Chatgpt, Students

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Useful Vocabulary from the video:

o Artificial intelligence-based program – Програма на основі штучного

o Computer software – комп’ютерна програма забезпечення
o Concerns – занепокоєння
o To spit sth out – виплюнути (швидко висловитися)
o Scrutinized – детально вивчений
o To type in – ввести текст
o To draft an email – написати ел. лист
o To tackle a challenge – вирішити проблему
o Implications - наслідки
o Conducted – Проведений
o Poll - опитування
o Cheating – списування, шахрайство
o Sophisticated - складний
o Unveiled – представлений
o Misleading purposes – оманливі цілі
o Mitigations – пом'якшення наслідків
o Generated – згенерований
o Benefits – переваги
o Launch – запуск продукту
o Identify - визначати
o Tech Hub - технологічний центр
o Script - сценарій
o Streaming – трансляція

Exercise: Fill in the Blank with the following words: implications, growing
concerns, benefits, misleading purposes, cheating, revolutionary, poll, blocking,
 The (1) … AI program chat GPT can write computer software, student
essays, and news stories.
 Some teachers are concerned about the program's (2) … in the classroom.
 Students admitted to using chat GPT for help with their final exams, leading
to concerns about (3)...
 Schools across the country are already (4) … the program.
 The technology comes with (5) …, especially for schools.
 Educators admit the program has serious (6) … too.
 A (7) … conducted by a Stanford University student newspaper found that
17 percent of students admitted to using chat GPT for help with their final
 OpenAI, the company behind chat GPT, stated that they don't want the
program to be used for (8) … and are developing ways to help identify text
generated by the system.
 Educators acknowledge the benefits of AI and believe it should be (9) …
into lessons.

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