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Supporting lecturer: Ridhani Fizi.,M.PD

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Ummu Habibah (NIM. 722406S226673)
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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Prepare for labor, Adjective and adverb” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.RIDHANI
FIZI.,M.PD as lecturer in language english major. The writer realized tha this paper still
imperfect in arrangment and the content.
Then the writer hope the criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the
next paper. Last but not the least hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more
knowledge about language english.

Martapura, Desember 2022

Paper author


TABLE LIST OF CONTENT...................................................................3
CHAPTER I (INTRODUCTION) ...........................................................4
A. Background...............................................................................4
B. Formulate of the problem....................................................... 4
C. Aims of paper........................................................................... 4
CHAPTER II (DISCUSSION) ................................................................ 5
A. Ways to prepare for labor...................................................... 5
B. Adjective...................................................................................7
C. Adverb......................................................................................11
CHAPTER III (CONCLUSION) ...........................................................14
A. Conclusion...............................................................................14


A. Background
1.1 Background prepare for labor
Childbirth is a process that requires a lot of preparation. Especially if
it is done in a health facility far from home. Preparation for giving birth is
done at least three weeks before the HPL (estimated day of birth). Careful
preparation will make the mother more calm in going through the labor
1.2 Background Adjective and Adverb
In learning English, there are many things that must be known in
advance, one ofwhich is the parts of the spoken word or in English called
Parts of Speech.
This paper will discuss the (adverb and adjective) fields of study in
English,not because through it someone can convey their intentions clearly.
This form is the basiclearning or basic structure that we must learn to better
understand the procedures for speakingEnglish well and smoothly.
And also with questions which means questions and answers orasking
questions to others, even that is also very important in using everyday.

B. Formulate of the problem

a. What needs to be prepared when giving birth?
b. What can relieve stress on pregnant women before the birth of their
c. What is the definition, function, and types of adjectives?
d. What is the definition, function, and types of adverb?

C. Aims of paper
a. Can know everything that needs to be prepared at the time of giving

b. Know the description, function, and types of adjectives.
c. Know the description, function, and types of adverbs.


A. Ways to prepare for labor

Your body naturally prepares for labor on its own, but there are a few things you can
do to help lower your stress.
1. Take birthing classes.
Birthing classes can answer a lot of your questions about what will happen
during labor and delivery. You will learn how to work through contractions
and stay in control, and you will practice these strategies so you’re ready for
delivery. Most women take their birth support person with them to classes so
they can practice together.
2. Take parenting classes.
Parenting classes can help you understand the different stages your baby
will go through, how to keep your baby safe, how to dress and change your
baby, and how to tell when your baby is having a medical emergency.
3. Make a birth plan.
A birth plan is an outline of what you want for your delivery. This plan helps
your doctor or midwife, nurses, and support people understand your personal
wishes.You should talk about your plan with your support person and your
doctor or midwife. Not only will it help them understand you, but it will also
help you figure out if what you have in mind is feasible and safe for you and
your baby.
4. Visit the hospital.
Knowing what to expect and what to do can help you feel more comfortable
on the day of the birth. Set up an appointment for a tour of the hospital. A
nurse or other hospital staff will take you through where you will have your

baby and what you can expect while you’re there. This will also help you
figure out what options are available so that you can plan your birth.
5. Pack your bag.
You will need supplies for both you and your baby at the hospital. Hospitals
may have different rules about what they give out to moms and what you
will need to bring from home.

Some things you should pack in your bag include:

1. Your birth plan

2. Loose and comfortable clothes, like a nightgown or night shirt, for labor
and feeding
3. Two to three changes of clothes
4. Two to three soft sports bras or nursing bras
5. Breast pads
6. Five to six pairs of underwear
7. Two packages of extra large or maternity sanitary napkins
8. A cosmetic bag with shampoo, conditioner, gentle soap, deodorant, a
hair brush, hair ties, and chapstick
9. Nipple cream
10. Headphones
11. A book or something to keep you busy
12. Healthy snacks
13. A water bottle
14. A camera
15. Any medications you take
16. Sleepers and hats for your baby
17. A blanket and swaddling blankets
18. Lots of diapers and wipes
19. Clothes to go home in
20. A car seat for travel

