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Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Bandra (W)

Department of Computer Engineering
Mini-Project Proposal
TE Computer - (SEM V)

1. Name of the student(s) with Roll Number and Division:

• Aaron Rodrigues (Div B, Roll No : 9635)

• Ishita Yadav (Div B, Roll No : 9649)
• Kashmira Sukhtankar (Div B, Roll No : 9642)


3. Problem Statement

Develop an efficient sports video summarization solution focused on football matches,

leveraging advanced video processing and machine learning methods. The goal is to
automatically extract and highlight key events such as goals, assists, fouls, and notable player
actions from full-length football match videos. The resulting summaries should provide viewers
with a concise yet comprehensive overview of the match's most important moments, enhancing
the viewing experience for fans and enabling quick analysis for coaches and players.

Project Area : [ Tick whichever applicable ]

Project Area Put Y/N Category

IOT Societal
ML / AI Y Environmental
Blockchain Health care
Robotics Hardware
VLSI Research
ChatGPT Application Y
Cryptography and Startup Idea
Network security
Others (Please Specify) Others
(Please Specify)

4. Block Diagram:

5. Project Abstract [ 15 to 20 Lines — A very short description] :

Sports video analysis is gaining increasing interest due to its applications in tactical analysis,
statistics collection, highlight generation, and video archiving. This project presents a
comprehensive model for sports video analysis, focusing on football game footage. The model
aims to automatically detect key events, such as goals, fouls, and player trajectories, to provide
valuable insights for coaches, analysts, and fans. Leveraging machine learning techniques, the
proposed model offers an innovative approach to analyze sports videos efficiently and

Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Bandra (W)
Department of Computer Engineering

6. Project Overview [Short description about Project ]:

The motivation behind this project arises from the need to streamline the process of sports video
analysis, which is currently labor-intensive and time-consuming. Coaches and analysts spend
significant effort manually reviewing game footage to identify important events and tactical patterns.
By automating the analysis, this project aims to save time and effort while providing more
comprehensive and consistent results.
The primary problem addressed in this project is the lack of an efficient and automated system for
sports video analysis. The complexity of sports videos, along with the variability in player
movements and camera angles, poses challenges for traditional video analysis techniques. The
project seeks to overcome these challenges by developing an intelligent model that can accurately
identify key events and track players' movements.

7. Project Implementation details [Explain the methodology / technology used in

implementation with proper justification)

Methodology for our project:

1. Data Preprocessing:
- Extract relevant metadata such as timestamps, player names, and event labels.
- Split videos into smaller segments corresponding to individual events or plays.

2. Event Detection:
- Develop event-specific classifiers (e.g., goals, fouls, assists) using machine learning models
trained on annotated data.

3. Video Summarization:
- Design a summarization algorithm that selects the most important events based on their assigned
- Apply temporal constraints to ensure a coherent and informative summarization that captures the
match's narrative.

4. User Interface:
- Develop a user-friendly interface to display the summarized timeline of key events.

8. What is Novelty / Innovative aspects in the proposed project? :

The proposed sports video analysis model stands out for its innovation in several aspects:

1. Combining event detection and player tracking: Integrating both functionalities in a

single model allows for a more holistic analysis of the game.

2. Real-time analysis: The model is designed to process videos in real-time, providing

immediate insights during live matches or post-game analysis.

3. User-friendly interface: The interactive web application makes it easy for coaches, analysts,
and fans to access and explore the analysis results.

9. Reference Papers

1. Research on segmentation of sports images based on GMMLS method

Authors: S. L. S. Lu and X. D. X. Dai
Appears in:

2. RICAPS: Residual Inception and Cascaded Capsule Network for Broadcast Sports
Video Classification.
Authors: A. A. K. A. Khan and S. T. S. Tumrani
Appears in:

3. A Survey of Content-Aware Video Analysis for Sports

Authors: H. C. Shih
Appears in:

4. Soccer Video Summarization using Deep Learning

Authors: Rockson Agyeman, Rafiq Muhammad and Gyu Sang Choi
Appears in: 2019 IEEE Council on Multimedia Information Processing and Retrieval

5. Survey of Sports Video Analysis: Research Issues and Applications

Authors: J. R. Wang and N. Parameswaran
Appears in:

6. Sematic Sports Video Analysis: Approaches and New Applications.

Authors: Baoxin Li and Ibrahim Sezan
Appears in:

7. Mid-level representation framework for semantic Sports video Analysis

Authors: Ling-Yu Duan, Min Xu, Tat-Seng Chua
Appears in:

8. Shot Detection in Racket Sport video at the Frame-level using a recurrent Neural Network
Authors: Shuto Horie, Yuji Sato, Junko Furuyama
Appears in: 2020 IEEE Xplore

9. Multi-camera Multiplayer tracking with deep player identification in sports video

Authors: Ruiheng Zhang, Lingxiang Wu, Yukun Yang
Appears in:

10. A Survey of content-aware video analysis for sports

Authors: Huang-Chia Shih
Appears in: IEEE for video technology, 5th May 2018

(Mentor- Prof. Merly Thomas)


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