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Workflow Automation

Benefits for Display Market

#3 solution proposal

June 2015

Pressure on your operation

CUSTOMER • customer
• Send data approval
• Share order


• Receive data 1 • Organize data 2

• Send files to RIP
• Cutting 12 Shipping
• Data Entry • Preflight 3
• Ripping

• Collecting
• Inform • Masking 4 • Mounting 13
Preproduction 11 • Create Bleed 5
• 3D Creation 6
• Nesting/layout 8
• Create reports 9
• Color 10

Pressure on your operation ● Your customer is not connected and
dependent on your CSR.
1 High number of incoming data files ● Your customer lacks visibility on job
status and progress.

Process Time savings

xx min X #jobs = xxx min
● How much time is spent in
collecting all required data state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
from different sources in order
to prepare for one job in
production? ** Time saving = xxx min

Improved service offering

● What is the average response

time on the feedback to the current
customer on the quality of
x X #jobs = xxx min
incoming data? * guaranteed feedback in less than
state 5 minutes

* solved by the AE processor module

** solved by the AE job management module

Pressure on your operation Observations
● Preproduction operator needs to search for
2 Linking data to job job related files.
● Files saved on local machines.
● Unstructured data causes incomplete data
and triggers multiple iterations.

Process Time Savings
xx min X #jobs = xxx min
● How long does it take on
average to find a file in your state
xx min X #jobs = xxx min
system? *

● How much extra file search current

time do you spend as a state xx min X #times = xxx min
result of file system re- future
organization? * state xx min X #times = xxx min

● How long would it take to state xx min X #times = xxx min
recover lost data? *
state xx min X #times = xxx min

* solved by the AE job management module Process Time saving = xxx min

Pressure on your operation Observations
● Incoming data size, resolution,
Pre-flight: Inconsistent quality of overprint, inks … is not correct
incoming data ● It takes several hours before data can
be taken into production

Process Time Savings

● How long does it take on state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
average to preflight one future
file manually? * state xx min X #jobs = xxx min

Improved Customer
service current
x X #jobs = xxx min
● How long between receiving the
files and actually reporting back future guaranteed feedback in less than
to the customer ? * state 5 minutes

Reduced error rate current

● How many errors are found
later in the process ? */** future

Error reduction = x%
* solved by the AE Processor module
** Solved by the AE Viewing & QA module

Pressure on your operation Observations
● A lot of time is spent on the creation of
structural design: Manual creation of structural designs
● Inaccurate cutting or structural design
display structure errors

● How much time does it state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
take on average to create a future
quality cut path?* state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
● How often does a display current x
get rejected on the basis of state x X = x Euro
insufficient quality of the future x
cutting structure ? What is state x/10 X = x Euro
the cost of a rejection ? *
● How long does it take to state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
create a smaller/bigger
version of the same display state 2 min X #jobs = xxx min
(e.g. for a promotional
campaign)? *

* solved by the AE Processor module

Pressure on your operation ● A lot of time spent in Photoshop to
create bleed
5 Bleed – Manual bleed creation ● Up-scaling images results in
unacceptable quality


● How much time does it take state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
on average to create a future
bleed? * state 2 min X #jobs = xxx min
● What is the cost of a rerun
because of white appearing
on printing area (the current x
x X = x Euro
absence of bleed) or state Euro
because of insufficient future x
x/10 X = x Euro
image quality as a result of state Euro
scaling images to create
bleed ? *

* solved by the AE Processor module


Pressure on your operation ● customer see their 3D display for the

first time when it is actually produced
6 Creation of 3D perspectives ● Design mismatches as a result of a 2D


● How many copies of a display

current x
do you need to produce on state x X = x Euro
average before getting customer
approval ? * / **
future x
state max 1 X = x Euro
– how much does it cost to make a
display ?

