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Ancient Wheels Wheel, a circular frame of hard It is believed that

material that may be solid, partly Mesopotamian cultures, namely
solid, or spoked and that is capable the Sumerians, invented the wheel
of turning on an axle (Britannica, around the 4th millennium BCE
2024). Wheels, in conjunction with (History Cooperative, 2024). It is
axles, allow heavy objects to be where the Sumerian people
moved easily facilitating movement inserted rotating axles into solid
or transportation while supporting a discs of wood. It was only in 2000
load, or performing labor in BC that the discs began to be
machines. Wheels are also used for hollowed out to make a lighter
other purposes, such as a ship's wheel (CiteCo, n.d.).
wheel, steering wheel, potter's
wheel, and flywheel (Wikipedia).

Papyrus Papyrus, from which we get the Invented by the Egyptians in

modern word paper, is a writing approximately 3000 B.C., papyrus
material made from the papyrus leaves for writing were made from
plant, a reed which grows in the the papyrus water-plant which
marshy areas around the Nile River. grew abundantly in the marshy
Papyrus was used as a writing delta of the river Nile (University
material as early as 3,000 BC in of Adelaide).
ancient Egypt, and continued to be
used to some extent until around
1100 AD (University of Michigan).

Shadoof A shaduf is a hand-operated device A shaduf is an irrigation tool

used for lifting water out of a well invented by the Egyptians and used
or reservoir (Primary Facts, n.d.). ever since by many cultures
The shaduf is known as the first (Poughkeepsie Journal, 2015). It
device used for lifting water in was invented by the Ancient
several ancient civilizations Egyptians and is still used today, in
(Yannopoulos et al., 2015). Egypt, India and other countries
(Primary Facts, n.d.).

Antikythera The Antikythera Mechanism is a Thought to have been constructed

Mechanism cultural treasure that has engrossed by Archimedes at Syracuse or by
scholars across many disciplines. It Posidonius at Rhodes, the
was a mechanical computer of mechanism was recovered from a
bronze gears that used ground- ship wreck near the Greek island
breaking technology to make of Antikythera in 1900-1
astronomical predictions, by (Maloney, 2014).
mechanizing astronomical cycles
and theories (Freeth et al., 2021).
Aeolipile The aeolipile was a hollow sphere Heron, the great inventor of
mounted so that it could turn on a Alexandria, described in detail
pair of hollow tubes that provided what is thought to be the first
steam to the sphere from a cauldron. working steam engine. He called it
The steam escaped from the sphere an aeolipile, or "wind ball" (Fisher,
from one or more bent tubes n.d.).
projecting from its equator, causing
the sphere to revolve. The aeolipile
is the first known device to
transform steam into rotary motion.
Like many other machines of the
time that demonstrated basic
mechanical principles, it was simply
regarded as a curiosity or a toy and
was not used for any practical
purpose (Britannica).

Heavy Plough The heavy plow was used during The heavy iron moldboard plow
the Middle Ages in Europe. The was invented in China's Han
purpose of plowing is so that the Empire in the 1st and 2nd century
fresh nutrients are brought up to the and from where it was spread to
surface by turning over the upper Holland which led the Agricultural
layer of the soil, while Revolution. The mould-board
simultaneously burying weeds and plough introduced in the 18th
the remains of previous crops for century was a major advance in
them to break down (Bartleby, n.d.). technology (Wikipedia).

Gunpowder Gunpowder is the first explosive to The invention of gunpowder can be

have been developed (Wikipedia). traced back to the middle of the 9th
Gunpowder is a mixture of sulfur, century in the Chinese Tang
carbon (charcoal), and potassium Dynasty. Chinese alchemists, using
nitrate (saltpeter) that is also the chemical saltpeter (potassium
commonly known as “black nitrate), were attempting to create a
powder” due to its color. Compared potion of immortality. Instead, they
to other chemical explosives, created one of the most destructive
gunpowder is relatively simple to tools in human history: gunpowder.
produce (Holmes et al., 2023). The earliest written formulas for
gunpowder can be found in the
Wujing Zongyao, a Chinese
military manual from 1044 CE.
(Study Smarter).

