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Review Article

Talus Fractures: Evaluation

and Treatment
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Christopher Lee, MD The talus is unique in having a tenuous vascular supply and 57% of its
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Dane Brodke, MD surface covered by articular cartilage. Fractures of the head, neck, or
body regions have the potential to compromise nearby joints and
Paul W. Perdue, Jr, MD
impair vascular inflow, necessitating surgical treatment with stable
Tejas Patel, MD internal fixation in many cases. The widely preferred approach for
many talar neck and body fractures is a dual anterior incision
technique to achieve an anatomic reduction, with the addition of a
medial malleolar osteotomy as needed to visualize the posterior talar
body. Percutaneous screw fixation has also demonstrated success in
certain patterns. Despite this modern technique, osteonecrosis and
osteoarthritis remain common complications. A variety of new
treatments for these complications have been proposed, including
vascularized autograft, talar replacement, total ankle arthroplasty, and
improved salvage techniques, permitting some patients to return to a
higher level of function than was previously possible. Despite these
advances, functional outcomes remain poor in a subset of severely
injured patients, making further research imperative.

T alus fractures are rare but dis-

abling injuries to the hindfoot
and remain challenging to treat,
than posteriorly, lending greatest sta-
bility to the tibiotalar joint in dorsi-
flexion. The anteriorly projecting talar
despite recent advances in manage- neck is angled medially and plantarly
From the Department of Orthopaedic ment.1 Multiple articulations, tenu- and terminates in the ellipsoid talar
Surgery, University of California, Los ous blood supply, and complex head. Two bony processes protrude
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA (Dr. Lee
structure create particular difficulty from the talar body. The posterior
and Dr. Brodke), and the Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Virginia in achieving acceptable outcomes process extends posteromedially from
Commonwealth University, even with optimal treatment. Adding the body and consists of postero-
Richmond, VA (Dr. Perdue and to these challenges, the incidence of
Dr. Patel). medial and posterolateral tubercles
talus fractures is anticipated to separated by a central sulcus through
None of the following authors or any increase because improving passenger which the flexor hallucis longus ten-
immediate family member has safety in motor vehicle collisions in-
received anything of value from or has don passes. The lateral process ex-
stock or stock options held in a creases survivorship without com-
tends inferolaterally and bears articular
commercial company or institution mensurate declines in foot trauma.2
cartilage both superiorly (facing the
related directly or indirectly to the
subject of this article: Dr. Lee, fibula) and inferiorly (facing the
Dr. Brodke, Dr. Perdue, and Dr. Patel.
Anatomy calcaneus). Inferiorly on the talar
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2020;28: body, three facets articulate with the
e878-e887 The osteology of the talus can be calcaneus, comprising the subtalar
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-20-00116 conceptualized as a domed box (the joint. A deep bony groove divides the
body) with a stout cylinder (the neck) anterior and middle facets and the
Copyright 2020 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. projecting anteriorly. The superior posterior facet. This groove widens
articular dome is wider anteriorly out into the sinus tarsi laterally.

e878 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Christopher Lee, MD, et al

A mean 57% of the talar surface is Figure 1

covered by articular cartilage.3 This
unique anatomic feature presents
three challenges when treating talus
injuries: (1) relatively little surface
area is available for vascular inflow,
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(2) fracture displacement readily im-

pairs the mechanics of nearby joints,
and (3) access for surgical treatment
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requires navigating tight constraints.

