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Soft Computing (2023) 27:4943–4951 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
,- volV)


A deep CNN approach for islanding detection of integrated DG

with time series data and scalogram
Ch. Rami Reddy1,2 • K. Harinadha Reddy3

Accepted: 15 July 2022 / Published online: 12 October 2022

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022

The ever increasing demand for electricity leads to the advancement of distributed generation (DG). Almost all DG sources
are renewable nature. One of the major complications with the high penetration of DG sources is islanding. The islanding
may damage the clients and their equipment. As per the IEEE 1547 DG interconnection standards, the islanding will be
identified in two seconds and the DG must be turned off. In this paper, an advanced islanding detection process stands on a
deep learning technique with continuous wavelet transforms and convolution neural networks implemented. This approach
transforms the time series information into scalogram images, and later, the images are used to train and test the islanding
and non-islanding events. The outcomes are correlated with the artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic methods. The
comparison shows that the proposed deep learning approach efficiently detects the islanding and non-islanding events.

Keywords Distributed generation  Islanding detection  Scalogram  Time series data  CNN

1 Introduction The passive methods encounter the situation by regu-

larly auditing the passive parameters at the point of com-
The high integration of DG systems makes the power mon coupling (PCC) and comparing it with the predefined
system network further complex. One of the major com- threshold value (Reigosa et al. 2017). The passive param-
plications as a result of such DG assimilation is islanding. eters are voltage, current, frequency, impedance, phase
It is a situation where DG feeds the regional loads after angle, etc. If the parameter exceeds the specified value, the
disconnecting from the utility grid (Reddy et al. 2022). It method affirms the islanding (Rami et al. 2021). However,
can be intentional or unintentional. The intentional they have been suffering from massive non-detection zone
islanding arises with the maintenance of utility. The (NDZ) and complexity in fixing threshold values (Salles
unintentional islanding may cause due to utility grid failure et al. 2015; Rami and Harinadha Reddy 2019a). To over-
or uncertainties in the power network (Cui et al. 2018). It come these demerits, active methods are suggested. In
not only damages the customer’s appliances and personal active methods, a low-frequency harmonic signal is con-
but also makes the grid cumbersome (Raju et al. 2021). tinuously injected and the parameters at PCC are monitored
Considerable islanding detection approaches are recom- (Rami and Harinadha Reddy 2019b). In grid-connected
mended by the researchers. They are briefly described here. affair, the injected signal will not affect the monitored
parameters, but in the islanding case, it leads to the dis-
crepancy in the observed guidelines. The particular dis-
& Ch. Rami Reddy crepancies have been used to find the islanding (Murugesan
and Murali 2020; Sivadas and Vasudevan 2020). These
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of recommendations have no NDZ, but they are degrading the
Technology, Srinagar, India 190006 quality of power (Rami and Harinadha Reddy 2018). To
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Malla eliminate the drawbacks of active methods, hybrid methods
Reddy Engineering College, Secunderabad 500100, India are proposed. They are the aggregate of active and passive
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, approaches (Kermany et al. 2017). When the passive
Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering, Mylavaram, method suspects the islanding case, the active approach

4944 Ch. R. Reddy, K. H. Reddy

confirms it (Ch and Harinadha Reddy 2018). These meth- Zþ1

1  t  u
ods have no NDZ and affect power quality less compared Xðu; sÞ ¼ f ðtÞ pffiffiw dt ð2Þ
to active methods (Chen et al. 2019). The remote islanding s s
approach finds the islanding by collecting data from utility
and DG (Xu et al. 2007). Various signal processing In wavelet transforms, the time frequency energy den-
approaches have been proposed by the researchers which sity of a signal is a scalogram. In simple words, a scalo-
reduce the NDZ and enhance the performance of the pas- gram is an observable impersonation of the wavelet
sive methods by extracting the hidden features from the transform, to what end x, y and z axes produce the time,
passive parameters (Reddy et al. 2020; Reddy and Hari- frequency and magnitude in color gradient, respectively
nadha Reddy 2019; Do et al. 2016). Artificial intelligence (Sejdic et al. 2008). The scalogram of time series results
learning models classify the islanding and non-islanding represented in Eq. (1) is depicted in Fig. 1. It is obtained by
events without threshold settings efficiently (Khamis et al. applying the CWT with Morse wavelets. Figure 1 shows
2018). They do not have NDZ, but large data are required two frequencies 10 Hz and 200 Hz and two amplitudes 15
for training the models (Kermany et al. 2017). It is com- and 25, respectively. In this manner, any time series data
pulsory to produce an accurate islanding detection tech- can be converted into scalogram images. It is generally
nique due to advancements in smart grid technology and known that any supervised learning requires data set for
the complexity of the power system network in the future. training of the network and testing. In this paper, the data
This paper presents a new IDM based on deep learning. set is prepared with scalogram images of different time
This method uses CWT and CNN. First, the time series series events. The next section describes the test system
data obtained at PCC are transformed toward the scalogram and data set preparation for the training of CNN in detail.
illustrations with CWT which contain the data of various
islanding and non-islanding events. Later the scalogram
images will be used to train the proposed CNN model. This 3 Test system and data set preparation
is the second attempt of applying image processing tech-
niques for the classification of islanding cases. The Large training information is needed for testing any
remaining part of the paper is organized as per the fol- supervised learning methods. For problems related to
lowing aspects. Segment 2 describes the practice of image classifications, standard data sets are available. No
transforming time series input toward scalogram illustra- such standard data sets are available for islanding detection
tions. Segment 3 describes the test system and data set methods. Hence, a standard test system is appropriate for
preparation. In Sect. 4, the design and training of CNN are developing a sufficient data set. A 100 KW grid integrated
presented. The results and discussions are illustrated in PV source shown in Fig. 2 is considered to create such a
Sect. 5. Section 6 presents the conclusion. data set. This model has been adopted in such a way as to
satisfy the proposed work. The simulations are born in the
MATLAB/Simulink platform. At t = 0.4 s, by opening the
2 Time series data to Scalogram image

