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Title: System Requirement Specifica on Document for Automated Drone Naviga on

Objec ve: The objec ve of this document is to outline the so ware requirements for the Automated
Drone Naviga on System, aiming to develop a user-friendly flying camera using quadcopters. It
encompasses both func onal and non-func onal requirements essen al for the system's
development and opera on.

1. Introduc on:

1.1 Purpose:

The Automated Drone Naviga on System aims to revolu onize aerial photography by providing a
flexible and easy-to-use flying camera solu on. This document serves as a comprehensive guide to
define the system's behavior and capabili es.

1.2 Document Conven ons:

• ADNS - Automated Drone Naviga on System

• UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
• SRS - So ware Requirements Specifica on

1.3 Scope of the Project:

The project aims to develop a user-friendly flying camera with various capabili es. Users can control
the camera manually or automa cally using microcomputers. Automated control op ons include
predefined path naviga on and target tracking using advanced image processing algorithms or
mobile phone data. The system's scope covers func onali es essen al for efficient aerial

The project focuses on developing a versa le flying camera that offers both manual and automated
control op ons. It encompasses func onali es such as predefined path naviga on and target
tracking using image processing algorithms or mobile phone data.

In our daily life, cameras have a role for sharing our precious moments with our families and friends.
However, there are some limita ons on classical cameras such as having restricted mobility. That is, it
is usually difficult to obtain the right angle for specific tasks. To solve this problem, we have a
solu on approach that is using quadcopter's flexible movement capability. Therefore, our goal is
simply crea ng an easy-to-use flying camera. This camera enables users to capture events that are
difficult to capture by classical ones.

The purpose of this SRS document is to specify the so ware requirements for the "General Purpose
Intelligent Flying Camera with Quadcopters" project. It provides a detailed descrip on of the project,
including its goals, qualifica ons, constraints, interfaces, and func onali es. This document guides
the development process from pre-design to tes ng phases.

1.4 Reference:

• Smith, J. (2023). Advances in UAV Technology. TechPublishers.

• Johnson, A. (2022). Image Processing Algorithms for Target Tracking. Springer.
2. Overall Descrip on:

2.1 Product Perspec ve:

The ADNS integrates with quadcopters to provide enhanced aerial photography capabili es. It
operates as an independent system compa ble with exis ng UAV hardware.

2.2 Product Func ons:

The system enables manual and automated control of the flying camera. Automated features include
predefined path naviga on and target tracking using advanced image processing algorithms or
mobile phone data.

2.3 Opera ng Environment:

The system requires compa ble UAV hardware and microcomputers for op mal performance. It
operates in various environmental condi ons suitable for drone flights.

2.4 Design & Implementa on Constraint:

The user interface must be intui ve for both manual and automated control. Integra on with
exis ng UAV hardware and so ware requires adherence to industry-standard protocols.

2.5 Assump ons & Dependencies:

Successful implementa on depends on the availability of compa ble UAV hardware and so ware
components. Coopera on from manufacturers may be necessary for seamless integra on.

3. External Interface Requirements:

3.1 User Interface:

The user interface should facilitate easy naviga on and control of the flying camera, suppor ng both
manual and automated opera ons.

3.2 Hardware Interface:

The system interfaces with UAV hardware components, including motors, sensors, and
microcomputers, for control and data exchange.

3.3 So ware Interface:

Integra on with image processing algorithms and mobile phone data requires compa bility with
so ware libraries and APIs.

4. System Features:

4.1 Manual Control:

User-friendly interface for manual camera control.

Real- me monitoring of flight parameters.

4.2 Automated Control:

Predefined path naviga on for autonomous flight.

Target tracking using image processing algorithms or mobile phone data.

5. Other Non-func onal Requirements:

8.1 Performance Requirements:

Smooth and stable flight performance.

Fast and accurate target tracking capabili es.

8.2 Safety Requirements:

Collision avoidance algorithms to prevent accidents.

Emergency landing procedures in case of system failures.

8.3 Security Requirements:

Secure communica on protocols for data transmission.

Authen ca on mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access.

