Evaluation of Cervical Integrity Following Thermomechanical Loading of Class Ii Box Cavities Restored With Bulk-Fill Composites

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Belge No: 1G1

CLINICAL DENTISTRY AND RESEARCH 2018; 42(2): 49-56 Original Research Article


Research Assistant, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
Background and Aims: This in-vitro study aimed to evaluate
Faculty of Dentistry Ankara University,
the effects of thermo-mechanical loading on the microleakage
Ankara, Turkey
of proximal box cavities restored with bulk-fill composites.
Gürkan Gür, DDS, PhD Materials and Methods: Four different combinations of
Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
restorative materials were evaluated: conventional flowable
Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University,
composite+conventional paste-like composite, conventional
Ankara, Turkey
paste-like composite, bulk-fill flowable composite+conventional
Gülbike Demirel, DDS, PhD paste-like composite, and bulk-fill paste-like composite. The
Research Assistant, Department of Restorative Dentistry, gingival margins of the mesial proximal box cavities were
Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University, terminated 1 mm below the cemento-enamel junction,
Ankara, Turkey
whereas those of the distal proximal box cavities were
terminated 1 mm above. Before and after thermo-mechanical
loading (240,000×50 N for 2500 thermal cycles between
5°C-55°C), the teeth were immersed in a 0.5% basic fuchsin
dye at 23°C for 24 h. Sectioned samples were examined under
a stereomicroscope, and the degree of microleakage was
statistically analyzed using three-way analysis of variance and
Tukey post hoc test (p< 0.05).
Results: Statistically significant differences in the degree of
microleakage between the margins within the enamel and
dentin were observed in all test groups (p< 0.05). Similarly,
greater microleakage was observed in all samples subjected to
thermo-mechanical loading (p< 0.05). No statistically significant
differences were observed in the microleakage between different
combinations of restorative materials used (p > 0.05).

Conclusions: Restorations with margins located within

dentin had greater microleakage. Thermo-mechanical loading
negatively influenced the samples, thus exacerbating
Gülbike Demirel DDS, PhD
Department of Restorative Dentistry,
microleakage values at margins located within both the enamel
Faculty of Dentistry, and the dentin. There was no statistically significant difference
Ankara University, in microleakage among the bulk-fill and conventional composite
Phone: +90 312 296 5594 groups, with or without thermo-mechanical loading.
E- Mail: gulbikedemirel@gmail.com
gdemirel@ankara.edu.tr Clin Dent Res 2018; 42(2): 49-56

Submitted for Publication: 12.19.2017 Keywords: Bulk-Fill Composite, Microleakage, Thermo-

Accepted for Publication : 06.19.2018 Mechanical Loading

CLINICAL DENTISTRY AND RESEARCH 2018; 42(2): 49-56 Orijinal Araştırma



Bilge Ersöz ÖZ
Arş. Gör. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi,
Amaç: Bu in-vitro çalışmanın amacı, bulk-fill kompozitlerle
Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı,
Ankara, Türkiye
restore edilen proksimal kutu kavitelerin, termomekanik
yükleme sonrası mikrosızıntısını değerlendirmektir.
Gürkan Gür
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada dört farklı restoratif
Prof. Dr. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi,
materyalin kombinasyonu (geleneksel akışkan kompozit +
Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı,
geleneksel kıvamda kompozit, geleneksel kıvamda kompozit,
Ankara, Türkiye
bulk-fill akışkan kompozit + geleneksel kıvamda kompozit, bulk-
Gülbike Demirel fill geleneksel kıvamda kompozit) incelenmiştir. Yakın zamanda
Arş. Gör. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi,
çekilmiş 3. Mesial proksimal kutu kaviteler mine-sement
Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı,
birleşiminin 1mm altında, distal kutu kaviteler ise 1mm üstünde
Ankara, Türkiye
sonlandırılmıştır. Termomekanik yükleme yapılan (240.000 x 50
N, 5°C-55°C arasında 2500 ısıldöngü), ve yapılmayan örnekler
%0.5’lik bazik fuksin içerisinde 23°C’de 24 saat bekletilmiştir.
Kesilen örnekler steriomikroskopta değerlendirilmiş ve
mikrosızıntı skorları üç-yönlü ANOVA ve Tukey Post Hoc testi
(p< 0.05) ile istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Tüm gruplar için mine ve dentin arasındaki sızıntı
skorları istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır (p<0.05). Benzer
olarak termomekanik olarak yüklenen örneklerde daha fazla
mikrosızıntı izlenmiştir (p<0.05). Farklı kombinasyonlarda
kullanılan restoratif materyaller arasında istatistiksel olarak
farklılık bulunamamıştır (p>0.05).

