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Internal Examiners: Prof. CI Peter MARKS: 100


External Examiner: Dr S Steenhuisen (University of the Free State)


This exam comprises six questions in two Sections.

Answer TWO questions from EACH Section: answer FOUR questions in total.

Use the Word template provided to answer the questions.

Insert any images your answers may require into this template.
Save your answers as a single pdf file.
Submit the pdf file of your answers on RUConnected by 17:00.

June 2021 - Botany 201 Page 1 of 4


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June 2021 - Botany 201 Page 2 of 4

Section A. Angiosperm Diversity (Answer TWO questions)

Question 1

Many Angiosperms climb upon other plants to access light and these plants may use a
numerous different structures to achieve this. Write an essay in which you consider different
adaptations of plants for climbing and what parts of the plant body may be modified to
enable a climbing habit. Give examples and names to explain the structures you cover in
your answer.

Question 2

Natural selection has driven the evolution of leaves modified in numerous ways to serve roles
besides light capture and photosynthesis. Write an outline for a “film script” for a proposed
documentary to be filmed by the BBC entitled the Glory of leaves! Your outline should start
off by setting the scene by introducing “a standard leaf” which the audience is familiar with
before taking the viewers on a tour of examples of the most exciting and unusual leaf
modifications as well as the plants to which these modifications belong.

Question 3

Write an essay in which you explain the diverse ways in which the monocot plants
(Monocotyledoneae) are important to the people of South Africa. Your answer should cover
more than just agriculturally important plants and should include specific examples wherever

Section B. Plant reproduction (Answer TWO questions)

Question 4

Explain in detail what is meant by any FIVE (5 marks each) of the following terms:
1. Pollination syndrome
2. Genetic recombination
3. Agamospermy
4. Protandry
5. Pollination ecotype
6. Independent sorting


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Question 5

Explain in detail the process of “double fertilization” in angiosperms starting from the
process of chromosome reduction producing male and female gametes to the formation of an
embryo and associate structure in the seed.


Question 6

Preliminary observations indicate that Pelargonium dipetalum (Geraniaceae) (see Figure 1) is

specialized for pollination by bees and long proboscid flies in different parts of its range. To
confirm whether these flowers represent different pollination ecotypes, you are required to
compare the floral traits important in attracting pollinators. In addition, explain how you would
measure and compare nectar properties and flower colour between two populations visited by
different pollinators.

Figure 1: Different subspecies of Pelargonium dipetalum. Pelargonium dipetalum ssp

dipetalum is visited by bees (left), whilst P. dipetalum ssp stenosiphon is visited by long
proboscid flies (right).


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