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1 mark:

1) The correct option is B

2) Do not belong
3) tan((2 theta+3pi )/2)
5) 0
6) 3i,2i
7) Correct option: (a) x/b < y/b
8) Answer: (d) 40320
9) Answer: (a) 2^10
10) Answer: (d) [(n/2)+1]th term
11) Answer: (a) 3775
12) Answer: (d) 26
13) 2
14) Answer: (b) -a/b
15) Answer: (d) 13 units
16) Answer: (b) x = at2; y = 2at
17) Answer: (b) e > 1
20)Answer: (c) Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean

2 marks:

f(x) = x2


2) Let z = 4 – 3i.

The conjugate of 4 – 3i is 4 + 3i.

As we know, the multiplicative inverse of z is 1/z.

Hence, 1/z = 1/ (4+3i)

Therefore, the multiplicative inverse of 4 – 3i is:

3) The solution has to be kept between 68° F and 77° F.

So, we get 68° < F < 77°

20 < C < 25

Hence, we get

The range of temperature in degree Celsius is between 20° C to 25° C.

4) Given a bag contains 5 black and 6 red balls

The number of ways we can select 2 black balls from 5 black balls is 5C2

The number of ways we can select 3 red balls from 6 red balls is 6C3

The number of ways 2 black and 3 red balls can be selected is 5C2× 6C3

The number of ways in which 2 black and 3 red balls can be selected from 5 black and 6 red balls
is 200.

5) LHS =cos (570)sin (510) + sin (- 330)cos (- 390)

= cos (570) sin (510) + [ – sin (330) ]cos (390) [ because sin( – x ) = – sin x and cos( – x ) = cos x

= cos (570)sin(510) – sin (330)

= cos (90 * 6 + 30) sin (90 * 5 + 60) – sin (90 * 3 + 60) cos (90 * 4 + 30)

= – cos (30) cos (60) – [ – cos (60) ] cos (30)

= – cos (30) cos (60) + cos (30) sin (60)


3 marks:

4 marks:



5 marks:

1) Total number of letters in PERMUTATIONS =12

The only repeated letter is T; 2times

The first and last letters of the word are fixed as P and S, respectively.

Number of letters remaining =12 – 2 = 10

⇒ Number of permutations =

(ii) Number of vowels in PERMUTATIONS = 5 (E, U, A, I, O)

Now, we consider all the vowels together as one.

Number of permutations of vowels = 120

Now, the total number of letters = 12 – 5 + 1= 8

⇒ Number of permutations =

Therefore, the total number of permutations = 120 × 20160 = 2419200

(iii) The number of places is as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

There should always be 4 letters between P and S.

Possible places of P and S are 1 and 6, 2 and 7, 3 and 8, 4 and 9, 5 and 10, 6 and 11, 7 and 12

Possible ways =7,

Also, P and S can be interchanged,

No. of permutations =2 × 7 =14

The remaining 10 places can be filled with 10 remaining letters,

∴ No. of permutations =

Therefore, the total number of permutations = 14 × 1814400 =25401600



LHS = tan 4x = tan 2(2x)

By using the formula


It is given that

sin x + sin 3x + sin 5x = 0

We can write it as

(sin x + sin 5x) + sin 3x = 0

Using the formula

By further calculation

2 sin 3x cos (-2x) + sin 3x = 0

It can be written as

2 sin 3x cos 2x + sin 3x = 0

By taking out the common terms

sin 3x (2 cos 2x + 1) = 0


sin 3x = 0 or 2 cos 2x + 1 = 0

If sin 3x = 0

3x = nπ, where n ∈ Z

We get

x = nπ/3, where n ∈ Z

If 2 cos 2x + 1 = 0

cos 2x = – 1/2

By further simplification

= – cos π/3

= cos (π – π/3)

So we get

cos 2x = cos 2π/3

Let us consider OAB be the equilateral triangle inscribed in parabola y2 = 4ax.

Let AB intersect the x-axis at point C.

Diagrammatic representation of the ellipse is as follows:

Now let OC = k

From the equation of the given parabola, we have,

So, y2 = 4ak

y = ±2√ak
The coordinates of points A and B are (k, 2√ak), and (k, -2√ak)

AB = CA + CB

= 2√ak + 2√ak

= 4√ak

Since, OAB is an equilateral triangle, OA2 = AB2.


k2 + (2√ak)2 = (4√ak)2

k2 + 4ak = 16ak

k2 = 12ak

k = 12a

Thus, AB = 4√ak = 4√(a×12a)

= 4√12a2

= 4√(4a×3a)

= 4(2)√3a

= 8√3a

Hence, the side of the equilateral triangle inscribed in parabola y2 = 4ax is 8√3a.


Since the height and width of the arc from the centre is 2m and 8m, respectively, it is clear that the length
of the major axis is 8m, while the length of the semi-minor axis is 2m.

The origin of the coordinate plane is taken as the centre of the ellipse, while the major axis is taken along
the x-axis.

Hence, Diagrammatic representation of semi-ellipse is as follows:

The equation of the semi-ellipse will be of the from x2/16 + y2/4 = 1, y ≥ 0 … (1

Let A be a point on the major axis such that AB = 1.5m.

Now draw AC ⊥ OB.

OA = (4 – 1.5)m = 2.5m

The x-coordinate of point C is 2.5

On substituting the value of x with 2.5 in equation (1), we get,

(2.5)2/16 + y2/4 = 1

6.25/16 + y2/4 = 1

y2 = 4 (1 – 6.25/16)

= 4 (9.75/16)

= 2.4375

y = 1.56 (approx.)

So, AC = 1.56m

Hence, the height of the arch at a point 1.5m from one end is approximately 1.56m.


First, we have to calculate Mean for Length x.


From the given data,

Let us make the table of the given data and append other columns after

X (xi) Y (yi) Xi2 Yi2

35 108 1225 11664

54 107 2916 11449

52 105 2704 11025

53 105 2809 11025

56 106 8136 11236

58 107 3364 11449

52 104 2704 10816

50 103 2500 10609

51 104 2601 10816

49 101 2401 10201

Total = 510 1050 26360 110290

We have to calculate Mean for x,

Mean x̅ = ∑xi/n

Where, n = number of terms

= 510/10
= 51

Then, Variance for x =

= (1/102)[(10 × 26360) – 5102]

= (1/100) (263600 – 260100)

= 3500/100

= 35

WKT Standard deviation = √variance

= √35

= 5.91

So, co-efficient of variation = (σ/ x̅) × 100

= (5.91/51) × 100

= 11.58

Now, we have to calculate Mean for y,

Mean ȳ = ∑yi/n

Where, n = number of terms

= 1050/10

= 105

Then, Variance for y =

= (1/102)[(10 × 110290) – 10502]

= (1/100) (1102900 – 1102500)

= 400/100


WKT Standard deviation = √variance

= √4


So, co-efficient of variation = (σ/ x̅) × 100

= (2/105) × 100

= 1.904

By comparing C.V. of X and Y,

C.V of X > C.V. of Y

So, Y is more stable than X.

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