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Assigpment-2 20117117, ECE


the 12 - 6Lded shape.

Atriangle will be for med f we choose any 3 verties of
This can be done in 1c, ways
No of riangles obtained F
= 220

2. Let ae NI be any arbitrary natural nunber

a,at 1, at 2, ,atn-i} epresent n con sec utive natural nunbers
Product of the nunbers in above set,
(atn- 1)
- (a) (at 1) (at 2)....
(at 2) (atn- 1)
= 1, 2.3..... a. (a+ 1).
1. 2. 3. ..... (a-1)

= (a+n- 1)1

(a - 1 ) n

=(atn ,).n!
(atne,) n!
(: atn- e NI)
Thus, theproduct of any n consecuti ve naturol nunbers Cs divis ible bu l

nnber in context,where a, b,c,d denote

3. (a) Let abcd be the
the face values at respec tive places.
Case T: d=
’ No. of choices for c = 9
(c can take c value from
1 to 9, both, inclusve )
» No. of choees for b= 8
(:Repeti tion is not allowed )
’ No. of choices for
Ca se : d#o (2
> No. of choices for d 4 ('de o, 2, 9, 6, 8}
’No. of choces for a \fo})
=8 Cae 1, 2,. )9}\{dy)
’ No. of choices for b 8 (" be
fo, 1,. .., 9} \ a, d3)
=> No. 0 choces for c = 7
lotal no. of comb inations = 9 x8x7 + 4x8 x8 x y

(b)(i) choices foY a 4 (': at i?,4,6,8})

choiues for b= (':"be {o, 2, 4, 6,83 \{a)
choices for d = 3 (' de {o, 2, 4, 6, 8} \{a, 63)
chaces for
. . Total count 4x 4x 3 x = 336

(ii) choices for a =5 ( ae {1, 3, 5,7,9 )

choice s for b = 4
choices for d = 5 (: d is even )
Cho ices for c =7
..Total choice s = 5X 4 X5 x7 = 700

(iii) choices for (:ae 2, 4, 6, 8})

choices for d = 4 (.de {o, 2, 9, 6, 8}\fa3)
choices for b = 5
choces for
Total cout 4x 4 x5 X 7 = S6o

(iv) choces for a = 5

b= 5
choices for
Choices for d = 4
choiees tor
Y = 7on
Total choices = SX5 x 4 x
eyhaustive as cover all possible Combinatiors
Yes, the above cases are
for the values of a, b,c and
FaGe Value
even odd even odd
b even o dd dd even

Can be treated as a Single knght while

4. (a) friday, Saturday and Sunday
arrargement happens Although they Can shuffle amorg thernselves
in 3l ways. The circular arrangenent will be taken care of while

placing the thus reduced 7-3+ 1 = 5 knights.

Total nunber of Oays =(5-1) ! 3! (3

K3 K4


Sypose ki represent the 7 knights, ie {1,3,., 7}

<ets fix Wednesday ot positon K7 w.l.og.
Choices for ki = 4 (': Ki cannot be
Chaces for KG = 3 (: K6 cannot be wednesda »
, Saturday Sun day )
Sorturday, sunday or the
knight at position kiL )
.Total arrangeents ( K?, K3, K4, K5 will
288 Cunong themselves inarTage
u! ways)
Note: Circular rangement here is taken cae of as wwe did not couted the
minor Yeflection cases twice.
5. (a) Total distinct oYarges available = 100

Oanges required for size test 20

Ways of sele ction = l00 20


(b) As the first and second selection s ve independest of one- another,

the o. ot ways Tema çn Soue, ie, loe).
Correpondg to the ways of first selection, there are ways of
cc)second selection both in nunber. Using the product rule, the
total nunber of ways is : 1o0C20
20 20

(d) Me thod 1 : we select 5 orooce

-that ywll be common in both selections.
This cs done in
Now, out of the emaining 15, we select 15 oranges for
first and sinilarly from the remaining 80, we select L5
Oranges for the second
:Total no. of ways =
Method 2 : et us select 20 orCUnges in 10OCoo wJ ays, and then 5
these 20 which wll undegp the second process as well in
Now, only 15 orange s need to be selected of the remainingB0.
tal ways
.Total )()*(° 15

