Proposal B

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Report Title:
Analyzing the practical website of the sunshine kitchen from China
to the UK

Student ID Number:
Course name: BSc (Hons) Information Technology and Business Information
Systems (Top-up)


Table of Contents
Report Title ............................................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3
Background ............................................................................................................................. 5
Problem Statement ................................................................................................................. 5
Problem Description ............................................................................................................... 6
Project process ........................................................................................................................ 6
Aims, Objectives, and Tasks .................................................................................................. 6
• Objective A1-O1 ........................................................................................................... 6
o Task A1-O1-T1 ......................................................................................................... 6
o Task A1-O1-T2 ......................................................................................................... 6
• Objective A1-O2 ........................................................................................................... 6
o Task A1-O2-T1 ......................................................................................................... 6
o Task A1-O2-T2 ......................................................................................................... 6
• Objective A2-O1 ........................................................................................................... 7
o Task A2-O1-T1 ......................................................................................................... 7
o Task A2-O1-T2 ......................................................................................................... 7
• Objective A2-O2 ........................................................................................................... 7
o Task A2-O2-T1 ......................................................................................................... 7
o Task A2-O2-T2 ......................................................................................................... 7
• Objective A3-O1 ........................................................................................................... 7
o Task A3-O1-T1 ......................................................................................................... 7
o Task A3-O1-T2 ......................................................................................................... 7
• Objective A3-O2 ........................................................................................................... 7
o Task A3-O2-T1 ......................................................................................................... 7
o Task A3-O2-T2 ......................................................................................................... 7
Deliverable ............................................................................................................................... 8
Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 9


Resource required ................................................................................................................. 11

Reference ............................................................................................................................... 11

In China, the Sunshine Kitchen project plays a crucial role in helping consumers to
monitor food safety. The first pilot area is Hangzhou, and according to the statistics,
there have been 4675 IoT devices put throughout 1056 catering units there. Additionally,
10237 warnings have been issued, and 2080 catering units are operating illegally, for a
total of over 70,000 catches. This has forced takeaway businesses to pay attention to
food safety, which enhances regulatory efficiency. At the same time, it invariably builds
a reassuring dining environment for consumers.

In the UK, the increased attention given to food safety as a matter of public concern is
linked to the context of the proliferation of food safety issues. This is because as it
spreads along the chain of global food production and trade, food safety has inevitably
become a worldwide issue. As a result, it is essential to pay closer attention to upholding
food safety laws (Sun, J., 2012). takeaway platforms such as Uber Eats do not explicitly
regulate the food safety of takeaways. When new clients use the platform, they are not
entirely comfortable with food safety. Hence, food safety is essential for routine takeout
operations. Roy, V., and Srivastava, S.K. (2022) assert that by putting the demands of
ultimate consumers first, food chain players need to restructure their production,
processing, and disclosure norms. As of now, fraud and criminality have mostly been
used to define the integrity of the food chain, which has reduced transportation-related
pollution. They are the manner of preparation and the raw ingredients' freshness.
Thoughts on how to improve our understanding of the impact of food chain integrity
on food quality and safety are still lacking. They conceptualized the interactive space
between the notions of food chain integrity, food safety, and food quality to overcome
this challenge by using a unified perspective of food chain management. Consequently,
this project is worth developing to ensure food safety.

In terms of motivation, the topic was chosen because the author joined the Asian Games
Mobile Office during the holidays and was awarded the project to promote food safety
during the Asian Games through the Mobile Sunshine Kitchen project. As a result, the
collection of data for the project was secured by visiting companies that had installed
sun kitchens. As a result, food safety monitoring of takeaway outlets in the UK was
carried out, following the example of China.

In terms of the project process, three components were needed for the Sunshine Kitchen
project to make it more efficient. which is an online information processing platform, a
database of takeaway platforms, and a website. Firstly, the online information
processing platform can be seen as a bridge between the restaurant and the client.


Secondly, the platform needs to handle restaurant videos. Finally, clients can watch it
through a takeaway app. This can greatly protect food safety. Even if there is a food
safety issue, it can help consumers find the reason.

Based on Sunshine Kitchen, inspired the author's vision for the design of the webpage.
Firstly, the webpage requires the user to log in before the specific application interface
appears. It has quite a few basic features: a video with live monitoring, a history bar,
and an interface where clients can provide feedback. Secondly, an interface that
promotes food safety issues is invariably crucial to help clients become more aware of
food safety. Finally, the webpage needed to provide an interface for the tariff
framework, which would be useful for promoting the project.

