve caring for a mascot long-term and learning how to fight alongside a mascot. Those who pass this course gain the Strizhaven Mascot feat. Gomnc Tue Exrra Mize: A GuIDE TO SPELL. EFFICIENCY Associated Rolls: Arcana, Perception, Spell Attacks Professor Orvio teaches this course to show students how to get the most out oftheir attack spells. By packing a small, amount of extra force into the end of the spell a student's attack can essentially double in range. Students gain practice with basic cantrips they might not be familiar with while in class. Upon passing a student gains the Spell Sniper feat. ‘THERE'S NO COOK LIKE GYOME: MAGICAL COOKING wiTH Evervone's Favorire TROLL Associated Rolls: Constitution Saves, Perception, Survival Despite not being an Instructor or Professor, the Witherbloom chef Gyome teaches second-years in this clas. Despite being troll and despite his unusual ingredient choices, Gyome's food is widely sought after around campus. In this course students will earn the basics to cooking using ‘magical ingredients as they prepare and taste each other's food. The course is spit into three sections as Gyome teaches students about preparing Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner ‘options and each exam is over one such meal Successful students gain the Chef feat. ‘Wirinc Tue Stare CLEAN: METHODS OF ErasinG Mactcat ErFecrs Associated Rolls: Arcana, Insight, Spellcasting Modifier In Professor Orvio's final course students learn how to end the effects of different spells. Students tour the campus to different spots identified by Cleaner as needed dispelled and Orv has students attempt to end the pranks and mistakes of their peers. Passing grades give a student mastery over Dispel Magic. SHELTER FROM THE STORM: PREPARING ACCOMODATIONS FOR ANY ENVIRONMENT ‘Associated Rolls: Arcana, Concentration Saves, Survival Professor Bildra of the Quandrix is hardly known by non- Quandrix students considering she spends most of her time within the Arithmodrome or Torus Hall However, inthis class Bildra takes students to the Prismati campus right next to Farygale. In the shadow of such a massive, powerful mess of magic students learn how to concentrate for long enough to produce magical shelter strong enough to stand up to even ‘magical slorms, Successful students are able to east Tiny Hut. LOREHOLD COURSES Au. Tae Kane's Horses: COMPARING THE Great STrepS OF DrrFERENT REIGNS (LAB) Associated Rolls: Animal Handling, Athletes, Sength Saves While many history professors might focus on the deeds of Atiferen rulers and the lating legacies those deeds may have caused Riri Brighteye instead focuses on bts of history she finds interesting. And one of the topies Riri finds most interesting isthe usage of diferent beasts as mounts by various historical civilizations. Rici summons the spirits of beasts for students to study and ride inthe frst half ofthe school year and then students earn to summon their own ‘mount in the second half. Those who are successfl gain the Find Steed spell, SPEAKING WiTH THE DEAD: CONVERSATIONS ‘wir DEPARTED PROFESSORS Associated Sills: Arcana, History, Persuasion This course is not assigned toa single professor. Instead students spend each class session with a different Lorehold professor's statue on Effigy Row as they attempt to raise the professor's sprit into the statue in order to have a conversation. Each statue only ever speaks to a single student. At the next class students rotate to the next statue, ‘The professors are given free reign over their conversation topics with students as the focus of the course is on student's note-taking and dustspeaking capabilities. Exams involve answering a number of preawritten questions about various professors. After passing students have enough knowledge to talk to other spirits using Speak With Dead. ‘TALKING HEADS: CONVERSATIONS WITH Hisroricar Busts in Deap LANGUAGES Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Perception ‘Led by Xyla Langning, students in this class also talk to the spirits ofthe deceased bound to statues. However, each of the spirits in this class only speaks a language students don't understand Xpla teaches students to use their arcane gifts to, fora brief time, allow the student and spirit to understand each other perfectly. While not a permanent solution itis one that has helped many Lorehold students and alumni in a pinch. Xyla is likely to assign homework where students attempt to learn different important phrases from dead languages and exams focus on both a student's