Episode 6

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FS 6 and Classroom Routines

SPARK Your Interest

This Episode focuses on the classroom structure and routines performed by teachers in class
to provide a safe, friendly non-threatening and caring environment. Effective classroom
routines ensure order and discipline to help the students to stay calm and focused in their
daily tasks.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, 1 must be able to:

 Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher, and

 Observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning.
Routines don't just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time.
Efficient routines make it easier for students to learn and achieve more.

Establishing routines early in the school year.

 enables you to run your daily activities run smoothly:

 ensures you to manage time effectively,
 helps you maintain order in the classroom;
 makes you more focused in teaching because you spend less time in giving
directions/instructions; and
 enables you to explain to the learners what are expected of them.

Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: Yvonne B. Raymundo Teacher Signature:

School: Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Subject Area: English Date: December 26, 2023

Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given
Checklist on Classroom Routines
Check Yes (✔) if observed and (x) if not observed.
Classroom Routines Observed Not Observed
1. Movement into the classroom /
2. Transition in classroom activities /
3. Movement out of the classroom /
4. Use of lavatories / comfort room/washrooms /
5. Passing of papers /
6. Passing of books /
7. Working with pairs/groups /
8. Tardy students /
9. Absent students /
10. Submission/Collection of materials /
11. Submission of projects /
12. Asking questions during lessons /
13. Asking for assistance /
14. Joining classroom activities /
15. Lining up /
16. Walking in line /
17. Fire drill / emergencies /
18. Movement between activities /
19. Use of classroom supplies /
20. Checking of assignments /
Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.
1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why
 I have observed the class for 11 weeks and I must say that the routines used
and established by my cooperating teacher is effective in ensuring the
discipline and order in the class because it served as the guide for students of
what they are supposed to do inside the classroom, for example, when passing
the papers, instead of standing up one by one, the students are taught how to
pass it without standing and without making noise which makes the class
organized and not become a mess. In addition, after the flag ceremony and
students are to go back to their respective classrooms, they are trained to make
a line according to their section so there will be a smooth way back to their
rooms. Routines established help students become more disciplined and
organized and as a result, students know how to behave accordingly at school.
2. Which of those routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your
 Routines that are systematic and consistently implemented are as follows;
Passing of Papers, Asking Questions During Lessons, Walking in Line, and
the Use of Lavatories. These routines are systematic because they are done in
a way that fixes an old system or practice, these routines serve as a remedy to
specific situations which needs fixing. These are as well consistently
implemented because it is being enforced every day to help the teaching and
learning process become organized.
Reflect on the various routines observed.
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
 Routines such as Prayer, Checking of Attendance, Review of Previous Lesson,
Discussion, Quizzes, Giving of Activity, Passing of Papers, Asking Questions
During Lessons, and Lining Up will certainly be included to the routines that I
will apply in my class because based from my observation during Field Study,
these routines are really effective in achieving an organized classroom and
having disciplined students but other things that will be added to these routines
will depend on the type or kind of learners that I will have in the future.
Activity 6.2 Listing Down Classroom Rules
Resource Teacher: Yvonne B. Raymundo Teacher Signature:

School: Feliciano Yusay Consing National High School

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 Subject Area: English Date: December 26, 2023


Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource Teacher. Cite
the importance of these rules.

Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for teachers' safety and security, Rules
also teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more pleasant,
secured and non-threatening environment. Rules ensure the students' engagement and focus
in their classroom activities.

Classroom Rules Importance

1. E.g Read directions well. - Ensures less error in answering the
2. No Bullying - To protect every learner from
throwing offensive words at one
another that may potentially cause
emotional and mental trauma.
3. Don’t be late - Teaches students how to be punctual
and realize the value of time.
4. No phones during class discussion - Encourages students to be respectful
of anyone talking in front and to be
focused on lesson being discussed.
5. Proper Disposal of Garbage - Teaches students how to be
responsible of their own trash and to
take good care of the environment.
6. Respect Everyone - Students are taught to treat everyone
the way they wanted to be treated
and respect if they want to be
Analyze each given rule.

1. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

 I honestly haven’t discussed this matter with my cooperating teacher but base
on my stay there for 11 weeks, I have observed that these rules serves great
purpose because not only that it guides and discipline students of the things
that they must and must not do inside the classroom but most importantly,
these rules have protected each and every learner from any possible harm that
may happen inside the school. Furthermore, these rules became the basis of
determining right from wrong and it helped both students and teachers.
2. Are classroom rules really important?
 I believe Yes, classroom rules are really important, they shield students'
educational experiences from disturbances or transgressions and guarantee
their physical and mental well-being. Moreover, one way to foster open
communication in the classroom is to have your students participate in the
creation of the rules. More control over their learning environment may give
students a sense of empowerment and increase their likelihood of adhering to
the regulations. They will understand that the regulations are just, sensible,
and advantageous to all.

Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same
rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer
Employing rules inside the classroom is really important for it will help the teacher to
somehow control the behavior and actions of the students and discipline them in a way that
their rights as student won’t be violated. Having been able to observe the class and how
students behave, I could say that the rules set by my cooperating teacher is effective because
although there are times when students are getting out of control but most of the time, they
really know how to behave accordingly and even despite the fact that the rules are not posted
on the wall, they are still well aware of it and they really abide by the rule set for them.
If I were to become a teacher in the future, I could say that I will adapt some of the
rules that my cooperating teacher have set for her students and these are as follows; No Phone
During Class Discussion, No Bullying, and Respect Everyone. These rules have been very
effective and I’ve seen how positively it affects students which is why I wanted to adapt it
and enforce to my future students. However, there will certainly be few more rules which will
be added depending on the type or kind of students and that I have and also on the
circumstances we’ll be facing in the future.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are
worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.

Class Discussion. Class Discussion will

always be one of the most important and
crucial routine that every teacher is having.
Shown in the picture are students during class
discussion. As it shows, no one is standing and
everyone is behaving properly. They are
provided with modules and for one moment
during class discussion, they were asked to
read a selection.
Giving of Activity. In the photo are Grade 7
SPJ during their class activity. They are given
an individual activity from the module as part
of training them on how to work
independently. Although there are times when
they are doing Group Activity but it is also
important that they learn how to work on their

Giving of Quiz. One way to test students

learning from the discussion is by giving them
a quiz. The photo shows Grade 7 Zeus
answering a quiz given to them right after the
class discussion. This is another strategy used
by my cooperating teacher. Although giving
of quizzes is always part of every teacher’s
routine, but my cooperating teacher would
give the quiz right after the discussion.
LINK Theory to Practice
1. What term applies to the established ways of managing classroom into a more
organized and systematic structure?
A. Classroom routine
B. Positive discipline
C. Classroom discipline
D. Classroom management
2. When is the best time to establish classroom routines?
A. At the start of the year
B. At the end of the class
C. At the start of the activity
D. At the start of class discussion
3. What is the primary reason for the establishment of classroom routines?
A. To ensure order
B. To eliminate stress
C. To be fair at all times
D. To control the class
4. To ensure order in the transition activities, what must be done?
A. Assign a leader.
B. Post the rules
C. Let students work in groups:
D. Set the rules before the activity.
5. What routine must be set to guarantee the safety of the students?
A. Assign a leader
B. Let them work in pairs.
C. Let them work individually.
D. Set the do's and don’ts in every activity

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 6-Classroom Management and
Classroom Routines.

Learning Outcome: Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher, and observe how the
students execute the various classroom routines.

Name of FS Student: Kimberly L. Deita Date Submitted: December 26, 2023

Year & Section: 4th Year Course: BSED English

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 Satisfactory 2 improvement
3 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two Three (3) Four (4) or
Observation questions/tasks (2) observation observation more
Sheet completely questions tasks questions/tasks observation
answered/ not answered not answered! questions/
accomplished. accomplished. Accomplished. tasks not
Analysis All questions All questions Questions were Four (4) or
were answered were answered not answered more
completely: completely; completely observation
answers are with answers are answers are not questions were
depth and are clearly clearly connected not answered;
thoroughly connected to to theories; one answers not
grounded on theories: (1) to three (3) connected to
theories, grammar grammar and grammatical theories; more
and spelling spelling are spelling errors. than four (4)
are free from free from grammatical/
error. errors. spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and
clear; supported depth; shallow, shallow, rarely
by what were supported by somewhat supported by
observed and what were supported by what were
analyzed. observed and what were observed and
analyzed. observed and analyzed.
Learning Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is not on Portfolio is not
Artifacts reflected on in the reflected in the context of reflected on in
context of the Portfolio is not the learning the context of
learning on in the outcomes. the learning
outcomes; context of the Complete, well outcomes; not
Complete, well- learning organized, very complete, not
organized, highly outcomes. relevant to the organized, not
relevant to the Complete, well learning outcome. relevant.
learning outcome organized,
very relevant
to the learning
Submission Submitted before Submitted on Submitted a day Submitted two
the deadline the deadline. after the deadline. (2) days or
more after the
Comments Over-all score Rating (Based


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7 below
Grade 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71 below

Signature of FS teacher above printed name: SANDRA B. ESCABARTE, Ed.D.

Date: December 26, 2023

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