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Assignment for Business Organization

Group Assignments ( Lin Htet Oo, Libartho, Divanchu, Arya and Taisha Chipo

Analysis on the Personality test provided by the Teacher:

Factor 1 (Extroversion)
According to the test:
Extraversion is typically characterized by an individual's tendency to seek out social interaction and
stimulation, as well as their level of enthusiasm and assertiveness in social situations. Individuals who
score high on this dimension tend to be outgoing, sociable, and talkative. They enjoy being around others
and seek out social situations. They are often described as having a high level of energy, enthusiasm, and
assertiveness. They may also be more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors, such as partying,
drinking, or other forms of excitement-seeking.
My Analysis:
While the test results are somewhat accurate, they don't fully capture the nuances of my personality.
Contrary to the outcome suggesting that I am an extrovert who enjoys partying, I am actually not very
talkative and prefer socializing with my inner circle of close friends. Initiating conversations isn't a
challenge for me, but I struggle to sustain them and often feel awkward after a certain duration,
particularly evident in situations like my English presentations where I tend to run out of things to say.
Another misrepresentation is the claim that I avoid risk-taking behaviors. In reality, I steer clear of parties
and exciting activities due to social anxiety. My enjoyment of social events usually requires external
influences like alcohol.
To sum up, the test results inaccurately depict my personality, especially in terms of my conversational
abilities and social preferences. From a work perspective, while I can calmly explain topics, my difficulty
in maintaining conversations and participating in typical social activities may pose challenges,
particularly in lengthy discussions with clients or during meetings.

Factor Two (Emotional Stability)

According to the test:
Individuals who score high on emotional stability are characterized as being emotionally resilient, calm,
and even-tempered. They tend to experience fewer negative emotions and are better able to cope with
stress and adversity. They are also more likely to exhibit positive emotions, such as happiness,
contentment, and enthusiasm. In contrast, individuals who score low on emotional stability tend to be
more prone to negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and anger. They may be more reactive to
stress and may find it difficult to cope with challenging situations. They may also exhibit a range of
maladaptive behaviors, such as substance abuse or self-harm.

My Analysis:

The test results accurately reflect my personality, particularly in terms of my self-consciousness. While
the result views this as a positive trait, the reality is quite the opposite. I score high in this category
because I tend to conceal my true feelings and intentions due to trust issues. This behavior, although
helpful in maintaining composure in tight and intense situations, unfortunately takes a toll on my mental
well-being. Keeping everything to myself without seeking help is not a healthy approach to daily life.

The downside of internalizing my feelings is that it can lead to prolonged mental breakdowns, negatively
impacting my productivity for extended periods. However, after such setbacks, I resiliently bounce back
and resume my daily life. While there are clear drawbacks, surprisingly, there are some pros as well.
Temporarily ignoring negativity directed towards me allows me to maintain focus on priorities. Yet, after
achieving my goals, I do take time for self-reflection, reconsidering the criticisms I've faced.

Despite the test portraying this trait as positive, there are inherent drawbacks. This becomes evident in my
working environment, where clear and transparent communication is essential to minimize
misunderstandings with my colleagues. I aim to be more transparent in the future to ensure that my
productivity is not hindered.

Factor Three (Agreeableness)

According to the test:

Individuals who score high on agreeableness are characterized as being warm, kind, and considerate.
They tend to be cooperative and are motivated to maintain harmonious social relationships. They may
also have a strong sense of empathy and concern for the welfare of others.In contrast, individuals who
score low on agreeableness tend to be more competitive and skeptical. They may be less motivated to
maintain social harmony and may be more likely to express their opinions forcefully, even if they may
conflict with others.

My Analysis:

I totally agree with the result of this category, since I have always been a warm person who acknowledges
both sides of the story and I have always listened carefully without making assumptions at first glance. In
terms of group projects or any activities that require teamwork, I have always been easy to work with.
This means that I listen thoroughly to what my members’ ideas are and by avoiding biasness I tend to fill
in all the likings of their idea. Since I am a logical person, I tend to do what is the fairest instead of
following my heart and being biased towards my colleagues.

All in all, when it comes to work, not only have I always been cooperative, I also tend to tend to
empathize my partners’ feeling and I generalize my teams’ wellbeing. This is a good way of bonding and
I do believe that this will indeed increase my teams’ morale and productivity. Just like the test stated, I
rarely force my opinions since I only act in this certain way when im working with people I despise.

Factor Four (Conscientiousness)

According to the text:

Individuals who score high on conscientiousness are characterized as being reliable, hardworking, and
efficient. They tend to be well-organized and responsible, and are motivated to achieve their goals. They
may also exhibit a strong sense of self-discipline and perseverance.In contrast, individuals who score low
on conscientiousness tend to be more impulsive and disorganized. They may have difficulty setting and
achieving goals, and may be more likely to engage in behaviors that are not in their best interest.

My Analysis:

Yet again, this test has nailed the spot and has precisely stated my personality. I would like to think
myself as being reliable as I tend to do my task as accurately as possible. I avoid leaving anything behind,
hence I complete what I was asked for and would even do more than 100% of what it was asked for. So in
terms of reliability I would like to think myself as being reliable. In terms of discipline, I am quite
disciplined and I am a man who follows the rule book. For instance, if I was told to not mention this
particular word in this specific region, I would avoid this at all cost since I do exactly what I was told. I
am motivated to finish my task accordingly and I feel despair and irritation when I see my teammates not
getting their job done and this makes me mad.

In summary, I am a man of rulebook. I follow the directions as followed and If I were to arrive in this
specific location at this specific time, I would be there 10 mins early. Obviously, this only happens when I
consider it as highly important.

Factor Five (Intellect/Imagination)

According to the test:

Individuals who score high on openness to experience are characterized as being imaginative, curious,
and open to new ideas and experiences. They tend to be intellectually curious and enjoy exploring new
concepts and ideas. They may also exhibit a preference for creativity and aesthetics. In contrast,
individuals who score low on openness to experience tend to be more traditional and conservative. They
may have a preference for familiar and predictable experiences, and may be less likely to seek out novel

My Analysis:

Although part of this test was correct, im afraid I have to say it is inaccurate. The reason being that I am
only imaginative and curious on specific matters; World War two. I am highly intelligent in strategic
warfare and my knowledge on historic World War two. Apart from that I rarely read onto new
information’s as I am not as enthusiastic in them as I am in history. Despite these shortcomings, I am
certain that in whatever region I am working on , I strongly believe that I will be over qualified for my
region as not only would I take my time finessing my crafts, I would also be very reliable in that work
area too ; lawyer.

All in all , although the test statements weren’t all true, they were partly precise in the region where I am
very expertise in a place where I am interested and my enthusiasm might be overlooked as being a nerd.

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