overall, knowledge from their assigned readings and on their arcane mastery. Those who pass the class find they're easily able to cast Tongues. ABLAST FROM THE Past: APPLIED ‘ToMEWIELDING (LB) Associated Skills: Ahletis, History, Spel Attacks ean Plargds infamous classes are usually taught in the depths of Pillardrop, in unexplored chambers where they're likely tobe attacked by violent spirits. Students first hg down large hear soli and tomes a they deacend into Pilarrap and then use the magic of tomewiedling to end off attacks al ‘while Dean Plagg lectures students about how the spell they're using were historically created and weed. Homework involves researching the military history of varius cultures and exams involve both a history and practical portion. Tes not unustalfor students in this class to be sen sporting minor injuries but those who stick with Plargg’s teachings and pass the course learn the Agnazzar's Scorcher spell Bryonp Tue Veit: CONTACTING VENGEFUL AND VIOLENT SPIRITS OF THE PAST “Associated Rolls: Athletics, History, Melee Attacks (Dexterity or Strength Based) Dean Plargg isn't the only faculty member who makes students brave the depths of Pillardrop. Tervis Sharpwing, an expert in weapon combat, brings his students into Pillardrop to teach them how to defend themselves against spirits using ‘various weapons In his class, students learn that they can fight spirits with spirits and learn how to conjure the spirits of warriors of the past to enhance their strikes. Students who pass learn how to use Spirit Shroud. ‘Tae Harper Taey FALL: A REVIEW OF THE DOWNFALL OF GREAT CHAMPIONS AND HEROES Associated Rolls: Athletics, History, Persuasion Professor Hofri Ghostforge summons the spirits of great heroes and warriors to teach students how to compensate for their weaknesses. Students have a chance to both spar with, the statues and to interview them about their past lives. The spirits are a mixture of proud, noble beings and those who struggle with their defeats and are looking to gain revenge. ‘The latter will hoak onto students they believe to be of either ‘weaker will or body and take on a more corrupt looking appearance (instead of fiendish) Students who are able to successfully bond with a warriors spirit and successfully pass the class gain the Spirit Guardians spell PRISMARI COURSES ‘Trunperous ApPLAUsE: UsING SOUND AND LIGHTNING MAGIO TO CREATE MUSICAL Masrereteces (LAB) Associated Rolls: Arcana, Constitution Saves, Performance ‘This late afternoon course followed by evening lab is taught by the eccentric Professor Zaffai in an open area on the outskirts of the Prisarmi campus. During the course students will learn how to focus and unleash their emotions to channel the effects ofa storm. The lab component has students put their studies into practice as they spend time in a jam session with the goal of working together to conjure a powerful storm, The work is difficult for secondyear students but those who pass learn the Shatter spell Grear BALLS OF Fire: PYROMANCY AND THE ARTS Associated Rolls: Arcana, Dexterity Saves, Spell Attacks In Iggy's introductory course students learn to add special fire effects to their performances, In this more advanced class the fire becomes the performance, Students learn to control and channel more powerful amounts offre in new and spectacular ways. However its not uncommon for a student to lote control and students in this class will need to be quick on their feet to avoid getting burned Iggy is a demanding professor and the DC for homework and exams is likely higher than average for a second-year course. ‘Successful students learn the Fireball spell Boom or Bust: How To Carrure AN AUDIENCE WITH YOUR ARRIVAL. Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Performance, Persuasion, In tis class, Professor Rock, aka "Earsplitter” teaches. students one of his signature moves: suddenly appearing on stage with a crackling boom behind them. The move has to be carefully controlled go as to not damage any equipment or individuals backstage and students must correctly gauge distance so they don't end up falling into the audience. As a ‘more lax professor it's not uncommon for Rock to either assign no homework or to assign students to support their classmate's intramural performances and activities. The DCs. for homework (when there is any) and cxams is lower than average for a second-year course, Passing students learn the ‘Thunder Step spell On Taw Ice: ACCOUNTING FOR ‘TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS IN ICE