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In the competitive content analysis, a compelling picture of the target audience begins to
emerge. The competitors primarily gain traction on Facebook, with minimal activity on
Pinterest, revealing a strong affinity for the Facebook platform within the crossfit and fitness
community. This suggests that the target audience is likely more active and engaged on this
social media channel, possibly reflecting the preference of a more mature and engaged user

The types of content that resonate most with the audience become evident through this
analysis. It's clear that the audience favors static pages that offer structured workout
programs and tips. This suggests that they are seeking specific, actionable information to
enhance their fitness routines. Additionally, the popularity of blog posts indicates an interest
in educational and informative content, possibly to stay updated with the latest trends,
techniques, and fitness-related news.

The information gathered underscores the importance of producing content that caters to
these preferences—static pages that detail workout programs and tips, alongside insightful
blog posts. The target audience appears to be looking for content that not only inspires them
but also equips them with practical knowledge to improve their fitness journey. To
successfully engage this audience, the client's website should prioritize such content formats
while ensuring a strong presence and engagement strategy on Facebook, where their
potential customers are actively seeking and sharing valuable information related to crossfit
and fitness.
New content ideas:
 Small group training benefits. (blog post)
 Long tail keyword, marked as quick win.
 Nutrition tips for functional athletes. (blog post)
 Long tail keyword, marked as quick win.
 Are diet sodas good for fat loss? (blog post)
 Question keyword, unexplored by competition.
 Motivational songs for a good workout. (blog post)
 Marked as a suggestion during keyword
 How to do a proper warm-up for CrossFit? (blog
 Ranks very well for competition, still
{Buffalo Nickel Crossfit}
Technical Review

In this comprehensive technical SEO review, we delve into the critical aspects of your website's
performance, focusing on error pages, the sitemap XML, and the robots.txt file. Understanding the value
of this audit is akin to recognizing the importance of a sturdy infrastructure for a skyscraper. Just as a
strong foundation supports the entire building, a well-structured website, free from errors, with a well-
optimized sitemap and robots.txt, acts as the backbone for search engine visibility. By addressing issues
related to these technical elements, we unlock the potential to enhance your website's search engine
rankings, user experience, and overall online success.

Basic technical aspects, including the sitemap.xml and robots.txt files, are well-maintained and in good

Site Errors
404 Errors:

In the course of our technical SEO audit, we've identified 14 pages on your website bearing the
frustrating 404 error code. Among these, nine pages contain broken internal links, which not only
disrupt the user experience but also hinder smooth navigation throughout your site. Our
recommendation is twofold: Firstly, we advise creating new blog posts to replace the missing content for
all 14 URLs, as this will not only resolve the 404 errors but also refresh your website with valuable, up-
to-date information. Secondly, we propose temporarily removing the broken links from your site until
they are fully functional again.

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