Solid Fuels

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Solid Fuels as CxHyOz molecules - thermodynamic and kinetic aspects

Article · January 2013


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2 authors:

Marek Sciazko Leszek Stępień

AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków


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Solid Fuels as CxHyOz Molecules – Thermodynamic

and Kinetic Aspects
Marek ŚCIĄŻKO – Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze - Leszek STĘPIEŃ – AGH University
of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland

Please cite as: CHEMIK 2013, 67, 5, 379–386

Introduction usability. The coal classification suggested from a thermodynamic

Solid fuels, including primarily hard coal and lignite originated as perspective has a nature of absolute scale, while the values of kinetic
a result of physicochemical conversion of primary organic substance parameters of coals analysed are right for the adopted pyrolysis model
under the influence of temperature, pressure and in a basically and therefore the kinetic classification is relative.
anaerobic environment. This process, referred to as a metamorphism
phase, was accompanied by, inter alia: evolution of carbon dioxide, Enthalpy of formation
water and methane. The higher conversion degree was achieved The enthalpy of formation represents the energy result of the
by the original organic substance, the more ordered was coal structure course of reactions, which resulted in the considered product
and increasingly larger domains of condensed aromatic structures. formation. For pure substances the enthalpy of formation assumes
Ultimately the fuel properties are decided by the temperature-time one defined value. Instead, because of a different chemical structure
history of conversion, manifesting itself in the elemental composition of coal the enthalpy of formation to a large extent will depend on
expressed mainly by the C, H, O, N, and S content and additionally the rank of coal and on the structure specific for a given coal. The
by the ash content. To determine technological usability of coal balancing of coal conversion processes may be carried out based on the
additional physicochemical analyses are sometimes performed, such knowledge of the calorific value of coal and of its conversion products
as: plasticity and caking ability, when coal is used in the coke making, or based on the method utilising the enthalpy of formation used in
and volatiles, ash characteristic temperatures or the calorific value chemical thermodynamics. The latter method provides also grounds
in the case of power generation applications. Basically, results of for commercial computer codes used for process computations (EES,
performed tests refer to a specific sample of coal and unfortunately ChemCad, Aspen) [2, 3, 4]. Unfortunately, in the case of coal in those
they cannot be catalogued like in the case of pure, structurally defined codes it is assumed that it is a physical mixture of pure elements and
chemical compounds. The thermodynamic potential of a substance is because of that the enthalpy of coal formation equals zero. Such an
defined by values of standard normal functions, including primarily the approach is the source of major energy balance errors.
enthalpy of formation, which reflects energy effects accompanying the
conversion. In the case of chemically unidentified structures, like in coal, Thermal Effect of Reaction and Enthalpy of Formation
of varying composition, determination of the enthalpy of formation Calorimetrically determined heat of combustion of coal differs from
requires slightly different testing procedures than in the case of pure the sum of the enthalpy of combustion of the elements contained in
chemical substances. The knowledge of the enthalpy of formation value the coal substance being in the standard state. The difference existing
of coal organic substance allows its comparison with others, but it is between these values is treated as a definition of the enthalpy of coal
also necessary for proper balancing of coal thermal conversions. The formation. A negative value of the enthalpy of formation means that the
coal structure formed in a peculiar georeactor has specific features creation of specific organic structure CxHyOz caused a release of defined
characterising the susceptibility to further conversions. In its nature, amount of heat. Hence to bring this organic substance to decomposition
the geochemical coalification of the original organic matter is an it is necessary to deliver an equivalent heat, which should be considered
inhibited pyrolysis and all technological directions of coal utilisation in the energy balance of the considered coal conversion process.
have a nature of thermal processes that is during the first stage they are Different values of enthalpy of formation result basically from the
related to its pyrolysis, in this case being a controlled and accelerated difference in the structure of coal organic substance. Taking into account
continuation of reactions proceeding in the coal deposit. From this Polish coals classification [5] and a typical elemental composition of the
point of view the defining of coal kinetic parameters may reflect the organic matter of coals quoted by Jasieńko after Roga [6], it is possible
effect of its geochemical conversions, taking into account characteristic to analyse a change of the atomic composition with increasing degree of
parameters of the chemical composition, and also allows determining coalification taking into account three basic elements: C, H, and O, which
this technological usefulness. In particular, kinetic parameters of coal is presented in Figure 1. It is possible to notice that the greatest changes
will characterise its generally understood reactivity. However, in this are related to the involvement of oxygen atoms.
case we encounter an additional difficulty related to the influence of
coal heating rate on the course of thermal decomposition curves,
which is typical of reactions proceeding in a heterogeneous system.
To compare various coal fuels and in particular their behaviour in
processes of thermal conversion it is necessary to find a method for
determination of basic kinetic parameters taking into account the
heating rate variability and the lack of knowledge about the course of
elementary reactions. Possessing the information on both the enthalpy
of various coals formation and on kinetic parameters it is possible
to determine not only the state of organic substance metamorphic
conversions, but also to classify coals for technological purposes [1].
So the paper suggests a method for determination of the enthalpy of
coal formation and of its kinetic parameters, which are subsequently Fig. 1. Change in the atomic composition of various coal types (kmols
used for their classification reflecting their structure and technological of atoms referred to 100 kg of organic matter)