Soutrrine (Laz) ‘Associated Rolls: Arcana, Constitution Saves, Nature While cei a favorite medium among Prismari artists itis dificult to work wth as the magic behind the art must be perfect in order to maintain the temperature ofthe ice over time. Ahioa teaches sudeats how, with patience and practice, they can find thi fine fine to create perfect, never- melting sculptures made of ice. Labs are often held in a chilled or heated temperature controlled room that can easily impact «student's concentration. Those wiho make ito the end ofthe year with passing marks are rewarded with Rime's Binding Tee Are Support: WIND WEAVING PRACTICES IN Dancinc THROUGHOUT THE AGES Associated Rolls: Acrobatis, Athleties, History Zeph’s classes are typically considered half physical exercise and half actual studying, In this course students initially earn techniques for moving through the air as Zeph blasts air at them, In the second half of the class students learn how to manipulate the air currents around them to move through the air, using the fundamentals they learned from the first half to support themselves and avoid injury. Homework typically involves studying and performing various movements without wind and exams take place by jumping off cliff and using wind currents to successfully float into a target area. Successful students learn the Fly spell Jusr App WATER: ORIGINS AND TRENDS IN ‘WATERBINDING Associated Rolls: Arcana, Spell Moir, Strength Saves Tn her class on ice magic, Professor Ahlowa teaches students about fnely tuned contro to achieve perfection. In this clas she teaches students how to unleash themseives not to the point of losing control but enough to let loose their full potential For students used to dealing with smaller and more easily controlled spells the feeling of opening themselves upto magical power can be terrifying. Awhwa assigns students various readings on the history of ‘waterbinding as well as modern trends to help students see how others contol the power of the waves. Passing grades indicate students have mastery ovr the Tidal Wave spell Quanperx Courses Reyecric Your REALITY: QUANTITATIVE ARCANO-PHysIcs Associated Rolle Arcana, Spell Modifier, Strength, Professor Bildra teaches students how to bend the physics of certain objects to make them better suited for various scenarios. Bildra spends the frst half of the course breaking students fre from their assumptions of physica laws and tses the second hal to teach students that physical laws become what they make them when using their magic Homework includes reading on various theories inthe field of Arcano-Physics and exams have students ale to hold objects against increasingly stronger forces. Students gain the Immovable Object spell for successfully passing the class ‘WuaT Comgs AROUND Goks AROUND: APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL MAGIC. Associated Rolls: Arcana, Investigation, Spell Modifier This class, taught by Dean Imbraham, focuses primarily on ‘complex magical theories. As described in Blue-Green ‘Ribbons, Dean Imbraham commonly writes on a board while fully rotating his head to stare at his students, The Dean is a tricky professor and DMs are encouraged to use two DCs for homework and exams. A higher level for successfully understanding the theories being taught and a slightly lower, ‘more in-ine DC for failing to execute the theory but still ‘successfully knowing it well enough to pass. Any student who understands the theories being taught well enough to pass the class can use the Magie Circle spell. ‘Macic By NUMBERS: INTERMEDIATE FORMS AND FRactats (LAB) ‘Associated Rolls: Animal Handling, Arcana, Nature ‘Advancing from the introductory course, students of Professor Deckah learn to use the power of fractals to ‘conjure spirits of nature given shape through living math in this intermediate course. Students learn about the theory ‘behind such magic in class and then work on summoning ‘more and more complex creatures in the associated lab, ‘Exams might focus on correctly identifying various principles behind the theories at work or on correctly conjuring specific creatures. At the end ofthe course students gain the Conjure Animals spell. DMs are encouraged to flavor the animals summoned as fractals ‘Tae MORE THE MERRIER: INTERMEDIATE Durucative Macic Associated Rolls: Arcana, Concentration Saves, Nature In this class taught by the Twincasters, Adrix and New, students are taught not how to make something larger or ‘smaller but how to make more of a thing, In exams DMs can either