Sonuçlar: Bu bulgular sonucunda, dentinde sonlanan

restorasyonların daha fazla mikrosızıntı sergilediği sonucuna
varılmıştır. Restorasyonlar termo-mekanik yüklemeye tabi
tutulduğunda olumsuz etkilenmişlerdir ve mine ve dentinde
mikrosızıntı miktarı artmıştır. Termo-mekanik yükleme yapılan,
bulk-fill ve geleneksel kompozit grupları arasında, mikrosızıntı
yönünden istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark izlenmemiştir.

Sorumlu Yazar Clin Dent Res 2018; 42(2): 49-56

Gülbike Demirel
Ankara Üniversitesi, Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Anahtar Kelimeler: Bulk-Fill Kompozit, Mikrosızıntı, Termo-
Restoratif Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalı,
Mekanik Yükleme
Ankara, Türkiye
Telefon: +90 312 296 5594
E- Mail: gulbikedemirel@gmail.com
Yayın Başvuru Tarihi : 19.12.2017
gdemirel@ankara.edu.tr Yayına Kabul Tarihi : 19.06.2018


INTRODUCTION Two proximal box cavities were prepared on each tooth

Long-term adhesion of restorative biomaterials bound to [80 proximal box cavities (N= 80)], with the occlusal
hard tooth tissues is essential for clinical success.1, 2 When dimensions being approximately one-third of the
weak van der Waals forces between the monomers are intercuspal dimension. The cervical limit of the mesial
transformed into covalent bonds, the distance between the proximal box cavity was approximately 1 mm below the
monomers reduces, resulting in polymerization shrinkage. cemento-enamel junction, whereas that for the distal
This contraction induces stress at the tooth-restoration proximal box cavity was approximately 1 mm above
interface, and when this stress exceeds the bond strength, the cemento-enamel junction. The inner angles of the
debonding occurs.3 When marginal integrity is compromised cavities were rounded, and the gingival margins were left
due to debonding, problems such as leakage, recurrent as butt joints. Cavities were created with a new cylindrical
caries, and pulpal irritation may occur.4 diamond burr (Meisinger, Germany) using a high-speed
Recently, a new class of composites, known as bulk-fill hand-piece with water cooling. The cavity depth was
composites, was introduced in the market. These composites standardized by polishing the occlusal surfaces of the
reduced the polymerization stress, demonstrated high teeth with silicon carbide paper (P1000–P4000Metkon,
reactivity to light curing, and allowed insertion of a Gripo 2v Grinder-Polisher, Turkey) under water cooling to
single 4–5 mm bulk increment.5 These composites can be 5 mm. The final cavity depth was measured using digital
categorized into two main groups: base (flowable) and full- calipers (Mitutoyo 500, Mitutoyo Corporation, Kanagawa,
body (paste-like) bulk-fill composites. Japan) to ensure uniformity.
Generally, base bulk-fill composites have low viscosity,
Restorative procedure
enabling precise delivery through a narrow syringe,
facilitating simplification of placement and adaptation to After the preparations were completed, metal matrix bands
deep cavities. These composites typically have less filler (Adapt SuperCap Matrix no 2182, Kerr-Hawe, Bioggio,
content, which reduces surface resistance; therefore, Switzerland) were placed around each specimen to create
capping with a conventional composite is required. the lost proximal wall. The teeth were then divided into four
Full-body bulk-fill composites can be considered as the only groups and restored using the following materials.
true bulk-filling type, allowing one-step placement of the Flowable composite + conventional paste-like composite
entire restoration without requiring additional capping layer. group: Clearfil S3 Bond Plus (Kuraray Noritake Dental
These materials generally have a higher filler load, which Inc., Japan) was applied to the entire cavity wall using
makes them highly viscous and their surface more wear an applicator brush. The excess solvent was allowed
resistant.5, 6 to evaporate using a gentle air blast until the bond film
We tested three null hypotheses: (1) there would be appeared to be set (approximately 10 s). The bonding
differences in Class II box cavities that were restored using agent was then cured for 10 s using an LED curing unit
different restorative materials; (2) the restoratives under (SDI Radii Plus, SDI Limited, Australia). The output power of
investigation would exhibit significant differences in gap- the curing unit was periodically monitored using a dental
free margin extent at the cervical enamel and cervical radiometer to ensure a minimum intensity of 1000 mW/cm2.
dentin interfaces; and (3) thermo-mechanical loading would Cavities were restored using conventional flowable resin
not affect the marginal integrity of bulk-fill composites at composite (Filtek Supreme Ultra Flowable Restorative, 3M
either the enamel or the dentin margins. ESPE, USA) as the first 1-mm layer. This was followed by
MATERIALS AND METHODS restoration using conventional paste-like resin composite
(Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative, 3M ESPE, USA)
This study was approved by the Local Ethical Committee
for the residual cavity height and was applied in increments
of the Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry (Approval no:
of 2-mm thickness with each increment light-cured for 20
36290600/46). The study protocol was in accordance with
s (Figure 1 A).
the Declaration of Helsinki.
Conventional paste-like composite group: The same
Cavity preparation procedure adhesive was applied and cured using the aforementioned
Forty intact third human molars were extracted and were procedure. However, the cavities were restored using
immediately stored in normal saline solution. The specimens three horizontal increments (2 mm for the first and second
for study were prepared within two weeks. increments and 1 mm for the last increment) of conventional


