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নারী ও শিশু নির্যাতন দমন আইন, ২০০০

সংশোধিত ২০২০
Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000
Prevention of Oppression against Women and Children Act, 2000
Amended 2020

An Act to make necessary provisions to strictly prevent the violent offences committed
against women and children.
Whereas it is expedient and necessary to make provisions to strictly prevent the violent
offences against women and children.
It is hereby enacted as follows:

Sec-1: Short Title:

This Act may be called the Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Daman Ain, 2000 (Prevention of
Oppression against Women and Children Act, 2000).

Sec-2: Definitions:
In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-
(a) 'Offence' means an offence punishable under this Act;
(b) 'Abduction' means by force, or by temptation, or by enticement, or by deceitful
means, or by intimidation, compelling any person to go from one place to other place;
(c) 'Detention' means to detain any person in any place against his will;
(d) 'Tribunal' means any Tribunal constituted under this Act;
(e) ‘Rape' means subject to the provisions of section 9, the definition of “rape” under
section 375 of the Penal Code, 1860;
(f) 'Newborn baby' means any baby not more than 40 days of age;
(g) 'Woman' means woman of any age;
(h) 'Ransom' means financial benefit or any other benefit;
(i) 'Code of Criminal Procedure' means the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act No. V
of 1898);
(j) 'Dowry' means-
a. Money, goods or any other property demanded from the bride party as a consideration for
the marriage, on the condition of the constancy of marriage by the bridegroom or father or
mother of the bridegroom or any person directly involved in the marriage from the
bridegroom party, during marriage or before the marriage or during continuation of marital
relationship; or
b. Money, goods or any other property given or agreed to give by the bride party as a
consideration for the marriage, on the condition of the constancy of marriage by the
bridegroom or father or mother of the bridegroom or any person directly involved in the
marriage from the bridegroom party, during marriage or before the marriage or during
continuation of marital relationship.
(k) ‘Child’ means any person under the age of sixteen years;
(l) ‘High Court Division’ means the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of
Sec-3: Supremacy of the Act:
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the
provisions of this Act shall have effect.

Sec-4: Punishment for the offences caused by inflammatory substances, etc.,:

(1) If any person causes death or attempts to cause death of any child or woman by
inflammatory, corrosive or poisonous substances, then that person shall be punished with
death or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine not more than Tk.
1 lakh.
(2) If any person causes injury to any child or woman by any inflammatory, corrosive or
poisonous substances in such a way that results in the damage of eyesight or hearing power,
or disfigurement or damage of any part of the body, gland, or any other part of the body of
the woman or child is injured, then in the case of child's or woman's-
(a) Eyesight or hearing power or face, breast or sexual organ if damaged or disfigured,
then that person shall be punished with death or rigorous imprisonment for life and
shall also be liable to fine not more than Tk.1 lakh;
(b) Any limb, gland or part of the body if disfigured or damaged or in case of injury in
any part of the body, that person shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment not
more than 14 years but not less than 7 years and shall also be liable to fine of not
more than Tk. 50,000.
(3) If any person throws or attempts to throw any inflammatory, corrosive or poisonous
substances on any child or woman and for that if physical, mental or in any other way any
injury is caused due to such act on the concerned child or woman, the person shall be
punished with rigorous imprisonment not more than 7 years but not less than 3 years
and shall also be liable to fine of not more than Tk. 50,000.
(4) Under these provisions, the amount of money from the fine will be collected from the
convicted person (who was punished according to the provisions of the prevalent law) or
from the property of that person. In the case of his death, the amount will be collected from
the property that he left at the time of his death. Such an amount will be given to the heir(s)
of the victim who died for the offence or, as the case may be, to the person or to the heir(s) of
such person (if died) who is injured physically or mentally.

***Sections 5 & 6 Repealed***

Sec-7: Punishment for abduction of woman and child:

If any person abducts any woman or child, other than the purpose mentioned in Sections 3
and 6 of the Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act 2012, he shall be
punished with imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment not less than 14 years and
shall also be liable to fine.