use the associated rolls above (or checks of their choice) oF could see about having students use the rewarded spell ofthe class, Mirror Image, to see if they successfully avoid a set number of attacks, This approach is more thematic but also more random and introduces a greater change for failure, especially for students with lower Dexterity modifiers. Ancues AND TexTures: NATURAL BUILDINGS OF THE VASTLANDS Associated Skills: History, Nature, Survival Dean Kianne's class is taught as more ofa series of field trips. She takes students through various secure portals on campus to dillerent parts ofthe Vastlands where they examine different snarls and star arches. Kianne often assigns students to write papers about their experiences on. such trips for homework. By examining the magical essence of Arcavios students can learn how to harness that energy to create their own buildings magically. Those who pass the class can incorporate the architecture of the plane into a ‘magical building by using Galder's Tower. ‘Tue Bicorr Taey Ane: THE FUNDAMENTALS oF Scare Marc (Las) Associated Sills: Areata, Nature, Survival In this introductory course Professor Clem Greenthumb teaches students about how to make organic beings larger. The magic is dfislt to perform on breathing creatures 80 this first class focuses mainly on plants. [a assigned readings students study the theories and applicable formulae which they then apply in class to increasingly complex plant: grass, ‘weeds, lowers, shrubs, etc, Erams might have students attempting o enlarge a tree where success depends on both thir mastery of the arcane and their understanding of how ensure they enlarge all parts of the tree for it to be sufficiently able to survive and continue growing, Passing students learn the Plant Growth spell. SILVERQUILL COURSES ‘Worps Wit Always Hurt You: STRATEGIES For SILENCING OPPONENTS BEFORE THEY Can Cast Associated Rolls: Deception, Spell Modifier, Stealth Professor Liv Brandford knows all about how to strike first and strike fast. In this course she teaches her young duelist, as she calls them, how to prevent opponents from striking back by removing their ability to cast altogether. While this first move may not be damaging it opens up followup attacks from a duelist asthe opponent becomes unable to cast Shield or other defensive magic. Students take turns attempting to silence each other during partner homework assignments oF might read about the effectiveness of silencing enemies in historical essays. After passing the course the students may claim mastery of the Silence spell Cast Lone SHapow: Toots FoR Ewpractnc Darker Macros (Lap) ‘Associated Rolls: Deception, Intimidation, Wisdom Saves Brenneth Blackstone, an infamous tefling who combines demonic shadow magic with inkomancy teaches his students how to give in to their darkest thoughts and desires to achieve their goals Members ofthe Oriq mistakenly thought they could easily eway him to their side given his love of power but Brennethis hatred of being used was more than enough for him to notso-politely refuse their offer. Their bodies were found the nextday with blackened pups and what appeared tobe dried ink tears down their faces. Brenneth’s classes are dangerous and terrifying as he makes his students face dark horrors. Students study the ‘words and incantations needed during class and as homework and work on summoning dark entities during. their lab time. Those who face the darkness well enough to ‘earn passing marks gain the Summon Shadowspawn spell ‘Taxinc THErR Worn For Ir: FUNDAMENTAIS OF COUNTERSPELLING Associated Rolls: Arcana, Spell Attack, Spell Modifier ‘Some may think of counterspelling a8 a defensive technique. According to Professor Liv Brandford, the best defense isa good offense and counterspelling defensive ‘measures is not just a good offense but a great one. In this advanced course students learn about combat theory and go fone step beyond the typical back and forth of a normal duel by adding counterspelling to the mix, allowing them to stop ‘an opponent's assault or destroy their attempt at putting up a defense, Liv holds informal tournaments and assigns students duels as homework. Winners gain fame and glory while losers are stuck with extra reading assignments. As an ‘exam Liv has students attempt to counterspell her various attacks and defenses to judge them firsthand. By the ‘completion of the course students have a mastery of Counterspell. Sorr SPOKEN: THE ENCHANTING POWER OF SoorHInc LANGUAGE Associated Rolls: