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Rizal Technological University

College of Business, Entrepreneurship, and

Tuesday & Friday 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Module No. : 2
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the
are about to: He traveled to East Africa with the
Portuguese navy in 1505. They battled and
● Discuss how the Spaniards colonized sank an Egyptian ship in the Arabian Sea
the Philippines four years after he had first hand combat
● Know how the Philippine
experience. He explored and conquered
Archipelago was discovered and
● Know what happened after the battle Malacca two years after the Battle, when he
of Mactan also obtained Enrique, a native servant. He
suffered a leg wound in battle with the
moors in Morocco in 1513, which left him
with a limp for the rest of his life. Following
Topic: Colonization of the
the incident, Magellan was charged with
illicit trade with the moors, which led to the
It all began when the two mighty nations King's order forbidding him from being
Portugal and Spain had a fierce rivalry in hired in Portugal.
enlarging their empires and seeking out
spices as one of the most expensive Discovery of the Philippine Archipelago
commodities that is comparable to gold. A Venetian scholar and traveler named
Portugal and Spain are both Catholic
Antonio Pigafetta requested to join
nations, thus Pope Alexander VI of the
Vatican intervened to defuse the situation Ferdinand Magellan's expedition on August
and prevent further hostilities. 10, 1519, taking the position of
"supernumerary" and a meager stipend. He
Who is Ferdinand Magellan? became Magellan's obedient assistant and
In the year 1480, Ferdinand Magellan was wrote thorough journals. Only Francisco
born in Portugal. Both His parents belonged Albo, who maintained a proper notebook,
to the nobility. After his parents passed would have reported the voyage to land.
away, he concluded his education in Juan de Cartagena was appointed the
mapping, astronomy, and celestial expedition's Inspector General, in charge of
navigation while studying in Lisbon. overseeing its commercial and financial
affairs. On March 17, 1521. Magellan and
his crew made their first contact with people
on Homonhon Island, which ultimately
joined the Philippine archipelago.
Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 1 of 9
Who is Rajah Humabon? kill every Spaniard who was still on the
Rajah Humabon was mentioned in Antonio island. Through the assistance of Enrique,
Pigafetta's notebook. He was revered as the who held a personal vengeance towards
most intelligent and courageous person on Barbosa for the callous manner he was
the island of Sugbo (Cebu). He was their treated, the Rajah invited the Spaniards to a
Supreme Ruler and oversaw eight chiefs of feast. Despite having some misgivings and
barangays. The ship of Ferdinand Magellan fear at the moment, the new fleet
made landfall close to the royal house (close commanders Juan Serrano and Duane
to the Sugbo coast). Face-to-face discussions Barbosa attended to the invitation along with
between the leaders took place. a few other Spaniards. Rajah Humabon gave
the signal, and as soon as his men arrived at
Who is Lapu the feast site, they assaulted Serrano,
Lapu? Barbosa, and their men with bolo weapons
Lapu-Lapu was and spears. Except for Serrano, who
said to have been survived despite being gravely wounded and
born in 1491, but making it to the coast on foot, all of the
the body can other Spaniards were slain. The crow of
actually tell the their ships spotted him in the distance, but
exact date. sadly they were too terrified to save him and
chose to leave Serrano to perish.

He was a resident of Mactan and later rose

to the position of Chief. As a leader, he To replace the two deceased leaders, they
aided his people in gaining their once more chose another captain for their
independence and led them in battle against ships. The Trinidad, Concepcion, and
invaders. Lapu- Pas Cali Pulaco, a poet from Victoria had a problem because they were
the 17th century, was actually Cilapulapu in short on crew for their main ships. As a
Antonio Pigafetta's account. result, they decided to abandon and burn the
Concepcion, a smaller ship, and divide the
What Happened After the Battle of crew between them and the Trinidad, which
Mactan? was commanded by Gonzalo Gemer de
After the Battle of April 28, 1521, in which Espinosa, and the Victoria, which was
the native ruler Lapo Lapu beat Magellan in commanded by Juan Selution El Cano. They
Mactan, Rajah Humabon lost faith in the entered the Port of San Lacar de Barrameda
Spaniard and changed into a punisher, after circumnavigating the Cape of Good
becoming the first Filipino to avenge the Hope. The first ship to circumnavigate the
honor of women. To avenge the rape of their globe, the Victoria, arrived in Seville, Spain,
women throughout the duration of the on September 7, 1522. Captain Juan
Europeans' presence, he hatched a plot to Sebastian Elcano received a lifetime annual

Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 2 of 9

pension from King Charles I of Spain as
well as a coat of arms with a globe and the Checked by:
Latin motto Primus Circumdedisti me, Jego Alfonso M. Juanillo
which means "You went around me first." Subject Instructor

“The Battle of Mactan”


Palado, Darwin R. The Reading in

Philippine History. Blk, 26 Lot 9
Sampaguita Street, Doña Rosario Bayview
Subdivision, Sucat, Muntinlupa City.

