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Expose Website

Security Vulnerabilities

 Open Web Application Security Project

 Worldwide, not-for-profit, charitable organization focused on
improving the security of software
 Performs world-wide research into common threats/attacks, makes
resources (open + free!) and reports to improve security visibility
 OWASP Top 10 Report is prepared every ~3 years
OWASP 2017 RC1
(rejected, being revised further)
OWASP #1: SQL Injection

1. Simple example – you log into eBay , USER=madsellingskillz2017
2. eBay’s webserver connects to database, validates your account
3. eBay shows a customised welcome page
Hello madsellingskillz2017! You bought 8 items recently…

 Today, no one can log in. Database admin notices the database is empty!
 In the website log files, they see:
1:00pm: login successful=madskillz2017
1:01pm: login successful=DELETE *.*
 What happened??? What was supposed to happen?
 DELETE command Injected in the login process
 Database was supposed to look up a name (DATA). Instead, it ran the DELETE command

 To understand SQL injection, we need to speak the language (somewhat)

 SQL = Structured Query Language
 Plain English (ha!) language used to interact with a database. e.g.
CREATE TABLE addresses (name VARCHAR(50), address VARCHAR(100), postcode INT … );
INSERT INTO addresses (name, address, postcode…) VALUES (‘jff’, ‘123 high st’, 3000, …)
SELECT name, address, city, state, postcode FROM addresses WHERE name=‘Jff’
UPDATE addresses SET name=‘Jeff’, postcode=3000 WHERE name=‘jff’
DELETE FROM addresses WHERE name=‘Jeff’
 SELECT = get data from database
INSERT = add new data
UPDATE = update data
DELETE = remove data
SQL Operators

Comparison Operators:
Greater than/Greater than equal to: > >=
Less than/Less than equal to: < <=
Equal to / Not equal to: = <>
Logical Operators: AND OR
1. SELECT name FROM address WHERE name = “jeff”
SELECT name FROM address WHERE postcode = 3000
2. SELECT name FROM address WHERE name = “jeff” OR postcode = 3000
SELECT name FROM address WHERE name = “jeff” AND postcode = 3000
 Which one shows all Jeffs that live in the CBD?
 What does the other query show?
3. SELECT name FROM address WHERE name <> “jeff”
SQL Comments

1. Large comments / multiple lines 2. Single-line comment

/* --This is a comment
This delete all records SELECT * FROM ADDRESSES
and I’m writing a
multi-line comment
3. End-of-line-comment
across 4 lines
DELETE FROM address #This is bad
DELETE FROM address WHERE name=‘Jeff’

DELETE FROM address %23This is bad

URL Encoding
SQL Union

 What if I have two tables – personal and business addresses?

(# of columns must match)

SELECT business_owner_name AS who, address, postcode FROM businessAddresses

SELECT name, address, postcode FROM personalAddresses

who Address postcode

Gill Bates 1 Microsoft Way 90210
Barren Wuffett 1 Berkshire Hathaway 44444
John Doe 123 Nelson St 3128
Jane Doe 123 Nelson St 3128

Key point: The datatype must match

30 minute exercise
1. Can you run this SQL query: SELECT * FROM [Customers]. What's the result?
1. Update the query to get all results from the Employees table
2. Run this query: SELECT * FROM [Customers] WHERE CustomerID = 2
1. Update the query to get ID #4
2. Update the query to show both CustomerID #2 plus CustomerID #4 (hint: "ID=x OR ID=y")
3. Update the query to show all records where ID is less than/equal to 10
4. Update the query to show all records with ID both <= 10 and >=90
5. Update the query to show all customers from the City of "London" (hint: quotes)
3. Remember the Union operation? Try it:
1. SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName from [Customers] UNION
SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName FROM [Employees]
2. What happens if we try to get the Employee last name as well?
3. Challenge: can you find a way to concatenate two SQL fields into one, to make #2 work?
In the nav menu, choose MySQL Functions→Concat
4. Write three SELECT statements.
Use all three SQL comment styles ( /* */ or -- or # ) to comment out the first two SQL lines

4. Too easy? Fire up BurpSuite, FoxyProxy, intercept/manipulate your SQL. Then: Try next slide.
Fix these queries (W3 schools DB)

SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName from Customer

WHERE CustomerID = "One Hundred"

SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName from Customer UNION

SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName from Employee


SELECT * FROM Employees
Whiteboard SQL Injection
 Any SQL questions?  Hint – here are some
of the tools you just
 Use my whiteboard marker to change this query
learned about:
to show all records (not just mine)
 AND / OR
 You can do whatever you like –
erase the entire line, add new ones, etc.  Comments

SELECT username, password FROM logins WHERE username=‘jeff’

Consequences of seeing all records
(is SQL injection really that bad?)

