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Group members:
Nguyen Thi My Duyen_20002485
Quach Cat Tuong_20002428
Nguyen Thi Thao Nhi_20002631
Nguyen Thien Khanh_20002243
Nguyen Nhat Tinh Anh_20002185
Nguyen Hoang Ngoc Tram_20002340
Do Ngoc Xuan Thu_20002299
Instructor: Tran Thanh Truc, M.A.

Feburary, 2023
Ho Chi Minh City

Part 1 Type of tourism……………………………………………………………p.2

Part 2 Marketing research……………………………………………………….p. 4

Part 3 Plan a tour…………………………………………………………………p. 6

Part 4 Appendices ………………………………………………………………...p.8

Part 5 Instructor’s comments …………………………………………………...p. 12

Tourism is which entails the movement of people who called visitors, and travel to
another countries or places for personal purposes. In the other hand, tourism serving for
leisure, relaxation, recreation. Some visitors have their main purpose of that trip is
business or professional. You need to have enough financial space to travel.
In short, there are 3 types of tourism and each type has many different ways to travel.
People consider many factors of these types of tourism, so let’s learn about it !
1.1. Adventure Tourism
Adventure Tourism is a tourism that cross the treacherous regions with physical
strength, cultural experience and bringing everyone to discover and have adventurous
experience. It’s include so much activities like climbing, skydiving, skiing,
mountaineering, scuba diving, and other activities. It’s emerge in the mid-1800s,
adventurers began to cross the line by mountain climbing and river rafting. From that day
until now, this type is so development and quite popular. This type most popular are
many tall mountains in the world, including the mountain. It mostly a place perfect for
hiking, mountaineering and climbing allowing the tourist to challenge themselves against
this mountain. It’s most ideal customers who mountain climbers people and have a
passion for adventuring. This type always have 2 main characteristics in it. They are
physical activity and natural immersion experience. When the tourist going on an
adventure trip they would always end up training their body through the challenge that
they face helping them gain a healthy and strong body. Moreover, it’s not really suitable
to deploy this type of tourism in HCM city. Reason is because due to the nature
landscape of HCM city doesn’t have any mountains or something that could give you
adventure activity and the thrilling, adventurous experience that adventure tourism is
seeking for.
1.2. Eco Tourism
Eco Tourism is tourism that promotes sustainable and responsible travel to areas with
the focus on conserving and protecting the environment. It’s gained momentum in the
1990s with environmental conservation and recognizing the planet as an exhaustible
resource becoming a mainstream consideration. Today, ecotourism continues to grow as
more people travel with environmental consciousness. The country most associated with
eco tourism. Experienced travelers love for its magnificent and carefully protected nature.
Also, It’s offers special eco-hotels for vacationists. It is for tourists of all ages, though
many tend to be older.

There are 4 main characteristics of eco tourism. It's nature based, environmentally
educative, sustainability managed and has small groups of educated and conscious
tourists. It's nature based, environmentally educative, sustainability managed and has
small groups of educated and conscious tourists. I believe HCM City, Can Gio in
particular, has all the requirement needed for eco tourism to be deployed. It is also
famous for its UNESCO Mangrove Biosphere Reserve Forest, Vam Sat Ecological
Tourist Zone, Monkey Island, and Whale Festival. Its salt villages, swallow nest areas,
seafood and fruit gardens are all appealing tourist attractions.
1.3. Leisure Tourism
Leisure Tourism refers to take a break from daily routine life. The most popular
activities of leisure tourism include social tours, cultural tours, religious tours, family
tours, sports tours, and medical tours. The history of leisure tourism has it’s beginning in
the United Kingdom during the Industrial Revolution. It became fashionable to travel to
tropics with milder weather in winter and summer with those who have stable job.
Leisure travel took off in a big way from the last century until now. It is most popular in
amusement parks. This type of tourism is aimed at tourists who want to explore famous
places and scenic spots. This type are centered around relaxation, sightseeing, exploring,
and having a good time. It is really suitable to deploy this type of tourism in HCM city,
the reason is because Ho Chi Minh City has a good climate, suitable for the development
of amusement parks.
In summary, we’re already know define of tourism and these type of tourism above, as
well as different aspect of each type. Although tourism in general has many other types,
but I hope that you guys can refer and experience one of these 3 types which we
recommend !

2.1. Introduction:
According to the types we have listed above, we will choose to study Leisure Tourism.
We choose this type of tourism because it diversity about type and can develop to many
other locations in HCM city. Besides, it’s have huge advantages is: very rich in types like
water leisure tourism, terrestrial and in the air; It can use services such as multi-purpose
gym, water park, unique amusement parks,… But in contrast, it also has some of the
disadvantage like: Fewer tourist would come for entertainment if that terrain didn’t have
many games and unique things, leisure companies lack strategic development, resulting
in unfair competition or unique creativity. So, with this type of tourism, we want to focus
these problems:
First, the reason why tourists have never been to these amusement parks ?
Second, how to improve and develop leisure tourism in HCM city ?
2.2. Research methods:
In this type of tourism, the method we choose to research is questionnaire. We choose
this method to research because it give quick results, gathering a large amounts of
information and is easy to study. In this questionnaire, there are 10 questions to ask about
tourist’s experience when visiting amusement park. There are 53 participants, they are 41
Vietnamese and 12 foreigners and they are all teenagers and middle-aged people. They
are tourists in District 3, tourists in amusement parks, tourists alone, and we distribute
these surveys to students at Nguyen Hue street walk, tourists at Independence Palace and
23/9 Park . We are reach the participants in person, and the places we distribute
questionnaire is in game areas, public areas in the amusement parks.