Prepared by:
Echon, Aliyah Avril
Lee, Caila
Aparri, Mawi
Penunia, Edreyan
Sajol, Randy
Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 3 of 9
Rizal Technological University
College of Business, Entrepreneurship, and The Philippine Archipelago was moved by a
Accountancy number of Spanish voyages after the
Tuesday & Friday 4:30 PM-6:00 PM
Magellan expedition, according to Antonio
Pigafetta's chronicles.
Module No. : 2
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the The five expeditions sent were:
learners 1. Fray Garcia Jofre de Louisa (1525)
are about to: 2. Sebastian Cabot (1526)
3. Alvaro de Saavedra (1527)
● Highlight the policies of the Spain in 4. Ruy Lopez de Villalobos (1542)
the colony to control the people in 5. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi (1564)
the archipelago of the Philippines
● Understand the Spanish Government The Legazpi voyage, one of the expeditions
Structure in the Philippines and sent, was the most fruitful because it led to
● Give importance to the Spanish Andres de Urdaneta's discovery of the
Government that promote education tornaviaje, or return voyage to Mexico
in the Philippines across the Pacific. This finding marked the
beginning of the two and a half-century-long
Manila galleon trade. The islands of Leyte
and Samar, however, were given the name
Topic: Spanish Las Islas Filipinas by Villalobos in honor of
Philip II of Spain.

What is Galleon Trade?

“The Spanish Era in the Philippines”

From 1565 to 1815, the Spanish government
controlled the trade using a galleon ship
with a route from Acapulco, Mexico, to
Manila, Philippines. who wanted to conduct
business in any Spanish colony had to use
Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 4 of 9
the galleon ship to transport their goods. The 3. To promote education
Spanish took taxes from the goods at the
same time as the transport fee for the galleon
ship, and these trades, which lasted for
almost 250 years, were known in Spain as Spain Policies in the Colony
"La Nao dela China '' (Most of the Cargoes When Spain made the Philippine
were from China through Manila). archipelago an official colony, they
implemented various laws to govern the
Establishment of Spanish Government in local populace.
the Philippines
The Philippines were governed by Spain for In 1503, a Caribbean island implemented a
333 years, from 1521 until 1898. The reduction approach by constructing towns
Spanish Governor-General's residence, and forcing families to relocate.
Manila, became their administrative hub As Spanish authorities monitored activity,
the location of their government, it was sending reinforcements annually. Early
known as Intramuros (the Walled City). The pueblos featured public parks, churches, and
aforementioned wall was constructed by the public buildings, with repartimiento, a
Spanish in the late 16th century to defend forced labor system.
the city from outside invasion. The name of
the governing system they introduced to the The Six Catholic Congregations Who
early Filipinos was "Encomienda." Came here in the Philippines
Encomienda is derived from the verb ● Augustinians
"encomendar," which means "to entrust." ● Franciscans
Spain developed this kind of administration ● Jesuits
in order to regulate local colony residents' ● Dominicans
behavior. Encomienderos, also referred to as ● The Recollects
Adelanto, were the people responsible for ● Benedictines
carrying out the Encomienda. The
Adelanto's were Spanish nobleman who Spanish Government Structure in the
served their king in the 15th, 16th, and 17th Philippines
centuries. This gave them the authority to Many changes occurred in the lives of our
serve as Governors and Justices in various early Filipinos when Spain invaded the
territories. Philippine archipelago and ruled it for 333
years. They did away with the semi-
The encomenderos were required by law to monarchical way of life and civilization and
perform the following duties: replaced it with their own kind of
1. To give protection to the natives government. The Philippines lost their
2. To help the missionaries convert the independence and freedom at that point. A
natives to Christianity

Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 5 of 9

centralized government was set up to rule
the nation.

National Government
Spain established a Central Government that
was located in Intramuros Manila. The King
of Spain was the central ruler. The King
designated his alter ego-the Viceroy to
Medico which was also under Spain. Its
function is to supervise all the colonies of
Spain with the Council of Indies.
Illustration 2

Illustration 3

The Governor was the highest-ranking

Illustration 1 official in the colony appointed by the King
of Spain and served as the King's alter ego.
From 1565 to 1896, there were 115 Spanish
Governor Generals in the Philippines, with
Miguel Lopez de Legazpi being the first and
Dirgo de los Reyes the last. The Governor
General's performance was investigated by
The Residencia, and The Visita was led by
a Visitador General from the Council of
Indies in Spain. The Royal Audiencia was
the highest court of justice in the colony,
Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 6 of 9
securing the people from abusive Spanish Invasions Attempts During Spanish Time
officials. The Alacadias (Provincial in the Philippines
Government) was headed by the Alcalde
Mayor, who received salary and privileges Chinese Invasion through Limahong (The
in controlling business and tax collection. Chinese Pirate)
The Carregamentos (Uncontrolled - Martin De Goiti, the city of Manila's
Provinces) were headed by designated founder, was murdered by
Army Officers, while The Apuntamiento Limahong's raid on Manila on
(City Government) was headed by an November 29, 1574. In 1565, Goiti
Alcalde. The Municipal or Pueblo de collaborated with Juan de Salcedo
Indios was led by the Gobernadorcillo, the and Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in
highest political position for Filipinos. To their conquest of the Philippines.
become a candidate for Gobernadorcillo, Limahon made an attempt to invade
one must be a Cabeza de Barangay and elect Paranaque as well, but Don Galo
the top three to be part of a list submitted to stopped him, and with Juan de
the Governor General or Alcalde Mayor. Salcedo's assistance, Limahong was
beaten and forced to withdraw to