Sec.-8: Punishment for realisation of ransom :

If any person detains any woman or child for the purpose of realising ransom, he shall be
punished with death or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.
Sec-9: Punishment for rape, death for committing rape, etc.:
(1) If any man (male person) rapes any woman or child, he shall be punished with death
or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.
Explanation- If any man (male person) without marriage has sexual intercourse, with a
woman of age more than 16 years without her consent or intimidating or fraudulently
obtaining her consent,or with a woman under the age of 16 years with her consent or without
her consent, he shall be presumed to have raped the said woman.
(2) If the woman or child being victim of rape dies due to committing rape or other
activities after commiting that rape by any person, then he shall be punished with
death or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine of not less
than Tk. 1 lac.
(3) If more than one person jointly rape any woman or child and for committing rape
causes death or hurt/injury of that woman or child, then every person of that gang
shall be punished with death or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be
liable to fine of not less than Tk. 1 lac.
(4) If any person attempts to-
a. Cause death or hurt/injure any woman or child by committing rape, he shall be
punished with death or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be
liable to fine;
b. Rape any woman or child, he shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment
for not more than 10 years but not less than 5 years and shall also be
liable to fine.
(5) If any woman becomes victim of rape during stay at police custody, unless the contrary
is proved, then the person or persons who was/were responsible directly for the custody of the
woman (who became victim of rape) under whose custody such rape occured, for the
failure/default of protection, he or everyone of them shall be punished with rigorous
imprisonment for not more than 10 years but not less than 5 years and shall also be
liable to fine of not less than Tk. 10 thousands.

Sec-9A: Punishment for abetment in committing suicide of woman etc.:

If any woman commits suicide for outraging her modesty either without her consent or
against her will by the wilful act of any person, he shall be convicted for abetment in
committing suicide of that woman by such act and he shall be punished for that offence with
rigorous imprisonment for not more than 10 years but not less than 5 years and shall
also be liable to fine.

Sec-10: Punishment for sexual assault, etc.,:

If any person touches the sex organ or any other organ of a woman or child by any thing or
any organ of his body or outrages the modesty of a woman with an intention to illegally
satisfy his sexual desire, that will amount to sexual assault and for that he shall be punished
with rigorous imprisonment for not more than 10 years but not less than 3 years and
shall also be liable to fine.
Sec-11: Punishment for causing death for dowry, etc.,:
If husband or the father, mother, guardian, relative or other person on behalf of the husband
of any woman causes death or attempts to cause death of that woman or causes grievous hurt
or simple hurt to that woman for dowry, then the husband, father, mother, guardian, relative
or person-
(a) Shall be punished with death for causing death or imprisonment for life for
attempting to cause death and shall also be liable to fine for both;
(b) Shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for life or rigorous imprisonment
for not more than 12 years but not less than 5 years and shall also be liable to
fine for grievous hurt;
(c) Shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for not more than 3 years but not less
than 1 year and shall also be liable to fine for simple hurt.

Sec-12: Punishment for mutilation or maiming of the children for the purpose of
begging, etc.,:
If any person damages the hand, leg, eye or any other organ, or mutilates or disfigures by any
other means of any child for the purpose of begging or selling the limbs/organs, he shall be
punished with death or rigorous imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine.

Sec-13: Provisions for the child born of after/for committing rape:

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law (for the time being in force), if any
child/offspring is born as a result of committing rape-
(a) That child/offspring can be kept under the superintendence of its mother or maternal
(b) That child/offspring will be entitled to be acquainted with/introduced by the identity
of its father or mother or both;
(c ) The Government will bear/carry out the maintenance of that child/offspring;
(d) The maintenance will be given until the attainment of 21 years of age by that
child/offspring. But in the case of a daughter aged more than 21 years, maintenance will be
given until marriage. In the case of disabled child/offspring, maintenance will be given until
he attains the ability to maintain himself.
(2) The Government will determine the amount of money to be given for maintenance in the
mode prescribed by rules for the child/offspring mentioned in sub-section (1).
(3) The Government may collect/realise the money for maintenance of a child from the rapist.
If it is not possible to collect/realise the amount of maintenance from the existing property of
the rapist, in that case, the money will be realised/collected from the property of which he
(the rapist) will own in future.