Figure 1. Representative figures of restorative procedure. A: Flowable composite (1mm, one layer) + Conventional paste-like composite (2mm,
two layers), B: Conventional paste-like composite group (2mm, three layers), C: Bulk-fill flowable composite (4mm, one layer) + Conventional
paste-like composite (1mm, capping layer), D: Bulk-fill paste-like composite group (4mm, one layer).

paste-like resin composite with 20 s of light curing for each The groups were then subdivided as follows:
increment (Figure 1B). 1. Flowable composite + conventional paste-like composite
Bulk-fill flowable composite + conventional paste-like
group with thermo-mechanical loading (n = 10),
composite group: The same adhesive was applied and
2. Flowable composite + conventional paste-like composite
cured as described above. The cavities restored with bulk-
group without thermo-mechanical loading (n = 10),
fill flowable composite (Filtek Bulk-fill Flowable Restorative,
3. Conventional paste-like composite group with thermo-
3M ESPE, USA) for the first increment (4 mm) were light-
mechanical loading (n = 10),
cured for 20 s. Conventional paste-like composite was used
4. Conventional paste-like composite group without
as the capping layer, followed by light curing for 20 s (Figure
thermo-mechanical loading (n = 10),
5. Bulk-fill flowable composite + conventional paste-like
Bulk-fill paste-like composite group: The same adhesive was
composite group with thermo-mechanical loading (n = 10),
applied and cured as described above, and the cavities were
6. Bulk-fill flowable composite + conventional paste-like
restored using the bulk-fill paste-like composite as a 5-mm
composite group without thermo-mechanical loading (n = 10),
bulk, followed by light curing for 10 s from the occlusal side,
7. Bulk-fill paste-like composite group with thermo-
10 s from the buccal side, and 10 s from the lingual side
mechanical loading (n = 10), and
(Figure 1D).
Details of the composite materials used in the study are 8. Bulk-fill paste-like composite group without thermo-
indicated in Table 1. mechanical loading (n = 10).
For subgroups with thermo-mechanical loading, the
Mechanical loading
specimens were subjected to thermal and mechanical
After the cavities were restored, apices of the teeth were loading cycles using the chewing simulator with
sealed with a layer of sticky wax, and all tooth surfaces simultaneous thermal cycling (Esetron chewing simulator,
were covered with two coats of nail polish, except for the Turkey). Specimens were arranged in a simulator chamber
restorations and 1 mm from the restoration margins. Teeth and occluded against a stainless steel antagonist (2-mm
specimens were embedded in cylindrical PVC molds in self- diameter) striking two lateral ridges of the restorations
curing acrylic resin up to 2 mm apical to the cervical wall of for 240,000 cycles at 50 N at a frequency of 1.6 Hz. The
the restoration. specimens were simultaneously subjected to thermal