Dutch Invasion

Several naval
battles took place
in the Philippine
waters in 1646
between the
Spanish fleet and
The Educational Decree of 1863 reforms the
the Dutch Naval
Philippine educational system, focusing on
Squadron, who
religion and vocational skills for the
attacked and
children. This led to the establishment of
attempted to
primary schools for boys and girls, with
invade the Philippines. The Our Lady of La
three grades and a curriculum covering
Naval de Manila, venerated on April 9, was
Christian doctrine, values, history, and
credited by the Spanish and some Filipinos
Spanish language. The decree also
for helping them defeat the Dutch. 1652.
established a normal school for male
The Battle of La Naval de Manila was the
teachers in Manila, while normal schools for
name given to the incident.
women teachers were not established until
1875 in Nueva Caceres.

Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 7 of 9

The Philippine Navy is presently protected over to Spain. Spain didn't turn over any
by the image of Our Lady of La Naval. discoveries in the cut, so Portugal attempted
to invade the Philippines as a result of
British Invasion Spain's breach of the treaty when Spain
It was known as "The Seven Years War" colonized the Philippines, because it was
between England and France during the allegedly a Portuguese territory. The
British Invasion. King Charles I of Spain Philippines are located in Southeast Asia.
felt threatened when France came
dangerously close to losing the REFERENCES
aforementioned war with England. England Palado, Darwin R. The Reading in
(Britain), on January 4, 1762, formally Philippine History. Blk, 26 Lot 9
declared war on Spain. The following day, Sampaguita Street, Doña Rosario Bayview
January 18, that same year, Spain also Subdivision, Sucat, Muntinlupa City.
declared war on Britain. On August 15,
1761, the King of Spain and the King of
France signed the Family Compact, a cease-
fire agreement against their competitor
Britain. The expedition was directed by 2cNHRpinp8pEgRwE9
Brigadier General William Draper and Rear
Admiral Samuel Cornish, and it entered
Manila Bay from Madras on September 24,
1762, and took Manila. British rule existed
in the Philippines. For a total of twenty (20) Prepared by:
months between 1762 and 1764, the Echon, Aliyah Avril
Philippines was ruled by the British. A Lee, Caila
peace negotiation took place between three Aparri, Mawi
Spains. The war was ended by France and Penunia, Edreyan
Britain signing a peace treaty. In the first Sajol, Randy
week of April 1764, after Manila had been
properly returned to Spain once more, the Checked by:
British forces departed from Manila and the Jego Alfonso M. Juanillo
Cavite region. Subject Instructor

Portuguese Invasion
The Papal Bull, which stated that Spain
would sail westward and Portugal would go
eastward, stated that all discoveries in the
cut must be turned over to Portugal, while
all discoveries in the west must be turned

Reading in the Philippine History: Colonization of the Philippines Page 8 of 9

D. 1523
2. Entrada : Entrance :: Encomendar :
A. To order
B. To collect
QUIZ C. To govern
D. To entrust
IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being
1. The first supreme ruler that was baptized for
correct letter of your answer.
A. If the first statement is TRUE, and the second
2. A governance structure where the King of
statement is FALSE
Spain is the central ruler and the one who
B. If the first statement is FALSE, and the
designated his alter ego to rule the Philippines.
second statement is TRUE
C. If both statements are TRUE
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the correct
D. If both statements are FALSE
letter of your answer.
1. The three ships did not arrived due to lack of
1. The island of the Philippines is the final
crews, EXCEPT:
destination of Magellan.
A. Trinidad
Lapu-Lapu is known to be the one who defeated
B. Concepcion
C. Santiago
2. Reduccion is made by Caribbean Island where
D. Victoria
they force families to relocate in the town they
2. It was headed by the one who received salary
and privileges in controlling the flow of business
England was the first who declared a war on
in his area.
Spain, and after 13 days, Spain also declared a
A. Governor General
war on Britain.
B. Alcalde Mayor
3. Antonio Pigafetta is the assistant of Magellan
C. Visitador General
and wrote an accurate journal.
D. Aguacil Mayor
The discovery of tornaviaje made the Legazpi
3. They are the third Catholic Congregation who
voyage as the most successful expedition.
came here in the Philippines from the province
of Mexico.
A. Jesuits
B. Franciscans
C. Dominicans
D. Benedictines

ANALOGY: Write the correct letter of your

1. Mexico : 1821 :: Mactan : ___
A. 1520
B. 1521
C. 1522
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