5 Education, Future Career

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1) First, I would like to speak about types of schools and about education in the

Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic we have kindergartens, primary

schools, secondary schools, vocational schools and universities. Most
children attend state schools but some attend private schools. Students at
private schools must pay school fees. All schools are mixed and students
don't wear uniforms. The school year starts on the 1 of September and ends
on the 30 of June. A school day usually starts at 8 o'clock. Students get marks
from 1 to 5. The best is 1 and the worst is 5. At the end of the school year
students get their school certificates. In our country are kindergartens for
children from age of 3 to 6 years. At the age of 6 children go to primary school
and then (at the age of 15) they move to secondary school if they pass
entrance exams. Secondary school is usually attended by students for four or
three years (vocational school) and after they finish with the school leaving
exam. Some students continue to university after they pass university
entrance exams and they graduate from university and receive a diploma and
a degree.
2) Second, I would like to speak about the schools I attended. At the age of four,
I went to kindergarten in my hometown (in Osek). I met there new friends and
I went to primary school with some of them when I was six years old. The
Primary school was also in my hometown Osek and I attended it for 9 years.
Now I study at the secondary veterinary school in Hradec Králové for 3 years.
3) Thirdly, I would like to speak about what I would change about my school if I
could. I think every school has something that could be changed. I don't know
exactly what I would like to change at my school, but I guess waiting for lunch
in the school canteen, not enough seats and of course better meals. It would
also be good if the grading changes and we focus more on vocational
subjects. Sometimes it would be good to give students more free time and let
them do what they want to do to rest and relax.
4) Fourthly, I would like to speak about my future plans. In the future I would like
to study at the Veterinary university in Brno because I want to be a veterinary
doctor and work in my veterinary clinic. It's been my dream for a long time and
I hope it comes true. I would like to focus on small animals, especially rabbits.
This university is very far from my home but I don´t mind. I will be in the hall of
residence and later I will try to find a flat.
I don't know what my future family will look like. I would like to have a small
family. I would like to have 1 or 2 children. My future family should hold
together and be there for each other. We should not lie to ourselves and be
rude or dishonest. We will spend time together and go on trips and holidays. I
would like to live with my family in a house somewhere in the countryside with
a big garden and animals, because there is fresh air and it's a quiet place.

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