6. No. of shelves = n 7
No. of dolls - r 3o
Case T: Distnct dolls
If no or deving is considered, the no. of ways Cs n',ce.yo
1f ordering of dolls is cons idered , no. of ways 's nY-'p z
Case T: Identical dolls
No of ways (^)= (6)
: 13 woys
people,i gets type Ascholarshp
7. of the 13

of the maining 12, 2get ype

of the e maninA 10, 5 t type
B in
12c2= 252=66 ways
.. Total ays of distribution = 13 x66 x 252
= 216 2 16

= 15
8. 1t t 3
1, C, 1, ; 1
This is simlar to destibuting 15 cdetical itens anorg 3 people
3uch tthat each gets atleast one.
solutions can be negative nnbers as well, but the
(Although iteger
constaints ln all options make the So lution set based on wbole nunbers)

Let us aive 1 iten each to e , and 3

)e need to distribu te 12 itens among 3 people, Such that eoh gets
ny nwnber of
No. of wnys
(:n 3,r = L2)
: 91. wwhich 's the number of Solutions rea, uired.

the least value it can take is 1 here.So above

Yeduces to:
cond ition
with , 0 , 7e, 1
(g is already fixed (-1))
As before, alloting 1 item to , in 1 way, we bave
‘= 13, n
'. Tot al nunber of Solutions : nt'c,

<et A, A , A, A vepresert the solu-tion set of the qiven with

the staints :
jollowing espective con

Ai , 6 , c,y 1, 3 0
Ag' >0, 2 1 , 3 0

Now,computing the number of Solutiens in each Case, e bave

JA| = 3+ (:r 15-1 14)
= 1c,u 120
|A,| = 3+ 8 -1 (" 15- (6+ 1) = 8)

|A,) = 3+6-1, (:r 15 -9= 6)

]Al 3+o-1c = 15 - (6 +9) = 0)

..Appy ing the prineiple of inclusion and exclusion, we get.
Total number of solutions = |Al-(IA;l + |A,) + JA,
= 120 - (45+ 28) + 1

they must be delivered to their

q. (a)For all Letters to arve correctly,
addYesses.Tbis is
re Spective possisible in just L
= 1.
.No of ways
(b)Ths is simply derangemerst of 7 letters nd adre sses.
.".No. of ways D,

2 31 6 7!
= 1854

The house io which the rigtt letter arrives can be choSen in e,

way s. Othey letters deranged.
No. of wways c, xD,
= 1855

ference in the number of ways in whth the 7 letteS

(a)This is the dif
Aolivered Yandomy cunoA the houses and the uways in whch no
the right house.
letter avrives at the (6
No. of ways = 7!- Dy (*3 ..teu). né NI)
= 5040 - 1854

1o. After first five steps of procedure,

No. of prime s Constdereol = 5 ( i.e. 2, 3, 5,7, 11)
AU the multiples of these primes woutd also have been con sidered encd
cOSsed. Usng inclusion-exclus ion princple,
Count of numbers Con scdered


100 100 100

l23-s.23.5.11 |* 3s.7. 1!. )
( 50 t 33 + 20 + 14 t 4) (16 t 6t2+ 1 + 4 +
1o + 7+ 4 t 3t1) + (3 + 2 t 1 + 1 + o t ot

0f these consdered nwnbers, cout of nunbers Cancelled = 79-5

Additionally, 1is discavded, Leadng to 75 cancelled numbers

Integcrs 100-75
= 25

11. Cleavly, 97 is a prine nunber as it has no divisor o-ther than 1 and

itself. Our objective here is to Show that it s 9th prine.
To the Sieve of kratosthenes, we know that the prime nuwmbers nena in,
e other s are discarded. This
implies that after Some number of
steps 7 would rnain non - dacarded io it.
|4, 3, 5

|5316 59,7
|73,1 79,.22

Hene the subseript denotes the index of the prine Dunber while
its position through the sceve. Clearly, 47 turns out as the 25-th prime. countig
12. (a) let us rake a Venn-dingan copturig -the

