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®@® _ESWATINI Beverages proud part of the ABingevtamily SAFETY OBSERVATION REPORTING Please check all appropriate conditions ‘Type of Observation or Potential azar: sarery HEALTH Damage to property Skin tation Inuy to person Ergonomics LUnsateactconstion Nise Fie Breathing problems Pre ‘Thermal svess omer Lighting Pests otver ‘what happened? ner ca happen? nen aa tmappen? ‘wno was iwoned? ‘wy oid taper? Ne 41104 ENVIRONMENT Atmosphere gastemissic Siagoe Houssteeping Inadeauate ceaning asta o resources Blocks drain Inconect separation Omer OBE ESWATINI Aproua eee rod | ABinBevtarnily Ne 479 SAFETY OBSERVATION ‘ie REPORTING es ic een ‘Type of Observation or Potential Hazard: Trapped}, iy eb east coneee Sees a ee ee ae = Congres eet = a oles oe ioe = an aaa i ‘What happenes? wns di thappen?| ‘non it happen? ‘mo was involved? Why dt happen? Pood baba kare open pce, | mcectmaonee, Sos cane — canon — Internal Use | Internal Use ‘CONTROLLED COPY ‘CONTROWED COPY [pet sar Oa 10 SAFETY OBSERVATION NCO 41081 SAFETY OBSERVATION N& 41105 REPORTING REPORTING Please check all appropriate conditions ‘Type of Observation or Potential Hazard: SAFETY HEALTH ENVIRONNENT Damage to property Skin tation Atmosphere gasemissc Ing t person Ergonomics Spiages Unsteaeuconditon Noise Housekeeping Fie Breathing problems inadequate cleaning Pre Treima sess Wastage ofresouces ote Lighting Blokes dan Posts Incoreet separation other Otter wnat happened? \Winere aa happen? ‘nen ais nappen? Woy aid nappen? How os thappen” Name of person reporting sparen, Contac umber =a Date repare, Internal Use ConTROALeD COPY Please check all appropriate conditions: ‘Type of Observation or Potential Hazard sarery weauTH ENVIRONMENT Damage to property Skin tation ‘Amouphane gaclomies nur person Ergonomics Spilages Unsateactzonation Nols Housereesng Fie Breathing problems inadequate clearing Pre ‘Thermal sees Wiostage of resources ote Lighting Boskes ran Pests ‘noone separation pher Oter ‘What happenec? Vere 3 tnapoen? ven ait happen? ‘wna wae involved? wiry di topper? How dis i nappen?, Name of person reporting Deparment ‘Contact ube Date repre ‘ Internal Use ‘CowTROLLED COPY

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