Areana, Persasion, Wisdom Saves Professor Sace Solindiel knows that sometimes the best way to stop a fight isn to strike before it's begun, as Professor Liv would suggest, but to take a deep breath and discuss things before violence becomes necessary. Inthe first half ofthe course students are given readings of eloquent ‘essays and prolific poems that teach the foundation of lowering tensions. Inthe second half they are assigned to ‘groups and instructed to take turns making the others angry ‘or upset and then attempting to use magic to calm the situation down, For the exams students practice angering and calming unsuspecting first years who volunteer for an ‘experiment, not knowing what's about to happen. Those who pass are able to cast Calm Emotions. Gutpinc LicuT: SERVING As A LEADER ON ‘THE Barrveriern (Lap) Associated Skills: Insight, Performance, Persuasion ‘Many see Silverguill asa eruch wrathful college focused ‘only on using ink magic to prove their superiority Professor Heliog teaches his students to shake ofthis harmful reputation and to light the way for intercollegiate cooperation through Luminancy. In this course Helioz teaches students that harmful words are not the only words that carry power. Homework involves motivational readings ‘while lab time is devoted to giving honest compliments to random students and staf. During exams students give ‘motivational speeches in front of Hetioz who assigns grades ‘based on how inspited he fels. Students with passing grades learn to enhance their speech with magic va the Motivational Speech spell SHEDDING LicHT: INTRODUCTION TO ‘LuMInaNcy ‘Associated Rolls: Arcana, Insight, Spell Modifier In this general purpose introductory course to Luminaney Professor Heliog covers fundamental techniques of bearing light and serving as a beacon in the community. Whereas his other course for second years focuses more on using words to inspire others, this course focuses more on theory and applications behind actual light magic. Individuals are tested fon how well they can use the magic they learn to pierce ‘magical darkness. Those who are success know that they are always filled with the light of luminaney and can cast the Daylight spell ‘WITHERBLOOM COURSES Gerrinc To THE ROOT OF POISONS: FUNDAMENTALS OF ANTIDOTES (LAB) ‘Associated Skill: Arcana, Alchemy Tool, Medicine Professor Asana Vargunil knows exactly how important it is for youth Witherbloom students to learn how to create proper antidotes, With abo fall of poisonous plants and nhac a ade coull bs nlicterigrdiaeraus ikices tt fry time, Asana teaches students how to combine ingredients to counteract certain symptoms and during exams puts this knowledge to the test by poisoning herself with mysterious substances, forcing the students 0 accurately assess her symptoms to creat the proper antidote. Students who successfully pass learn to mimi lesser antidotes via the Lesser Restoration spel, ‘Hearp rr THRouGH THE Grear VINE: Communtcarine Wir PLANTS Associated Skills: Nature, Persuasion, Survival Professor Verooja knows that sometimes the unlikeliest of living beings can provide the best information. In this class be teaches students how to communicate with plants and how to exert a slight amount of control over them for a limited time. Verooja likes to invite the Playactors Drama Guild to perform short but complicated scenes in and around his garden during the evening before exams and then gives students certain questions they need to find the answers to during the exam the following day such as "How many people had elderberry pie?” with the plants being the only things able to answer such questions. Those who pass gain the ‘Speak With Plants spell ‘Vrratty Important: How HEALING ENVIRONMENTS ENHANCE HEALING EFFECTS ‘Associated Rolls: Medicine, Nature, Spell Modifier ‘Antidotes aren't the only thing Asana cares about. Part of running a good infirmary is running a clean infirmary. In this class Asana teaches students how to disinfect, scrub, clean, and sanitize all of her lab's equipment, all of which lends iself to hetter medical care for her patients. Homework assignments more often than not are just the entire class coming after hours to clean while Asana goes to Bow's End for a drink. Those who pass this course gain the knowledge to replicate such effects magically and can use the Aura of Vitality spetl Pusuinc UP Daistes: Usinc DeaTH To Fut Lire Associated Rolls: Constitution Saves, Nature, Spell Modifier ‘That Tivash knows a lot about selEsacrifie is widely own. The human professor's black