When it comes to data collecting, most of the data in this report will be derived from
secondary data (online, books, and magazines), which could lead to data mistakes. As
an example, a client might order takeout for lunch, but when they eat dinner at home,
they get stomach pain. This could be because the client's food preparation is subpar,
which makes them take the attitude that the food on the app's video might not be safe
to eat. Therefore, the project description aids clients in increasing their awareness of
food safety in addition to monitoring the safety of takeout food. The authors will ask
indigenous classmates for their opinions on the Sunshine Kitchen utilizing a
questionnaire. In addition, feedback will be obtained from shops familiar to the author
using a questionnaire. This data will be compared with the feedback from Chinese
takeaway platforms to conclude whether Sunshine Kitchen can be used in takeaway
shops in the UK. As the respondents may have unreasonable data due to the subjective
impressions of the authors, the project needed to collect actual data from China and
compare it with the situation in the UK to draw relatively realistic conclusions.
Therefore, secondary data will outnumber the main data.


Takeaways are now frequently used to address daily nutritional issues as a result of the
expansion of e-commerce, however food safety is frequently not ensured. The Food
Standards Agency (FSA) conducted research that has been released that estimates the
number of foodborne illnesses in the UK in 2022 to be two times greater than the 2.4
million cases that are currently reported there. About one million more cases of
foodborne illness will occur in 2022 than there were in 2009. Additionally, there are
380,000 food-related cases reported annually in the UK. Takeout-related illnesses
account for 25% of all food-related illnesses across all food sources, according to an
analysis of the function of the main channels of food transmission.

The way leading to food problem in the UK

dining in outside takeaways pen-headed oysters on retail raspberries on
lettuce on retail sale retail sale

dining in outside takeaways

pen-headed lettuce on retail sale oysters on retail sale
raspberries on retail sale

Food Standards Agency. 2022 June 1

Clean and hygienic food is an excellent weapon against disease and early death,
according to Sir Kingsley Wood, M.P. (1925). It is encouraging to see that the dietary
standards of British individuals have significantly improved, which is a significant
contributing element to the decline in tuberculosis mortality. But the need to safeguard
consumers from tainted, adulterated, and disease-causing food is growing.

Problem Statement
In the UK, Uber Eats is widely used. However, it does not showcase takeaway food,
which leaves new clients with a lack of food knowledge leading them to use Uber Eats
without being fully confident about food safety, and when food safety issues arise, they
are unable to spot the root cause of the problem. The project will add videos to the
website, which will allow clients to follow a history of videos and find food safety
issues on the day they occurred.


Problem Description
The project will have a spot for videos and when there is a food safety issue, the videos
will invariably help clients to identify the trigger of the problem. The website was
designed with the primary goal of preventing restaurants from creating takeout videos
using expired or unclean materials. Additionally, clients can increase their awareness
of food safety by using this website.

Project process
Firstly, data about Sunshine Kitchen in China needs to be collected for study as part of
the research. Secondly, many inferences must be made by gathering current information
about China and what locals know about Sunshine Kitchen. At the same time, data on
market conditions and UK opinions of UK kitchens were gathered. Additionally, a
comparison analysis was performed to reach a conclusion that was reasonably
trustworthy and made sense of the project's deliverables. Finally, the entire report is
summarised and provided.

Aims, Objectives, and Tasks

Aim 1. Analyze whether the project is suitable for the UK through the Five Force
analysis theory and SWOT analysis by actual data in China and UK.
• Objective A1-O1
Understand the experience of the user in China.
o Task A1-O1-T1
Collecting data from China.
o Task A1-O1-T2
Analysis data thus can get a conclusion which is a positive or huge

• Objective A1-O2
Analyze how projects are used in the UK
o Task A1-O2-T1
Analyze the project’s advantages and disadvantages in the market.
(Porter, Michael E., 2008)

o Task A1-O2-T2
Optimize the project based on the situation in China


Aim 2. Help clients improve their awareness of food safety so that this project can be
• Objective A2-O1
Investigate clients' needs
o Task A2-O1-T1
Design and distribute a questionnaire
o Task A2-O1-T2
Get some feedback
• Objective A2-O2
Publicize the project to let clients know that the project can reduce food safety
problems according to data from China.
o Task A2-O2-T1
Create user manual
o Task A2-O2-T2
Spread user manual

Aim 3. Design the application program to ensure smooth operation.