Sec-14: Prohibition/Restriction on the publication of the identity of the oppressed

woman or child in the news media:
(1) Any news, information, name-address or any other information regarding any offence
committed or any legal proceeding under this Act thereof, of which a woman or child
is the victim, shall be presented or published in such a way that the
identity/acquaintance of the woman or child remains confidential.
(2) If the provision of sub-section (1) is violated, then the person/persons liable for
violation will be punished with imprisonment which may extend to two years or
with fine not exceeding 1 lac Taka or both.

Sec-15: Realisation/Recovery of fine from future property:

The fine imposed by the Tribunal under Sections 4-14 of this Act may be considered as
damages/compensation for the victim of the offence, if the Tribunal deems necessary. In
cases, where the fine cannot be realised/recovered from a convicted person or his existing
property, it can be realised/recovered from the property of which he will be the owner or in
possession in future; in these cases, the claim of such fine or damage shall prevail on any
other claim on that property.

Sec-16: The procedure for realisation/recovery

of fine or compensation :
If any fine is imposed under this Act, then the Tribunal may direct the Collector of the
concerned district to deposit the amount of fine in the Tribunal. This may be collected under
the procedure as prescribed by law. In the absence of such law, in the manner as prescribed by
the Tribunal. Fine will be recovered after making a list of the movable or immovable property
or both of the accused and then by attaching and selling it on auction or without attachment
by selling it on auction. The Tribunal shall take measures to provide the said amount of
money to the victim.

Sec-17: Punishment for instituting false case, complaint, etc.,:

(1) If any person with the intent to cause injury/hurt to any person institutes/files any case
or complaint or causes to institute any case or complaint under this Act against a
person, knowing that there is no just or lawful ground for instituting such case or
complaint, then the person who instituted the case or complaint or who caused to
institute such shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for not more than 7
years and shall also be liable to fine.
(2) Tribunal can take cognizance and adjudicate offences committed under sub-section
(1) based on the written application of a person.

Sec-18: Investigation of the offences :

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the CrPC, the investigation of any offence under
this Act-
(a) Shall have to be completed within 15 working days after the date of his arrest if the
accused is caught red-handed in committing offence or in case of being arrested by
any other person if he is sent up to the police; or
(b) Shall have to be completed within 60 working days after receiving the preliminary
information about commission of the offence or, as the case may be, from the date of
receiving investigation order from the concerned officer or officer empowered or by
the Tribunal:
provided the accused is not caught red-handed in committing an offence.
(2) If the investigation is not concluded within the period mentioned in sub-section (1)
without any reasonable ground, then the investigating officer, after writing the cause/reason
of such delay, will complete the investigation within the additional 30 working days and he
will inform his superior officer or, as the case may be, the Tribunal that directed.
(3) If the investigation is not concluded within the period mentioned in sub-section (2), then
the concerned investigating officer will inform (after writing) his superior officer or the
Tribunal that directed him within 24 hours after the expiry of the said period.
(4) After being informed about the investigation not completed as under sub-section (3), the
superior officer or, as the case may be, the Tribunal that directed for investigation may
transfer the responsibility of investigation to any other officer. Then the officer in charge
(after transferring responsibility) of the investigation-
(a) Shall complete the investigation within 7 working days after receiving the order if the
accused is caught red-handed by the police or caught by any other person and sent up
to the police; or
(c) Shall complete the investigation within 30 working days after receiving the order.
(5) If the investigation is not completed within the period mentioned in sub-section (4), then
the investigating officer will inform in writing to the superior officer or, as the case may be,
to the Tribunal that directed him.
(6) If any investigation is not completed within the period mentioned in sub-sections (2) and
(4) in that case, the superior officer or, as the case may be, the Tribunal that directed after
receiving the report with an explanation reaching on this decision that the investigating
officer is responsible for not completing the investigation, then that will be
considered/treated as inefficiency and misconduct. These inefficiency and misconduct will be
noted in the annual confidential report and in the proper/appropriate cases steps should be
taken against him according to the service rules.
(7) After the submission of the report, if the Tribunal is satisfied after reviewing the
investigation concerned information that any person who is mentioned as the accused in the
investigation report for/in the interest of fair trial, it is expedient to make him witness only,
then the Tribunal may direct to consider that person as the witness instead of accused.
(8) If it appears to the Tribunal that any investigating officer has submitted the investigation
report for exempting any person from the charge of any offence or has produced the accused
as witness without collecting applicable evidence for proving the offence or without
considering or without the necessity of proof of the offence or without examining any
important/necessary witness, then (the Tribunal) indicating that act or negligence as
inefficiency or, as the case may be, misconduct, the Tribunal may direct the superior authority
of that officer to take the proper steps/measures against that investigating officer.
(9) On receiving application or on the basis of other information, the Tribunal may direct the
concerned authority to appoint any other investigating officer in place of/instead of any
investigating officer.