High rates of talar osteonecrosis
have motivated the investigation of
the vascularity of the talus (Figure 1).
Quantitative MRI has revealed con-
tributions to talar blood supply by
three major arteries: 47% from the
posterior tibial artery, 36% from the
anterior tibial artery, and 17% from
the peroneal artery.4 A branch of the
posterior tibial artery, the artery of Illustration showing the blood supply to the talus.6
the tarsal canal, passes caudal to the
talar neck between the posterior and
collision-related foot trauma as pa- posterior to the lateral process.6
middle facets and is the single most
tients increasingly survive more severe Although no universal subclassifi-
notable vessel supplying the talus.
injuries.2 cation of talar body fractures exists,
There is a dense cluster of vascular
Talus fractures are classified by lateral and posterior process frac-
nutrient foramina on the underside
anatomic region into head, neck, and tures are typically differentiated from
of the talar neck, where the artery of
body fractures. Neck fractures are those through the talar dome. Despite
the tarsal canal anastomoses with the
subclassified by how many nearby ar- the greater historical attention talar
artery of the tarsal sinus, derived
ticulations are disrupted based on ob- neck fractures have received, talar
from anterior tibial circulation.3
servations in the historical case series body fractures have been found to
Although the talar body was his-
of Hawkins and Canale.6 Type I be slightly more common in recent
torically thought to receive nearly
fractures are nondisplaced, type II series,10,11 constituting 53% to 60%
all blood flow in a retrograde manner
fractures exhibit subtalar subluxation of all talus fractures.
from the talar neck, radiographic and
plastination studies of cadaver tali or dislocation, type III fractures dis-
have demonstrated concurrent ante- rupt subtalar and tibiotalar joints, and Evaluation
grade flow entering the posterior type IV fractures disrupt subtalar, ti-
tubercle through an anastomosis biotalar, and talonavicular joints.6 The initial evaluation of traumatically
between the peroneal and posterior Vallier et al9 proposed dividing type II injured patients with a suspected talus
tibial circulations.3–5 injuries into IIA, with subtalar sub- fracture proceeds according to the
luxation, and IIB, with subtalar dis- Advanced Trauma Life Support pro-
location, because mere subluxation tocol. The examination should in-
Epidemiology and seems to beget a 0% rate of osteo- clude a survey for other orthopaedic
Classification necrosis and dislocation is associated injuries, especially ipsilateral extrem-
with a 25% rate of osteonecrosis. The ity injuries, which accompany talus
The incidence of talus fractures has relative incidence of each Hawkins fractures at a rate of 48% to 59%.12,13
increased in recent decades. Although type in a 2013 systematic review was A CT scan should be obtained when
previously comprising 0.85% to 1% 22% type I, 43% type II, 31% type there is clinical suspicion for a talus
of all fractures,5,6 recent epidemio- III, and 4% type IV.1 fracture because the sensitivity of
logic data suggest that talus fractures Acute traumatic talar body frac- plain radiographs for CT-detected
may constitute close to 2% of all tures are differentiated from talar fractures is 74% to 78%.11 The
fractures. 7,8 This may be related neck fractures on the basis of the skin and neurovascular status of the
to motorcycle and motor vehicle inferior fracture line exiting into or foot and ankle should be carefully

October 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 20 e879

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Talus Fractures

Figure 2 Figure 3
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Radiograph showing a Canale view

obtained by maximally plantar flexing
the foot, pronating the foot 15° to
decrease overlap of the talus and
calcaneus, and angling the imaging
device 75° up from the horizontal.

