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Development of Control unit for Appliances and Room Electrical System

(CARE) for PWDs

Engineering Project Study Presented to

the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
College of Engineering and Technology
Tarlac State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Arcol, Rica Julien M.

Asio, Mc Glen D.
Baldogo, Denver Maennard M.
Banag, Mc Bryan C.
Bautista, Cee Jay Z.
Capua, Kris Anne Jil S.
Catacutan, Justin C.
Day, Shaina D.
Del Mando, Charlie Q.

APRIL 2023

Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University
Romulo Boulevard, Tarlac City


The Engineering Project Study/Thesis of Rica Julien M. Arcol, Mc

Glen D. Asio, Denver Maennard M. Baldogo, Mc Bryan C. Banag, Cee
Jay Z. Bautista, Kris Anne Jil S. Capua, Justin C. Catacutan, Shaina D.
Day, Charlie Q. Del Mando titled “DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROL
and accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.


Technical Adviser





Member Member

Accepted and Approved:


Chair, EE/ECE Department


The research project aimed to develop a Control Unit for Appliances and Room

Electrical System (CARE) specifically for people with disabilities. The CARE system

enables individuals with disabilities to conveniently control their electrical appliances and

devices, enhancing their independence and improving their quality of life. Through the

design of software and hardware components, the study successfully created the CARE

system and assessed user satisfaction. The findings revealed that the system was highly

appreciated, particularly for its functionality. However, there is room for improvement in

terms of accessibility and safety. This research holds great significance as it empowers

individuals with disabilities and encourages advancements in assistive technology. Future

studies could explore wireless materials, utilize GSM technology for intercom

communication, and adapt the system for compatibility with Air Conditioning Unit and

smart televisions.


First and foremost, thanks and praises to the God, the Almighty, for his non-stop

support all throughout our thesis journey that led this to completion. Without his

guidance, this wouldn’t have been possible. Through him, all the obstacles, stumbling

blocks, conflicts, and breakdowns we stand a standstill over these factors. We firmly held

on to his word in the book of Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through

Christ who strengthens me," and he never failed us.

We want to express our utmost gratitude to our very own research instructor,

Engr. Enalyn T. Domingo, for not giving up on us or leaving us behind. for her never-

ending patience and unfailing advice. Also, for sharing her knowledge that made us

realize that every second counts, And for our Research Adviser, Engr. Jonas Esguerra, for

his kind, considerate, generous, humble cooperation, and praise-worthy availability.

Lastly, we also want to thank Engr. Aldrin Taduran and the EE Faculty for their

contribution to this project.

For our loving and caring parents, we are deeply indebted and grateful for their

unconditional trust and sacrifice. They have been our pillars of strength and the source of

everything. Their selflessness made us the people we are today. We have kept the values

they have instilled in us. We are blessed to have such wonderful parents in our lives, and

we hope to make them proud every day.

We also want to thank the Capua, Del Mando, and Banag families for

accommodating us whenever we needed a place in the process. Their hospitability made

our heart melt thinking that we are being valued and cared for. This research project is

nothing without those people who stayed through ups and downs deserved to be

acknowledged. We love you all.




TITLE PAGE......................................................................................................................i

APPROVAL SHEET.........................................................................................................ii




List of Figures.............................................................................................................viii

List of Tables.................................................................................................................ix

CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................1

Background of the Study...............................................................................................1

Statement of Objectives.................................................................................................4

Significance of the Study...............................................................................................5

Scope and Delimitation..................................................................................................6

Review of Related Literature.......................................................................................7

Conceptual Framework...............................................................................................20

Activity Plan for Final Term.......................................................................................21

Definition of Terms......................................................................................................24

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................26

Methods of Study and Sources of Data......................................................................26

Research Design...........................................................................................................26

Locale of the Study.......................................................................................................27

Research Instrument....................................................................................................28

Data Gathering Procedure..........................................................................................33

Data Analysis................................................................................................................35

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................37

Presentation,Analysis, and Interpretation of Data...................................................37

CHAPTER IV..................................................................................................................60

Summary,Conclusion, and Recommendation...........................................................60

Findings of the Study...................................................................................................60







CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................1

Figure 1.1 Arduino Mega 2560...................................................................................16

Figure 1.2. automation system of Al-Tabatabaie et. al.............................................18

Figure 1.3. The Research Paradigm...........................................................................20

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................26

Figure 2.1. Map of Municipality of Concepcion........................................................27

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................37

Figure 3.1. Alarm System Circuitry...........................................................................41

Figure 3.2. Circuitry Remote Controlled Extension for appliances........................41

Figure 3.3. Control Unit Circuitry.............................................................................42

Figure 3.4. Arduino Code............................................................................................43

Figure 3.5. Overall Result for the Functionality.......................................................57

Figure 3.6. Overall Result for the Accessibility.........................................................58

Figure 3.7. Overall Result for the Safety...................................................................58

Figure 3.8. Overall Quality..........................................................................................59

CHAPTER IV..................................................................................................................60



CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................26

Table 2.1. Evaluation Rubric for Participant Responses: Based on 5-Point Likert

Table 2.2. Survey Form...............................................................................................31

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................37

Table 3.1. Issues Related to System Process and Components................................37

Table 3.2. Assessing Component Functionality.........................................................38

Table 3.3. Fabrication Process of Hardware Components of CARE System.........43

Table 3.4. Survey Form Result using Weighted Mean.............................................56

CHAPTER IV..................................................................................................................60


Background of the Study

Person With Disability (PWD) require specific needs to achieve a normal life.

According to Sharma and colleagues (2021), these needs include rehabilitation, assistive

devices, and support services, such as electrical devices, to control their environment and

improve their independence. Assistive devices are essential for individuals with

disabilities to improve their mobility, communication, and overall independence.

However, electrical devices can also play a crucial role in enabling individuals with

disabilities to control their environment and improve their independence, sometimes even

more so than assistive devices alone. Pacheco and colleagues (2020) suggest that these

devices can increase individuals' independence and quality of life. With the use of

electrical devices such as voice-activated assistants, remote control systems, and smart

home devices, individuals with disabilities can more easily and conveniently control their

surroundings. By providing individuals with greater control over their environment, these

devices can increase their independence, improve their quality of life, and promote their

overall well-being.

PWD’s who experience mobility impairments may be at a higher risk for

electrical hazards. According to a study conducted by Almutairi et al. (2021), individuals

with disabilities are at an increased risk of electrical injuries due to difficulties with

mobility, balance, and coordination. This study also found that individuals with paralysis

were particularly vulnerable to electrical injuries, as they may have limited sensation and

muscle control. It is important for caregivers, family members, and healthcare

professionals to be aware of these risks and take measures to prevent electrical injuries in

individuals with mobility impairments. This may include providing education on

electrical safety, installing


electrical outlets at accessible heights, and using electrical equipment that is designed to

be used safely by individuals with disabilities. By addressing these risks, PWD’s can

maintain a safer living environment and reduce the risk of electrical injuries.

Study suggests that smart home devices can provide individuals with greater convenience

and independence in their daily lives, particularly for those with mobility issues or

disabilities. Smart plugs, wireless electrical switches, Wi-Fi enabled power strips, and in-

wall smart outlets can all be controlled through smartphone apps or voice-activated

assistants, allowing for remote access to electrical appliances and devices.