Sec-19: Cognizance of offence:

(1) All the offences punishable under this Act shall be cognizable and offences mentioned in
S.11(c) are compoundable (আপোষযোগ্য).
(2) According to the provision of sub-section (3), any person involved in committing offences
punishable under this Act who is the main and direct accused shall not be granted bail if-
(a) No opportunity is given to the complainant (party) for hearing on the application for
granting him bail; and
(b) The Tribunal is satisfied that there is reasonable ground to treat him guilty on the
allegation brought against him.
(3) If any person under sub-section (2) is a woman or child or physically sick or infirm, in
that case, if the Tribunal is satisfied that for releasing them on bail, fair trial/justice will not
be interrupted/hindered, then they may be released on bail.
(4) If the Tribunal is satisfied that it will be just to release any other person or accused for
committing offence under this Act except the person mentioned in sub-section (2), then
writing the reasons about that, the Tribunal may release the concerned person on bail.

Sec-20: Procedure of trial:

(1) The trial of any offence under this Act will be justifiable only under the
Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal constituted under section 26.
(2) If the hearing of a case begins in the Tribunal, then that will continue on every
working day till the termination/judgement or until it is completed.
(3) The Tribunal shall complete/conclude the proceeding within 180 days from the date
of receipt of the case for trial.
(4) If the proceeding of the case is not completed within the period as under sub-section
(3), then the Tribunal may release the accused on bail. If the accused is not released
on bail, then the Tribunal will record the reasons for such.
(5) If the Judge of any Tribunal is transferred without finishing the proceedings of any
case, then the succeeding Judge will try the case from the stage left by his predecessor
and the examination taken by his predecessor is not necessary to be taken again:
Provided that if the Judge is of the opinion that further examination of any of the witnesses
(whose evidence has already been taken) is necessary to meet the ends of justice, he may
re-summon any such witness and may take the examination/evidence again.
(6) The Tribunal may initiate trial in camera for the trial proceedings of the offences
under section 9 in response to the application of any person or if the Tribunal thinks
fit by its own discretion.
(7) If any child is convicted of committing an offence under this Act, then the provision
of the Children Act, 2013, shall have to be followed as far as possible.
(8) The Tribunal will take and consider the opinion of the woman and child for the
welfare and protection of their interest in case of giving order to keep any woman and
child in safe custody.

Sec-21: Trial in absence of the accused:

(1) If the Tribunal has reasonable grounds to believe that,-
(a) The accused is absconding or concealing/hiding himself to avoid arrest or consign for
trial; and
(b) There is no immediate prospect of arresting him. The Tribunal can direct the accused
to be present before the Tribunal within the period not more than 30 days as specified
in the order, which is published in at least two Bangla daily newspapers, and if the
accused fails to appear before the Tribunal within the specified time, the Tribunal can
try in absence of him.
(2) Where in case after the production or appearance of an accused before the Tribunal or
after his release on bail, the accused absconds, the procedure as laid down in sub-section (1)
shall not apply. In this case, the Tribunal, after recording the reasons, shall try such a person
in his absence.

Sec-22: The power of taking statement at any

place by a Magistrate:
(1) If any investigating Police officer or any person investigating any offence of any
person under this Act, at the time of catching any accused person at the locus delicti
thinks it necessary for expeditious trial of that offence, the statement of a person
acquainted with the facts or a person who has witnessed the facts, is needed to be
written immediately by a Magistrate, then he may request (in writing or in any other
way) to any first class Magistrate to note down the statement of that person in writing.
(2) The Magistrate mentioned in sub-section (1) may take the statement of that person at
the locus delicti or in any other proper place and send it to the investigating officer or
person to produce it before the Tribunal along with the investigation report.
(3) If the trial of an accused of an offence under sub-section (1) commences before the
Tribunal and it appears that the evidence of the person giving statement under
sub-section (2) is necessary, but he is dead, or incapable of giving evidence or cannot
be found or his attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay, expense or
inconvenience which, under the circumstances of the case, would be unreasonable, the
Tribunal can take that statement as evidence for the case:
Provided that only on the basis of the evidence of that witness the Tribunal cannot punish
the accused.