layed surgical treatment have not

shown differences in osteonecrosis
rates.15 A 2017 systematic review
found the average interval from
injury to surgery in six studies to
be 2.36 days.16 The most modern
approach seems to be urgent reduc-
tion of any dislocations, with either
Radiograph of a 55-year-old man after a fall from a moving vehicle presenting concomitant definitive fixation or
with a left open talar head fracture/dislocation. A, AP image demonstrating
extruded talar head. B, Lateral image demonstrating talar head extrusion. C, delayed fixation being acceptable
Intraoperative fluoroscopy showing fixation with a lateral plate and two medial after reduction is obtained.9,17
screws. D, Intraoperative fluoroscopy showing reduction and fixation of the talar Standard imaging for fractures of
the talus includes a routine foot series
(AP, lateral, and oblique) and an
assessed. A dislocated talar body can reduced into the wound.14 If an ankle series (including AP and mor-
compromise both skin and neuro- extruded talus has no soft-tissue tise) in addition to a CT of the foot.
vascular structures, thereby necessi- connections, it can be placed in a Radiographic views specific to the
tating urgent surgical reduction.6 sterile antimicrobial solution and evaluation of talus injuries have been
Dislocations can receive a single transported with the patient to the described, however, are more fre-
attempt at closed reduction with operating room before being cleaned quently used for intraoperative than
manipulation in the emergency de- and reimplanted (Figure 2), a strategy preoperative assessment. The most
partment, although general anes- reviewed in one series of 19 patients
important is the Canale view, a true
thesia is frequently required to and found to result in infection in
anterior-posterior view of the talar
achieve reduction. In open injuries, only 2 of the 19.14
intravenous antibiotics and tetanus Although displaced neck fractures neck (Figure 3).6 This is obtained by
prophylaxis should be administered were historically considered surgical maximally plantar flexing the foot,
and sterile dressings applied.12 Dis- emergencies because of a concern pronating the foot 15° to decrease
located tali extruded through an open regarding disrupted retrograde cir- overlap of the talus and calcaneus,
wound should undergo immediate culation to the body, the few studies and angling the imaging device 75°
irrigation with normal saline and be that have compared early versus de- up from the horizontal.

e880 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Christopher Lee, MD, et al

Figure 4
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The patient is a 46-year-old man presenting with a left comminuted talar body fracture. A, AP radiograph showing the
talar body fracture with partial extrusion of the lateral body. B, Lateral radiograph showing the comminuted talar body
fracture. C, Coronal CT cut showing a midsagittal split with medial comminution of the talar body. D, Sagittal CT cut again
demonstrating notable comminution of the talar body. E, AP radiograph showing the final fixation. F, Lateral radiograph
showing the final fixation. G, Intraoperative photograph of the chevron medial malleolar osteotomy. H, Intraoperative
photograph of the medial malleolar osteotomy after the final fixation. The yellow arrows indicate the posterior tibial

due to malunion was the single tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior
Treatment most salient predictor of pain, dys- tendons. An incision is made from the
function, and the need for secondary medial ankle joint to the navicular-
The indication for surgical fixation
surgeries.13 These findings led to a cuneiform joint. The long saphenous
of the talar neck and body fractures
current recommendation that non- vein is protected, and dissection is
is any notable displacement. Cadaver
surgical treatment be reserved for carried down to the superomedial
models have shown that as little
truly nondisplaced injuries. 20 Re- talar neck. Dissection along the neck
as 2 mm of talar neck displacement flecting the increasing rarity of itself should be minimized as much
leads to a more concentrated high- nonsurgical treatment of talar neck as possible.22 This incision can also
pressure contact area in the middle fractures, Dodd and Lefaivre15 re- be adjusted if preoperative planning
and anterior facets of the subtalar ported that 96% of cases reported identifies the possible need for a
joint18 and that varus malalignment from 2000 onward were treated medial malleolar osteotomy. The
of the talar neck decreases subtalar surgically. anterolateral approach is between
motion by 24% to 32% in each the peroneus brevis and tertius. An
plane.19 In historical series, many incision is made from the distal
displaced fractures were treated Neck syndesmosis (anterolateral corner of
nonsurgically and varus malunion The widely preferred approach for the ankle) toward the fourth meta-
was a frequent result.6 In a 2004 surgical treatment of talar neck frac- tarsal. The superficial peroneal nerve
review of the functional outcomes tures is a dual anterior incision tech- is protected, and the sinus tarsi fat
of 70 patients at an average 5-year nique.9,13,17,20,21 The anteromedial pad and extensor digitorum brevis
follow-up, hindfoot malalignment approach provides access between the origin are elevated to expose the

