Cau Truc So That Such That

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Created by Hguyen Ba Mank FuYen Junior Secondary School 7.Mr Brown isn’t rich, He can’t buy car. 8.My grandmother is very weak. She can’t lif the box. 9.The film is very good. The children won't miss it, 10. Those shoes are large. You can wear them. ding “... too + adj + for +...+ to-inf™) 1.The child can’t drink this milk. It’s too hot. 2.We can’t lif this weight, It’s too heavy. 3. They can’t push the piano through that door, it’s too narrow. 4.You can’t hang the picture on that wall. It’s too small. 5. She can’t watch this programme. It’s too boring. IIT. Combine these sentences, using “adj + enough + (for) + to-inf”. (N6i cau ding adj + enough + (for) + toinf”.) 1.You shouldn't wear this coat in winter. I's not warm enough. 2.Don't stand on that chair. It’s not strong enough. 3. You can’t sleep in this bed. It’s not wide enough for you two. 4. T couldn't make coffee for everyone. There weren’t enough cups 5. He didn’t finish the examination. He didn’t have enough time, Rewrite sentences so that the meaning stay the same 1. The book is too interesting. I have read it many times. > The book is. 2. She is a very beauliful girl, We all like her. => She is 3. The coffee was so hot that I couldn't drink it. -> The coffee was such, 4. Itis such a low bridge that car can’t go under it. -> The bridge is so 5. The pupul is so intelligent that he can answer all my questions. -> He is such 6. She has such wide knowledge that we can’t help admiring her. -> Her knowledge is so 7. These people are kind. We love them. -> They are such 8. He is such a lazy boy that he can't make progress in his study. -> The boy is so 9. She is very old. She can’t walk -> she is too. 10. The wall is so high. They don’t climb over it -> The wall is too 11, She is too young to See that film, > She isn’t old 12, It was so cold that we don’t go out. => It-was too 13, This store is too small for us to take notice of i -> This store isn’t 14, These goods are too expensive to be sold quickly. > These goods are so 15, The ground was so hard that he couldn't dig it. 31 Séng é trén doi phai e6 mot tim long dé gid eudn dt Created by Hguyen Ba Mank FuYen Junior Secondary School 6. They are __ good players that they always win the tournament 7. The actor played ___ well that he won an Oscar 8. Iwas __a boring speech that most of us fell asleep 9, The trip was ___ long that all the passengers felt exhausted 10. Her voice was soft that I had to interrupt her many times 11, He scored __ an important goal that he was widly cheered by the crowd Combine these pairs of sentences,using “ 50...that ” or “ such...that ” Két hop mdi cap cu sau, ding “ so ...that” hoc “ such ...that”) 1.My friend is too sick. He can’t go to school. 2.The food was very good. We finished it up just a few minutes. 3.New York was a very big city. Jane was lost in it. 4.My neighbours are very bad persons. They made noise all day. 5. She bought too many things. She couldn’t bring them home at a time. 6.She is quite poor. She can't buy bicycle. 7. He gave us very good advice. All of us are thank ul to him, 8.There is too much furniture in the room. We don’t have enough space for the meeting. 9.Lan was very busy. She couldn’t go to the movies with us. 10, Mr Green drank too much wine, He got sick. ‘ : qua ...khdng thé. = Duge dig 48 chi mét nguyén nhan dura toi mét két qua pha dinh, *Form: Too +adj/adv + to —inf * Eg: - He is too young to go to school. - She ran too slowly to cateh the train, ~ Néu dong tir theo sau dign ta m6t sy viée duge thyc hién béi mét chii ngit khc v6i chi ngi ciia dong tir di truéc thi ta ding: *Form: Too +adj/adv + for +somebody + to -inf * Eg: ~The questions are too difficult for us to answer. - The box was too heavy for the children to carry. 2 =..8 6 thé, nguyén nhan dua téi mét két qua tat nhién. adj/adv + enough + to — inf ~ He is sick enough to need a docter. The policeman ran fast enough to catch the thief. u dng tir theo sau dign ta m6t su vige durge thute hign béi chi ngit khéc véi chi ngtt cia dng ti di trade thi ta ding * Form: —_adj/adv + enough + for + somebody + to —inf * Eg: - The exercises are easy enough for you to do. - He spoke English slowly enough for us to understand. B.Bai tap. 1 Combine these sentences, using “ too... to” or “ enough... to”, ( Két hyp céc cau sau ding “too 1. These oranges are ripe. You can eat them. 2.He is strong. He can carry this table. 3. The house is large. My family can live in it 4.It was very late. They didn’t go to the party. 5.The dress is so dirty. She can’t wear it 6.She is tall, She can reach the top shelf. 30 Séng é trén doi phai e6 mot tim long dé gid eudn dt Created by Hguyen Ba Mank FuYen Junior Secondary School a. at/ on b. e. at fin on in 17. Brown and yellow hair is seseeeeethe moment, a. in baat ©. over don 18, They see each other ........lunchtime and .......ight only. a. in! in b.on/on ©. at/ at in’ at 19, Remember the meeting will be ........Tuesday, ........9 am and I lam, a.on/ at . on/ from, ©. on / between d. at/ at 20. know Jane. I first met her ......Christmas......1990. a. inf in b. alin c. atl at on in Health is better than wealth. Sake bre? la ving CHAPTER 5: ADVERB CLAUSES OF RESULT o,enough Tri came to class late so he was punished SorS+V+4 TL =use : To introduce a result of an action or a state He ran very very fast so nobody could catch him She was kind so everyone loves her I= Note : (qual den néi ma) S+be/v + So + Adj / Adv + that +S+V+0 S + be + Such + (a/an) + Adj +N +that+S+V+0O Két hop hai cau don thanh mot cau phite sit dung so/such ta lam theo cac bude sau: 1. Lua chon gitta so va such (Néu tir & cudi cau dau Ia adj / adv > So, Néu tir & cudi cau dau 1a N > Such) 2. Dat SO hoae SUCH tnude a / an hode truéc tinh tit va bd very néu c6 3. Thay dau chém gitta hai cau bing THAT ‘The milk is very hot. The younger brother can’t drink it > The milk is so hot that the younger brother can’t drink it It was very good coffe. I had another cup > It was such coffe that I had another cup Fill in the blanks with so or such 4. The city is green that it attracts a lot of tourists 5. Itwas __ apeacefil place that we enjoyed ourselves so much 29 Séng é trén doi phai e6 mot tim long dé gid eudn dt

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