Sec-23: Evidence of chemist, pathologist, etc.,:

Any Govt appointed doctor, chemist, assistant chemist, pathologist, handwriting expert,
finger expert or armament expert who submitted the report by testing or analysing anything
during continuation of an offence, whose evidence is needed at the trial, but he cannot be
found or the attendant of the witness cannot be procured without an amount of delay, expense
or inconvenience which, under the circumstances of the case would be unreasonable, the test
report signed by him may be taken as an evidence in a trial under this Act:
Provided that only on the basis of that report the Tribunal can not punish the accused.

Sec-24: Presence of the witness:

(1) To give effect to summons or warrant of a witness for the trial of an offence under this
Act, the summons or warrant shall be sent to the officer-in-charge of the Thana, where
the last address of the witness is located and the liability lies on that officer-in-charge
to produce the witness before the trial.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-section (1), a copy of the summons of the
witness shall be served to the concerned witness and the concerned Police Super of
the district; and to the Police Commissioner, as the case may be, by registered post
along with the acknowledgement letter.
(3) For wilful negligence of the police officer concerned in execution of the summon or
warrant under this section, the Tribunal may regard the same as inefficiency of the
concerned police officer and may direct the controlling authority of that police officer
to take actions.

Sec-25: Application of the Code of Criminal

Procedure, etc.:
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law in case of investigation, trial and
disposal of cases of any offence, the Code of Criminal Procedure will be applied and
the Tribunal will be treated as the Court of Session and in any case of trial of any
offence under this Act or according that, all the power of the Court of Session will
be applied.
(2) Any person pleading the case on behalf of the complaint in the Tribunal will/shall be
deemed to be a Public Prosecutor.

Sec-26: Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Daman Tribunal (The Prevention of Oppression

against Women and Children Tribunal):
(1) Under this Act, there will be a Tribunal in every District and if necessary the
Government may constitute/establish more than one Tribunal in that District, and
these Tribunals will be treated/considered as the Nari O Shishu Nirjatan Daman
Tribunal (Prevention of Oppression against Women and Children Tribunal).
(2) The Tribunal will be constituted by a Magistrate/Judge and the Government will
appoint the Judge from among the District and Sessions Judges.
(3) If the Government considers it necessary, then it may appoint any District and
Sessions Judge as the Judge of the Tribunal in addition to his duty.
(4) Under this section, the District and Session Judge includes the Additional District
Judge and Additional Session Judge.

Sec-27: Jurisdiction of the Tribunal:

(1) The Tribunal shall not take cognizance of an offence except on a report in writing
made by a Police officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector or by a person
especially empowered to that by general or special order of the Government.
(1-A) If any complainant has failed after requesting a police officer or empowered person
under sub-section (1) for taking cognizance of any offence, and if he produces this to the
Tribunal with the affidavit, then the Tribunal after examining that:-
(a) If satisfied, then it will direct any Magistrate for inquiry. After the inquiry, the person
empowered for inquiring will submit the report to the Tribunal within 7 working
(b) If not satisfied, then it will dismiss the complaint directly.
(1-B) If the Tribunal is satisfied on receiving the report under sub-section (1-A) that-
(a) The complainant has failed after requesting a police officer or empowered person
under sub-section (1) for taking cognizance of any offence and there is preliminary
evidence on behalf of the complaint, then the Tribunal will take cognizance on the
basis of that report and complaint/allegation.
(b) The complainant has failed after requesting a police officer or empowered person
under sub-section (1) for taking cognizance of any offence and there is no evidence
of the complaint or no preliminary evidence is found, in that case, the Tribunal will
reject the complaint.
(1-C) If the Tribunal thinks fit and necessary to take cognizance of the concerned offence
despite no recommendation for taking action of committing offence writing the cases about
that person in the interest of justice, then the Tribunal may take cognizance.
(2) Any offence or a part of that offence has been committed in an area under the
jurisdiction of which Tribunal or where the accused or in the case of more than one, one of
them has been found out, the area/place is under the jurisdiction of which Tribunal, the report
or complaint will be produced for taking cognizance of the offence in that Tribunal and the
Tribunal will try the offence.
(3) If any offence is involved with any other offence in such a way under this Act, in the
interest of justice the trial of both the offences is necessary to try together or in one case, then
the trial of the other offence will be tried with the offence according to the provisions of this
Act at a time in the same Tribunal.