October 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 20 e881

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Talus Fractures

superolateral talar neck and lateral chanical data are similarly inconclu- is performed obliquely with an oscil-
process. Alternatively, a sinus tarsi sive.24,25 One biomechanical study lating saw directed toward the medial
approach can be used as the lateral compared screws alone with screw shoulder. The cut is completed with an
window, with a slightly more plantar and blade plate fixation and found no osteotome to minimize damage to
incision from the distal fibula toward notable differences in yield point, the articular surface and facilitate
the fourth metatarsal which may stiffness, or load to create a 3 mm cartilage interdigitation on repair. It
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afford easier visualization of the lat- deformation.24 Notably, the screws is thought to be important that the
eral process. failed with bending or pullout and cut passes perpendicularly through
The combination of anteromedial plate fixation failed with a fracture at the articular cartilage at the medial
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and anterolateral incisions facilitates the margin of the plate. Smaller, more axilla of the joint to permit a con-
anatomic reduction because talar flexible plates may not produce the gruent articular surface to be restored.
neck fractures are frequently com- same failure mechanism. Another van Bergen et al28 analyzed the opti-
minuted on the medial side (failing in caveat was that the screws used were mal osteotomy angle, finding the
compression) and noncomminuted conventional 3.5 cortical or 4.0 can- optimal cut to be angled 60° up from
on the lateral side (failing in tension). cellous screws. Headless variable- the horizontal (line drawn across
A dual incision approach allows re- pitch screws may improve fixation tibial plafond), corresponding to
duction maneuvers to be performed strength relative to conventional 30° down from the longitudinal
while simultaneously visualizing cannulated screws. tibial axis. van Bergen et al28 further
both aspects of the fractured neck, described the use of two arthro-
thus helping to prevent rotational and scopic right-angled aiming probes,
angular malreductions. Reduction of
placed in the anterior and posterior
medial and lateral cortices should be The principles of talar body fracture axillas of the medial plafond, to find
confirmed under direct visualization treatment overlap with those of talar the ideal cut plane.
and fluoroscopy (AP or Canale view) neck fracture treatment, with the Other described techniques include
before proceeding with fixation. additional challenge of visualizing step cut and biplanar chevron techni-
Fixation can be performed with the talar dome. Dual anterior ap- ques. The step cut technique was
dual minifragment plates, a combi- proaches are typically used, with the found to be highly reliable in one
nation of plating and positional occasional addition of a medial or series of 14 patients, with prompt
screws or screws alone.17,20 Longi- lateral malleolar osteotomy to facili- healing by 6 weeks and no loss of
tudinal lag screws, particularly on tate exposure (Figure 4). One cadaver reduction.29 The biplanar chevron
the medial side, are often contra- investigation demonstrated that dual technique was found in another
indicated because overcompression anterior incisions expose approxi- series to produce an unacceptably
through medial comminution may mately the anterior half of the talar high malunion rate of 30% unless
cause varus collapse.17 With dual dome, suggesting that osteotomy is fixed with a buttress plate rather than
plating, the lateral plate spans from useful for posterior fracture planes.26 two lag screws.30 Fixation placement
just anterior to the lateral process to In the series by Vallier et al12 in 2003, should be mindful of future proce-
the lateral head-neck junction and of 57 talar body fractures, 65% dures, including tibiotalar arthrodesis
the medial plate spans from plantar were treated with dual anterior or total ankle arthroplasty. In the
to the medial talar body cartilage approaches, 28% necessitated a relatively common case of a medial
to the medial head-neck junction. medial malleolar osteotomy, and malleolus fracture accompanying a
Another fixation option is a postero- 5% necessitated a lateral malleolar talar body fracture, the talus can be
lateral to anteromedial percutane- osteotomy. exposed through this fracture plane.
ously placed lag screw, with or One of the earliest descriptions of
without a medial anterior-to-posterior medial malleolar osteotomy for talar
positional screw.22 Although screw body fractures is credited to Ziran Process
fixation may reduce dissection of et al.27 The technique involves an Approximately 20% of fractures of
the talar neck’s tenous vascular initial extension of the anteromedial the talus involve a fracture to the
supply, the biomechanical strength incision along the medial malleolus. lateral process.11 This has been
and ability to maintain an anatomic Anteriorly, capsule is released up to termed the “snowboarder” fracture
reduction may be superior with the axilla of the medial plafond and because of its association with the
plate fixation. Thus far there is no posteriorly, the posterior tibial ten- dorsiflexion and eversion fall mech-
clinical evidence of the superiority of don is partially released from its anism commonly seen in snow-
either technique,17,22,23 and biome- sheath and retracted. The osteotomy boarding injuries.31 CT is considered