* solved by the AE 3Dmodule

** Solved by WebCenter

Pressure on your operation Observations
● Approvals are done out of context
7 customer Approval – scattered approval ● Approvals are done on single part
– not on the complete display
● Collection of feedback is scattered
leading to delays and errors
● Additional approval cycles lead to
delays in production

Questions current
state xx min X #jobs = xxx min
● How much time does the
approval process take ? * future
state x min X #jobs = xxx min

● How much does it cost to

produce a copy of the display in current x
order to start the approval cycle state x X = x Euro
? (production, shipping or travel future x
cost,…) * state 0 X = 0 Euro

* solved by WebCenter

Pressure on your operation ● A lot of time is spent on creating
nested layouts
8 Nesting – Manual layouts ● Leftovers end up in the waste basket
● trade off between on time delivery
and cost effectiveness

● How many mismatches do you current x
x X = x Euro
have with dual sided printed state Euro
displays ? What is the cost of future x
x/8 X = x Euro
such a mismatch? * state Euro
current x
● How many mismatches do you state x X = x Euro
have between graphics and
future x
structure ? What is the cost of state x/8 X = x Euro
such a mismatch? *
current x
● How much waste do you have state x m2 X = x Euro
as a result of leftovers being
future x
thrown away? * state x/7 X = x Euro

* solved by AE Layout Module

Pressure on your operation Observations
● A lot of different files are printed
Reports - and it is difficult to find how many
files are printed already
Keep overview of all printed elements ● Printed files are not linked to the
right cutting files

Questions current
state x
● How often does it happen that
wrong displays are sent to the future
state x/7
wrong location of a retailer ? *
– e.g. because they look very much
● How often do you need to do a current x
state x X = x Euro
rerun because the wrong cutting Euro
file was used ? What is the cost of future x
state x/8 X = x Euro
a rerun ? * Euro

* solved by the AE Layout module

Pressure on your operation ● color inconsistency between presses
10 Color– Manage different output devices ● Color management is a challenge
because it is decentralized and non-
consistency between suppliers

● How many reruns did you have current x
in the last year as a result of state x X = x Euro
brand colors being out of future x
tolerance ? * state x/8 X = x Euro
– What is the cost of a rerun ?
current x
state x min X = x Euro
● How much time do you spend future x
getting presses to match ? * state x/8 min X = x Euro

● How much time do you spend in state x% = x Euro
(Photoshop or in the RIP) to future
minimize your ink consumption state 15-20% = x Euro
for the digital presses ? *
– What % of ink do you typically
save ?
* solved by the AE color module

Pressure on your operation Observations
● information is duplicated into
integration– different systems manually
11 ● passing jobs from order
prepress and admin out of sync processing to prepress is time

● How much time per job is
spent duplicating information state xx min X Euro/hour = xxx Euro
between admin & prepress? *
– duplicating the information state
no duplication – cost 100% eliminated
– explaining the work to prepress

● How many reruns did you have

as a result of errors through
duplication of data? * state x X Euro = xxx Euro
– How many times does this result future
in a re-run of the job and what is state
no duplication – cost 100% eliminated
the cost of this

* solved by the AE Connect module

Pressure on your operation Observations

Cutting – ● Prepress becomes the bottleneck

as all technical marks for printing
Manage shapes and nested layouts and cutting are manually added to
the jobs
● Nesting is not optimal as a result of
manual placement of marks

● How much time per printed current
x min X Euro/h = xxx Euro
sheet is spent on adding all state
technical info such as marks future automatic placement of marks &
and legends ? * state legends – cost 100% eliminated

● How many reruns happened state x X Euro = xxx Euro
as a result wrongly placed
marks ? What is the cost of future automatic placement of marks– cost
state 100% eliminated
the rerun *

* solved by the Automation Engine Base

Pressure on your operation Observations

Collecting – ● The Bill of materials is spread

13 over different nested layouts and
Collect items on different sheets substrates
● Operators are unaware if the
entire order was printed and

● How much time does it take to current x
state x min X = x Euro
collect all the different items Euro
belonging to an order ? * future x
state x/4 min X = x Euro