Here circle
epre sents court of compurters having
syare of A dr ive s,
hose baving monitors and trangle of those Tunning windo w's - XP.
According to gven data : 30
St t + u t t =
pt q t Y
(Correction in the q,ues tion :
t = & (u1) 10' do not haye Adrives)
t ut r+
= 25

t 6
From Oand ( ) , u = 14- S -
frorn , O ), v = 54

Frorm O,,w),0, w= 3
From O,-,p 14-4-s (8
(() No. of PCs with at least one
propert ptyYt S+ t + ut
30 - w (from O)
- 30 - 3 (frm )
= 27

(ii) No. of PCs with none of the proper tes w

(from )
(ii) No. of PCs witth exacty one prepertY ptrt v
= (4-4s) t (s - 12) + (5t )
(fom ,O,@)
(iv) No. of Pcs with exactly 2 prop erties = t s t s

= yt st (14-S-q) (from @)
= 14

(b) Assunption CD-RoM drives ave Scme as A drives.

The modified venn-dagroum with Pentium processSor is :

where the shacded reg ion as well as the etire Space outs ide the

faure ep resents Pentwn processor.

ALL corrputers weth mon utrs have rentum processor,entire
(s shaded. Also, as each computer has atleast one feature, the entire
3pace outside (coresporc to 3) has Pentiumproce ssors .
Count of comp ters in seuare = t t tt

(from @)
a+ btc+ &+ 3 = 18 (given )

ASO, b +c+ t tu =10 (given )

un (fron nd )
= 15 (gtven)
Also, a tb+ 9t t
(from @)
hrom k and k), a = I7-S (.9
brom Ki nd , b= S- 8

No.of Pcs with otlenst 3features

+ (s-8 ) + 6 t(14-S-)
- 12
13. No. of months in = 12
of people with bir thdays in the Scne month = 100|
This is beause 100
z 8, inpyig that we allot 8 people in eah
month to
eveny sp Yead the data. T each of the 12 morths have &
tbrthdays, there would be 8x 12 = 96 people. The rernaing 4 ae then
distributed among ny 9dffeent months.

.'. 8+1 =4 people would atleast have birthdays io the sarne month.

14. Ket us divide the 12- day period into aups of 3 consecutive days as:

Group 1 : Day 1,2,3

Group Day 4,5, 6
Day 7, 8, 9
4: Day 10, 11, L?
sert = 195
Total no.of bills to be
oVer the Cs
Lf the distribution
no. of bills eAch
Yeceive s = = 48

Total bills Shared 4x48 192

Now 3 bllS

By Pigeonhole prneiple, atleast one goup whch receives atlegst

48+ 1 = 49 mnails.

15. Let a,,a21 - , a3s present the nunber of uarter hours driven on the
1st,2nd, .. ., 35th elay vspectively.
Let n1 4

+ a35
maximun nunber of arter hourS = 15x4 = 60
Also, a; 1 or 2, ngs 60 i 1, 2,..,36 }
’ 35/a ie {1,2,., 353
If 35ni for some , 1st to ith day lecd to 35 yuarter- hours, i.e 8 cnd 3
ater hours. (10
35/ni for ay ., ss woil gield different Yemainders from
the set {i,2, .. ,3on divition by 35.
Now, the rt are 34 nmmainders cnd 35 numbers .
..By Pigeon -hole principle, ni-n is dirisible by 35 for Some i,j, i>j:
.. Fom (j+ 1)th day to cth day, 8 cnd 3 qyarter hours would be
16. Divcding the rectangle into 25 Smaller vectangles of 3x4 dinensions,
each with
diagonal of length Scm, we get


by the pigeonhole princple, if we have 26 points and just 25 boxes,

then two must go to the same box.
As the maximum distnce betuween two points
rectagle is the
Scume as the length of its digonal, aatleast too points Sn part.
17. ket A nd 8 be tu00 people wth 2 uncommon and 2 cornmon trieds each
Case I : Fiends of A :

Only friends of A, not of B.

1f ng 2 of these 3 qre
’3 mutual sters.
strongers ,they stragers to &too.
Else, the Se 3 mutual friends ane friends with A
’4 mutual friends
Case I: friends of Acnd B:

riends of both of them.