2.3. Research results:
According to tourists comments from the survey, we have collected the data:


49% 50%
50% 41% 44%
40% 33% 35%
20% 18%
8% 9%
10% 4% 3%
Security service Facilities of the Attitude of the Artifacts of the Activities held at Organize more
of the amusement amusement amusement the amusement activities on the
amusement parks parks guide parks parks amusement
parks parks

Satisfied Not Satisfied

After we asked tourists about their experience and their review about visiting amusement
parks, then there is 50% tourists most satisfied about artifacts of the amusement parks
because tourists really like new equipment, and add more new items, clean equipment.
Moreover, there is 20% tourists unsatisfied about security service of the amusement parks
also because this is extremely dangerous, so they are afraid of this problem when they
lost something or most valuable items. So that is comments of tourists when they visiting
the amusement parks.
2.4 Future lesson:
Recently, too many tourists complain about security service, so we make sure in our tour
program, we make sure with tourists we engage that


As you see the purpose above, we will bring tourists the best service. Not only keeping
memories, but also getting more valuable from experiencing at amusement parks.
Questionnaire sample:
1. Have you been to this amusement park before ?
 Yes
 Not yet
 Others:.....................................................................................................
2. How do you feel about security mode ?
 Very good
 Good
 Medium
 Bad
 Others:.....................................................................................................
3. How are the facilities in amusement park ?
 New architecture, has been repaired
 Old toilet, artifacts that are not cleaned up
 Open and clear space
 Others:.....................................................................................................
4. How much do you think the ticket prices should be ?
 $0.85 - $2.13
 $2.13 – $3
 $3 – $4.3
 $4.3 – $6.4
 Others:.....................................................................................................
5. How do you feel about the attitude of the amusement park guide ?
 Good service attitude, enthusiastic
 Normal
 Poor service attitude, uncomfortable
 Others:....................................................................................................
6. How are the artifacts in the amusement park ?
 Interesting, attractive, have many long-standing value
 Normal
 Not interesting, boring
 Others:.....................................................................................................
7. How do you feel about activities (events, games,..) held at amusement park ?
 Diverse, vibrant, attractive
 Normal
 Too few, need to organize more
 Didn’t know these activities existed, never participated
 Others:.....................................................................................................
8. What more activities should be organized for the amusement parks ?
 Festivals, music shows,...
 Souvenir shops
 Work shops, presentations with content related to amusement parks
 Others:.....................................................................................................
9. How do you feel about those trip ?
 Very interesting
 Interesting
 Normal
 Bad
 Not special
 Others:.....................................................................................................
10. What do we need to do to improve and develop leisure tourism in HCM city ?
 Reasonable fare adjustment
 Staff need to be trained in professional attitude and improve service attitude
 Organize more activities like festival, events, games,.. to increase the
 Others:.......................................................................................................

1. Bạn đã tham quan những công viên giải trí ở đây bao giờ chưa ?
 Rồi
 Chưa
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
2. Bạn cảm thấy như thế nào về chế độ an ninh ?
 Rất tốt
 Tốt
 Bình thường
 Tệ
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
3. Bạn cảm thấy như thế nào về cơ sở vật chất ở các nơi đây ?
 Kiến trúc mới, đã được sửa chữa
 Nhà vệ sinh cũ, đồ đạc không được dọn dẹp
 Không gian thoáng mát
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
4. Bạn nghĩ giá vé như thế nào là phù hợp ?
 20.000 – 50.000 VND
 50.000 – 70.000 VND
 70.000 – 100.000 VND
 100.000 – 150.000 VND
5. Bạn cảm thấy như thế nào về thái độ của các nhân viên ở những công viên này ?
 Thái độ phục vụ tốt, nhiệt tình
 Bình thường
 Thái độ phục vụ kém, khó chịu
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
6. Hiện vật trong các công viên giải trí như thế nào ?
 Hay, hấp dẫn, có nhiều giá trị
 Bình thường
 Không thú vị, nhàm chán
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
7. Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về các hoạt động ( sự kiện, trò chơi,… ) được tổ chức tại các công viên giải trí ở đây ?
 Đa dạng, sôi động, hấp dẫn
 Bình thường
 Quá ít, cần tổ chức thêm
 Không biết những hoạt động này tồn tại, chưa bao giờ tham gia
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
8. Nên tổ chức những hoạt động gì cho các công viên giải trí?
 Lễ hội, văn nghệ,…
 Cửa hàng lưu niệm
 Hội thảo, thuyết trình có nội dung liên quan đến công viên giải trí
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
9. Bạn cảm thấy thế nào về những chuyến đi đó?
 Rất thú vị
 Thú vị
 Bình thường
 Tệ
 Không đặc biệt
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
10. Chúng ta cần làm gì để cải thiện và phát triển du lịch giải trí ở TP.HCM?
 Điều chỉnh giá vé hợp lý
 Nhân viên cần được đào tạo về thái độ chuyên nghiệp và nâng cao thái độ phục vụ
 Tổ chức nhiều hoạt động như lễ hội, sự kiện, trò chơi,.. để tăng sự hấp dẫn
 Khác:.........................................................................................................................
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