Paper Money Paper money is a country's official, Paper currency first developed in
paper currency that is circulated for Tang dynasty China during the 7th
the transactions involved in century, where it was called
acquiring goods and services. The "'flying money'", although true
printing of paper money is typically paper money did not appear until
regulated by a country's central the 11th century, during the Song
bank or treasury in order to keep the dynasty (Wikipedia). Paper bills
flow of funds in line with monetary were first used by the Chinese,
policy (Barone, 2023). Paper money who started carrying folding
is the authorized medium of money during the Tang Dynasty
exchange in most countries. These (A.D. 618-907) (Time Magazine).
are banknotes of a country with The use of paper currency was
specific values circulated for all initiated by merchants. To avoid
manner of transactions. Paper having to carry thousands of
money is also called as paper strings of coins long distances,
currency (Navi, 2023). merchants in late Tang times (c.
900 CE) started trading receipts
from deposit shops where they had
left money or goods (Columbia

Mechanical Clock The mechanical clock comprises an The world’s first mechanical
oscillating mechanism that marks clocks are thought to have been
the passing of time, and an tower clocks built in the region
escapement that counts its beats. By spanning northern Italy to southern
comparison with astronomical Germany from around 1270 to
systems for measuring time, the 1300 during the renaissance
mechanical clock is less accurate, period. These clocks did not yet
but can be consulted at any time of have dials or hands, but told the
day or night, even in adverse time by striking bells. The clocks
weather conditions (Institute and used the suspended weights to
Museum of the History of Science). move their wheels. There were two
such weights, one to move the
clock and the other to ring the bell
(Seiko, n.d.).

Spinning Wheel A spinning wheel is a machine used Dieter Kuhn and Weiji Cheng
to turn fiber into thread or yarn. propose the spinning wheel
This thread or yarn is then woven as originated in Zhou dynasty China.
cloth on a loom. The spinning C. Wayne Smith and J. Tom
wheel's essential function is to Cothren, propose the spinning
combine and twist fibers together to wheel was invented in India as
form thread or yarn and then gather early as 500-1000 AD.Arnold
the twisted thread on a bobbin or Pacey and Irfan Habib propose the
stick so it may be used as yarn for spinning wheel was most likely
the loom (Encyclopedia, 2018). invented in the Islamic world by
the early 11th century. K. A.
Nilakanta Sastri and Vijaya
Ramaswamy suggest there is clear
reference to the use of a spinning
wheel (with a description of its
parts) by the 12th century in India,
by Kannada poet, Remmavve

Jansen’s Janssen's microscope consists of Zacharias Janssen is generally

Compound three draw tubes with lenses believed to be the first investigator
Microscope inserted into the ends of the to invent the compound
flanking tubes. The eyepiece lens microscope. However, because the
was bi-convex and the objective accomplishment is generally
lens was plano-convex, a very agreed among historians to be
advanced compound design for this dated in the 1590s, most scholars
time period. Focusing of this hand- believe that his father, Hans, must
held microscope was achieved by have played an important role in
sliding the draw tube in or out while the creation of the instrument. The
observing the sample. The Janssen pair worked together as spectacle
microscope was capable of makers in Middleburg, Holland not
magnifying images approximately far from Hans Lippershey, another
three times when fully closed and optical scientist who is often
up to ten times when extended to alternatively credited with the
the maximum (Florida State invention of the microscope
University). (Florida State University).

Galileo’s Galilean telescope, instrument for Many people believe that Galileo
First viewing distant objects, named after Galilei was the first astronomer to
Telescope the great Italian scientist Galileo invent and build the telescope;
Galilei (1564–1642), who first however, the first telescope was
constructed one in 1609. With it, he made by Hans Lippershey in the
discovered Jupiter’s four largest early 1600s. Lipperhey was a
satellites, spots on the Sun, phases German-Dutch glass maker, and he
of Venus, and hills and valleys on managed to reduce the amount of
the Moon. It consists of a light in his telescope while
convergent lens as objective (i.e., focusing it. His model inspired
the lens that forms the image); and other scientists to work on
its eyepiece (or ocular), placed in perfecting the telescope (The Nine
front of the focus, is a divergent Planets, 2019). Galileo Galilei did
lens. An upright image is produced. not invent the telescope but was
This simple refracting telescope is the first to use it systematically to
still used in modern opera glasses, observe celestial objects and
which are low-powered binoculars record his discoveries. (Australia
(Britannica). Telescope National Facility).

Jacquard Loom The Jacquard machine is a device The machine was patented by
fitted to a loom that simplifies the Joseph Marie Jacquard in 1804,
process of manufacturing textiles based on earlier inventions by the
with such complex patterns as Frenchmen Basile Bouchon
brocade, damask and matelassé. (1725), Jean Baptiste Falcon
The resulting ensemble of the loom (1728), and Jacques Vaucanson
and Jacquard machine is then called (1740) (Wikipedia).
a Jacquard loom (Wikipedia).