Sec-28: Appeal:
The party aggrieved by the order, judgement or punishment imposed by the Tribunal, may
appeal to the High Court Division within 60 days from the date of passing of that order,
judgement or punishment.

Sec-29: Passing death sentence :

When any Tribunal under this Act passes a death sentence, the documents of the concerned
case shall immediately be sent to the High Court Division according to the provisions of
Section 374 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the sentence shall not be executed
without the confirmation of that Division.

Sec-30: Punishment for Instigation/Abetment of Offence:

If any person instigates to commit an offence under this Act and the offence is committed or
an attempt was made to commit the offence in consequence of that instigation, or
If any person abets another to commit an offence under this Act,
the instigator/abettor shall be punished with the punishment as provided for the commission
of the offence or for the attempt to commit the offence.

Sec-31: Safe custody :

If the Tribunal considers that, during trial proceeding, it is necessary to keep any woman or
child in the safe custody, then the Tribunal may direct to keep that woman or child in the
custody of the Government Authority, outside the jail in the place for that purpose prescribed
by the Government or under the custody of any other person or organisation considered
proper by the Tribunal.
Sec-31A: Accountability of the Tribunal :
(1) If the case is not completed within the period mentioned in Section 20(3), then the
Tribunal in writing the grounds/reasons of that case, will submit a report to the
Supreme Court within 30 days, and a copy of that report will have to be sent to the
(2) In the same case, the public prosecutor and the concerned police officer will submit a
report to the Government within 30 days writing the cause/reason and a copy of that
report will have to be sent to the Supreme Court.
(3) After reviewing the report produced/submitted under sub-section (1) or (2), the
appropriate authority will take action against the persons responsible for not
completing the case within the stipulated time.

Sec-32: Medical Examination of the victim and accused person:

(1) The medical examination of the victim and the accused person may be performed
using ultra-modern technologies in the public hospital or private hospital authorised
by the Government.
(2) If the victim of any offence is brought to a hospital under sub-section 1, then the
Doctor on duty will perform the examination quickly and will give a certificate about
the medical examination of the concerned person and commission of such offence
will be informed to the local Thana.
(3) If any medical examination is not performed within the reasonable period under this
Act, after reviewing the report with explanation on that report (matter the
regulations/controlling authority) or, as case may be, the authority that ordered a
person empowered from/by him, Magistrate, Tribunal or any concerned authority if
reaches in this decision that the concerned Doctor is responsible for not performing
the medical examination in reasonable time, then that will be considered as
inefficiency and misconduct. Such inefficiency and misconduct will be written in the
annual confidential report and in the proper case, steps will be taken according to his
service rules. The Tribunal may direct the appointing authority or, as the case may be,
proper/appropriate authority to take proper steps against the concerned Doctor.

Sec-32A: DNA examination of the accused and victim:

The medical examination of the victim and accused person of the offence shall be performed
under Section 32 along with the mandatory DNA examination as per the DNA Act 2014,
despite whether the party agrees or not.

Sec-33: Power to make rules:

The Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the
purposes of this Act.

Sec-34: Repeal and Savings of the Act XVIII of 1995:

(1) The Women and Children Oppression (Special Enactment) Act, 1995, is hereby
repealed by this latest Act.
(2) All the pending cases and appeals against the order, judgement or punishment
immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall be tried and disposed of by
such Tribunal and Court as if the said Act, had not been repealed.
(3) The report or complaint of offences or the charge-sheet of offences submitted under
that Act or the pending cases, shall be deemed to be triable under sub-section (2).
(4) The Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Daman Bishesh Adalat (The Special Court of Prevention
of Violation against Women and Children) constituted under that Act will be treated
as the Tribunal and the cases mentioned in that Act may be disposed of under
sub-section (2).

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