arm isnt something he attempts to wrap up and hide but hangs from his side, loose ‘but proud, at all times. In this introductory course to death ‘magic he teaches students a found Witherbloom principle: all ‘magic comes at a cost. As one who views pests not as ‘mascots but rather as tools to an end, Tivash often assigns students exams where they need to drain life from some pests in order to heal one other. Students who pass are those ‘who have the skill and control to complete the exam and such students gain the spell Wither and Bloom. Reap Wuar You Sow: Growinc Tue Best Sacrrrictat Prsr (Las) Associated Rolls: Animal Handling Arcana, Nature In this class Tivash helps students rae the pest that will eventually be sacrificed for exams in his other second-year course. Pest, despite looking like natural beasts, are creatures of magic much lke elementals or fractals. They are tools toan end and lke all good tools, they work best when taken care of Raising the pests is only the basis ofthe class. The real lesson is how to harvest the life energy o fuel certain spell. Students who can stomach the lessons and ‘overcome any potential morals they may have had gai the ‘Vampiric Touch spell SKELETON IN THE CLOSET: INTRODUCTION TO REANIMATION (LAB) Associated Rols: Arcana, Constitution, Spell Modifier Bartholomew Quigsby was an alumnus from Witherbloom college nearly ive centuries ago In is wil he left his body t0 \Witherbloom to do with a they would believing they would merely uae ito nourih a tree or feed it to apes, Instead, Witherbloom staf ever since have used "Barly" in the introductory reanimation class. Bary is kept ina Iiteral closet ina Widderahins Hall casero thal carhaated to dinpol ny necromantic effects already on something and to cast Gentie Repose on anything inside direct aftr that, During the class portion, taught by Professor Onyx, students go over necromantic theories and research. During the nighttime lab portion students attempt to reanimate Barty with enough Control to force him to go back nt the elaset forthe next students turn, Passing erades show a students mastery with the Animate Dead spell ‘THIRD-YEAR COURSES During their third year students are stil required to take at least one lab. At this point students should have mastery over the fundamentals of their college and should have had a chance to explore some intermediate topics, Third year classes keep things ata fairly intermediate level Either at the beginning of this year or halfway through students should be assigned to the two counselors oftheir choice, one from each of the college's two principles, who will offer the student advice on potential projects for their capstone project. This project is treated as a class unto itself in the student's fourth year and is ether a solo or group project that aims to demonstrate a student's mastery over their chosen field ‘within their college. Genera Srupizs COURSES ‘WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, AND How: ADVANCED ARCANE HISTORY “Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Persuasion Despite being a member of Lorehold, Dean Tullus leads this mandatory third-year course. She uses her skills as pastraiser to show students, in realtime, Key moments throughout Strixhaven's history. Extensive research papers are assigned as homework and the exams in the course ask ‘students to connect the dots between what they witness in class with the events they read about while researching their chosen topics, Paasing atudents gain proficiency in either Arcana of History. Ifa student has proficiency in both they gain 3 separate points of Inspiration (or another suitable reward chosen by the DM. Lay or THR Lan: INTRONUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES. ‘Associated Skills: Arcana, Nature, Survival (Quandrix professors Adrix and Nev lead students through various portals to explore the dynamic environments found around the Vastlands. Students are exposed safely and briefly to different flora and fauna and gain an understanding of how the natural magic ofthe land is different in different areas ‘thanks to the magic of the snaris. As a result students who pass are able to use magic to slightly change visual aspects of the terrain around them using the Hallucinatory Terrain spell Foor In THE Door: BEGINNING ‘TELEPORTATION Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Perception ‘Teleportation isa tricky area of study at the best of times bt teleporting short distances is one of the best places to start. Quandrix professor Jazack