• Objective A3-O1
Use a variety of software to make the website of framework, appearance, and logo.
o Task A3-O1-T1
Design a framework
o Task A3-O1-T2
Design the website of appearance and logo

• Objective A3-O2
Check whether the website can run the process.
o Task A3-O2-T1
Operating beta website
o Task A3-O2-T2
Improve website


1. Improve citizens' awareness of food safety. And reduce the incidence of food safety
The reason for this is that through awareness-raising projects, individuals around you
can be made aware of the importance of food safety through concrete data.

2. Applications that can be used. (Framework and an IT system)

Firstly, it is possible to get a framework for the website that can be used. It should be
able to accept video and then allow the audience to watch it in real-time. In addition,
there is an information system to support the operation of the website.

3. An overview/discussion of the finding of a critical review.

Through the tutor's advice, and the author's learning how to use critical thinking to
consider issues, which is within the realm of reasonable questioning of conclusions.

4. A discussion of the finding from data analysis.

Firstly, the author needs to collect pre-design data first, which will be used to plan what
features the project website should process. So, this should be about usage in China to
ensure that the content of the app is relatively developed. This is followed by a survey
of local perceptions of the project and modifying the app so that it can be used in
everyday life.




Tasks Deliverables Effort Goals

Project introduction Draft 1 week Understand the
and proposed requirements requirements of the
19/9-2/10 topic so that you can
choose the right one
Writing the first Specification 2 weeks Write the basic
draft framework according
2/10-16/10 to the format of my
Submit Project Feedback 2 weeks Submit the first draft to
Proposal the supervisor and then
16/10-1/11 revise the draft
according to the
Meeting my advice 1 day Asking questions of
supervisor the supervisor and
2/11 amending
inappropriate areas
Learning new Better design 2 weeks Learn what you need to
knowledge experience and know while collecting
collect pre-data 2/11-16/11 pre-designed data
reference review High-level 2 weeks Collect more
design references that can be
documents 16/11-5/12 used
Planning my beta website 1 week Designing frameworks
website (use pre-data) based on knowledge
5/12-12/12 and data
Design and submit beta website 2 weeks Design a beta website
a basic website (Framework ) and get a framework
12/12-26-12 that can be used
Questionnaire and Feedback 2 weeks A questionnaire survey
Feedback in the UK to derive
26/12- their views on the
19/1/2023 project
Test and achieve a Feedback and 4 weeks Test and complete the
finished website improvement by 2/1-31/1/2021 website to get an
actual data information system
Prepare Report and Report(Discuss 4 weeks Writing the final
Presentation the results of 2/2-4/3/2023 report, what skills I
critical should learn and what I
reviews) should know more
about during this
design process


Resource required
Software such as publisher, excel, and word, are very helpful in collating data and
improving the thesis. Then use incentives to entice the target group to write
questionnaires to gather feedback.

‘British Food Journal Volume 27 Issue 2 1925’ (1925) British food journal (1966), 27(2),
pp. 11–20. Available at:

Cancanan. (2022) [Example of the Sunshine Kitchen in China] [online]. Available

from: [Accessed 9 October 2022]

China Food News. (2022) [Sunshine Kitchen in China] [online]. Available from: [Accessed 19 October 2022]

Food Standards Agency. (2022) [FSA research suggests new higher estimates for
the role of food in UK illness] [online]. Available from:
illness. [Accessed 6 October 2022]

Harvard Business Review,86 (1), p78-93. Available at:
true&AuthType=ip,sso&db=bth&AN=28000138&site=ehost-live&scope=site. [Accessed
on September 29, 2022].

Roy, V. and Srivastava, S.K. (2022) ‘The safety–quality dominant view of food chain
integrity: Implications for consumer‐centric food chain governance’, International
journal of management reviews : IJMR, 24(1), pp. 3–24. Available at:

Sun, J. (2012) ‘The Evolving Appreciation of Food Safety, European food, and feed law
review, 7(2), pp. 84–90.


Zhejiang government Service network. (2021) Hangzhou Sunshine Kitchen was

officially launched. Available at:
< > [Accessed
on September 29, 2022].


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