B. Adjective
1. Definition of Adjectives
Adjectives are adjectives that function to explain or limit pronouns and
nouns that are still general in nature and can be in the form of people, places,
animals, objects or abstract concepts.
2. Adjective function
Broadly speaking, adjectives have several functions as follows,
a. Serves as a subject explanatory or subjective complement. For
example: her idea is (brilliant). The word brilliant is an adjective and
functions as a description of the subject or in the example sentence,
b. Adjectives act as explanatory objects or objective complements. For
example let’s make it (possible). The word possible or in brackets is
an adjective that has a function to clarify the object or in the example
in the sentence is ‘it’.
c. Adjectives act as explanatory noun phrases or modifiers of noun
phrases. For example (full scare) political war. The word full scare is
a noun phrase which is explained by the adjective scare.
d. The adjective functions as the core of the phrase or sentence that is
the adjective itself or the head of the adjective phrase. For example
completely (later). The word later is an adjective, which is a type of
adjective of time that describes the word or essence of the adjective
itself, which in this example sentence means really later.
e. Adjective functions as a comparison or comparison degrees. For
example, this laptop is (better) than the other one. In this example
sentence, better is an adjective that describes the comparison between
one laptop and another.

3. Types and Examples of Adjectives
Adjectives are divided into two types, namely descriptive nouns and limiting
adjectives, along with an explanation.

 .Descriptive nouns
Descriptive nouns are adjectives that describe and explain the state of a noun
or pronoun in the form of size, shape, color, smell, taste and so on. It
consists of six patterns as follows:

a. Character and quality, for example kind, friendly, humble,

arrogant, charitable, careful, greedy, lazy, helpful, bad, ugly,
smart, handsome, beautiful, pretty, smart and so on.
b. Size, for example short, long, low, big, small, huge, tall, high,
narrow, thick, wide, far, near, thin and so on.
c. Age and temperature, for example warm, hot, cold, old, young,
ancient, modern and so on.
d. Participles (verb – ing and Verb3), for example amazed,
amazing, scaring, scared, bored, boring, tired, tiring, confused,
confusing, interested, interesting and so on.
e. Shape, for example oval, cube, circle, square, triangle and so
f. Color, for example reddish, blue, yellowish, crimson, purple,
white, black and so on.

Examples of descriptive nouns in sentence form,

a. A pretty tall young smiling girl
b. Three large old abandoned buildings
c. His small round reddish cheeks

 Limiting adjectives
Limiting adjectives, are adjectives that limit nouns or pronouns without
providing information about conditions, types and so on. These limiting
adjectives are divided into eight as follows:

a. Possessive adjective , is a form of possessive adjective which is

followed by a noun. For example (your) book, (our) food, (her)
dress, (its) name, (his) money, (my) hat. The word in brackets is a
possessive adjective, while the word after it is a noun.
b. Possessive proper adjective, is a form of ownership that uses a
noun as its adjective. For example, the girl (singular noun) becomes
the girl’s; my husband (singular noun) becomes my husband’s;
Edward (singular noun) becomes edward’s. To use a possessive
proper adjective in a singular noun, add an apostrophe or one-quote
mark and the ending –s. Meanwhile, in plural nouns, you can only
add an apostrophe.
c. Demonstrative adjective, is a demonstrative word followed by a
noun. For example, this book is mine, that book is hers, I wrote
these books, those dogs are cute.
d. Article adjective , is an article that is placed in front of a noun and
consists of a; an and the; for example, an umbrella, a baseball. The
prefix an is used for words that start with a vowel, while the prefix
a is used for words that start with a consonant.
e. Exclamatory adjective, is an adjective that is used for sentences or
words with exclamation marks. For example what a lucky boy he
is!, what a bright sun it is!. Of the two sentences, the exclamatory
adjective has a pattern, namely what + a/ an + noun / pronoun
(subject + verb)!

f. Interrogative adjective, is a type of adjective that is used to ask
questions. Can be used with what + noun, whose + noun, which +
noun. For example what time is ti? What a bright sun isn’t it?
Which book did you bring?
g. Numeral adjective, as the name implies, this adjective is a number
that functions as an adjective. It is divided into three types, namely
cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, and multiplication. For
example, one year, two months (cardinal number), the first edition,
the seventh line (ordinal number), a pair of shoes, single room
h. Adjective of indefinite quantity , is an unclear amount and
functions as an adjective. For example many mistakes, much
money, a few times.

