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The need for quality education is paramount in the ever-evolving global landscape. In
this pursuit, Home Economics education emerges as a significant aspect, contributing to the
holistic development of students, particularly in the field of cookery. This study aims to
investigate and enhance the practical skills of Grade 11 Cookery students at Catmon
Integrated School for the academic year 2023-2024, acknowledging the critical importance
of this subject area in the students' lives and future prospects.

The global and national perspective underscores the importance of practical life skills
in an individual's education. Home Economics, especially its cookery component, plays a
pivotal role in equipping students with essential life skills. As a result, students become more
self-reliant and are better prepared for the challenges they will face in their future careers
and personal lives (Smith, 2022). From a national standpoint, the demand for skilled
professionals in the culinary industry is consistently on the rise (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
2021). This fact necessitates educational institutions to invest in improving their Home
Economics programs to produce competent graduates who can meet these demands.
Locally, observations and local studies conducted at Catmon Integrated School highlight the
existing gap in the practical skills of Grade 11 Cookery students. Many students struggle
with basic culinary tasks, leading to concerns regarding their readiness for future endeavors
in the culinary field.

In light of these observations and statistics, the proposed study aims to address the
existing issues by developing and implementing a curriculum that focuses on enhancing
practical skills in cookery. By doing so, we seek to bridge the gap between students'
theoretical knowledge and their ability to apply it effectively. The successful implementation
of such a program will empower Grade 11 Cookery students at Catmon Integrated School to
meet the standards and requirements of the ever-growing culinary industry.

In conclusion, the evident gap in practical skills among Grade 11 Cookery students,
as highlighted by global, national, and local factors, underscores the urgency of our
proposed study. By addressing these challenges and implementing an enhanced Home
Economics curriculum, we aim to not only uplift the students of Catmon Integrated School
but also to meet the demands of a burgeoning culinary industry. Our research seeks to
bridge the divide between theoretical knowledge and practical application, ultimately
empowering our students for their future careers and personal lives. As such, our study
carries both local and global relevance, striving to enrich the educational landscape while
contributing to the growth and prosperity of our community.
Catmon Integrated School
San Jose, Catmon, Cebu 6006

S.Y. 2023-2024

Group 3
Johnny Alicapa
Neca Diamante
Kirk John Canoy
John Yulo Burlaos
Angelo Pepito
Fhiel Durano
Romeo Delivios
Frinces Jane Maata
Cindy Montera
Christine Sumaban

DR. Joy S. Acuesta

Subject Teacher
Statement of the Problem
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of home
economics education on the practical skills development of Grade 11
cookery students in Catmon Integrated School during the school year

1.What is the profile of the Grade 11 Cookery students at Catmon

Integrated School for the school year 2023-2024 in terms of the following:
1.1 Teacher-respondents
1.1.1 Gender
1.1.2 Field of specialization
1.1.3 Educational attainment
1.1.4 Length of service
1.1.5 Participation in computer education seminars/training
1.2 Student-respondents
2.2.1 Gender
2.2.2 Monthly family income
2.2.3 Parent's educational background
2.2.4 Accessibility to computers
2.2.5 Performance in English and Mathematics

2. How do teachers perceive the impact of Home Economics Education on

practical skills development among Grade 11 Cookery students with
respect to:
2.1 Enhancing culinary skills and knowledge
2.2 Integrating practical cooking activities
2.3 Identifying challenges and limitations in the current program
2.4 Suggesting improvements or modifications to the curriculum

3. How do Grade 11 Cookery students perceive the impact of Home

Economics Education on their practical skills development in terms of:
3.1 Improving their culinary skills and knowledge
3.2 Enhancing their cooking abilities
3.3 Overcoming challenges they face in the program
3.4 Recommendations for improving the learning experience

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