is a unique expert who has performed thousands and thousands of successful teleportations and walks students through a lst of guidelines ‘on how to successfully teleport short distances. Most of the first half to two thirds ofthe class explore the theory of, teleportation magic while towards the end students apply their studies and work on tcleporting in an open courtyard, ‘The last exam has students attempt teleporting from the courtyard and back into their classroom. Successful students will have then demonstrated their mastery of the Dimension, Door spell Door In THE Face: Kickinc OUT THE ‘UNINVITED Associated Skills: Arcana, Animal Handling, Charisma Saves Witherbloom professor Kofil has a natural affinity towards animals, living and dead and is able to conjure spirits rather ‘easily: Sometimes, however, something darker would come through when he calls and as a result he quickly became a ‘master at driving such things back towards their home dimensions. As homework students might research other planes of existence and examples of what lives there. During class students work with small animals or even mascots and focus on sending their test subjects to these other dimensions, As final exam students attempt to use theit newfound powers on Kojl himself. Those who pass this course gain the Banishment spell Keer AN Eye on THINGS: UsiNc Macic To REMOTELY SURVEY Associated Skills: Arcana, Deception, Stealth ‘What's the use in pranks ifyou can't enjoy the results? ‘That's the exact thought that went through Quandrix professor Rixy’s head right before she decided to learn how to use magic to survey victims of her elegant tricks and traps. Like most Quandrix professors, Rixy is diligent about teaching students the proper theory behind the spell before getting to work on practical applications and many homework nights are spent on readings. Exams for the ‘course are essentially just large games of hide-and.go seck where students all use their magic to attempt to find Rixy somewhere in the chosen locale. Initially the boundary might be an academic building, then a clump of buildings, and then pethaps the entirety of the central campus for the third exam. Passing students are able to cast Arcane Bye from then oa. ‘LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS: ADVANCED CREATURE TRANSMUIATIONS Associated Rolls: Animal Handling, Nature, Wisdom Saves In their first course with her, Verelda Lang teaches students about the dangers of 26 magical creatures. In this advanced course he teaches students how to magically turn into those dangerous creatures or how to turn a dangerous creature into something far less threatening. Students first study and identify a number of creatures, some big and dangerous and others cute and small During exams students attempt to transform living specimens into other creatures. Upon successfully completing the course students may add Polymorph to their arcane repertoire. LOREHOLD CoursEs Hoakrp OF THE RINGS: HisToRy OF MAGIC ‘Runes (LAB) Associated Rolls: Arcana, History, Smithing Tools Osgir teaches students in this course about numerous ‘magical rings used throughout history. Students read up on. how history has been influenced by those who wield magical tings during the the course and then work with Osgir in the lab portion on creating their own magical ring as a keepsake from the class. Students with the skills to successfully, ‘complete a ring are rewarded with a common, uncommon, or rare magical ring of their choice. ‘Time AND TIME AGAIN: COMPARISONS OF REouRRING THEMES AcRoss ANCIENT Crvizarions Associated Skills: History, Insight, Religion Professor Rir Brighteye guides students through a careful comparison of a number of prominent historical civilizations across various themes such as economics, social structure, War time strategy, etc. Across the course of her lectures and the readings she assigns to them students begin to see a bigger, repeating picture emerge about the course of history ‘Those who pass this class gain the ability to question certain Lorehold spirits about the future using the Divination spell The spirits, having witnessed the wheel of history turn many. times over, provide an honest answer. Grvinc Up THE Guosr: ADVANCED METHODS or Sprerr EXTRACTION Associated Skills: Arcana, Persuasion, Religion Notall spirits are willing or capable of returning to the land, ofthe living. Some spirits need a lite more coaxing while others need a strong magical lure to lead them back into the light. Dean Tullus is an expert at both methods