Researchers have identified several potential drawbacks to the use of smart home

devices, particularly for individuals with disabilities. One potential disadvantage is that

these devices are often reliant on a stable internet connection and can be vulnerable to

hacking (Beecher et al., 2018). Furthermore, operating and maintaining these devices

may require technical knowledge and expertise, which can be a challenge for some

disabled individuals (Lazar et al., 2015). Additionally, smart home devices require

internet connectivity to function, meaning that in the event of a power outage or internet

connectivity issues, users may not be able to remotely control their appliances (Khanna et

al., 2019). Some individuals may have concerns about privacy and the collection of data

by these devices (Jung et al., 2020). Thus, while smart home devices can offer a range of

benefits to individuals with disabilities, it is important to consider these potential

drawbacks before implementing them. While smart home switches offer advanced

features and integration with home automation systems, RF (Radio Frequency) remote

controls are a better choice for users who prioritize ease of use and convenience. RF

remotes are easy to use, require no complicated setup or configuration, and can be

operated from anywhere


within range without a central hub or assistant. Additionally, RF remotes are highly

flexible and can control multiple devices, eliminating the need for hazardous wiring and

reducing the risk of electrical shock or fire. Overall, RF remotes provide a simple,

convenient, and safe way to control electrical devices, making them a better choice for

many users than smart home switches, which may require more technical expertise and


In line with this, the researchers came up with a research project that will make

use of Radio frequency (RF). This technology offers several advantages for remote

switches, including increased flexibility, convenience, and reliability. RF remote

switches can be controlled wirelessly from a distance, eliminating the need for physical

contact or wiring. Additionally, the researchers propose the Development of Control

unit for Appliances and Room Electrical System (CARE) for PWDs with stroke and

orthopedic disabilities who are not able to walk and have paralysis on one side of the

body. The system is similar to smart home devices mentioned previously. However, in

this study the researchers focus on developing a control unit to provide convenience

for Person with

disability (PWD).

The process of the Development of Control unit for appliances and Room

electrical System (CARE) for PWDs, includes: (1) Assessing the specific needs of the

individuals with stroke and orthopedic disabilities who will be using the room. Consider

their mobility, communication abilities, and any other factors that may impact their use of

the automation systems. (2) Design a plan on how to make the control unit that includes

features such as intercom, lights switch, TV switch, emergency buzzer button and, a

fan/ACU switch. Determine the specific devices and systems that will be used for each

feature. (3) Install the necessary devices and systems in the room, including any wiring
or cabling that may

be required for non-wireless systems. (4) Configure the system according to the

customized plan, ensuring that they are properly integrated and able to communicate with

each other and (5) Test the system to ensure that they are functioning properly.

Therefore, the researchers propose the Development of Control unit for

Appliances and Room Electrical System (CARE) that is specifically designed for

individuals with stroke and orthopedic disabilities who are unable to walk, experience

paralysis on half of their body, and are mentally aware, to provide convenience and ease

of use for Person with Disabilities, ultimately improving their quality of life.

Statement of Objectives

The aim of this study is to create a design prototype of Control unit for

Appliances and Room Electrical System (CARE) for Person with disabilities (PWDs).

Specifically, the research aims to:

1. Design the Software of the system.

2. Design the Hardware components of the of Control unit for Appliances and Room

Electrical System (CARE) for Person with disabilities (PWDs).

2.1. Intercom

2.2. 5V power supplies

2.3. extension wire

2.4. Electrical Outlets

2.5. Circuitry

2.6. Emergency Buzzer


2.7. Control Unit Enclosure

2.8. Control Switches

2.9. Microphone

3. Test and evaluate the prototype based on user’s satisfaction in terms of:

3.1. Functionality

3.2. Accessibility

3.3. Safety

Significance of the Study

This room automation research project will be significant to the following:

Person with disability: The CARE system will provide greater independence and

control over their environment, which can improve their quality of life.

Healthcare professionals: The automation system can reduce the workload of caregivers

and healthcare professionals, allowing them to focus on other aspects of patient care.

Healthcare facilities: The automation system can potentially reduce healthcare costs

and improve patient outcomes by providing a more efficient and effective means of care

for individuals with disabilities.

Assistive technology companies: The research and development of this automation

system could inspire further innovation in the field of assistive technology, leading to

more advanced and sophisticated solutions for individuals with disabilities.


Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to Develop a Control unit for appliances and Room Electrical system

(CARE) for people with disabilities using radio frequency technology. The device

provides convenience and ease of use of electrical appliances and assistive devices for

PWD’s. The study will focus on the design and implementation of the device and its

usability as well as improving the accessibility and enhancing the quality life for PWD’s

which includes the following features such as Intercom, lights, TV, emergency, fan, that

uses push button switches that will be customized to act as momentary switches. The

study will also investigate the potential benefits of the device by finding at least five less

fortunate PWD’s by assisting them to test the device and interview about their response

and recommendation for the device.

This study will not cover other automation technologies or devices such as voice

activated assistants and infrared devices such as Smart TV. The study will also be limited

to the automation of temperature control, entertainment devices, security devices and IOT

related technologies.

The study will be conducted via virtual and or face to face means, including

meetings, planning, and designing from the start of first semester until the end of 2nd

Semester A.Y 2022 - 2023.


Review of Related Literature

The research literature and conceptual framework that are relevant and significant to the

research being considered are presented prospectively in this chapter.

In today's homes, centralized control systems with remote transmitters are

progressively replacing standard switches for control. In addition to being simple to use,

this technology aids in preventing energy waste. The remote control (key fob) transmitter

is a compact, lightweight device that can operate at a respectable distance. It benefits

senior citizens, as people can operate switches from up to 75 feet away. Also, this key fob

transmitter is incredibly productive, with four buttons. It can be used in industrial and

medical systems that are for profit (Nasfikur et al., 2017).

The development of smart homes is not an isolated instance. One key factor is that

societal trends influence changes within that society. The focus of creating a smart home

should be on bringing value to the residents, rather than simply implementing technology

for technology's sake. The third step is creating smart environments, which hold great

promise in helping the elderly and handicapped. Setting expectations for smart homes is a

complex process involving multiple stakeholders. A smart home is the integration of

technology and services in a home network, aimed at enhancing the quality of life.

Numerous new smart home technologies are currently being developed, and we discuss

home automation, related technologies, and emerging trends. A "smart home" is a term

often used to describe a home that uses a controller to connect various home automation

systems. Most commonly, home controllers that are exclusively linked to a Windows-

based computer are used to handle home control responsibilities independently,

integrating house systems. Another way of using the home controller is to provide

voice control and one-


button operation simultaneously in pre-programmed scenarios or to operate different

home system modes. All computers, except general-purpose computers equipped with a

monitor, keyboard, etc., are considered embedded systems. An embedded system is a

device that has software built directly into the hardware, tailored for one or more

applications, products, or components of larger systems. It controls electromechanical

equipment that may be part of a predetermined set of pre-programmed instructions for a

more comprehensive system. An embedded system is a method of functioning,

organizing, or carrying out one or more activities in accordance with a predetermined set

of rules or a program. It is a setup where all components come together and collaborate as

per a plan or program (Robles & Kim, 2010).

Microcontrollers are the crucial components that make up an embedded system.

A microcontroller is a small computer that contains a microprocessor which controls

various functions within the system's environment. Microcontrollers are used to automate

control of equipment and engines, such as domestic appliances. Embedded systems also

include those used in automation, automobiles, medical equipment, remote controls,

power management tools, and quadcopters (Upadhye, 2017).

Some microcontrollers use four-bit words, which require minimal power. These

microcontrollers can operate at clock speeds as low as 4000 Hz and are a key component

in embedded system design (Nasfikur et al., 2017).

