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Practical File

Academic Year - 2023-24

Submitted by - G.Shiva

Kumar Class - XI Humanities

Subject code - 802

Roll no. - 14

This is to certify that mast. G.Shiva Kumar

Roll no. 14, Class 11 Div A Has successfully
completed the practical in the subject
“Information and technology (802)” under the
guidance of Mr. Ramnath Bhat during the year
2023-24 as per the guidelines issued by central
board of secondary education.

Date -

Teacher’s signature Examiner’s signature

Principal’s signature

Sr. no Topic Page no.

1 Hello world 1
2 Good Morning, Good 2
3 Adder 3
4 Calculator 4-5
5 Password 6
6 Simple Interest 7
7 Lab exercise 1 8
8 Lab exercise 2 9
9 Lab exercise 3 10
10 Lab exercise 5 11-12
11 Lab exercise 6 13-14
12 Lab exercise 7 15-16
Aim :- To Create a basic Java GUI application that
displays a window with the message "Welcome Name"
using Java.

Figure 1.1 - Hello World GUI

Figure 1.2 - Code for Hello World

Figure 1.2 - Output of Hello World

Aim :- To Design a GUI application which says Good
Morning, Good evening using simple Java.

Figure 2.1 - Good morning Good evening GUI

Figure 2.2 - Good morning Good evening Code

Figure 2.3 - Good Morning Good Evening Output

Aim :- To Design a basic GUI application which Adds
two numbers.

Figure 3.1 - Adder GUI application

Figure 3.2 - Adder Code

Figure 3.3 - Adder Output

Aim :- To create a basic GUI application which adds,
subtracts, multiplies and divides two numbers using
Logical operators.

Figure 4.1 - Calculator GUI

Figure 4.2 - Calculator Code 1

Figure 4.3 - Calculator code 2

Figure 4.4 - Calculator output

Aim :- To create a basic GUI application which accepts
username and password from user by using

Figure 5.1 - Password GUI

Figure 5.2 - Password Code

Figure 5.3 - Password Output

Aim :- To create a basic GUI application which accepts
input from the user and calculate simple interest using
logical operators

Figure 6.1 - Simple Interest GUI

Figure 6.2 - Simple Interest


Figure 6.3 - Simple Interest Output

Aim :- To Design a GUI application in which the user
enters a three digit number in the text field and on
clicking the button the sum of the digits of the
numbers should be displayed in a label.

Figure 7.1 - Lab practical


Figure 7.2 - Lab Practical 1 code

Figure 7.3 - Lab Practical 1


Aim :- To Design a GUI application to accept a number
from the user in a text field and print using option pane
whether it is a positive even number or not.

Figure 8.1 - Lab

Practical 2 GUI

Figure 8.2 - Lab Practical 2 Code

Figure 8.3, 8.4 - Lab Practical 2


Aim :- To Design a GUI application to accept the cost
price and selling price form the user in two text fields
then calculate the profit or loss incurred.

Figure 9.1 - Lab practical


Figure 9.2 - Lab practical 3 Code

Figure 9.3 - Lab practical 3


Aim :- To Design a GUI application in java to convert
temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa
using radio buttons and two text fields.

Figure 10.1 - Lab

Practical 5 GUI

Figure 10.2 - Lab Practical 5 Code

Figure 10.3 - Lab practical 5

Output 1


10.4 - Lab Practical 5

Aim :- To Design a GUI application in java to convert
kilograms into grams, liters into milliliters, rupees into
paisa using combo box and text fields.

Figure 11.1 -
Lab Practical 6

Figure 11.2 - Lab Practical 6 Code

Figure 11.3 - Lab

Figure 11.4 - Lab Practical

6 Output 2

Figure 11.5 - Lab

Practical 6 Output 3

Aim :- A book publishing house decided to go in for
computerization. The database will be maintained at
the back end but you have to design the front end for
the company. You have to accept book code, Title,
Author and Quantity sold from the user. The Price will
be generated depending upon the book code. Net price
should be calculated on the basis of the discount given.

Figure 12.1 - Lab

Practical 7 GUI

Figure 12.2 - Lab Practical 7 Code

Figure 12.3 - Lab

Figure 12.4 - Lab Practical

7 output 2

Figure 12.5 - Lab


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