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DIRB – Directory Buster

 Nearly all websites use folders and

shortcuts to organise data
 Question: If your favourite company
was named ACME, what might their
‘admin’ web URLs look like?
 DIRB automates this scanning
 Spidering for hidden/unknown pages
and websites
 Is this ‘active’ or ‘passive’ scanning?
 Active: don’t scan without permission
DIRB wordlists

 What words does DIRB use?

 Wordlists are commonly reused
within certain systems
 Have an apache server? Use the
apache wordlist
 cold-fusion server?
 Web server with CGI enabled?

 5 minute exercise
 Start Web For Pentester and
 Use DIRB to probe both websites
 Have more time? Open the
apache.txt wordlist and view it

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