To achieve this goal, the system is built in two parts, each with distinct toggle-

type receivers operating on the same frequency. One receiver controls a few household

appliances separately, while the other is connected to an Arduino Uno Rev3

microcontroller to change the signal format from toggle to latching. Many such

systems have been


constructed using the Arduino IDE program and programs for the ATmega328

microcontroller. One advantage of this technology is that, unlike radio frequency

technology, there are no range restrictions. Remote control (RC) is one of the most

popular conveniences ever created, used to operate many items wirelessly, including

televisions, doors, gaming systems, and air conditioning units, simplifying our daily lives.

Even computers come with an RC gadget these days. RC systems often use infrared (IR)

technology, and the controller unit requires batteries for a source of power. The first

wireless RC was created by Polley in 1955 using a light beam to control a TV (Elageli &

Ghet, 2018).

In the past, due to fundamental technological limitations, the RF strategy was not

considered a realistic option. As a result, IR technology gained popularity and was widely

adopted due to its low implementation complexity and cost-effectiveness. However, with

advancements in technology and significantly reduced component costs, radio frequency

has become a practical choice in recent years (Boaventura & Carvalho, 2013).

Some serious electronics enthusiasts have a dozen remote controls, and even those

who are not fond of electronics may have a variety of remote controls at their disposal,

from televisions to air conditioners. As we continue to integrate technology into every

aspect of our lives, it is likely that we will require remote controls to manage everything.

A possible solution is a universal remote control (URC) which is a control device that can

be programmed to operate different brands of one or more types of consumer electronics

gadgets (Elageli & Ghet, 2018). Low-end universal remote controls can only control a

limited number of devices based on their manufacturer, whereas mid- and high-end ones

allow the user to program new controls into the universal remote using codes for the

remote control (Higuma et al., 2003).

According to Yusuf et al. (2017), one popular method of controlling electrical

equipment is through the use of infrared signals to communicate between the TV remote

and the microcontroller. This technology can be used to manage a wide range of

electrical items, including lighting and plugs. Furthermore, Khan and Al-Mansoori's

(2019) research highlighted the advantages of using this system, including ease of use,

energy efficiency, and improved accessibility for those with impairments.

According to Guo and Wang (2017), microcontrollers are becoming increasingly

popular in-home automation systems due to their low cost and ease of programming.

According to the study, microcontroller-based systems can be used to operate a wide

range of electrical equipment, including lights and plugs, as well as heating and cooling


Caring for persons with disabilities (PWD) who live in the community typically

involves a gradual increase in responsibilities as the PWD's needs change and progress

with their condition. Additionally, navigating a fragmented network of long-term care

resources is a challenging task that many caregivers in the United States must undertake,

adding to the complexity of their role. Caregivers often experience depression, and the

demands and stress they face are often greater than those experienced by caregivers of

patients with other conditions. Some of the caregiving tasks include providing assistance

with activities of daily living (ADLs), managing the patient's safety and behavioral

symptoms, identifying and organizing supportive services, scheduling doctor visits,

advocating for the PWD, and making proxy financial and medical decisions. All of these

responsibilities are carried out in the midst of loss, both for the PWD and the caregiver

(Black et al., 2013).

Nowadays, home automation systems are widely used and play a significant role

in daily living. Some people require this system to satisfy their comfort and convenience,

such as adjusting the garage door, turning on the TV and lamp, and so on. However, for

physically challenged individuals, this technology is seen as quite beneficial and can

enhance their quality of life. Automation systems are also used both inside and outside

the home. In this study, home automation is used in hospitals, particularly in patient

rooms, because current products such as beds, lights, medical devices, buttons, etc., are

operated by a manual switch. An electrified bed is expensive, and most hospitals are

experiencing a shortage of medical nurses due to the continuously growing patient

population. Therefore, it is challenging for people with physical limitations to operate the

switch. With an automatic switch, it may serve as a substitute solution to lessen the needs

of nurses in hospitals, in addition to saving time and effort (Agustin et al., 2019).

Smart homes offer the convenience of managing lighting, HVAC (heating,

ventilation, and air conditioning), door locks, and even coffee makers from the comfort of

a bed or a couch. These systems are powered by Internet of Things (IoT) technology,

which enables devices to connect and communicate with each other seamlessly (Institute

of Electrical and Electronics Engineers & Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers. South African Section, 2019).

Smart homes are living spaces that are equipped with advanced intelligent

technologies that anticipate and respond to the needs of residents. Designing smart homes

involves considering several objectives, such as providing comfort, eldercare, childcare,

and healthcare services, enhancing security through alerts that protect the home from

accidents and intruders, reducing energy consumption, and offering multimedia

entertainment (IEEE Staff, 2018).

People with physical limitations and the elderly could both greatly benefit from

being able to handle home appliances with the help of smart technology. The majority of

smart home appliances were not made with individuals with disabilities and restricted

mobility in mind. We can all agree that "disabled persons encounter many issues in their

everyday lives, both inside and outside the home, especially when living alone at home

(Independent University et al., 2017). The limitations of programmable devices in smart

homes can be addressed by incorporating voice command systems that allow individuals

with disabilities to control their devices through verbal communication. Additionally,

smart phones can be used as an alternative method of controlling smart home appliances

through the use of smart plugs. By leveraging these technologies, individuals with

disabilities can more easily manage their daily tasks and improve their quality of life

(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers & Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers South African Section, 2019).

In order to provide high-quality healthcare services to their growing population,

many developed nations around the world have invested significant resources in

healthcare information and communication technology (ICT). Through the intelligent use

of technology, clinical informatics aims to improve patient care by increasing the

efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery and ensuring patient safety (Bello et al.,


Information and communication technology (ICT) has revolutionized the way we

access goods and services, allowing individuals to interact and communicate regardless

of their location. Its impact on the healthcare industry has been significant, as it has the

potential to fundamentally transform the way healthcare is delivered and address

emerging health challenges. By aiding disease management, improving patient safety,

and providing decision-making support to healthcare professionals, ICT has reduced

healthcare costs and improved the quality and delivery of healthcare services. In Nigeria,

telephony is the most widely used form of ICT, yet many public institutions, including

hospitals, still lack sufficient internal and external telephone access to the local and

global communities (Idowu et al., 2008).

Advancements in radio frequency communication technology have led to the

development of low-power and long-range radio frequency protocols such as ZigBee and

Z-Wave, which are commonly used in smart home systems. These protocols enable

reliable and secure wireless communication between smart home devices while

consuming very little power. This makes them ideal for battery-powered devices such as

sensors and smart locks, ensuring longer battery life and reducing the need for frequent

battery replacement. This communication technology has been used for decades in

various applications, such as radio and television broadcasting, wireless networking, and

satellite communications (Bhattacharyya et al., 2015).

Radio Frequency (RF) communication is a technology that can be utilized in

smart homes to provide more accessible control of home appliances for individuals with

disabilities. With RF communication, wireless control of devices can be achieved,


it a suitable alternative for those who have difficulty using physical switches or

touchscreens (Independent University et al., 2017).

Radio Frequency communication can also be used for remote control of home

appliances, which can be particularly helpful for individuals with mobility impairments

(IEEE Staff, 2018). The use of RF communication in smart homes has been gaining

popularity in recent years, and advancements in this technology continue to make it a

more viable option for individuals with disabilities (Independent University et al., 2018).

In recent years, Radio Frequency communication can also be combined with other

smart home technologies, such as voice recognition and artificial intelligence, to provide

a more seamless and personalized experience for users (Independent University et al.,


Moreover, Radio Frequency communication has gained increasing use in smart

home systems in recent years due to its reliable and efficient wireless connectivity. It

allows smart home devices to communicate with each other and with the user's

smartphone or tablet, allowing for remote monitoring and control of home appliances

(Khan et al., 2018).

