SATAIRAPAN Rationale Wound Care

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College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Performance Checklist
Care and dressing of Wounds Rationale

Name of Student: Michelle C. Satairapan Date:

Year/Section/Group No.: 2nd year 203N Group 2 Grade

To know what is the goal of this procedure and
1. States objectives of this activity. why it is necessary.

To be more understandable and to be

2. Uses appropriate terms.

3. States steps of the procedure in correct To avoid confusion and to demonstrate it properly.

4. Explains the rationale of every step. To educate the client why it is necessary to do
every step of the procedure. Explaining can
alleviate the client’s fear.

5. Assemble all equipment and bring it to To have easy access during the procedure and to
the bedside. save time and effort and have a smooth flow of

6. Explain the procedure to the client. To ensure that the client is able to understand
what we are going to do and why it is necessary.

7. Do the medical hand washing. To prevent the transmissions of microorganisms.

8. Position the client according to the site of To assess and dress the wound properly.
the wound.

9. Expose the wound and drape the area. To ensure the visibility of the wound and to
provide comfort and privacy to the client.

10. Undo materials (binder or adhesive) and To allow the health care provider to properly clean
secure the dressings. Lift dressing off by the wound and to reapply new dressings for
touching the outside portion only. If it is prevention of infection and promoting fast
soiled, use forceps. healing.
11. Clean the wound with antiseptic solution To prevent cross contamination and
prescribed as necessary. re-contamination of pathogenic microorganisms.
a. Aseptic wound – start from incision
(consider the cleanest part) then away from it.
12. Apply the ointment thinly as prescribed, if To thinly minimize the amount absorbed through
any on the wound and on the skin if the skin into the body which reduces risks for side
drainage is present. effects.

13. Cover the wound with sterile dressings To prevent infection, reopening of wounds, and
and secure in place with adhesive applied promotes healing.
at edges.

14. Arrange the client's clothing and keep To ensure that the client would feel comfortable
him/her comfortable. and respected.

15. Clean and return all equipment used. To avoid contamination and spreading of
microorganisms to any surfaces and to save time
and effort for the next procedure.

16. Documentation: Record and chart time, To ensure and to gather all the data needed to
dressing appearance of wound with keep the client’s record complete.
amount and character of drainage (if
any), observation, treatment such as
removal or insertion of drains, packing,

17. Shows responsibility by having a
complete set of equipment needed in the
activity and shows interest in doing the

Total Score / Total no of Items x 60 + 40 =

/ 75 x 60 + 40 = %
Clinical Instructor’s Comments / Suggestions:

Student’s Comments / Suggestions:

Michelle C. Satairapan
Student Name and Signature C.I. Name / Signature

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