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Centro Escolar Integrated School

Senior High School





BUGARIN, Tamara Vera Gwyne C.


OSORIO, Nikhie Jasmine A.

VILLAS, Kathleen Claire D.

LUNA, Alyza Dominique B.

GALEDO, Jhanry Kim M.

LONGNO, Mackenzie C.

QUIZO, Jerilou G.

March 13, 2020





This chapter mainly focuses about the background of the study, conceptual

framework, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation and definition of terms. This

chapter discusses facts about sleep deprivation. It also includes the conceptual framework

which will serve as a guide for the concepts that will be discussed in this research. The

statement of the problem which are questions that are needed to be answered at the end of

this research or the answers to those will be the main contents of this study. As for the

scope and delimitation, it tells until where and what this research will be talking about and

as to why there should be limitations and lastly, the definition of terms, this will serve as a

guide for the reader to fully understand the research more, this is where unfamiliar terms

are being defined for a clearer understandings.


Background of the Study

As stated by National Sleep Foundation (2016), sleep is a natural state of rest that

a person must do in his daily life. Sleep helps strengthen the capacity to fight for any type

of disease the body can obtain. Sleep also helps to reduce the level of stress that a person

encounters daily. Through the help of sleep, the damaged muscles inside a person’s body

are being repaired, causing the body to be physically strong. Sleep serves as a solution to

fatigues because of the amount of people’s work in everyday life.

As the world becomes more modernized, the everyday tasks of a person

continuously escalate which affects the amount of sleep a person can obtain. According to

studies, sleep has a great contribution to a person. It sharpens the memory, and even the

level of concentration of a person. People who have enough sleep are alert when it comes

to tasks or work, leading them to think properly and help increase the level of productivity.

According to Columbia University Irving Medical Center, sleep deprivation is not

a specific disease. It is usually the result of other illnesses and life circumstances that can

cause its own symptoms and poor health outcomes. Sleep deprivation means you are not

getting enough sleep (2015). It can be concluded that most students are experiencing lack

of sleep, commonly called Sleep Deprivation. Accordingly, Sleep deprivation is a common

problem that can greatly impact a student's physical and mental health and school

performance which may cause executive function impairments (2013).


Generally speaking, in the 2016 Health Living Index Survey, the Philippines has

one of the highest rates of sleep deprivation in Asia. Explicitly, 46% of Filipino adolescents

are experiencing not enough sleep while the other 32% of the Filipino adolescents are

experiencing 6 hours of sleep or below. Since students nowadays have hectic schedules,

these students are highly prevalent of sleep deprivation. A person needs to have an adequate

amount of sleep in order for the body and brain to function properly, but according to

National Sleep Foundation (2016), most students are sleep deprived as 70.6% of these

students are obtaining less than 8 hours of sleep.

According to Bagley, E.J. et al. (2016), school is most likely to be a strong

contributor to sleep deprivation. Typically, school assignments, projects, schedules, and

accountabilities can be highly demanding and lead to making adequate sleep a lower

priority. The problem of sleep deprivation can become cyclical, with students increasing

their sleep debt falling more and more behind in school.

For most students, other facets of their lives seem more important than sleeping.

School schedules and demands make it difficult to sleep early and longer resulting in

compromised sleep. Most students experience troubled sleeping schedules since they are

woken up even before their brain had sufficient time to recover from the day before.

Sleep deprivation increases the tendency for the students to suffer inability to

concentrate in class, daytime sleepiness, lower attentiveness, difficulty in maintaining

alertness, resulting in academic failure. When these students are sleep deprived, they could

have trouble comprehending information and could shutter quantitative skills (2016). In

accordance with Hershner S.D. et al. (2014), the consequences of sleep deprivation and

daytime sleepiness can result in lower grade point averages, increased risk of academic

failure, and compromised learning. In addition, students rank sleep problems second only

to stress in factors that negatively impact academic performance.

This study aims to identify specific effects of sleep deprivation in the academic

performance of students. Sleep deprivation is a national epidemic occurring to students

therefore by conducting this study, researchers are able to point out the effects of sleep

deprivation on one’s academic performance precisely the Grade 11 STEM students in CEIS



Conceptual Framework

Sleep Deprivation among students are severely growing as time goes by, it is

something inevitable to prevent but if the people are aware about its possible negative

effects in the academic performance of the students, no one will do it again. In fact,

inadequate sleep can cause memory impairment which is strongly connected in the

academic performance of a student, if this goes on many students will probably get lower

grades. Sleep has always been a vital part of a human’s life, depriving someone from

getting it will not do anything good in one’s life. This research entitled “Effects of Sleep

Deprivation in the Academic Performance of the Grade 11 STEM Students in CEIS-

Makati, S.Y. 2019-2020” will have a huge role for it aims to spread awareness about the

inevitable problem. The following concepts presented will serve as a guidelines for the

flow of this research namely the demographic profile of the respondents about their 3 rd

quarter general weighted average, the students’ perception about Sleep Deprivation, their

prior knowledge about the topic and lastly, the effects of Sleep Deprivation in the

Academic Performance of the students in terms of their behavior, actions and attitude.

What is the demographic profile of the respondents: General Weighted Average?

It is important to know the General Weighted Average of the students because the

researchers will use this as a basis if the student is experiencing lack of sleep. Through

their given average which will be considered by the researchers if it is below 88, the

researchers would prove that sleep deprivation can truly affect one’s academic

performance. The researchers based the average of below 88 in the school’s qualified top


What is the perception of the respondents about Sleep Deprivation?