● Do you mix different orders on

the same printing sheets ? current x
state x m2 X = x Euro
– if yes, how much extra waste do
you have as a result of this ? * future x
state x/4 m2 X = x Euro
current x
– if no, how much extra time do state x X = x Euro
you spend on collecting the right
copies for the right order ? * future x
state x/4 X = x Euro
* solved by the AE Layout module

Summary of estimated value

selected pain point area estimated value/savings

based on time gain

Total XXX

Next Steps

1. Assess Potential Savings

1. Present solution, including savings &


2. Present commercial proposal

Automation Engine Base – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Workflow framework,
including: Consistent process
- SmartNames Tasks become dynamic independent on
availability resources.

- Intelligent Routing No human decisions required Time saving & Error

- Scripting Automatic actions on repetitive tasks Consistent output, Time
saving & errors to 0

- Human checkpoint Human interventions only when Optimal use of operators

for QC required time (focus)

- Traceability Reporting allows optimizations in the Continuous internal

processes optimizations possible

Trapping automating an operator intensive

interactive task improved quality and
consistency in trapping as
well as reduced error rate

Job Management – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Job database Smart & automated data management. Time saving because of
• Automatic Job folders creation organized file structure
• Automatic
• Automated archiving/backup

• CENTRALIZED data management

Milestones Tracking the status of the Job Time saving because of

Internal process optimization

Color module – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Centralized Color Any output device can be driven Time reduction as any
management job can be converted with
One single place to manage the color a central color server.
Consistency in output
Automated conversions of repetitive through central color
tasks management

Error reduction through

smart workflows that pick
the required conversion

Processor module – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Preflight task & Smart, automated and INTEGRATED preflight Fast feedback on
Profile Builder quality incoming
Consistent file check.
communication with
Time saving!
Expansion task Central Variable data printing solution that
for variable can feed any digital press Flexibility on
printing production floor

Various tasks to Repetitive tasks can be offloaded from the

execute operator Time saving
repetitive tasks Consistent results on all files Error reduction
on PDF files

Automation Engine Connect – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Access Points start Automation from customer/sales to Error reduction
workflows after they got print.
a signal from ‘outside’
Transparency in the production Enhanced customer
Set of communication process. satisfaction
tasks (FTP, webservices,
database queries, …) No need for customized solutions

Sustainable solution

Job Information is only keyed in once Time saving


Synchronization between different Enhanced customer

products 24/7 ! satisfaction

Layout module – Features Advantage Benefits

Feature Advantage Benefit

Step & Repeat tasks Automatic creation of a Layout, specifically for Time saving
flexibles and labels Error reduction

Nesting functionality Optimal sheet filling (also for none regular More flexibility: better
for Sign & Display shapes) specifically for Sign & Display press optimization
Less waste (digital

Imposition tools Possibilities to automatically generate the Time saving in

required sheets and imposition schemes prepress, printing and
Error reduction

Viewing & QA module – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Detailed Quality Facility to easily detect content errors Error Reduction by catching
control tools for on any file type prior to any output more errors earlier
all jobs (proof/press/CTP)
Error reduction
Braille reading Detecting critical errors at early stage Time saving
on data which is hard to verify
Save money: errors on
Barcode scanning Controlling critical information at early barcodes have a serious cost
stage on data which is hard to check impact

Version Fast and accurate control on changes Save time: Faster verification
comparison between different versions Less errors

Processor module – Features Advantage Benefits

Features Advantage Benefit

Preflight task & Smart, automated and INTEGRATED preflight Fast feedback on
Profile Builder quality incoming
Consistent file check.
communication with
Time saving!
Expansion task Central Variable data printing solution that
for variable can feed any digital press Flexibility on
printing production floor

Various tasks to Repetitive tasks can be offloaded from the

execute operator Time saving
repetitive tasks Consistent results on all files Error reduction
on PDF files


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