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A.Y. 2023-2024, 1st Semester




1. Comes to class well- prepared 4.7 97
2. Has needed equipment and materials
readily available 4.72 97
3. Designs lessons in a clear and logical
Format 4.71 97
4. Demonstrates mastery of the subject matter 4.72 97
5. Uses a variety of teaching techniques appropriate
to student’s needs 4.68 96
6. Uses a variety of teaching strategies appropriate
to the student’s matter 4.67 96
7. Stimulates critical thinking through a variety of
questioning techniques 4.64 96
8. Answers student’s question thoroughly 4.69 96
9. Provides activities that motivate students to learn 4.63 96
10. Explains difficult concepts clearly 4.68 96
11. Speaks at appropriate volume 4.68 96
12. Speaks clearly 4.7 97
13. Speaks fluently in the language (either English or Filipino
Depending on the subject) 4.74 97
14. Demonstrates enthusiasm in teaching 4.71 97
15. Avoids the use of indecent language in emphasizing ideas 4.75 97
16. Log in to class on time 4.73 97
17. On time in logging out from the class 4.75 97
18. Uses online activities that promotes student involvement 4.62 96
19. Uses classroom time effectively to maximize learning 4.71 97
20. Uses a variety of evaluation techniques (e.g. assignments,
Quizzes, oral and written activities, projects, reports, etc.) 4.68 96
21. Constructs tests directly related to skills and concepts taught 4.69 96
22. Returns student’s outputs (test papers, assignments, projects,
written reports, etc.) 4.7 97
23. Uses a variety of techniques for communicating progress (e.g.
immediate feedback, written and verbal comments, grades,
individual and group conferences) 4.71 97
24. Observes always consultation hours with students 4.7 97
25. Listens to student’s different points of view 4.73 97
26. Treats students with respect 4.76 97
27. Is approachable and friendly 4.71 97
28. Demonstrates patience in dealing with students 4.7 97
29. Shows concern for students’ needs 4.73 97
30. Uses humor appropriately in the classroom 4.71 97
31. Maintains a pleasant disposition in class 4.73 97
32. Dresses appropriately to command respect 4.76 97
La Consolacion College, Bacolod

TBI COMMENTS >>> A.Y. 2023-2024, 1st Semester


Strong Points:

<< Confidence in teaching >><< She?s fun to talk to?it could be never ending. The discussion about her lessons is very clear since
she expounds it even more to her students. >><< Speaks very fluently in filipino and very critical to the grammatical errors and
grammar in filipino >><< Best advisor!! She makes the class fun and exciting and very good at explaining the whole lesson. >><<
Communication skills and Patience >><< Mastery of subject >><< Miss Toledo is a balance type of teacher. She makes her classes
fun at the same time the discipline and boundaries is present. >><< Her mastery >><< Always wanted the best for their students
>><< Good at engaging with students >><< Way of teaching >><< Very fun and well spoken >><< considerate >><< Mastery
in subject she is teaching >><< Mastery of the language appropriate to the class >><< good teacher >><< talkin skills >><<
she master all the lessons >><< Strict Understanding Disciplined Good >><< It's quick to understand and have patience >><<
Entertaining when she have her lessons >><< Mastery in the subject taught >><< Explains the topic using our native language
where we can understand more about the topic. >><< Gives a lot of informations, prioritize the needs of students >><<
Enthusiasm for class >><< Easy to understand the examples that she sharing to the class. >><< Explains things clearly, even
gives the English word for some Filipino words that we don't know. >><< Ms. Toledo speaks tagalog fluently and helps us
understand the lesson if we find it quite difficult. She also speaks clearly which makes the class hear her voice. >><< Her
enthusiasm on talking about the subject really makes you understand her subject a lot more than your previous Filipino lessons
during the highschool days haha. >><< Silly jokes and lighten the mood of st agahtha class >><< Very well in speaking Tagalog
and demonstrating such things clearly. >><< good at teaching >><< Very friendly and approachable >><< good at teaching
>><< Ms. Ma. Mae Toledo is a very skilled Filipino teacher. She teaches us the lesson about our own language, and ouwr own
history as us Filipinos. She can speak both English and Filipino perfectly. She is very friendly, optimistic, enthusiastic, joyful,
cheerful but she can be very strict when it comes to taking tests and quizzes. >><< sa lahat ng mga guro, siya ang pinakamahusay
sa anumang wikang filipino at matatas din ito >><< Very professional in handling things. Approachable and is very fluent in
Filipino. >><< Explain the lessons properly. >><< friendly and addressed the students’ Concerns >><< Patience, communication,
and passion in teaching >><< good teaching quality >><< Different teaching methods, kind but strict, a funny and cute teacher
>><< Speaking each word with clarity >><< Approachable and Shows concern for students >><< The teacher shows a lot of
patience to her students and made the lesson understandable. >><< strict >>

Needs Improvement / Suggestions:

<< reducing the strictness, things gets too tight from time to time >><< Her attitude and her appearance. >><< The volume of
her voice whenever she is discussing a lesson because multiple talking students' drown out her voice or it gets muffled that is
somehow hard for those who are paying attention and listening. Second, is the pace of her teaching. Maybe unconsciously ni nga
gakahimo ni miss but ang the way sa mag read or discuss a lesson is medj ayawan laot ang students sa pagtake notes or
understand sang additional concepts/info. Lastly, adjust ang font size sang ppt/materials used kay indi kitaon sa likod or ang may
problem with their eye sight. >><< Voice modulation >><< Voice volume >><< She just needs to make her Filipino lessons more
understandable and should translate some to English so that we can understanding the meaning of the lesson better. >><<
Connection with students >><< volume of voice >>
Other Comments:

<< Job well done >><< Good >><< strict but superr namii mag teach >><< pls don't make it hard for her students! >><< fave
teacher >><< I like Ms. Toledo, she's easy going but also strict when she needs to. >><< Ms. Toledo is very considerate about us
students. As long as the reason for the extension of deadline is understandable, she is more than willing to do so. >><< Love the
little bits of humor she would always put in during her discussions, it really balances the fun and seriousness of learning her subject.
>><< good job >><< I love miss Toledo so much >>

Administered & Compiled by:

Christine Joy M. Rivera

HRD Evaluation Staff

Noted by:


Vice President for Administration and Alumni Relations

Department Dean
HRD File

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