e882 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Christopher Lee, MD, et al

Table 1
Treatments for Common Complications of Talus Fracture
Complication Treatment Reference(s)

Osteonecrosis Joint-sparing
Nunley, 201741
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Vascularized autograft
Talar body prosthesis Harnroongroj, 201542
Total talar prosthesis Taniguchi, 201543
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Arthroscopic fusion Kendal, 201545
Retrograde tibiotalocalcaneal fusion DeVries, 201046; Tenenbaum, 201547;
Abd-Ella, 201748
Osteoarthritis Single joint
Total ankle arthroplasty Norvell, 201934; Veljkovic, 201935
Open versus arthroscopic ankle fusion Veljkovic, 201935
Open versus arthroscopic subtalar fusion Rungprai, 201636
Multiple joint
Retrograde tibiotalocalcaneal fusion Tenenbaum, 201447
Simultaneous subtalar fusion and total Usuelli, 201638
ankle arthroplasty
Total ankle arthroplasty with total talar Kanzaki et al37

essential for proper diagnosis because recent series recommended that Head
the size of a lateral process fracture nonsurgical treatment be reserved Talar head fractures represent 5% to
may be underestimated on plain for nondisplaced, small-fragment and
10% of talus fractures.11 Similar to
radiographs. Although many lateral extra-articular fractures.32
lateral and posterior process frac-
process fractures were treated non- Posterior process fractures are
tures, most reconstructable frag-
surgically or with excision in his- associated with approximately 18%
ments should be fixed to restore
torical series, the outcomes were poor, of talus fractures.11 It is important not
proper joint mechanics. The talar
likely because of underappreciation to confuse small posterior process
head is an essential component of
of the important contribution of the fractures with a symptomatic os
the medial column of the foot that
lateral process to the subtalar joint.32 trigonum. Similar to lateral process
helps maintain the longitudinal arch.
The trend more recently has been fractures, the extent to which larger
In a recent surgical technique study,
toward surgical treatment with open posterior process fractures involve
a dual incision technique was used,
reduction and internal fixation.32 the subtalar joint may be underap-
and medial-to-lateral screws recessed
Isolated lateral process fractures can preciated on plain radiographs and
into subchondral bone, or a medial
be approached with an anterolateral CT imaging is therefore essential
to planning treatment. Small, non- column spanning plate, were used for
approach similar to that described
reconstructable posterior process fixation.33
above, with the proximal extent of
the incision beginning slightly more fragments can be excised, but large
lateral, at the tip of the fibula.20 A fragments should be fixed to restore
the subtalar joint surface. If fixation
small diameter lag screw or small
diameter buttress plate along the in- is indicated, a posteromedial ap-
ferolateral talar neck can be used for proach can be used between the Osteoarthritis
fixation. It is additionally important medial malleolus and the medial Osteoarthritis (OA), most frequently
to address ligament injuries associ- border of the Achilles tendon, with of the subtalar joint, is the most
ated with this fracture because ankle dissection adjacent to the flexor common overall complication after
instability can remain with bony hallucis longus tendon and neuro- talar neck and body fractures.15 OA
fixation alone. The authors of a vascular bundle.20 is also the complication most likely