This section presents the operation of transforming the time

series signal toward the scalogram appearances. The signal
data of (1) are used to prepare the basic scalogram image
(Manikonda and Gaonkar 2019). It is one second duration
composed of two different frequencies 10 Hz and 200 Hz
near amplitudes 15 and 25, respectively. The amplitudes
and frequencies are randomly selected for illustrating the
explanation. This approach uses the wavelet transform of a
f ðtÞ ¼ 15 sinð2p  10  tÞ þ 25 sinð2p  200  tÞ ð1Þ
The wavelet transform of any signal f ðtÞ can be speci-
fied as:

Fig. 1 Scalogram image of Eq. (1)

A deep CNN approach for islanding detection of integrated DG with time series data and scalogram 4945

Fig. 2 Test system for

implementation of the proposed
Step up
Solar DG DC/DC 3 phase
Boost converter Inverter

Proposed Method
Scalogram Islanding
with CWT Non Islanding

CB (circuit breaker), the islanding event is created. The scalogram illustrations that there is a good variation among
phase angle between the positive sequence component of the islanding and non-islanding images. The image clas-
voltage and current at PCC is acquired for 6 cycles at 1000 sification technique is applied to these images for the
samples per second. A PC with an i5 processor, 8 GB detection of events. Most of the passive approaches are
RAM and Windows 10 operating system is used to get failed to detect the islanding cases when there is a zero or
these simulations. For producing the image data set, dif- small power variation among the DG and the load in the
ferent islanding and non-islanding events are validated and islanding situation. This situation is taken into account, and
their results are recorded as time series plots. different islanding capsules at nearly worst power mis-
CWT is applied to each time series data, for the gen- matches are studied and included in the data set. The data
eration of scalogram images. The scalogram of the phase set also includes several islanding cases and non-islanding
angle between the positive sequence component of voltage cases such as switching of loads, capacitor banks, short-
and current at PCC for grid integrated and disconnected circuit faults and motor switching events. A total of 300
operations are shown in Fig. 3. It is observed against the islanding and non-islanding are generated for data set
creation, which include 150 islanding and 150 non-is-
landing events that are listed in Table 2.

4 Methodology and CNN design

This segment presents the methodology, architecture and

training particulars of CNN. Figure 4 represents the steps
in the proposed islanding detection process. The phase
angle between the positive sequence component of voltage
and current is acquired at PCC in time series form. This
knowledge is transformed into scalogram pictures.
The scalogram pictures are given as input to the already
experienced CNN for the classification of events. For any
supervised learning method, feature extraction is crucial for
workouts and examinations. The accuracy of the approach
depends on these features. In deep learning, CNN naturally
extracts these features from the input pictures. It has
multiple layers, most of the layers are used for feature
extraction and only the concluding minority layers are used
for analysis. The general structure of CNN is depicted in
Fig. 3 Scalogram image variation for grid-connected and islanded

4946 Ch. R. Reddy, K. H. Reddy

Start Image and Filter

1 1 1 0 0 Convoluted
Acquire voltage and 0 1 1 1 0 Feature
current signals at PCC 0 0×1 1×0 1×1 1 4 3 4
0 0×0 1×1 1×0 0 2 4 3
Compute phase angle 0 1×1 1×0 0×1 0 2 3 4
between voltage and current