nr 5/2013 • tom 67 • 383

This fact was confirmed by results of experimental studies, in The constant coefficients in equation (4) were determined
which 224 coal samples, originating from Russian [7], American [8] and by correlating experimental data; the results obtained are listed
Polish [9] mines, were analysed. The enthalpy of formation dependence in Table 1.
on the oxygen fraction was determined based on these results, which is Table 1
presented in Figure 2. The regions of positive value can be distinguished Coefficients of correcting equation (4)
for the oxygen content below 4% and positive above. Coefficient a1 a2 a3 a4
Value 4.852∙10 -3

As a result of the model adopted, the enthalpy of coal formation

ΔfH0 is described by relationship (5) resulting from the combination of
equations (1) and (3).

DfH0 = DcH0 [1–f(θ)] (5)

The enthalpy of formation for any coal fuel may be calculated

after determination of elemental composition and then calculation of
the correcting coefficient described by the oxygen content function.
Fig. 2. Enthalpy of coal formation vs. the oxygen content Calculations should be carried out for dry ash-free state. The results
obtained, if necessary, may be transposed to the actual conditions with
The applied method for determination of the enthalpy of coal account taken of water or ash content. When elemental composition of
formation consists in determination of the difference between fuel and oxygen content are known, then model (5) enables calculation
the enthalpy of coal component elements, being in standard state, of the value of standard enthalpy of coal formation. This was the basis
combustion reaction and calorimetrically determined heat of for drawing up a new thermodynamic classification of Polish coals,
combustion [10], which is expressed by equation (1). which is shown in Figure 3.

DfH0 = DcH0 – (– Qs) (1)

ΔcH0 – [kJ/kg daf] enthalpy of coal elements combustion
ΔfH0 – [kJ/kg daf] enthalpy of coal formation
Qs – [kJ/kg daf] calorimetric heat of coal combustion.
This method gives the same result in the case of elemental carbon,
and more precisely of its allotropic form of hexagonal graphite, for which
the standard enthalpy of formation is equal to zero. Thermodynamically
determined enthalpy of elements combustion reaction ΔcH0 is described
by relationship (2). The numerical coefficients in this equation were
Fig. 3. Thermodynamic classification of Polish coals [1]
calculated based on standard enthalpy of the combustion of elements
(C, H, S), and element fractions are given in percentages of dry matter:
As can be seen, the enthalpy of coking coals formation is nearly
DcH0 = –327.633Cdaf – 1417.892Hdaf – 92.768SCdaf, kJ/kg (2) zero. The enthalpy of anthracite formation is positive, though very low.
All other types of coal have negative enthalpies of formation and the
The difference between the calorimetric heat of coal combustion younger the coal the higher the absolute value of formation enthalpy.
(Qs>0) and the enthalpy of combustion of the constituents
(DcH0 <0) depends on the structure and elemental composition of Kinetics of Solid Fuels Decomposition Reaction
coal. It is therefore desirable to derive a correlation between the heat Coal is a complex solid substance and therefore in kinetic modelling
of combustion and the enthalpy of the combustion reaction of coal we use a simplified approach, allowing however representing the
constituents. In general, such relationship may be expressed in the actual conditions. Thermal conversions of coal with chemical structure
form of the following equation: difficult to define and texture changing during the conversion make
that many model approaches originated so far, taking into account the
– Qs = DcH0 f(θ) (3) reaction order, autocatalytic and diffusion effects as well as structural
changes [11]. Various points of view on the pyrolysis kinetics may be
where: f(θ) is the function correcting the enthalpy of combustion found in the literature; however, the basis for all analyses consists of
reaction which expresses the ratio of the absolute values of a decomposition reaction model, proceeding in accordance with the
combustion heat and of the enthalpy of the combustion reaction of following notation, presenting as a result an individual irreversible
the constituents. reaction of thermal decomposition of coal:
Based on the analysis of the effect of the individual elements on
the heat of combustion, an assumption was made that the correcting Coal ⎯→ Xvolatiles +(1–X)char (6)
function f(θ) depends on the oxygen concentration in coal Oddaf. As this
is an empirical function, it is expressed in the form of a power series. In the literature this notation is frequently considered
oversimplified, because it skips significant intermediate stages of
f(θ) = 1+ a1θ + a2 θ2+ a3 θ3 + a4 θ4.... (4) coal decomposition, including primarily the consecutive and possibly
parallel nature of the decomposition reaction of primary coal tar
where θ is the oxygen content expressed in mass percentage. (metaplast) postulated already by Van Krevelen [12]. Because of