In addition, Radio Frequency communication operates on unlicensed frequency

bands, which means that it can be used without requiring a license from regulatory

authorities (Khan et al., 2018). However, unlicensed frequency bands are subject to a

variety of rules and restrictions to prevent interference with other equipment and services

that use the same frequency band. Regulatory bodies typically establish guidelines and

regulations for equipment that uses unlicensed frequency bands to maintain peaceful

coexistence and minimize interference among various wireless technologies.


Radio Frequency communication has also been used in assistive technology

devices, such as remote controls for motorized wheelchairs and hearing aids. These

devices can be controlled using Radio Frequency signals, providing greater accessibility

and independence for individuals with disabilities (IEEE Staff, 2018). The use of Radio

Frequency communication technology in smart homes has the potential to significantly

enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities by providing them with more

accessible and personalized control of their home appliances. As advancements in this

technology continue to be made, we can expect to see even more innovative applications

in the field of assistive technology.


Although the term "smart home automation system" is not new in science or

culture, there is currently no such system available for less money. Some of the systems

are difficult to install, difficult to use, and difficult to maintain. current systems are often

copyrighted and closed, with limited user customization. a robotics system employs an

Arduino. It is based on an open-source prototyping platform with simple hardware and

software support an Android-powered device can work with additional USB hardware

(an Android USB accessory) in a unique way.

In the work of Al-Tabatabaie et. al., an automation system with a remote control

is shown. Mobile as a client module and host controller. Communication between the

client modules and the host controller of an Android-based smart mobile phone with an

Ethernet device allowed for sensor control. Even though it is not the most sophisticated

home automation systems available today require a significant and expensive

modification of

infrastructure. The suggested automation system can operate heat sensors, LEDs (light-

emitting diodes), and ultrasonic employing a mobile sensor. This adaptable automation

system, which is based on low-cost, secure cell phones, is shown. Tools are connected to

the web server for the Arduino. An Ethernet connection is used for communication

between the Arduino board and the mobile device. With very little adjustments, more

devices can be connected to the system. The mobile device is an Android.

The type of microcontroller utilized for this project is the Arduino Mega. It has an

AVR improved RISC architecture-based low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller. By

carrying out several potent instructions at once the mega 2560's throughputs of about one

minute per second per MHz enable the system architecture to balance processing speed

and power consumption. (Official Arduino website). Mega 2560 architectural style is as

depicted in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.1. Arduino Mega 2560


Whereas Figure 1.1. shows Arduino Mega 2560 board its application include

industrial; embedded design and development; and sensing and instrumentation,

networking, and automation and process control. The suggested range is between 7V and

12V; if more than 12V is used, the voltage regulator may become overheated and might

destroy the board.

The suggested solution, which includes a server and hardware interface, was

spread across home automation systems modules. The server manages one hardware

interface module and is easily adaptable to manage additional hardware interface

modules. The hardware interface module in turn manages the motion, light, and

ultrasonic sensors, heat sensor and LED. A regular PC that has an Ethernet card and

serves as a web server is known as a server. The website host technology is used

to grow applications, so a web server's asp application framework 4.0 support is

required like Windows OS's IIS

7.0. Any local PC connected to the same LAN can be used to access the system's web

browser and log in. Any PC or mobile device connected to the internet with a server IP

can access remotely using a suitable web browser that supports using the server's

real IP (internet IP). The network architecture chosen to link server and hardware

interface modules is an Ethernet card. The server's primary duties include managing,

controlling, and monitoring suspicious system components so that hardware interface

modules can carry out their assigned functions (through actuators) and report server-

triggered events (from sensors). The user can add and delete hardware interface modules

while in Arduino setup mode, as well as construct Simple triggers are used in basic

macros, and the macros can be modified to carry out sophisticated sequences of events. It

is macros may be manually or automatically activated in response to triggers, such as

security cameras and


motion sensors. By activating macros at random, a user can also write them; this

capability enables the system to convert the random or semi-random durations of light

on/off. Whenever hardware interface components are in use mode transmit events to the

server and run any pre-programmed macros. Direct wire connections are used to connect

hardware interface modules to sensors and actuators. The modules' capabilities include

regulating energy management devices including HVAC, lighting, and thermostats

(heating, Light sensor, and cooling) systems, as well as security systems (fire alarms,

motion detectors, and door locks). When the project first began, each sensor's programs

were performed and tested with regard to the software concept. It essentially just

connected to the Arduino and looked for responses without using the Ethernet shield or

the Internet, value of sensors. Programs have since been created based on that response.

Figure 1.2. Automation system of Al-Tabatabaie et. al.

On the other hand, CARE system is a body and development in the field of

assistive technology, designed to provide increased independence and control over the

environment for individuals with stroke and orthopedic disabilities who are unable to

walk, experience

paralysis on half of their body, and are mentally aware. This system offers numerous

advantages over existing patents, such as its customizable range of features, which can

act as momentary switches, allowing users to control their environment without

assistance. Customizability is a critical benefit of the CARE system, allowing each

feature to be tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each individual user,

resulting in a personalized and user-friendly experience.

The CARE system's versatility enables it to be used in various healthcare settings,

including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and long-term care facilities. It can also

potentially reduce healthcare costs and workload for healthcare professionals, allowing

them to focus on providing essential medical care instead of assisting with everyday


The CARE system's development could inspire further innovation in the field of

assistive technology, leading to more sophisticated, personalized, user-friendly, and cost-

effective assistive devices. It also represents a significant contribution to the field of

assistive technology and has the potential to significantly enhance the quality of life for

individuals with disabilities. Its customizability, versatility, and range of features make it

an invaluable solution for individuals with specific needs. The CARE system's potential

impact on the lives of people with disabilities is considerable, and it could have far-

reaching benefits for healthcare facilities, healthcare professionals, and assistive

technology companies.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1.3. presents the research paradigm as a guide for Room Automation for PWDs

 Development of Control unit for appliances and Room

electrical System (CARE) for Person with Disability
 Sustainable Development Goals Specifically
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Sustainable
Cities and Communities.

 Design the circuit and firmware of the system.

 Design the Central Control System
 Install the necessary devices and systems in the prototype.
 Test and Evaluate the Prototype


 Control unit for appliances and Room electrical System

(CARE)for Individuals with Stroke and Orthopedic
 Provide convenience and ease of use for individuals with
stroke and orthopedic disabilities who are mentally
aware, improving their quality of life.

Figure 1.3. The Research Paradigm


Activity Plan for Final Term

Activities Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Appointing leader
Identifying problem,
topic suggestions

Choosing thesis advisor,

distributing task for each
member for Chapter l,
Background of the
study, Scope of
limitation and
Delimitation, Statement
of the Problem/
Objectives, Conceptual
and Theoretical
Distributing task
for Chapter 2
Consultation and
revision of chapter 1
and 2 throughface to
face and virtual means

Compilation of the
revised Chapter 1 and
2, conducting an
experiment of binding
element and additives

Activities Week
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Discussion of the
Schematic diagram of

Adviser consultation
with preparation of
schematic diagram and
Editing of Chapter 1-3
Presentation and editing
of Chapter 1-3
(Editing) & Starting of
Chapter 4-5
Continuating of
Chapter 4-5
Preparation of Materials
for prototype
Plan Memorandum of
Agreement Finalization
Monitoring of
Adjustments of designs
Finalization of
Research Paper
(Chapter 1-5)

Defense Preparation

Final Defense

Definition of Terms

PWD - Person with Disability specifically, individuals with stroke and orthopedic

disabilities who are unable to walk, experience paralysis on half of their body, and

are mentally aware.