 Attacker can access unauthorised info

 Well that might not be that bad, it might be just email addresses…
 But if web app is vulnerable to SQLi, usually easy to access other data
 Execute database commands (shutdown? delete? create new admin user?)
 Ok, that’s pretty bad
 Write files to the server (virus, shell..)
 Getting worse!
 Get OS/shell access (!!!)
 Use another vulnerability to escalate privileges
 Find other hosts (internal ones – with less security)
 Time to find a new job
Create a VM for WebForPentester1
 New VM (if you don’t already have set up)
 1 core, 1GB RAM
 ISO: web_for_pentester_i386.iso
 Network: NAT (VMNet8)
 Once it starts, get the IP address (ifconfig)
 On your host PC, browse to
 Click on SQL Injection, Example 1
SQLi Exercise 1: WebGoat v7.1
(in Kali)

 OWASP WebGoat = Java-based web server + insecure web application

 In Kali, Google “Download webgoat 7.1” (Github link) ➔
 Has dozens of security exercises + lessons + hints (injection, XSS, DoS, ..)
 Start Terminal type cd Downloads, then start webgoat using Java:

 In Kali, open Firefox and open this url: http://localhost:9999/WebGoat

 Login with guest/guest
 Click: Injection Flaws, String SQL Injection
 Type Smith
 Can you find 3 different ways to exploit
this exercise?
(Remember to click
each time you are successful)
SQLi Exercise 2: Web for Pentester 1
 Name=root, and we’re only seeing one record
 We want to see all the records
 Question: How do you think the SQL would look?
 SELECT id, name, age FROM ?? WHERE name=‘root’
 How would a ‘show all records’ query look?
 Remember the whiteboard exercise
1. Is there a way we could use AND/OR to change
the WHERE to always be true?
2. Could we add UNION somehow?
 2 minutes to try
 Change end of URL to name=root' OR '1'=‘1
 Success! We injected code into an SQL statement
SQLi labs

 Try Web for Pentester SQLi exercise #2

 Does the same approach work?
 We can’t use spaces… but spaces are just one way to separate words.
 What else can we use to separate words? Something we used a lot in Python?
 Hint: Can#you#read#this?

 Try for 2 minutes (go ahead to 3 and onwards if you’ve solved this)
 If you solve it, try to find a 2nd and a 3rd way to bypass the filter
SQLi Lab #2 solution

 Solution:
 Replace with tab %09 or linefeed %0A or comments /**/ in the gap below – does it work?
 E.g.’1’=‘1
 Try this out. Does it work with %0A? Does it work with /**/ ?
Try #3 – 7

 Does your injection payload from #2 work in #3?

 If not, try the next one
(hint: #4 uses numbers (not strings). Hints for #5 and #6 only if you ask)
 Finished early?
 Try the next exercise
 How many payloads can you create that work?
 Try *not* to look for answers or hints online
 There are very few good, interactive security exercises – looking at the answer spoils the
struggle/brainstorming you need to do
 The struggle and brainstorming is a key part of your skill development
 Look for ‘how to’ documents – if I can’t use spaces in my payload then Google “what
characters can replace spaces in MySQL”

 You are still more intelligent than a computer

 But a computer is fast, works 24x7 with no pay*, and can automate repetitive tasks
 Enter: SQLMap
 Automates SQLi vulnerability checking, injecting different payloads, and collecting
 Goal: dump (copy) the entire database/get shell
 Getting credit card data is good, but maybe I can get some passwords?
 Maybe the DB is boring – but if I get shell and I’m on an internal network…

* (Until the computers all rise up and overthrow us)


 Sometimes it fails to detect/exploit SQLi even though it should work

 Automated cars sometimes crash; computers aren’t infallible
 We can use command line parameters to improve its success:
--tamper=space2comment (“I know spaces are filtered/break things, maybe try comments”)
--dbms=mysql (I know it’s a MySQL database; don’t try Oracle tricks)

 Try going back to some of your SQL injection exercises

 Does SQLMap work for all of them?
 Do the switches above change any of your results?
How to stop injections


(I hate capitals but this
is very important)
1. Prepared Statements (with Parameterised Queries)
2. Stored Procedures
3. White List Input Validation
4. Escaping All User-Supplied Input
5. Principle of Least Privilege
 Frameworks, WAFs, software etc. can help you but you’re the boss: you still have to use
these tools correctly and appropriately
 From:
 Nikto Web Scanner is a Web server scanner that tests Web servers for dangerous
files/CGIs (scripts), outdated server software and other problems. It performs generic
and server type specific checks. It also captures and prints any cookies received.
 Try running this against Pentester for Web 1.
What parts of the output look the most
interesting (vulnerable/exploitable) to you?
 Research some of the vulnerabilities
 Browse /files, /img
Class / Homework

 Keep trying WebGoat and Pentester SQLi exercises (1-7)

 It will be very frustrating but worth the struggle!
 Try using Nikto on other authorised websites (
 Research some of the vulnerabilities and results from Nikto
 Read SQLi prevention cheat sheet:

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