Table 1. The composition of bulk-fill and conventional composite materials used in the study
Material Recommended Capping curing time
Material Shade Matrix composition % by Manufacturer
Type tickness layer and
light intensity
and Procrylat resins,
ytterbium trifluoride,
Filtek 20s ≥ 400-1000
non-agglomerated/ 3M Dental
Ultimate Convetional mW/cm2 10 s
A2 non-aggregated 65 2mm No Products.
Flowable flowable ≥1000-2000
surface modified silica St.Paul, USA.
Restorative mW/cm2
filler, surface modified
aggregated zirconia/
silica cluster filler
bis-GMA, UDMA,
Filtek 20s ≥ 400-1000
non-aggregated 3M Dental
Ultimate Convetional mW/cm2 10 s
A2 silica filler, a non- 78,5 2mm No Products.
Universal paste-like ≥1000-2000
agglomerated/non- St.Paul, USA.
Restorative mW/cm2
aggregated zirconia
filler, aggregated
zirconia/silica cluster
20s ≥ 500-1000
Filtek Bulk- bisEMA, procrylat 3M Dental
Bulk-fill mW/cm2 10 s
fill Fowable Universal resins, ytterbium 64,5 4mm Required Products.
flowable ≥1000-2000
Restorative trifloride, zirconia/ St.Paul, USA.
diurethane-DMA, 10 s occlusal,
Filtek One 3M Dental
Bulk-fill and 1, 12-dodecane- 10 s buccal, 10 s
Bulk-fill A2 76,5 5mm No Products.
paste-like DMA,ytterbium lingual ≥1000-
Restorative St.Paul, USA.
trifluoride, zirconia/ 2000 mW/cm2

cycling between +5°C and +55°C by filling the chambers the cervical gingival microleakage. The microleakage was
with water at each temperature for 60 s. The mechanical scored using the following scale: 0= no leakage; 1= leakage
action and water temperature within the chewing chambers extends up to half of the cervical wall length; 2= leakage
were checked periodically to ensure a precise thermo- extends across the entire cervical wall length; 3= leakage
mechanical loading effect. into the cervical and axial walls toward the pulpal wall.
After the mechanical loading and thermal cycles, the The cervical gingival microleakage scores were statistically
specimens were immersed in 0.5% basic fuchsin dye at analyzed using three-way analysis of variance, followed by
23°C for 24 h. Following immersion, the teeth were washed paired-group comparisons using Tukey post hoc test at a
thoroughly with distilled water, and sectioned mid-sagitally 95% significance level.
in the mesial-distal plane using a slow-speed diamond
saw (Micracut 175, Metkon Instruments Ltd., Turkey) with
irrigation. The sectioned samples were examined under The microleakage scores for the enamel and dentin margins
a stereomicroscope (Leica MZ 12; Leica Microsystems, are indicated in Table 2. Statistically significant differences
Germany) at 40× magnification to assess the extent of in the degree of leakage between the enamel and dentin


margins were observed in all test groups, regardless of the resin composites, manufacturers have produced a new class
restorative technique used, and with or without thermo- of composite materials, bulk-fill composites, and can be
mechanical loading. Restorations that ended within dentin placed in single or deeper increments. These composites
demonstrated greater cervical microleakage than those are methacrylate-based similar to traditional composites,
that ended within enamel (p= 0.001). Similarly, greater and a majority of bulk-fill materials in the market are purely
microleakage was observed in specimens with thermo- light-cured, with a few being dual-cured. Manufacturers
mechanical loading than those without thermos-mechanical have attempted to increase the curing depth of bulk-fill
loading (p= 0.001). A statistically significant difference in composites using various methods, which include reducing
microleakage was not observed for the combinations of
the filler content,10 using additional photo-initiators,5
restoration materials (p= 0.117) (Table 3).
increasing filler particle size,10 and increasing translucency.11
DISCUSSION According to Zorzin et al12 and El-Damanhoury and Platt,13

Marginal integrity is fundamental to increase the longevity these bulk-fill composites allow the use of material
of composite restorations,7 but it may be compromised by increments of up to 4–5 mm in thickness with low volumetric
the formation of microgaps. Polymerization shrinkage is polymerization contraction, resulting in low polymerization
the most common cause of microgaps in direct posterior contraction stress.
composite restorations.8 Different resin composites have Studies on the marginal integrity of bulk-fill composites have
different chemical formulations and consequently exhibit shown these composites to be superior to conventional
different degrees of polymerization contraction.9 composites,4, 14
whereas others reported no difference
In order to simplify and speed-up the placement of posterior between bulk-fill and conventional composites.15, 16

Table 2. Microleakage scores of Class II box cavity restorations

Without thermo-mechanical loading

Enamel (above cementoenamel junction) Dentin (below cementoenamel junction)

Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3

Flowable composite+ Paste-

8 2 7 3
like composite group
Conventional paste-like
6 4 6 3 1
composite group
Bulk-fill flowable composite
+Conventional paste-like 6 4 9 1
composite group:
Bulk-fill paste-like composite
10 9 1

With thermo-mechanical loading

Enamel (above cementoenamel junction) Dentin (below cementoenamel junction)

Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Score 3

Flowable composite+ Paste-

5 4 1 2 5 3
like composite group
Conventional paste-like
1 7 2 1 4 5
composite group
Bulk-fill flowable composite
+Conventional paste-like 4 6 4 6
composite group:
Bulk-fill paste-like composite
7 3 4 3 3


Table 3. Results of analysis of variance p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant
Type III Sum of
Source df Mean Square F Sig.(p)

Location of the cavities 8.100 1 8.100 26.270 0.001

Thermomechanical loading 28.900 1 28.900 93.730 0.001

Groups 1.850 3 .617 2.000 0.117

The first null hypothesis of this study was that there would that stimulate the hydrolysis of interface components cause
be less microleakage with bulk-fill composites compared with extraction of breakdown products or poorly polymerized
traditional composites because of their low polymerization resin oligomers29, 30 and 2) repetitive contraction/expansion
contraction stress. Nevertheless, there was no significant stresses are generated at the tooth–biomaterial interface
difference between any of the composites tested (p= because of the different thermal contraction/expansion
0.001). As a consequence, the first null hypothesis was coefficients of the restorative material and tooth tissue.31
rejected. In this study, severe microleakage in the enamel and dentin
It is widely accepted that margins located within the was found in all specimens subjected to thermo-mechanical
dentin allow for a greater rate of microleakage than those loading; therefore, null hypothesis (3) was rejected. However,
located in the enamel.17, 18 In the present study, the degree higher microleakage scores following thermo-mechanical
of microleakage was significantly affected by the marginal loading observed in this study are consistent with previous
substrate; the amount of dye penetration on the enamel studies.23, 24, 32
was significantly lower than that on the dentin (p= 0.001).
Thus, the second null hypothesis was accepted. This
finding is consistent with previous reports on adhesion on Considering limitations of this in vitro study, it can be
the enamel and dentin19 and is related to the low organic concluded that:
composition of the enamel compared with the dentin. The 1. Restorations with margins within the dentin had a
dentin has a complex structure rich in organic particles that higher degree of microleakage than those with margins
make adhesion to it more variable and challenging.20-22 within the enamel.
In vitro laboratory tests regarding the interchange of 2. Restorations that were subjected to thermo-mechanical
thermal and mechanical variations have been demonstrated loading were negatively influenced with higher
to simulate the oral environment.23 The thermo-mechanical microleakage scores in the enamel and dentin.
load cycling number in previous studies varied with the 3. No statistically significant differences in microleakage
methodology used.23, 24 DeLong and Douglas25, 26 concluded were found in comparisons of the four combinations of
that 240.000–250.000 thermo-mechanical loading cycles restorative materials.
is equivalent to approximately 1 year of in vivo function. 4. The bulk-fill and conventional composite groups
Therefore, we applied 240.000 thermo-mechanical loads to demonstrated similar microleakage patterns with
the specimens in this study. or without thermo-mechanical loading. This result
In previous studies, thermo-mechanical loading on occlusal suggests that bulk-fill composite materials may be
surfaces increased the degree of microleakage in the test particularly helpful for restoring posterior cavities in
groups compared with that in the control groups.24, 27, 28 cases where the procedural time is of concern, such as
Therefore, it can be considered that loads on the occlusal in children and patients with anxiety.
surface of samples may increase cusp deflection, generating REFERENCES
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16.06.2022 09:50 Clinical Dentistry and Research | TR Dizin

Clinical Dentistry and Research

(Clinical Dentistry and Research)

Editör: Hatice BUZOĞLU Web: http://www.clindentres.hacettepe.edu.tr ISSN: 2146-3964 / 2146-3972

Yayına Başladığı Yıl: 1976

Yayıncı: Yeni Adı: Eski Adı: Hacettepe Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Derg.(. Clinical Dentistry and Research)

Yıllık Yayın Sayısı: 3 Yayın Yapması Gereken Aylar: Nisan, Ağustos, Aralık Yayın Dili: İngilizce
Yayın Formatı: Elektronik, Basılı

Konu Kategorisi: Diş Hekimliği Konu Alanları: Diş Hekimliği


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16.06.2022 09:50 Clinical Dentistry and Research | TR Dizin

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