System - Control unit for appliances and Room electrical System (CARE).

Utility box - A toolbox is an example of a utility box. Pattress, often known as

an electrical box, is a box that stores electrical sockets, switches, or other


Surface utility box - A surface type utility box is a circuit box that holds outlets

or switches to keep electrical cables covered and safe from electrocution.

Bulb Socket - A socket, lightbulb holder, light socket, lamp socket, or lamp holder is a

device that physically holds and electrically connects to an electric lamp base.

Electrical Outlet - An electrical gadget receiving a plug or light bulb to form a

connection. Switches are devices that make and break connections in an electric circuit.

A wire is a long, thin strip of metal that is used to connect objects or to convey

electric current. -

A microcontroller (MCU for microcontroller unit, sometimes MC, UC, or C) is a

single VLSI integrated circuit (IC) chip that houses a miniature computer. A

microcontroller is made up of one or more CPUs (processor cores), memory, and

programmable input/output peripherals. -

Relays are electrically driven switches that open and close circuits in response to

electrical signals received from outside sources. The "relays" included in electrical

devices function similarly; they receive an electrical signal and transmit it to other

equipment by switching on and off. -

Power supply - is an electrical device that provides electricity to a load. A power supply's

primary function is to convert electric current from a source to the proper voltage,

current, and frequency to power the load. -

Fuse - An electrical safety device used in electronics and electrical engineering that

protects an electrical circuit against overcurrent. Its primary component is a metal wire or

strip that melts when too much current travels through it, halting or interrupting the

current flow. -

Switch - A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.

Alarm System - A device or system designed to alert individuals with disabilities or their

caregivers in case of emergency situations, such as fire or medical emergencies.

Remote-Controlled Extension - A device that can be controlled remotely to extend or

retract a mechanism, such as an antenna or a camera.

Schematic for the Remote Controller with Intercom - A diagram or plan that outlines

the design and components of a remote controller device that includes an intercom


Main Control Unit - The central device that controls and manages the functions of

other devices or systems in a network or setup.

Control Unit - A device that manages or regulates the operation of other devices or



Methods of Study and Sources of Data

Research Design

The research project's design and conceptualization aim to Develop a Control unit

for appliances and Room electrical System (CARE) for Person with Disability (PWD),

utilizing Radio Frequency to enhance their quality of life and independence. The

proposed method involves the use of Push button switches and intercom system to

control various aspects of the living environment, such as lighting, temperature, electrical

devices, and two-way communication. The primary theory behind this approach is that it

will provide a feasible, effective, and safe solution for individuals with limited mobility

to manage their environment with greater ease and convenience. The researchers will

adopt an Applied research methodology to design and develop the CARE system,

beginning with the creation of a prototype that will undergo testing. The testing will

involve conducting an evaluation process. Ultimately, this research project aims to

contribute to the development of innovative solutions that can improve the well-being of

people with disabilities, promoting greater independence.

Locale of the Study

This study aims to develop control units for appliances and room electrical

systems for persons with disabilities (PWD) in Concepcion, Tarlac, Philippines. The

geographical location of the study is Concepcion, Tarlac, a municipality in the province of

Tarlac, located in the Central Luzon region of the Philippines. The study will be

conducted in compliance with Philippine laws and regulations related to the protection of

persons with disabilities, such as the Magna Carta for Persons with Disabilities

(Republic Act No. 7277). Ethical


considerations will be taken into account, including obtaining informed consent,

protecting participant privacy and confidentiality, and ensuring that the study does not

cause harm or distress to participants. This research aims to develop solutions that are

appropriate and relevant to the specific needs and challenges facing PWD in Concepcion,

Tarlac, and to contribute to the overall goal of improving the quality of life and

independence of persons with disabilities.

Figure 2.1. Map of Municipality of Concepcion


Research Instrument

The research instruments used to collect data for this study will be a combination

of observation and survey forms. The data will be gathered by conducting a test run of

the Control Unit for Appliances and Room Electrical System in PWD, which will be

repeated by the researchers to ensure reliable data is collected to demonstrate the device's

functionality, accessibility, and safety.

Based on the researchers' readings of published and unpublished theses, a draft of

the Likert scale and survey form has been created. The Likert scale will be used in data

collection, and it has been systematically prepared to evaluate the performance of the

Control unit for Appliances and Room Electrical System.

The checklist consists of several tasks that need to be completed, and it includes

an expected list of system performances that will be checked for absence and presence by

the researchers. The Likert scale will provide a quick and efficient way to record

observations, allowing the researchers to give ratings and record satisfaction levels using

a one to five rating system to indicate their level of satisfaction with the system.

Table 2.1. Evaluation Rubric for Participant Responses: Based on 5-Point Likert Scale

Section Score Description

The CARE system does not meet the needs of PWD,
is difficult to use, and lacks customization options.
Functionality 1 – Poor
The range of controls is insufficient, and the system is
The CARE system somewhat meets the needs of
PWD, but some usability and customization issues
Functionality 2 – Fair
persist. The range of controls may be limited, and the
system could be more reliable.

The CARE system meets the needs of PWD, is user-

friendly, and offers some customization options. The
Functionality 3 – Good
range of controls is adequate, and the system operates
The CARE system effectively meets the needs of
PWD, is easy to use, and has many customization
Functionality 4 – Very Good
options. The range of controls is comprehensive, and
the system operates reliably.
The CARE system excels in meeting the needs of
PWD, is extremely user-friendly, and offers extensive
Functionality 5 – Excellent customization options. The range of controls is
exceptional, and the system operates consistently and
The CARE system is difficult to access, has unclear
user interfaces, and lacks alternative interaction
Accessibility 1 – Poor methods for different disabilities. Instructional
materials are confusing, and support services are
The CARE system is somewhat accessible, but
improvements could be made to user interfaces and
Accessibility 2 – Fair alternative interaction methods. Instructional
materials could be clearer, and support services could
be more responsive.

The CARE system is accessible and has clear user

interfaces, with some alternative interaction methods
Accessibility 3 – Good
available. Instructional materials are easy to
understand, and support services are helpful.

The CARE system is highly accessible, with user-

friendly interfaces and multiple alternative interaction
Accessibility 4 – Very Good methods. Instructional materials are clear and easy to
follow, and support services are responsive and
The CARE system is exceptionally accessible,
offering intuitive user interfaces and a wide variety of
alternative interaction methods. Instructional
Accessibility 5 – Excellent
materials are comprehensive and easy to understand,
and support services are quick, responsive, and

The CARE system lacks safety features, poses a risk

of electrical hazards, and is built with low-quality
Safety 1 – Poor
materials. Notifications and alerts are inadequate, and
users do not feel safe using the system.

The CARE system has basic safety features but could

be improved to minimize electrical hazards and
Safety 2 – Fair enhance durability. Notifications and alerts could be
more timely, and users may have some safety

The CARE system has built-in safety features,

minimizes electrical hazards, and is built with quality
Safety 3 – Good
materials. Notifications and alerts are timely, and
users generally feel safe using the system.

The CARE system excels in safety features,

effectively minimizes electrical hazards, and is built
Safety 4 – Very Good
with high-quality materials. Notifications and alerts
are prompt and informative, and users feel
The CARE system surpasses expectations for safety
features, virtually eliminates electrical hazards, and is
built with top-quality materials. Notifications and
Safety 5 – Excellent
alerts are immediate and detailed, and users feel
completely secure and protected while using the

Table 2.1. Shows the rubrics to evaluate the participant's responses to the

questionnaire. The rubric is based on a 5-point Likert scale and is divided into three

sections: Functionality, Accessibility, and Safety.