Engine-powered An aircraft engine, often referred to The Wright brothers inaugurated

Airplane as an aero engine, is the power the aerial age with the world's first
component of an aircraft propulsion successful flights of a powered
system. Aircraft using power heavier-than-air flying machine.
components are referred to as Wilbur and Orville Wright spent
powered flight. Most aircraft four years of research and
engines are either piston engines or development to create the first
gas turbines, although a few have successful powered airplane, the
been rocket powered and in recent 1903 Wright Flyer. It first flew at
years many small UAVs have used Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on
electric motors (Wikipedia). December 17, 1903, with Orville at
the controls (National Air and
Space Museum).

Modern Television A modern television is usually flat Modern Television is a British

and has a size ranging from 21 production company based in
inches to as much as 71 inch. Cardiff and London. It was
Modern television set has standard founded in 2005 by Griff Rhys
ports of HDMI, USB, VGA, A/V Jones and Simon Mansfield, who
inputs, composite video, ethernet, left in 2011 (Wikipedia).
an RF connector (Student Share).

Philippin The Electric Jeepney (E-Jeepney) is The electric jeepney (E-Jeepney)

e E- a recent development in the was introduced in the country by
Jeepney Philippines that provides a the visionary Mr. Robert Puckett in
sustainable, clean form of public 2007 (Solaready PH). This (e-
transportation. E-jeepney is more jeepney) was made by the
cost-effective; has 87% lower engineers of EVAP, while the
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; research and development,
does not produce smog; reduces air prototyping was funded by the
pollution and its associated health DOST for PHP4.9 million,"
effects; and is more preferred by the DOST-Philippine Council for
majority of the riding public due to Industry, Energy, Emerging
its safety, environment-friendly, and Technology Research and
comfortable ride. (Appropedia). Development (DOST PCIEERD)
executive director Enrico Paringit
told the Philippine News Agency
(Arayata, 2022).
Erythromycin Erythromycin is used to prevent and Dr. Abelardo Aguilar, a Scientist
treat infections in many different from the Philippines discovered
parts of the body, including the Erythromycin in 1949. Dr.
respiratory tract infections, skin Abelardo was testing samples of
infections, diphtheria, intestinal soils from his backyard and
amebiasis, acute pelvic isolated micro-organisms – a
inflammatory disease, Legionnaire's bacteria that lead to the
disease, pertussis, and syphilis development of the Antibiotic
(Mayo Clinic, 2024). called Erythromycin (San Pedro
College of Business
Administration, 2020).

Medical Incubator Incubators are device that provides Del Mundo revolutionized
sufficient warmth to the body to Philippine medicine, making major
maintain a desired temperature. breakthroughs in immunization
Premature babies have very less fat and in the treatment of jaundice,
around them and lose heat rapidly and providing healthcare to
to the surrounding environment. thousands of poor families. She is
The incubator plays an important credited with studies that led to the
role in maintaining the small invention of the incubator and a
environment of desired temperature jaundice relieving device (Hobart
which minimizes the heat loss. and William Smith Colleges).
Once the heat loss is reduced, the
nutrition given to premature babies
will be utilized in organ
development and weight gain
(Pediatric Oncall).

Mole remover A skin cancer treatment cream Rolando Dela Cruz, is a multi-
made of cashew nut and kakawate awarded Filipino scientist and
(Gliciridia sepium) scraped first inventor who developed an
place in the recent National ingenuous formula that could
Inventions Contest held at the easily remove deeply grown moles
Philippine Trade Training Center in or warts from the skin without
Pasay City last Nov. 17-21 leaving marks or hurting the
(Department of Science and patient (Steemit, 2018).
Technology, 2009).

Banana Ketchup Banana ketchup, also known as Maria Orosa is the female scientist
banana sauce (in export markets), is behind the iconic banana ketchup.
a Philippine fruit ketchup A Filipino condiment, banana
condiment made from banana, ketchup was created by Orosa
sugar, vinegar, and spices. Its between the 30s and 40s. At this
natural color is brownish-yellow but time, Orosa had dedicated herself
it is often dyed red to resemble to bolstering Philippine food
tomato ketchup. Banana ketchup supply by creating alternatives to
was first produced in the imported fare. She was advocate
Philippines during World War II for using locally available
due to a wartime shortage of ingredients, so when a tomato
tomatoes but a comparatively high shortage ensued, she found a way
production of bananas (Wikipedia) to create ketchup from bananas. In
1942, Universal Food Corporation
(UFC) distributed the first mass-
produced banana ketchup, which is
still a staple today (Tatler Asua,


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