If any 2of these 3 ave
miends , they are with Aand 8 too
’ 4 mutual iends
Else, all three ae
’ 3 mutual strgers
Io our consideration initiallu people were left and hence atleast 3 were
Aistributed. The case of triends of only B 's simlar to Case T.
18. (a) heneral term : (1

12-2r (-)Y29-r

for 6) 24-Y 16
’r 8

8+1 = 12 -2x8 l - 1 6


Coeffiient = 495

(b) heneral teTm using mutinormial theorem :

10 1

for n'y'z,T, =2,, 3, , 5

.Ta,35 2!3! 5!
’ Coeffiient = 2520 (or sinply Jo/
2! 3! 5l
c) Proceeding as
as above,

- (-2) 720 t 33

for 7 rat 3r, =7 with Yi tY, t G =6, Yi 0,, 0,Y30.

T=0 3 (rejec ted)
1 T 1 ,r279
TË 2 > T3K (rejected )
Y, : 3 Y= 2,T 1
4> T3 (rejec ted )

’ Cocffiient = (-2)720 (-2)'720 360

4!1! 1! 3! 1! 2|
(d) General term: (12
3-Y2 (*+d)
5-YL-a (e+ c)' (e+ d) :
For a',5-1- Y= 2
>,tT 3
1f Y1 =0,r, - 3 => 2,. 3c,. a'. 1. (e+ d)
14 II, Y, 2’ c,.3c, -a.(tc) (ctd)
4.3e.a' . (a+co' (e +d)

(e) (at vax + *)'(a+<)

= (a + a t + 2a 3/2 t 2Ja x/2 t2a) (at)
.Only nonfactional pouers would esult in a3
Coeffiuient - Sc
- 45
5c + 2.

19. Gheneral term:

= ncy (-4)
For e , 3n -5, =5 > rË = 3n

Sum of coefficients of es and o cs Kero

(-1)1 (-1) '2 = 0

(-1)+ c.(-1jT1-t (from )

Pe.(-1) =o

n! n!
(n-)!! (n-,+ 1)! (T, - 1)|

(n-Y)!i (1-1)!
(n-t). (n- ) (-)!

72( 3n-1) =nti

’n= 15
KO. This 's sinilay to the distribution of 1? items among 4 people
-that Cach gets anH number of itens.
)T= 12
’No. of terms =

21. (1tl1+y1t)"
= (1t* (1t ).. (1+ e)
(4y1+g).(Lty)(t z)(1tx).. .. (L+z)
n- terms
Out of these n-terms
ters, we choose mterms nd then
the se cond term of each of
them. Thçs happens in
with eah teYm
having coeffiient

Sun of oeffiients =()

22. k( ) = k.n
(n-k)! k<
n (n-1)!
(n-k)!(k- 1)|



n() K 1 k-1

: Gnsidey>(1 t )
Proof? we have,

Put c= 1
’-1 (14
k1 Ck-L
Thus poved.
23. (a) HS =


=n2+ 2 (0s ing results proved in previou s

(b) Consider the erpansion of (14 )^as:
(1+ ) - (L+e )° (1+ x)
(+e, t +
", we bave,
Comparing the cocffiient of

<HS =L (kt1) c

2 2

k=o k 0

k=d k-l (Using O cund the esult

from prevous problem)

+ ( Simiarly as 0)
1 n 2n- 1)
n! (n-1)|

+ )c,o
(c) (HS =
k-o k+2

nt 1

k =0
(n+ 1) (k+2)

-2,(-1y* (k*1) nt2

k=o (nt1)(ht2)

k nt2
2 (-1 (k+2) kta

(nt1)(nt2)\k=0 k=o

(nt1)(nt2) \k-o k=o

(nt2) (-1) nt1
C+ S - ) k nte
(nt1)(nt2) k=o K=o

(nt1) (ot2) -l + n+2

(ot1)(o+ 2) (nt2)-(I-1)" +1]-[ (1- 1) *nt 1)

(nt2 -n-1)

(d) <HS = (-*


1 (-yk
k=0 (kt1)

1 'c.(-)*
(-L* (16

(nt1) k= o nt'cnrk
(nt1) -coefficient of *"e iin the e-pansion of (it )* (L-*y
(-1) 2,n! 9n ts odd
(-1) l n s even
(nt 1) 9

Thus povcd.

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