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Agency Brief

Project: Rebranding NK Prepared by: Nguyen Viet Tiep Date: 10 Feb, 2019

Confidentiality Agreement Information…

1) Project Introduction
- Nguyen Kim used to be the No.1 in the electronic retailer in Vietnam.
- Nguyen Kim brand is only top of mind from middle age but NOT by young generation
- Nguyen Kim doesn’t have clear proposition and USP toward consumers.
- It’s time for Nguyen Kim to re-define:
1. Who NK are
2. What do NK believe in
3. How are NK different
4. How are NK changing things

2) What is the business issue/opportunity?

 Fierce competition from the main competitors Dien May Xanh having wide distribution and strong brand
 Followed by Dien May Cho Lon that is positioning at low price.
 Nguyen Kim has strong positive perception from customers: good services (staffs & after sales services),
variety products.

3) Who is the target consumer?

 Primary: 25 to 55 yrs, 60% Males (CE), 40% Females (SDA) who are stable income, price hunter and have
demand to upgrade current or to buy new electronics, ABC class in urban.
 Secondary: 18-24 yrs, Males & Females, who are young, dynamic, and love to hunt the tech devices with
special offers.

4) What insight should drive us?

 Young generation is seeking for the modern, convenience, and experience.
 Middle age is seeking for the price, and experience.

5) What do our consumers think, feel and do now?

 Think: Nguyen Kim is good service and credibility electric store chain but not convenience to go.
 Feel: Other brands (DMX...) have good brand awareness and convenience so that I have more choices.
 Do: I will find information on the website and go around to the near stores displaying my wanted product
then make decision where to buy (price, service, finance solutions…).

6) What we want our consumers to think, feel and do?

 Think: Nguyen Kim is the top in mind for electronic retailers
 Feel: Trust, Exciting, Satisfy
 Do: I must go to Nguyen Kim as the best destination for shopping electronic product

9) Personality

 Open ideas for agency

10) Project deliverables

 Overall: Tell the story of the “Nguyen Kim” brand and its reason to believe.

 Specific deliverables for the presentation:

o Redefine the entire brand identity
o Proposition and brand ladder
o Redefine Slogan/Motto
o The creative idea with explanation that will inspire all connected with the brand to want to be part of
bringing the creative idea to life
o Communication Plan (IMC): detailed by channels and KPIs
o POSM and execution guideline: Online and store demonstration.

10) How will we measure success?

 We will use the 4C’s evaluative framework – Cut-through, Coherent, Compelling, and Consistent. Once a
Creative has been fully developed, communication activations will have specific success measures (relating to
both communications and business performance).

12) Logistics and timing

 MKT team brief 17-18 Feb

 Agency :
o 1st present – direction proposal “NK Story” TBC
o 1st round Selection & feedback TBC
o 2nd present to BOD TBC
o Final selection and feedback TBC
o 3rd presentation + BRAND VISUAL IDENTITY TBC
o 4th presentation + COMMUNICATION PLAN TBC

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