Table 2.2. Survey Form

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
The CARE system
effectively meets the
needs of Persons with
Disability (PWD).
(Ang sistema ng CARE ay
epektibong nakakatugon
sa mga pangangailangan
ng mga taong may
kapansanan PWD)
The CARE system is easy
to use for managing
appliances and electrical
(Madali gamitin ang
sistema ng CARE para sa
pagpapatakbo ng mga
kagamitan at sistema ng
The CARE system offers
a comprehensive range of
controls for appliances
and electrical systems.
(Nag-aalok ang sistema
ng CARE ng malawak na
sakop ng mga kontrol
para sa mga kagamitan at
sistema ng elektrisidad)
The CARE system allows
for customization to meet
the specific needs of the
(Pinapayagan ng sistema
ng CARE ang
pagpapabago ayon sa
partikular na
pangangailangan ng

The CARE system

operates reliably and
(Matatag at hindi
nagbabago ang
pagpapatakbo ng sistema
ng CARE)

Table 2.2. Shows 5-Point Likert Scale Questionnaire Divided into Three Sections:

Functionality, Accessibility, and Safety.

Data will also be collected through observation to learn more about how each

working part of the Control unit for Appliances and Room Electrical System functions.

This data will be recorded to view the current situation and to understand the system's

functioning. Furthermore, the researcher will construct it by dissecting the system's

performance. This observation can be used as a tool to gain a thorough understanding of

the system's operating principles. One of the benefits of this approach is that the data

obtained through observation are original, independent, and based on the actions of the

scene itself.

For validation purposes, the survey form and Likert scale will be checked to

ensure that every item is unambiguous, clear, and objective, and if every item is relevant

to the study problem. If necessary, the items will be rewritten for greater precision and

clarity. This will help to ensure that the research instruments used in the study are

reliable, valid, and effective in collecting the data needed to address the research


Data Gathering Procedure

1. Design the Software of the system.

The software design for the CARE system will require gathering data on the

technical requirements and specifications for developing the software. This can be

achieved through a review of relevant literature, including books, research papers, and

online resources, focusing on identifying software design principles and best practices for

developing similar systems. Expert consultation can also be used to gather insights and

advice on the technical aspects of developing the system. The software design should be

informed by the insights gathered from these consultations, ensuring that it is technically

feasible, effective, and meets the needs of PWDs.

2. Design the Hardware components of the Control Unit for Appliances and Room

Electrical System (CARE) with the following components:

2.1. Intercom System: The researchers will gather data on the technical specifications

needed for an intercom system that is suitable for PWDs, including features such as

voice- activated controls, hearing aid compatibility, and emergency response capabilities.

This can be done by conducting online research, reviewing technical specifications of

available intercom systems, and consulting with experts in the field.

2.2. 5V Power Supplies: The researchers will gather data on the different types of 5V

power supplies that are suitable for the system, considering the power requirements of the

various components and safety considerations. This can be done by conducting online

research, reviewing technical specifications of available power supplies, and consulting

with experts in the field.


2.3. Extension Wire: The researchers will gather data on the necessary extension wires

needed for the system to function properly, considering the distance between components

and accessibility requirements for PWDs. This can be done by conducting site visits and

consulting with experts in the field.

2.4. Electrical Outlets: The researchers will gather data on the necessary electrical outlets

needed for the system to function properly, considering power requirements and

accessibility requirements for PWDs. This can be done by conducting site visits and

consulting with experts in the field.

2.5. Circuitry: The researchers will gather data on the necessary circuitry needed for the

system to function properly, considering safety requirements and compatibility with other

components. This can be done by conducting online research, reviewing technical

specifications, and consulting with experts in the field.

2.6. Emergency Buzzer: The researchers will gather data on the range of the sounds

needed for an emergency buzzer that is suitable for PWDs, as well as any additional

features such as automatic alerts to caregivers or emergency responders. This can be done

by conducting experiments and testing the range and decibels of various emergency

buzzer options, as well as consulting with experts in the field.

2.7. Control Unit Enclosure: The researchers will gather data on the design and technical

specifications needed for a control unit enclosure that is suitable for PWDs, considering

accessibility and safety requirements. This can be done by conducting online research,

reviewing technical specifications of available enclosures, and consulting with experts in

the field.

2.8. Control Switches: The researchers will gather data on the best types of control

switches for the system, considering ease of use and accessibility for PWDs. This can be

done by conducting experiments and testing various switch options, as well as consulting

with experts in the field.

2.9. Microphone: The researchers will gather data on the best types of microphones for

the system, considering sound quality and compatibility with other components. This can

be done by conducting experiments and testing various microphone options, as well as

consulting with experts in the field.

3. Test and evaluate the prototype based on user satisfaction in terms of Functionality,

Accessibility and Safety.

The researchers ensured the functionality of the Control Unit for Appliances and

Room Electrical System (CARE) by creating questionnaires to identify its features. The

researchers asked participants to test the system and answer the questionnaires, providing

their recommendations afterwards. The CARE system was designed with a strong

emphasis on accessibility and safety, prioritizing user-friendliness in the design process

to ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities or mobility issues. The researchers

also implemented safety features to prevent electrical hazards or accidents, making the

system durable, reliable, and safe for everyday use.

Data Analysis

The researchers will use Average mean in terms of identifying the degree of

Functionality, Accessibility, Safety of the Control Unit for Appliances and Room

Electrical System (CARE), researchers will use weighted mean to solve for the

averages of the values that will be yield from the testing of the device. There are

several ways to test the Functionality, Accessibility, Safety of a device, here are the

methods that the researchers will use:

Functionality testing: This involves testing the device to ensure that it functions as

intended. The researchers will test whether the device can turn appliances on and off

as expected. And to test its usability, the researchers will test the device with a range

of users to determine whether it meets their needs and whether there are any areas for


Accessibility testing: This involves testing the device to ensure that it is easy to use

and accessible to all users. The researchers will test the device with the respondents to

determine whether it is easy to use for people with disabilities.

Safety testing: This involves testing the device to ensure that it is safe to use. The

researchers will test the device to ensure that it meets relevant safety standards and

that it does not pose any risks to users.


Chapter III

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Through the development of the Control Unit for Appliances and Room Electrical

System (CARE), the researchers have conducted major alterations and adjustments with

the design as an answer to the problems encountered during the conceptualization of the

research project.

Encountered Problems

Listed below are the issues the researchers came during the conceptualization until the

testing of the research project.

Table 3.1. Issues Related to System Process and Components

Root Cause
Design Problem Solution
Since the device will use a
GSM module, a sim card
will be needed for GSM
The researchers will
module to fully operate and
1 GSM Module utilize an RF technology
to receive the calls from the
using walkie talkie
intercom. The disadvantage
of this is that the sim card
requires load all the time.

The researchers will

Initial concept Wired Control system
utilize an RF technology
2 proposal is a wired requires the rewiring of
in order to have a
control system electrical system
wireless system.

The researchers will use

Arduino Nano because
it is intended for
The Arduino Mega doesn’t
permanent use and more
fit the outlet unlike how
3 Arduino Mega suitable than any other
Arduino Nano suits well
Arduino component also
where size is concerned.
another advantage of
this is that it fits in the
utility box perfectly.

