Writing An Essay Making Suggestions

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Read the theory, then read the essay. What is the writer’s opinion? In which paragraph does he
mention it?

Learning to learn Essay making suggestions

Essay making suggestions are usually formal in style and consist of four paragraphs. In the first paragraph, we
state the problem. In the second and third paragraphs, we write our suggestions and their expected results. Each
suggestion and its expected results should be in separated paragraphs. In the last paragraph, we summarise our
opinion. We use linkers to organize our ideas in well-developed sentences.

To introduce suggestions: To begin/start with, One way to, Another way to solve this problem would be

To express effect: therefore, as a result/consequence, consequently

To conclude: All in all, To sum up, All things considered

What can we do

Heavy traffic is one of the most serious problems that our cities have to deal with nowadays. What can we do, then, to
reduce traffic in our city centres?

To begin with, it is important to improve public transport and to encourage people to use it to commute to work and to
school. The result would be fewer cars in the city and consequently fewer traffic jams.

Another solution would be to encourage people to participate in car sharing programmes. This means several
employees would share one car to get to work instead of each coming in their own car. Again, this would reduce the
number of cars on the streets.

To sum up, traffic makes our cities dangerous and polluted. There are many ways to reduce it though. Employing just
some of these ideas would result in lot less traffic and make our cities safer and nicer places to live in.

Match the suggestions to Suggestions A

Find examples of linkers in the essay. the results. Use linkers.
Replace them, with alternatives from 1. Fine people who litter.
the theory box.
2. Get young involves in clean-up
B Results programmes.

3. Set up recycling schemes in your

A If people know that they will have to pay if area.
they litter, they will stop doing it.
4. Only buy products with biodegradable
B Landfill sites will not become so full. packaging.

C Household rubbish will be put to good use

Writing (essay making suggestions)
and the amount of rubbish in general with be
greatly reduced. Portfolio: You have just had a
discussion in class about the amount
D They will become interested in keeping of litter we produce. Nor your teacher
has asked you to write an essay
parks and their neighborhoods clean and tidy.
suggesting ways to solve the problem
and giving the results of these
suggestions. Write your essay (100-
Para 1: state the problem
120 words). Follow the plan below.
Para 2: first suggestion and result

Para 3: second suggestion and result

Para 4: summarise your opinion

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