C. Adverb
1. Definition of adverb
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an adverb is an auxiliary word that
has a function to provide additional information about the verb, adjective, or
adverb itself.

Adverbs have several characteristics, viz.

a. Adverbs can be additional information
b. Adverbs can be placed in front, behind or separately from the
previous word
c. Adverbs are usually adjectives with the ending –ly added
d. Adverb cannot be a noun
2. Adverb function
Adverbs or adverbs have several functions, including the following.

a. Adverbs function as emphasis or emphasis.

For example I (only) love you. The word in brackets, namely only,
is an adverb form which has a function to emphasize that the
subject, namely ‘I’, only does ‘love’ to the object, namely ‘you’.
b. Adverbs function as negations (sentences in a negative form) as
well as denial or negation.
For example, he does (not) know us. The word not is a form of
adjective that has the function of giving negation to the sentence
and the form of denial conveyed by the subject regarding the object
of the sentence.

c. Adverbs function as connectors or conjunctive adverbs.

For example, stop spying on me, (otherwise) I will call the police.
In this sentence the word otherwise is an adverb form used to
connect the main sentence.

d. Functions to explain verbs, for example sleep (soundly) the word in
brackets is an adverb to explain that someone sleeps or ‘sleep’
soundly or ‘soundly’.
e. Adverbs are used to describe prepositions. For example, long
(before) this moment she came. The words in brackets are adverbs
that describe the preposition.
f. Adverbs function to describe adjectives or adjectives. For example
that was (too) easy. The word in brackets is an adverb of degree
which functions to describe an adjective, in this sentence it means
g. Adverbs are used to describe conjunctions. For example shortly
(when). The word in brackets, namely when is an adverb that
functions as a conjunction of the previous adjective.
h. Adverb has a function to explain the adverb or adverb itself. For
example too hard, too difficult. Very well, very good. The two
examples of these sentences are adverbs that have a function to
explain information that is in front of it or before it.

3. Types and Examples of Adverbs

Adverbs have five types which are divided based on their use. Following are
the types and examples of adverbs.

a. Adverb of time, is an adverb that is used to provide additional

information about time. For example, now, early, yesterday,
tomorrow, today, soon, late, the day after tomorrow, the day before
and so on.
b. Adverb of place, is an adverb that functions to provide additional
information about a location or place. For example there, home,
down, here, somewhere and so on.
c. Adverb of degree, is an adverb that is used to add or complete
information. For example, just, almost, quite, enough, too,
extremely, very and so on.

d. Adverb of manner, is an adverb that is used to add information
about conditions or explain how an event happened. The form is in
the form of adjective + ly, for example softly, gently, happily,
easily and so on.
e. Adverb of frequency, is an adverb that is used to provide
information about how often someone does something. For
example never, always, occasionally and so on.


 Childbirth is a process that requires a lot of preparation. Especially if it is done

in a health facility far from home. Preparation for giving birth is done at least
three weeks before the HPL (estimated day of birth). Careful preparation will
make the mother more calm in going through the labor process.
Your body naturally prepares for labor on its own, but there are a few things you
can do to help lower your stress.
a. Take birthing classes.
b. Take parenting classes.
c. Make a birth plan.
d. Visit the hospital.
e. Pack your bag.

 Adjective
Adjectives are words that are used to characterize nouns. Adjectives are words
used to describe nouns or pronouns which can be a person, a place, an animal,
an object or an abstract concept.

 Adverb
Adverbs or adverbs are words that provide an explanation of the place, time and
manner in which an activity or event occurs. Example: here, now, softly, loudly,
tomorrow, again, twice, never, etc.
Adverbs are also defined as words that describe verbs, adjectives, prepositions
and other words except nouns and pronouns.

An-Najah(2015), adjective(kata sifat), Serang-Banten


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