After validating the conceptualization and method, all system components are monitored
to ensure proper functioning.
Table 3.2. Assessing Component Functionality
Testing Procedure Details Results
and Components
Verifying its different Check the power supply:
Intercom components and The intercom system receives
functionalities to ensure power, and all components
that it is working are properly connected.
correctly. Test the speaker
and microphone:
Speaker and microphone at
each station to ensure that they
are working correctly.
Check the volume:
The Volume controller or
the Potentiometer is working
properly upon testing.
Test the communication:
The communication between
the embedded intercom in the
main control system and the
walkie talky has a delay of 3
seconds due to the RF rule.
Test the range:
The range of a walkie-talkie
used in the intercom system
has a range of around 1-2 miles
(1.6-3.2 kilometers) in open
spaces without obstructions.
However, the range is
reduced in areas with many
buildings, trees, or other
obstacles that can interfere
with the signal. Test in
different conditions: When
tested in a high noise
environment the intercom
system was found to be
effective in transmitting audio
signals between the devices.
However, since the intercom
system doesn’t have noise-

cancelling feature wasn’t able

to filter out background noise.
Buzzer To test an active buzzer: The buzzer is working properly
due to the evidence of all of its
Connect buzzer terminals functional properties are
to the power supply or present. It’s audible and
microcontroller. recognizable. The prospect will
Power the circuit and feel the sense of urgency upon
listen for tones. hearing the alarming sound.
Use a multimeter to
check continuity between
If there is no sound or
continuity, verify
connections and power
If issues persist, the
buzzer may be faulty and
require replacement.
Remote-controlled 1. Make sure the Extension Outlets are properly
extension outlet extension outlet is connected and turned on;
properly connected to a indicator light has shown its
220V AC power magic to let the prospect know
source. that it is working. The clicking
sound audibly heard as the
2. Turn on the power relay started to activate. And
switch on the it’s working, soon to be turned
extension outlet. off when opt to.

3. Check that the LED

indicator on the
surface utility box is
lit, indicating that the
extension outlet is
powered on.

4. Press the "ON" button

on the control unit. You
should hear a click
sound coming from the
relay module, indicating
that the relay has been
activated and the
extension outlet should
turn on.

5. Press the "OFF" button

on the remote control.
You should hear another
click sound coming from
the relay module,
indicating that the relay
has been deactivated and
the extension outlet
should turn off.

6. You can also test the

extension outlet by
plugging in a device,
such as a lamp or a fan,
and using the remote
control to turn it on and
To address these issues, major design enhancements were integrated into the

prototype fabrication. Figure 3.1. shows the final circuitry used for the Remote-

Controlled Extension for Alarm System. Figure 3.2. displays the final circuitry used for

Remote Controlled Extension for appliances. Figure 3.3. represents the final circuitry for

the Control Unit.


Figure 3.1. Alarm System Circuitry

Figure 3.2. Circuitry Remote Controlled Extension for Appliances


Figure 3.3. Control Unit Circuitry

1. Design the Software of the system.

In this project, researchers used an Arduino Nano to control a relay module with a

Radio Frequency (RF) Receiver Module. The goal is to enable remote control of

electronic devices. When a button is pressed on the remote, the RF Receiver sends a

signal to the Arduino, which checks the module's state. If needed, the Arduino toggles the

relay module, keeping the device ON or OFF until the button is pressed again. This

system can be useful for remotely controlling lights or other electronics. The researchers

began coding for the microcontroller accordingly. The necessary codes were then

uploaded to the microcontroller from the computer using the mini-USB cable. Fig. 3.4.

shows the Arduino Code.


Figure 3.4. Arduino Code

2. Design the Hardware components of the Control unit for appliances and Room

electrical System (CARE).

Table 3.3. Fabrication Process of Hardware Components of CARE System

The first step done into the
fabrication of the device was the
disassembly of the walkie talkie. The
disassembly was then followed by the
desoldering of its functional parts
such as the selector switch,
potentiometer, speaker, microphone,
receptacle for the antenna, and its
main circuit board.

This was then followed by the

disassembly of the remote of the
radio frequency receiver module
where its functional parts such as its
buttons, antenna, battery and its
holder, and its main circuitry were all

The 5V power supplies were the next

to be disassembled where their
circuits were desoldered from their
case along with the wires that are
connected to the circuit boards. This
was done to obtain the circuit boards
of the power supplies in order for
them to fit in the surface utility box.
Other materials were also prepped for
the fabrication of the device such as
the removal of the screw terminals of
the relay module, the removal of pins
of the radio frequency receiver
module and placement of antenna on
its board, and the placement of fuse
in the fuse holders.
The components of the walkie talkie
that were previously desoldered from
its main circuitry were then soldered
with ribbon cables. It was noted that
the metal body of the potentiometer
with switch, selector switch, and the
antenna should be connected to
ground so that an additional wire was
wrapped around their metal body to
be connected to the ground terminal
on the circuit board. After the
addition of the ribbon cables, the
components were then soldered back
to the main circuit board through

their ribbon cables and the walkie

talkie was then tested for its
functionality after disassembly.
After this, the next material that was
prepped for fabrication was the
extension wire in which electrical
plugs were screwed on one of its ends
which would be the future connection
of the device to 220V AC main
power source.

It was then followed by the drilling of

holes on the side portion of the
surface utility box specifically
intended for the indicator LED, cable
glad, and fuse holder containing the
fuse. The fuse holder and cable gland
were then securely mounted on the
surface utility box. In addition to this,
excess material was also removed
inside the utility box in order to give
way to the placement of the different
circuitries inside the box.
A hole was also drilled on the surface
of the utility box cover in which this
hole is where the buzzer will be
mounted later.

After holes were drilled on the

surface utility boxes, the enclosure
was the next one to have holes to be
drilled. Holes were then drilled for
the different components to be
mounted on the cover specifically the
arcade buttons, LEDs, selector
switch, potentiometer with switch,
speaker, microphone. In addition,
holes were also drilled on top for the
antennas, the left side for the female
DC socket, female audio socket, and
the right side for the female DC
socket and switch.
After the necessary holes were drilled
on the surface utility boxes and the
enclosure, the previously prepped
extension wire with plug was then
placed securely on the surface utility
box through the use of the cable

The necessary codes were then

uploaded to the microcontroller from
the computer through the use of the
mini-USB cable.

After the prepping of all the materials

to be used for the fabrication of the
device, all the circuits were then
soldered in accordance with the
schematic diagram.

The soldered circuits were then glued

securely on the sides of the surface
utility box.

The utility box cover with 1 gang

socket was then connected with the
wires connected to one of the
terminals of the output of the relay
module and one directly to one of the
wires of the extension wire.

The cover plate was then screwed on

top of the surface utility box and the
cover of the plate was then placed
securely finishing the process of
fabrication for the remote-controlled
extension. This fabrication was done
three times as the needed output
product requires three remote
controlled extension.

The soldered circuits for the alarm

system were also glued securely on
the sides of the surface utility box.

The buzzer was then also securely

glued to the back of the cover plate
for the utility box.

The cover plate was then screwed on

top of the surface utility box and the
cover of the plate was then placed
securely finishing the process of
fabrication for the remote-controlled
alarm system.

After the fabrication process for the

remote-controlled extensions and
alarm system, the fabrication
proceeded to the making of the
remote controller with intercom. For
the first step, stickers bearing the
icons representing each of the buttons
were placed inside the arcade

After the buttons have been prepped

with icons, the fabrication proceeded
with mounting all of the components
firstly on the cover of the enclosure.
The components were the 5 arcade
buttons, 2 red LEDs, selector switch,
potentiometer with switch, speaker,
and microphone.

As soon as the arcade buttons were

mounted on the cover of the
enclosure, 290 Ohms resistor were
soldered on the positive terminal of
their built in LEDs in which the other
end of each resistor were then
connected in parallel along with the
negative terminal of the built in
LEDs. The process continued with
wiring the arcade buttons with
reference to the schematic diagram
The mounting of components on the
enclosure was followed with the
mounting of the antenna receptacle
for the walkie talkie where the
antenna was then secured into place
on top of the enclosure along with the
antenna for the remote.

