EFI 2 4th Wordlist CG1

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English File Intermediate 4th. Unit 2.



Money – Vocabulary bank
afford (v.) /əˈfɔːd/ I can’t afford to go on holiday this year se permettre à affordable

bill (n.) /bɪl/ The electricity bill came through the post today. facture

borrow (v.) /ˈbɒrəʊ/ Can I borrow some money, please? emprunter ≠ lend

budget (n.) /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ I have £150 in my budget for food this month. budget

charge (v.) /tʃɑːdʒ/ How much do you charge for a haircut? faire payer
contactless /ˈkɒntæktləs
Do you take contactless payment here? paiement sans contact
payment (.n)
cost (v.) /kɒst/ These shoes cost £70. coûter

earn (v.) /ɜːn/ How much do doctors earn in your country? gagner ≈ gain à earnings

inherit (v.) /ɪnˈherɪt/ She will inherit a lot of money when her parents die. hériter à inheritance

insurance (n.) /ɪnˈʃɔːrəns/ Do you need insurance for your laptop? assurance

invest (v.) /ɪnˈvest/ You should invest some money in the stock market investir à investment

lend (v.) /lend/ Can you lend me £30 until tomorrow? prêter

live off (phr. v.) /lɪv ɒf/ I have to live off my parents while I’m at university. vivre aux dépens de

live on (phr. v.) /lɪv ɒn/ If I lose my job, I’ll have no money to live on . vivre

loan (n.) /ləʊn/ I need a loan from the bank to start my own business. emprunt the act of lending
emprunt immobilier,
emprunt hypothécaire
mortgage (n.) /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ The bank gave me a mortgage so that I could buy a house.
[Belgique], emprunt
hypothèque [Suisse]

English File Intermediate 4th. Unit 2. Wordlist

note (n.) /nəʊt/ I left a £20 note on my desk billet ≠ coin

owe (v.) /əʊ/ You owe me £10 devoir to be in debt to

pay (v.) /peɪ/ Let me pay for coffee. It's my turn. payer à payment

pay back (phr. v.) /ˈpeɪ bæk/ I pay back £50 of the loan to the bank every month. rembourser

raise (v.) /reɪz/ How much money did you raise for the school? collecter

salary (n.) /ˈsæləri/ Lawyers get a good salary . salaire ≈ wage

save (v.) /seɪv/ I try to save some money every month. économiser ≠ spend

spend (v.) /spend/ How much you do spend on snacks each week? dépenser ≠ save

take out (phr. v.) /ˈteɪk aʊt/ I never take out more than £50 at a cash machine. retirer ≠ pay in

tax (v.) /tæks/ How much tax do you have to pay every month? impôt

waste (v.) /weɪst/ Don’t waste your money on things you don’t need. gaspiller ≈ spend wrongly

worth (adj.) /wɜːθ/ How much is your house worth ? valoir qqch à worthy à worthwhile
Compound nouns
soin de beauté,
beauty treatment (n.) /ˈbjuːti ˈtriːtmənt/ Do you like to try the latest beauty treatments ? à beautiful à to treat
traitement esthétique
cash machine (n.) /kæʃ məˈʃiːn/ Where's the nearest cash machine , please? distributeur de billets
cleaning product (n.) /ˈkliːnɪŋ ˈprɒdʌkt/ What cleaning products do you use in your kitchen? produit de nettoyage à to clean
cycling trip (n.) /ˈsaɪklɪŋ trɪp/ We're going on a cycling trip to Wales in July. voyage à vélo
electricity bill (n.) /ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti bɪl/ I turn off lights to save money on our electricity bill . facture d’électricité
olive oil (n.) /ˈɒlɪv ɔɪl/ Just add olive oil to your salad. huile d’olive à oily
tap water (n.) /tæp ˈwɔːtə(r)/ Anything to drink? ~ Just tap water , please. eau du robinet à to water (plants)

English File Intermediate 4th. Unit 2. Wordlist

Strong adjectives
amazed (adj.) /əˈmeɪzd/ Alex was amazed at the size of the university. étonné → amazing à amazement
boiling (adj.) /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ Be careful! This water is boiling . bouillant ≈ very hot à to boil
delighted (adj.) /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ I'm delighted to see everyone here. It's wonderful! ravi(e) ≈ very pleased à delightful
enormous (adj.) /ɪˈnɔːməs/ The city is enormous . It's one of the biggest in the world. énorme ≠ tiny ≈ huge
exhausted (adj.) /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ We're exhausted . We've been walking around all day. épuisé ≈ tired
fascinating (adj.) /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ/ I like to study modern history. I think it's fascinating . fascinant à fascinated à fascination
filthy (adj.) /ˈfɪlθi/ I'm filthy after working in the garden. I'll take a shower. crasseux, crasseuse ≈ unclean ≠spotless
freezing (adj.) /ˈfriːzɪŋ/ You look cold. ~ Yes, I'm freezing ! gelé(e) à frozen
furious (adj.) /ˈfjʊəriəs/ Jessica was furious when her sister borrowed her jacket. furieux, en colère ≈ very angry
hilarious (adj.) /hɪˈleəriəs/ This TV series is hilarious . We couldn't stop laughing. hilarant(e) ≈ humorous ≠ serious
huge (adj.) /hjuːdʒ/ Their house is big, isn't it? ~ Yes, it's huge . énorme ≠ tiny ≈ enormous
positive (adj.) 1. sûr(e)
/ˈpɒzətɪv/ Are you sure you locked the door? ~ Yes, I'm positive . ≠ negative
2. positif, positive
starving (adj.) /stɑːvɪŋ/ Do you want some lunch? ~ Yes, I'm starving . affamé(e) ≈ very hungry
terrified (adj.) /ˈterɪfaɪd/ Nina is terrified of snakes. terrifié(e) ≈ scared
tiny (adj.) /ˈtaɪni/ Michael comes from a tiny village in the mountains. minuscule ≠ huge ≠enormous
More words and phrases
scam (n.) /skæm/ I think this email is a scam . They want my money. arnaque ≈ hoax

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