8.4 So ware Quality A ributes:

Reliability: System should operate consistently under varying condi ons.

Scalability: Ability to accommodate future upgrades and expansions.

Maintainability: Ease of maintenance and troubleshoo ng.

Title: System Requirement Specifica on Document for RFID-Based Inventory Tracking System

Objec ve:

To outline the system requirements for the development of an RFID-Based Inventory Tracking
System, aimed at addressing the challenges faced by tradi onal inventory management methods.

1. Introduc on:

1.1 Purpose:

The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive guide for the development of an RFID-
Based Inventory Tracking System. This system aims to automate data capture, enhance inventory
visibility, and improve overall efficiency in inventory management processes.

1.2 Document Conven ons:

• RFID - Radio Frequency Iden fica on

• GUI - Graphical User Interface
• RTLS - Real-Time Loca on System

1.3 Scope of the Project:

The RFID-Based Inventory Tracking System will automate the process of tracking inventory items
using RFID technology. It will provide real- me visibility into inventory movement and loca on,
enabling businesses to make informed decisions and op mize their inventory levels. The system will
cater to the needs of various industries, including manufacturing, retail, and logis cs.

1.4 Reference:

• RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applica ons in Contactless Smart Cards, Radio Frequency
Iden fica on and Near-Field Communica on
• Inventory Management: Principles, Concepts, and Techniques

Overall Descrip on:

2.1 Product Perspec ve:

The RFID-Based Inventory Tracking System will serve as a standalone system designed to integrate
seamlessly with exis ng inventory management so ware. It will enhance the func onality of
tradi onal inventory management systems by providing real- me tracking and visibility.

2.2 Product Func ons:

The system will facilitate the following func ons:

• RFID Tagging: Assigning RFID tags to inventory items for tracking purposes.
• Real-Time Tracking: Monitoring the movement and loca on of inventory items in real- me.
• Inventory Repor ng: Genera ng reports on inventory levels, movement, and loca on.
• Integra on: Integra ng with exis ng inventory management systems for data exchange.
2.3 Opera ng Environment:

The system will require the following opera ng environment:

• RFID Readers: Compa ble RFID readers for data capture.

• Network Connec vity: Internet connec on for real- me data transmission.

• Server Infrastructure: Hardware infrastructure for hos ng the system.

2.4 Design & Implementa on Constraint:

• Compa bility: The system must be compa ble with a variety of RFID readers and tags.

• Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate the growing inventory needs of

2.5 Assump ons & Dependencies:

• Availability of RFID Hardware: It is assumed that RFID readers and tags will be readily available for
implementa on.

• User Training: It is assumed that users will receive adequate training on system usage and RFID

External Interface Requirements:

3.1 User Interface:

The system will feature a user-friendly GUI for easy naviga on and interac on. Users will access the
system through web browsers or dedicated applica ons.

3.2 Hardware Interface:

The system will interface with RFID readers for data capture. It will also require network connec vity
for data transmission.

3.3 So ware Interface:

The system will be developed using modern technologies, including:

• Programming Languages: Java, Python

• Database: MySQL, MongoDB
• Opera ng System: Windows, Linux
System Features:

4.1 System Features:

• RFID Tagging: Assigning RFID tags to inventory items.

• Real-Time Tracking: Monitoring inventory movement and loca on in real- me.
• Inventory Repor ng: Genera ng reports on inventory status and trends.
• Integra on: Integra ng with exis ng inventory management systems for seamless data

Other Non-func onal Requirements:

5.1 Performance Requirements:

The system should demonstrate the following performance characteris cs:

• Real-Time Data Capture

• Scalability to handle large volumes of inventory data

• Reliability in data transmission and processing

5.2 Safety Requirements:

The system should include safeguards to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity.

5.3 Security Requirements:

Access to the system should be protected by authen ca on mechanisms. Data transmission should
be encrypted to ensure confiden ality.

5.4 So ware Quality A ributes:

The system should adhere to the following quality a ributes:

• Accuracy in inventory tracking

• Security of data and transac ons
• Speed and efficiency in data processing
• Compa bility with exis ng systems and technologies

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