October 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 20 e883

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Talus Fractures

Figure 5 in some studies relative to arthrodesis the 6 to 9 week time point (Figure 5).39
with improved functional outcomes The presence of a Hawkins sign is
and better capacity to restore optimal considered to reliably exclude the
gait mechanics than arthrodesis,34 possibility of osteonecrosis, although
although the rates of subsequent its absence is nonspecific.39
surgery may be higher after ar- The most common diagnostic cri-
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throplasty relative to arthrodesis.35 terion for osteonecrosis is increased

The preferred approach for subtalar radiodensity of the talus relative to
arthritis is arthrodesis. A recent adjacent osseous structures.15 The
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retrospective review of 121 cases mean time point for this appearance
comparing arthroscopic with open in one recent series was 6.9 months,
techniques demonstrated improved with a range from 3 to 9 months.9
pain and function in both groups, MRI may permit earlier diagnosis
equivalent union and complication but can be confounded by metallic
rates, and earlier return to work and artifact. With no agreed on inter-
activities of daily life in the arthro- ventions for early osteonecrosis, MRI
scopic group.36 has not yet become widely favored.
An emerging solution for pantalar Little consensus exists regarding
OA is total ankle arthroplasty with the treatment of osteonecrosis.40
total talar prosthesis. In 22 patients Although a period of prolonged
with a mean 35-month follow-up non-weight-bearing (beyond 3 months)
treated with this technique, func- was encouraged historically, this was
tional scores, pain, and range of not shown to prevent progression
motion improved markedly.37 This or collapse and has largely fallen
Radiograph showing the Hawkins remains to be compared with com- out of favor.40 Other nonsurgical
sign present in a 46-year-old man treatments include patellar tendon-
bination subtalar fusion and total
2 months after the treatment of a
talar neck fracture. ankle arthroplasty, which has also bearing bracing treatment that has
demonstrated favorable functional demonstrated limited efficacy in
outcomes in small series.38 isolation and extracorporeal shock
to lead to secondary reconstructive wave therapy, which has shown
surgery after talar neck fracture,9,13 promising results in a single trial but
accounting for 18 of 26 secondary Osteonecrosis remains experimental.40 A period of
surgeries in the 2004 series by Osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis initial observation may be war-
Sanders et al,13 Published series has long been the most dreaded com- ranted. After the initial diagnosis of
with long-term follow-up data re- plication in the treatment of talus osteonecrosis, many patients may
port subtalar arthritis developing fractures, albeit second to subtalar eventually demonstrate revasculari-
eventually in most of the cases of arthritis in frequency. A 2015 sys- zation without collapse, as did 44%
the talar neck fracture.15 Tibiotalar tematic review of 26 studies with of osteonecrosis cases in a 2014
arthritis occurs approximately half 980 fractures demonstrated osteo- series.9 In addition, many patients
as frequently as subtalar arthritis, necrosis in 31% overall, with rates of with radiographic osteonecrosis may
typically in conjunction with sub- 10%, 27%, and 53% across Haw- be asymptomatic. In one review of
talar arthritis rather than in isola- kins types I through III, respectively.15 114 fractures with a mean 9-year
tion.1,13 In talar body fractures, Looking specifically at studies pub- follow-up, osteonecrosis occurred in
isolated tibiotalar arthritis does lished after 2000, the overall rate was 39, 16 were symptomatic, and eight
occur; the rate of tibiotalar arthritis 25%, with 8%, 21%, and 45% were found to have talar dome col-
in the 2003 series by Vallier et al12 across types I though III, suggesting lapse by the final follow-up.10
after a mean 33-month follow-up was that improved techniques may have Persistent symptomatic osteonec-
65%, with 35% exhibiting subtalar slightly decreased the rate of rosis may be treated surgically (Table 1).
arthritis. osteonecrosis.15 Three general categories of procedures
Treatment options for tibiotalar Talar dome subchondral lucency, are available: joint-sparing (core
arthritis include arthrodesis and total the Hawkins sign, is a reassuring decompression and vascularized
ankle arthroplasty (Table 1). Total sign of talar revascularization seen bone grafting), joint-sacrificing (talar
ankle arthroplasty has been favored on radiographs in some patients at replacement), and salvage

e884 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Christopher Lee, MD, et al