Most of the people know exactly what really sleep deprivation is but not everybody

does. According to Kathleen Davis (2018), sleep deprivation can be defined as getting less

sleep than they supposedly need to stay awake and alert. She also had said that children

and young adults are more vulnerable to the effects of sleep deprivation than the actual

adults meaning this just proves the researchers’ point wherein students are more prone to

being sleep deprived because of many possible reasons like stress, sleep disorders like

insomnia, depression, anxiety, and lastly, school works. The students are more likely to be

sleep deprived because of stress brought by the pile of works at school. Sleep deprivation

is more than its façade, it is not just simply not getting enough sleep it is way deeper than

that because it is strongly connected to every bits of an individual’s body, if a person did

not get enough sleep now he/she will experience its effects tomorrow and no one would

want to experience that. Based on National Sleep Foundation or NSF (2015), an average

teenagers with the age of 14-17 need 8 to 10 hours of sleep, if they did not met the required

sleep the consequences will show after. The prior knowledge of the respondents will only

prove how sleep deprivation are always interconnected with the highly poor academic

performance of one’s student.


What are the effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance?

As years goes by and an individual’s age increases, sleep debt also increases. Sleep

debt can be defined as the accumulated sleep loss from an inadequate sleep regardless of

the reason why it happened (Peters, 2019). When this sleep debt piles up, it will be very

hard to prevent the effects on one’s behavior, actions and attitude. In terms of an

individual’s behavior at school when they experience lack of sleep, they are most likely to

isolate themselves, they also tend to be quiet at times and not participate at class for they

feel drowsy. Students’ actions can also be changed when they didn’t get enough sleep,

sometimes, if they really lack sleep they chose to skip classes and that will probably affect

their academic performance.

Most students when they felt sleepy, they drink caffeinated drinks which is bad for

the health if it is too much. Most of the time, students sleep at class if they are sleep

deprived and do not actively engaged. Attitude in class can be worsen if an individual

experience insufficient sleep, a student can be ill-tempered and tend to be easily get irritated

by the small stuffs or other persons. Students, also, have a hard time thinking critically if

they are drowsy. In addition to that, they are not confident to express themselves in front

of the class because of sleepiness.


Perception about Effects of Sleep

Sleep Demographic
Sleep Deprivation in the
Deprivation Profile Deprivation Academic Performance

Weighted Prior Knowledge
Behavior Attitude


Fig 1

Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance

Statement of the Problem

In this study regarding the “Effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic

Performance of the Grade 11- STEM in CEIS-Makati, S.Y. 2019-2020.” It is necessary to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents;

1.1 3rd Quarter General Weighted Average?

1. What is the perception of the respondents about Sleep Deprivation? What is their:

2.1 Prior Knowledge?

1. What are the effects of Sleep Deprivation in the Academic Performance of the

respondents? Are these affects:

3.1 Behavior;

3.2 Actions;

3.3 Attitude?

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus more on STEM students that have experienced sleep

deprivation throughout their academic years or to those who are just sleep deprived for

their own interests. As of the recent population of STEM students studying at Centro

Escolar Integrated School they are 434 in total, out of these 434 students, only 28 of them

are sleep deprived based on the results of our conducted pre-survey which includes the

symptoms and/or qualifications of a sleep deprived person, also, to delimit it further the

researchers get the 3rd quarter general weighted average of the sleep deprived students and

those who got an average of below 88 would be our final respondents which is the 28

students. This will also cover how sleep deprivation affects one's academic performance.

The research will not focus on the external factors like how a student behaves at

home and towards other people outside school. It will mainly focus on how sleep

deprivation affects the academic performance of a student. The reason why behavior at

home and towards other people outside school are not included is because students are the

only ones involved in this research, it doesn't concern their behavior as a daughter or son

or a simple citizen because their behavior at school may be different from their behavior at

home and outside the school.


Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to benefit the following:

Students. The students from Grade 11 STEM of CEIS Makati, the respondents of

this study will attain vast knowledge regarding the effects of sleep deprivation in the

academic performance. They gain awareness and enlightenment in relation to better

sleeping habits for greater academic performances.

Teachers. This refers to the professional teachers who teach Grade 11 STEM

students in CEIS Makati. The job of teaching a large-scale of students will be much easier

since they are alert, attentive and focused in class.

School. The school will be gaining insights on what measures are appropriate to be

conducted addressing the prevention of sleep deprivation.

Parents. This refers to the parents of the sleep deprived students. The parents will

acquire knowledge on how to secure their children’s future by building up a non-exhaustive

environment and habits outside school.

Researchers. This research will be a means to identify and to create awareness

about the effects of sleep deprivation in the academic performance of the students including

the researchers.

Future Researchers. This research will be a useful reference for the researchers

who would plan to make any related study precisely the effects of sleep deprivation in

one’s academic performance.


Definition of Terms

To clarify the terms that we used in our study, we provided a definition of terms so

that the public readers will be able to read and understand our research paper.

Academic - In this study, it is used to describe things that relate to the work done

in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work which involves studying and

reasoning rather than practical or technical skills. (Collins Dictionary, n.d.)

Behavior - In this study, it is used as the way in which one acts or conducts oneself,

especially toward others. ( Dictionary, n.d.)

Performance - In this study, it is the accomplishment of a given task measured

against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. (Business

Dictionary, n.d.)

Sleep Deprivation - In this study, it is a condition that occurs if you don't get

enough sleep, which is a common problem in modern society that can affect individuals in

their own lives. (Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency, n.d.)

Sleep deprived - In this study, it means not getting enough sleep. (Merriam-

Webster Dictionary, n.d.)

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