Fig. 6 Convolution operation in CNN

Compute scalogram of phase
angle signal networks where all input neurons are connected to all the
output neurons, CNN has sparse connections, which means
Test for islanding confirmation only the input neurons have only a few connections with
using already trained CNN the next layer neurons. The convolution activity is repre-
sented by the  operator. Output f ðxÞ is characterized when
the input IðxÞ is convoluted with the kernel KðxÞ as (3):
No f ðxÞ ¼ ðI  KÞðxÞ ð3Þ
If x takes only integer attitudes, the discretized convo-
lution can be defined as (4), which assumes the one-di-
Yes mensional convolution
Trip DG f ðxÞ ¼ IðaÞ  Kðx  aÞ ð4Þ

Fig. 4 Flowchart of the proposed method The two-dimensional convolution with input Iða; bÞ and
filter Kðm; nÞ is illustrated as (5):
Input Image to features extraction Features to classification XX
f ðxÞ ¼ Iðm; nÞ  Kða  m; b  nÞ ð5Þ
m n
Rectified linear circuit

Rectified linear circuit

By commutative law, filter is flipped and Eq. (5) is

Max Pooling

Max Pooling


Soft Max


corresponding to (6):

... XX
f ðxÞ ¼ Iða  m; b  nÞ  Kðm; nÞ ð6Þ
m n

Neural networks appliance the cross-correlation opera-

tion, it is the same as the convolution operation without
Fig. 5 Design structure of CNN flipping the filter and the Eq. (6) changes to (7). Figure 6
shows the convolution operation in detail
Fig. 5, and various slabs of CNN are shortly described here XX
f ðxÞ ¼ Iða þ m; b þ nÞ  Kðm; nÞ ð7Þ
(Guo et al. 2018; Ker et al. 2018). m n

4.1 Convolution layer

4.2 Rectified liner unit (ReLu) layer
In deep learning, convolution is a mathematical operation
on two functions. Among the two functions, one function is The activation function at the yield of the convolution
an image in the form of pixels at the point on the picture lamination is linear naturally. The activations commonly
and the other function is the kernel. Both are characterized happen through the ReLu unit, for getting the nonlinear
as a cluster of numbers. The multiplication of these two transformation. There are different types of activation
arrays accords to the outcome. The filter is now moved to functions; a few among the familiar functions are tanh,
another position on the image which is decided through the sigmoid and rectified linear unit (ReLu). In this CNN
stride duration. The convolution is continued as far as the architecture, ReLu activation function is used at the output
total picture has been covered. The output of these com- of previous layers. It can be represented in Fig. 7.
putations is an activation map. Unlike the artificial neural

A deep CNN approach for islanding detection of integrated DG with time series data and scalogram 4947

Table 1 CNN design parameters

Training parameters Design value

Optimizer Stochastic gradient descent with momentum

Momentum 0.2
Learning rate 0.001
Maximum epochs 15
Mini batch size 10
Loss function Cross entropy
Weight initialization Random
Convolution layers 5
Kernals 3*3, 5*5, 11*11
Fig. 7 ReLu activation function Drop out 0.5
Stride 2
ReLu 5
1 3 0 4
Max pooling layers 5
13 11 7 2 6 1 3 2
Fully connected layer 3
18 16 9 4 0 2 4 4
Sum 0 5 8 6 Mean
pooling pooling
7 6 Max
9 8 pooling Table 2 Different scalograms simulated for data set preparation
Events Number of cases
Fig. 8 Different pooling operations with 2 9 2 filter and stride 2
Islanding 110
Here, x is the input to the neuron. It gives the output as Near zero power loading 40
zero if the input is negative and it gives the same output if Large and medium loading 70
the input is a positive value. This layer simplifies the cal- Non islanding 148
culations and accelerates the design, and it advises escap- Capacitor switching (ON) 10
ing the fading gradient problems. Capacitor switching (OFF) 10
Induction motor switching (ON) 10
4.3 Pooling layer Induction motor switching (OFF) 10
Load switching (ON) 10
The pooling sheet lowers the resolution of the extractions. Load switching (OFF) 10
This layer produces the extractions strong counter to dis- Various types of fault switching 8
tortion and noise. Here are four types of pooling: They are Grid connected (Out of islanding area) 80
max pooling, average pooling, L2 normalization and sum
pooling. In these classifications, the input is separated into
non-overlapping two-dimensional zones. For max pooling,
the maximum value of zone values is considered as output.
For average pooling, the average of zone values is con- xi ¼ Pn ð8Þ
j¼1 ezj
sidered as output, and for sum pooling, the sum of all
values in the zone is considered. The proposed approach All the determined contingencies are in the dimension of
uses the max pooling layer (Fig. 8). zero and one. The importance of this function is that it can
add the entire probabilities up to one.
4.4 Softmax layer
4.5 Fully connected layer
Softmax layer provides the probabilities of all classes for n-
dimensional input real numbers vector. These probabilities These are the output layers of the CNN. This layer pro-
are used for classification. Mathematically, it can be rep- duces the output classification. Every neuron in a fully
resented as in Eq. (8): connected layer has a connection with all neurons in the
last layers. All the features received from the previous
layers are weighted together to produce the specific