and teaches students how to apply the right method forthe right spirit. Glorious rulers and leaders are easy to summon due to the frequency with which Lorehold students and professors conjure them, But those individuals who have nearly been lost to the passing of time are far more difficult. During exams students might struggle to summon a spirit that time has forgotten and those who are successful might be rewarded with a story living has ever heard before. Passing students learn to summon spirits of creatures from long ago that are known only to them using the Faithful Hound spell FIGHTING Fir: PRINCIPLES OF WARSINGING Associated Rolls: Athletics, History, Melee Attacks (Dexterity, or Strength Based) Liana Flametongue leads this class that comes across as ‘more of a drill instructor leading a group exercise. Students do less learning and more running, jumping, and climbing than they might be used to. Lianna teaches students about powerful spells and military tactics of the past during the few rare lectures she gives. Exams pit students against Lianna as they attempt to learn mastery ofthese new techniques in a trial by fire. Those who meet Lianna’s standard and pass the class are able to use Blinding Smite or Lightning Arrow depending on their preference. ‘Larcrr THAN Lire: STupyiNc GIANT STATUES AND THE Lives OF THOSE DrPIcr=D ‘Associated Rolls: Arcana, History; Mason's Tools The larger the statue the more important the individual, or atleast so the hypothesis goes. However, more often than not the larger statues get damaged more easily and the identity of the individual the statue portrays gets lost. Professor Hoiri Ghostforge attempts to keep the statues maintained but there's too many for him to manage all by himself. So instead, he teaches a class that focuses on both learning about these important individuals from the past and on the proper ‘methods of maintaining the stonework. Individuals who pass this class learn how to let their magic do the repair work for them via the Stone Shape spell Dvinc To Fiat Anoruer Day: Usinc ‘Sprerrs tn Comsat (Las) Associated Rolls: Athletics, Melee Attacks (Dexterity or ‘Strength Based) Religion Professor Tervis Sharpwing teaches students in second-year class how to fight against spirits, In this more advanced class he teaches students how to use the ability ofa battle medium to have the spirits do the fighting for you. ‘Students spend the first half ofthe year bonding with a chosen spirit the student selects to be their chosen guardian. In the second half ofthe year students fight alongside their ‘chosen spirit against their classmates in a class-wide tournament. Even if students drop out inthe first round of the tournament they might still be worthy of a passing grade ‘depending on the strength of their bond with their spirit. All students who pass learn the Guardian of Faith spell PrisMARI COURSES ire IN THE Hore: ADVANCED GEOSCULPTING METHODS: Associated Rolls: Arcana, Dexterity Saves, Nature ‘Dean Nassari, an elemental being of fie, teaches students how to channel the molten torrents lying deep beneath Arcavios' surface in this class, Nassari shows students how to build up the forces below to cause an explosion on the ‘surface; the process is similar to how they work with students to build up pressure to a breaking point of pure expression. Homework might involve experimenting with beginning geosculpting principles to learn how to channel the ‘magma and how to hold it and agitate it while exams focus ‘on the size of the corresponding explosions. Due to the nature of blowing holes in the earth, this class takes place on, the outskirts of the Prismari campus. Passing students gain the Brupting Earth spel. BRING THE HEAT: TURNING INNER PASSIONS INTO OUTER FLAMES Associated Skills: Arcana, Intimidation, Performance In Iggy's other classes she focuses more on raw, uncontrolled expression of pure fire. In this advanced class she teaches students how to hold their fre and surround themselves init, requiring far more control but with a far greater payofl. Homework might involve studying different ‘means of meditation, especially those involving mindfulness ‘or movement. In class students hone their skills, learning to conjure ther firey barrier until they no longer need to concentrate on it. Successful, passing students are able to cast Fire Shield. Conpucrine Watte Conpucrine: CHANNELING EMOTIONS INTO ELECTRIFYING Concerts (Las) Associated Rolls: Arcana, Performance, Spell Modifier

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