After the antennas were secured into

place, the female audio sockets and
the female DC sockets were also
mounted on the left side of the

The process continued with the

mounting of the rocker switch along
with the female DC socket on the
right side of the enclosure.

The fabrication process then shifted

to the soldering of the components’
ribbon cables to the walkie talkie
circuit. The components were the
selector switch, potentiometer with
switch, red LED, antenna receptacle,
microphone, speaker, one arcade
button, female audio socket, female
DC socket, and buck converter. The
components were soldered in
accordance with the schematic
diagram (see schematic diagram).

It was then followed with the

soldering of the components’ ribbon
cables to the remote circuit. The
components were three arcade
buttons, red LED, and power cables.
The components were soldered in
accordance with the schematic
diagram (see schematic diagram).

After all the components have been

soldered in their respective places,
the buck converter was then set to
output 4.2V which was the required
voltage of the walkie talkie circuit.

The remote circuit was then glued

securely in the enclosure.

This was then followed by the

placement of the walkie talkie circuit
inside the enclosure.

Lastly, the wiring and placement of

the buck converter inside the
enclosure side by side with the
remote circuit and the walkie talkie

Finalization of the wiring between all

the components mounted on the
enclosure was done and all proper
connections were ensured. The cover
of the enclosure was then placed on
the enclosure and was then screwed

The final product of the remote

controller with intercom with arcade
buttons’ lights OFF

The final product of the remote

controller with intercom with arcade
buttons’ lights ON

The final product for the external

latching push button switches for the
walkie talkie circuit.

The final product for the external

microphone of the walkie talkie

The final products test their


Table 3.3. summarizes the fabrication process for the Control Unit for Appliances

and Room Electrical System (CARE). Researchers disassembled a walkie talkie and an

RF receiver module remote, prepared necessary component, and drilled holes in the

utility box. They soldered circuits according to the schematic diagram and assembled the

system. For the remote controller with intercom, they mounted components, soldered

connections, and finalized wiring, while also creating external latching push-button

switches and an external microphone for the walkie talkie circuit.

3. The Researchers conducted a questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale, focusing on

three key aspects: functionality, accessibility, and safety. The 10 participants in our study

included PWDs that have experience with the CARE system. By analyzing their

responses, we aim to uncover trends, patterns, and potential areas for enhancement in the


Table 3.4. Survey Form Result using Weighted Mean


1 3.6 3.6 3.2 3.466666667

2 4.2 4.6 4.4 4.4

3 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.6

4 4.4 3.8 3.2 3.8

5 3.8 3 3 3.266666667

6 3.6 4.4 4.6 4.2

7 4 4.2 3.2 3.8

8 4.6 3.6 3.8 4

9 4.2 3 3.6 3.6

10 4 4 3.4 3.8

4.02 3.78 3.58 3.793333333

Overall Weighted
Mean Functionality
Ave. Functionality = 𝑅1+𝑅2+𝑅3 , where R = respondents

Ave. Functionality = 10

Ave. Functionality = 4.02

Ave. Accessibility = 𝑅1+𝑅2+𝑅3 , where R = respondents

Ave. Accessibility = 10

Ave. Accessibility = 3.78


Ave. Safety = 𝑅1+𝑅2+𝑅3 , where R = respondents

Ave. Safety = 10

Ave. Safety = 3.58

Through a survey conducted by the researchers, the result of the evaluation of the

prototype based on user satisfaction is within the acceptable range in terms of its

functionality, accessibility, safety, and overall quality. Based on the mean values or

average scores, the Functionality (4.02), Accessibility (3.78), Safety (3.58), and Overall

Quality (3.79) of the device are acceptable. Figure 3.5,3.6,3.7, Shows the Overall Result

for Functionality, Accessibility, and Safety.

Figure 3.5. Overall Result for the Functionality


Figure 3.6. Overall Result for the Accessibility

Figure 3.7. Overall Result for the Safety

The overall quality score is a composite measure of the three categories, reflecting users'

satisfaction with the system. Figure 3.8. Shows the overall quality based on Functionality,

Accessibility, and Safety.


Figure 3.8. Overall Quality

By presenting the data on the overall quality of the CARE system, we will gain

valuable insights into the participants' experiences and perceptions. This information will

inform our recommendations for future enhancements and research directions, ultimately

contributing to the development of more effective, user-friendly, and safe control units

for appliances and room electrical systems for persons with disabilities.


Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations

Findings of the Study

Despite encountering numerous issues, the researchers were able to achieve the

objectives set for this project, which were to design the software and hardware

components of the Control unit for appliances and Room electrical System (CARE), to

test and evaluate the prototype based on user satisfaction in terms of functionality,

accessibility, and safety.

1. The researchers used an Arduino Nano and RF Receiver Module to enable remote

control of electronic devices using a relay module. They successfully coded and uploaded

the necessary codes to the microcontroller. This system can be useful for remotely

controlling lights or other electronics.

2. The study describes the process of fabricating a remote-controlled extension and alarm

system, as well as a remote controller with an intercom. The fabrication process involves

disassembling different components, drilling holes in the surface utility box and

enclosure, prepping materials, soldering circuits in accordance with the schematic

diagram, and gluing components securely on the sides of the surface utility box. After

finalizing the wiring and ensuring proper connections, the cover of the enclosure was

screwed tightly, and the final products were tested for Functionality, Accessibly, and


3. In summary, the findings indicate that the CARE system prototype is generally well-

received by users in terms of its Functionality, Accessibility, Safety, and Overall quality.

Functionality emerged as the strongest aspect of the system, while accessibility and

safety present opportunities for improvement. These insights can inform

recommendations for

future enhancements and research directions, ultimately contributing to the development

of more effective, user-friendly, and safe control units for appliances and room

electrical systems for persons with disabilities.


The research project successfully achieved its objectives of designing,

developing, and evaluating the Control Unit for Appliances and Room Electrical System

(CARE) for persons with disabilities. Despite facing numerous challenges, the

researchers were able to create a functional system that incorporated both software and

hardware components, allowing for remote control of electronic devices and an

integrated alarm system.

The user satisfaction survey conducted in this study revealed that the CARE

system prototype was generally well received, with functionality being its strongest

aspect. However, the findings also highlighted opportunities for improvement,

particularly in the areas of accessibility and safety. These insights can inform future

enhancements, enabling the development of more effective, user-friendly, and safe

control units that cater to the specific needs of persons with disabilities.

As technology continues to advance, it is crucial to ensure that the needs of

persons with disabilities are adequately addressed. This research project contributes to the

ongoing efforts to create inclusive solutions that improve the quality of life for

individuals with disabilities and serves as a foundation for future research and

development in this field.



Although the development of control units for appliances and room electrical

systems has been generally safe, accessible, and functional for people with disabilities

(PWDs), the development process has encountered problems that require further study

and research. The following recommendations may improve any project research of this


Regarding the device, future researchers may use wireless materials instead of

wire to improve the device. Additionally, this may reduce setup time once the device is


For intercoms, future researchers may use global system for mobile communication

(GSM) to expand the range of communication in real-time.

With regards to TV outlets, previous research has focused on controlling old types

of televisions. However, future researchers may focus on applying different methods to

be able to control smart televisions. Additionally, for air conditioning outlets, future

researchers may consider adding outlets for air conditioning units (ACUs) that can be

controlled for improvement purposes.


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Appendix A

Appendix B

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