4948 Ch. R. Reddy, K. H. Reddy

Table 3 Customized CNN

Layer name Type Kernel Size Output Parameters
model generic details
Input-1 Input Layer – 256 9 256 9 3 0
conv2d-1 Convolution ? ReLU 595 256 9 256 9 64 321
batch_norm-1 Batch normalization – 256 9 256 9 64 256
max_pooling2d-1 Max Pooling 292 128, 128, 64 0
conv2d-2 Convolution ? ReLU 595 128 9 128 9 128 9930
batch_norm-2 Batch normalization – 128 9 128 9 128 512
max_pooling2d-2 Max Pooling 292 64 9 64 9 128 0
conv2d-3 Convolution ? ReLU 595 64 9 64 9 256 36,234
batch_norm-3 Batch normalization – 64 9 64 9 256 1024
max_pooling2d-3 Max Pooling 292 32 9 32 9 256 0
glob_ave_pool2d-1 Global Average pooling – 256 0
Dropout-1 Dropout 256 0
Dense-1 Fully connected layer ? softmax 2 524
Total params: 47,891
Trainable params: 46,905
Non-trainable params: 986

Fig. 10 Islanding case for 80% of load

Fig. 9 Islanding case for 100% of load
initially. This will help in identifying the number of layers
classification output in this layer. The combination of these
required for good efficiency. Once the statistics of slabs are
layers varies for different applications.
identified, the variation of hyper parameters is identified for
optimal values and they are fixed while designing CNN. It
4.6 Design of CNN for islanding detection is initially started with a single layer. Every layer of CNN
approach implements three operations such as convolution, ReLu
activation and max pool operation. Once the CNN is
In this paper, the CNN is constructed for the classification
designed and executed successfully for a single layer, the
of different islanding and non-islanding events. Several
other layer is added and the same operations are repeated
aspects are taken into account while constructing the CNN.
until it gets high accuracy. The response for the number of
The subsequent steps are initially supported. During the
layers on accuracy found that eight layers architecture has
training process, all the hyperparameters are uninterrupted
good accuracy compared to five and seven layers. Hence,

A deep CNN approach for islanding detection of integrated DG with time series data and scalogram 4949

Fig. 13 Non-islanding case of induction motor switching

Fig. 11 Islanding case for 50% of load

5 Results and discussion

The constructed structure is experienced with 75% of data

and tested with 25% of data. 25% of data are completely
unseen by the designed network. The data set contains the
islanding events and various non-islanding events. The
non-islanding events include load switching, capacitor
switching, feeder switching, and fault switching for ON/
OFF cases. In all these cases, the time series data are
transformed into scalogram pictures. The voltage variations
for islanding and non-islanding events are reflected as color
gradients in the scalogram images. The few testing scalo-
grams are depicted in Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. A total of 65
(25 islanding? 40 non-islanding) cases are tested. Out of
all the testing cases, only 3 cases are wrongly predicted.
The accuracy and loss plots for training and validation are
depicted in Fig. 14.

Fig. 12 Non-islanding case of capacitor switching 6 Conclusion

eight layers architecture is fixed for the CNN design for the This paper presents a novel islanding detection method
classification of islanding and other events. Once it is fixed, with CWT and CNN. The time series data of phase angle
the next step is the investigation of the size of the filters. It between positive sequence component of voltage and cur-
is found that 3 9 3 kernel has good output compared to rent obtained from Simulink are transformed into scalo-
5 9 5 and 11 9 11 kernels. The variation of learning rate gram images. The data set is prepared with 258 events of
and momentum with stochastic gradient descent with the islanding and non-islanding cases. 75% of the data set has
momentum method is verified. The learning rate of 0.001 been used for training the CNN, and the remaining 25% (65
accords good outputs in terms of accuracy and loss. The cases) is used for testing. Out of tested 25 islanding and 40
CNN design parameters and data set information and non-islanding cases, only three non-islanding cases are
customized CNN parameters are listed in Tables 1, 2, 3, wrongly predicted. This method has an accuracy 95.4%. It
respectively. has been found that the deep learning-based CNN can

4950 Ch. R. Reddy, K. H. Reddy

Fig. 14 Accuracy and loss plots for training and validation

detect the islanding classifications effectively compared to Khamis A, Xu Y, Dong ZY, Zhang R (2018) Faster detection of
machine learning approaches. microgrid islanding events using an adaptive ensemble classifier.
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tralized identification of accidental islanding. IEEE Trans Ind
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