384 • nr 5/2013 • tom 67

that many forms of kinetic equation have been formulated, dividing heating rate moves appropriate mass loss curves to the right. Because

also the pyrolysis into individual stages [13]. However, a comparison of that to compare kinetic properties of individual coals it is necessary
of various schemes of coal organic matter decomposition course to indicate a reference heating rate. Assuming that this rate is 5 K/min
leads to a conclusion that irrespective of the path for final products we obtain the relationship between kinetic parameters and volatiles
achieving, the notation expressed by relationship (6) reflects the final content in coal, presented in Figure 6. So it is possible to use the
result of pyrolysis. As a result, numerous authors approximate the presented methodology for solid fuels classification.
process of coal decomposition by the first order reaction proceeding
evenly throughout the particle volume [14, 15]. In such a case the
volatiles evolution rate can be described by the relationship:

Where: at time t→ ∞ the amount of evolved volatiles

V approaches V0daf. It is assumed that the reaction rate constant is
described using a classical Arrhenius law in the form of:

k= k0exp (–E/RgT) (8)

The adoption of the above approach allows determining averaged

Fig. 5. The influence of the heating rate m K/min on the yield
values of activation energy E and the frequency factor k0 for the of volatiles for “Zofiówka” coal
studied pyrolysis range. These values were determined based on
results of thermogravimetric studies carried out at the Institute for
Chemical Processing of Coal. Pyrolysis of coals of various coalification
degrees was carried out on a laboratory scale using a LECO TGA-
501 thermogravimetric analyser, using samples weighing 1–5 g. The
instrument measures changes of mass at 0.00025 g sensitivity of the
balance. The studies were carried out in a nitrogen atmosphere at the
heating rates of 5 K/min, 20 K/min, 40 K/min and 99 K/min and at the
following final temperatures: 450, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850
and 900°C. Pyrolysis was carried out for coal samples preliminary dried
to a constant mass, at the temperature of 105°C [1]. Both the activation
energy and the frequency factor were determined using the method of Fig. 6. Activation energy and frequency factor versus volatile contents
for studied coals at m=5 K/min
error minimisation between the measured data of mass (volatiles) loss
and the model equation. Values of activation energy for various coal
types and at various heating rates are presented in Figure 4. Conclusions
A general methodology for the calculation of enthalpy of
formation and respective kinetic parameters was proposed for fuels
characterized by undefined chemical formula. Taking that into account
the study resulted in a suggestion for coal classification models from
thermodynamic and kinetic perspective, reflecting its structure and
technological usability.
A uniform method for determination of the enthalpy of coal
formation has been developed, which is related to the heat of
combustion and to the enthalpy of combustion reaction of constituent
elements of coal, either calculated as the difference between these
values or expressed by model (5). As a result of kinetic analysis of
experimental data, correlations have been prepared taking into
Fig. 4. Activation energy versus coal grade and heating account both the influence of the coal type and of the heating rate on
rate – m, K/min the change of kinetic parameters, i.e. the activation energy and the
frequency factor. The results obtained shows that between V0daf and
Similar results were obtained for the frequency factor taking into kinetic parameters E and k0 there are roughly linear relationships. The
account the influence of heating rate. A detailed analysis allowed finding developed methodology is helpful for comparative studies between
the relationship between volatiles content in coal, its heating rate various solid fuels of CxHyZy type.
and appropriate kinetic parameters. Equations (9) and (10) present
appropriate correlations. Acknowledgements
Work performed under task of research No. 3 funded under the Agreement
NCBiR No. SP/E/3/7708/10 and within AGH in Krakow statutory work
E= [–204.61n(m) – 267.2] •V0daf + [11023.21n(m) + 15775.0] (9) No.

1n(k0)= [–0.035ln(m) – 0.029] •V0daf + [3.0571n(m) – 8.265] (10) Literature

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Leszek STĘPIEŃ – M.Sc., scientific assistant at the University of Science
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of Coal Utilization. M.A. Elliott, ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1981.

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