Ethics Vs Morals

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Ethics versus Morals: A Comparison

The word “ethic” comes from Old French (etique), a set of rules for customs and behaviors; and from
the Late Latin (ethica) and Greek (ethos) that referred to customs or moral philosophies.

“Morals” comes from Late Latin’s moralis, which referred to appropriate behavior and manners in

Ethics and morals refer to “right” and “wrong” behaviors and conduct.

Ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, such as a code of conduct in the workplace.
Morals refer to an individual’s principles regarding right and wrong.

What are Ethics

 Ethics are an external social system relating to a specific group that defines right and wrong
 Ethics are codified into a set of rules or a system and adopted by people in that field.
 Example, lawyers, doctors, and accountants must follow an ethical code laid down by their
profession, regardless of their feelings or preferences. Disclosing confidential information or
misleading a client are some examples of a breach of ethics.
 Ethical principles remain consistent across industries and institutions, as they offer strict
behavior guidelines.

What are Morals

 Morals are internal principles that act as personal standards of what we value as right and
wrong and vary from person to person.
 Morals are composed of likes, dislikes, perspectives, predispositions, and judgments.
 Morals provide the basic foundation for understanding a person’s behavior, attitudes, and
 Individual morals are influenced by various factors like religion, culture, and society.

Common Differences Between Moral and Ethical Behavior

Moral rules are personal and vary from individual to individual. While your actions and moral beliefs
may stay the same, your personal moral behaviors may vary from the behavior of others.

Ethical principles remain consistent across industries and institutions as they provide behavioral
guidelines. For example, the code of professional ethics for two doctors living in different cities is the
same despite their geographic differences.

Both your moral values and code of ethics influence your decision-making daily.
Moral decisions stem from personal values, so choosing to help a friend results from the importance
you place on friendship. However, when you encounter an ethical issue, your code of ethical
behavior influences your response. For example, a defense lawyer chooses to defend their client
even if it contradicts their moral beliefs due to their ethical code as a lawyer.
Governing factors
Different contexts influence morality and ethics. Ethical rules stem from a social context since they
relate to societal regulations—an entire community or organization establishes a set of ethical
beliefs to decide what is right and wrong collectively. On the other hand, moral codes exist on a
personal level, as individuals internalize a set of values to create their own concept of what is
morally correct.

Difference Between Ethics and Morals

 Ethics are a set of principles relating to a specific group, field, or organization.

 Morals are personal principles or standards of behavior.

 Ethics can be personal and professional.

 Morals are personal.

 Ethics are influenced by different professions, organizations, institutes, etc.

 Morals are influenced by family background, culture, religion, community, etc.

 Ethics can vary according to the profession.

 Morals can vary according to individuals.

Source: NASBA Center for the Public Trust

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