Figure 6
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The patient is a 56-year-old man presenting with osteonecrosis of the right talar body. A, AP radiograph of the talar neck
fracture with subsequent osteonecrosis of the talar body. Lateral radiograph showing osteonecrosis of the talar body. B, AP
radiograph 2 years after hindfoot fusion nail and iliac crest bone graph demonstrating a fused tibiotalar joint. Lateral
radiograph showing a fused tibiotalar joint.

(arthrodesis). 40 Joint-sparing pro- prostheses, 26 of which treated data slightly favor the arthroscopic-
cedures aim to preserve native talus posttraumatic osteonecrosis. At the assisted technique; a 2018 systematic
anatomy by inducing healing of the final follow-up, 5 prostheses had review reported improved clinical
devascularized area. Core decom- failed and 28 were still in place. All 28 scores and decreased complication
pression has been shown to improve patients with the prosthesis still in rates with the arthroscopic technique,
functional outcomes in patients with place could use a bicycle, walk on a although union rates were similar.44
atraumatic osteonecrosis; however, smooth surface, and ascend and Kendal et al45 reported on 15 patients
there is little documented experience descend stairs. Taniguchi et al de- with talar osteonecrosis treated with
in posttraumatic cases.40 A more signed an alumina ceramic total the arthroscopic-assisted technique,
promising joint-sparing treatment talar prosthesis, custom-made based resulting in successful fusion in all
may be vascularized bone grafting on a contralateral talus CT. They cases and resolution of pain in 13 of
from the cuboid. In a recently reported 2- to 8-year follow-up data 15. Three patients required a second
reported series of 13 patients who in a 2015 study.43 The range of surgery for subtalar arthrodesis.
underwent this treatment, notable motion was maintained with a mean The most common arthrodesis
improvement in health-related qual- 5.4° of dorsiflexion and 32° of technique for talar osteonecrosis in
ity of life was demonstrated with plantar flexion; all patients report- recent series has been tibiotalocalca-
treatment failure in 2 of 13.41 Post- edly had returned to work and neal (TTC) fusion with a retrograde
operative MRI demonstrated par- activities of daily living, pain scores intramedullary rod.40,46–48 This can
tial return of the marrow signal in improved, and no infections were be combined with the use of struc-
the necrotic talus, indicating some found. tural femoral head allograft,40 auto-
revascularization. Despite these promising early results graft from the fibula,49 or posterior
Two research groups in Japan and with joint-sparing and joint-sacrificing iliac crest autograft48 to address
Thailand have investigated a joint- treatments, the most common surgical large bone defects. Functional results
sacrificing, but motion-sparing, treat- treatment of talar osteonecrosis re- are overall favorable with TTC arth-
ment of talar osteonecrosis, talar mains salvage treatment with arthro- rodesis. Tenenbaum et al47 reported
body, or total talar prostheses.42,43 desis (Figure 6). One option for on 14 posttraumatic cases with
Harnroongroj and Harnroongroj42 talar osteonecrosis involving the ankle mean a 26-month follow-up. All
reported 10- to 36-year follow-up joint is tibiotalar fusion, either achieved bony union, 42% needed
data on 33 stainless steel talar body open or arthroscopic-assisted. Current an ambulatory aid, and the mean

October 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 20 e885

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Talus Fractures

American Orthopaedic Foot and up, the mean AOFAS score was 93, three years. J Orthop Trauma 2001;15:
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improved from 33 to 72. Abd-Ella patients (97) higher than that for 3. Oppermann J, Franzen J, Spies C, et al: The
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October 15, 2020, Vol 28, No 20 e887

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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