Cultural Activities

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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University,
Belagavi) Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru-560056

Mandatory Non-Credit NSS Course (22NSN310)

Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree Bachelor
of Engineering
Submitted By:

USN: 1DA22AE007
Submitted to:
YEAR: 2023-2024
Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru-560056

TECHNOLOGY (An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi) Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru-


This is to certify that the “Mandatory Non-Credit NSS Course (22NSN310)” is a bonafide
work carried out by C L SHAMALA (1DA22AE007), in partial fulfillment of 3rd Semester
Bachelor of Engineering in aeronautical Engineering during the year 2023- 2024. It is
certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal assessment have been
incorporated in the report. The report has been approved as it satisfies the academic
requirements in respect of the NSS work.

Signature of Mentor Signature of the HOD


I would like to express my regards and acknowledge to all who helped me in
completing the NSS work successfully in 3rd Semester.
I wish to express my first and foremost salutations to the beloved and highly
esteemed Institute, DR. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, and I
hereby take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Principal
DR. M. Meenakshi for constant support and encouragement.
I express my sincere gratitude to DR. T. N. Raju, Head of the Department,
Aeronautical Engineering, DR. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
for providing unfailing encouragement and suggestions
I express my profound sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to my mentor,
Bharath Kumar S Sir, Designation, Department of Aeronautical
Engineering for his valuable guidance throughout the NSS work.
Finally, I thank all the staff members of Department of Aeronautical
Engineering and the people who have made my work more productive and

C L Shamala



(An Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi, Accredited by NAAC with Grade "A+" and
Accredited by NBA)

Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Mandatory Non-Credit NSS Course (22NSN310)

Index Page
Name of the Student: C L SHAMALA
USN: 1DA22AE007
Sl. No Name of the Event Duration (Max. Marks (Max. 20 Total
20 per event) per event) Marks
(Max. 100)
1 Campus Cleaning and Tree

2 Health Awareness Program

3 Literacy Awareness Program

4 Creation of durable assets in

adopted village/slum(painting
of school)
5 Cultural
activities/youth fests

Mentor signature



Introduction: The School Painting Initiative in the adopted

slum area was undertaken by DR. Ambedkar institute of
technology. The project aimed to improve the learning
environment and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the school
premises in the adopted slum area. This initiative was part of
our ongoing efforts to support education and community
development in underprivileged areas.


1. To beautify the school premises and create a conducive

learning environment for students.
2. To foster a sense of pride and ownership among students
and teachers towards their school.
3. To engage the community in a collaborative effort to
improve educational infrastructure.

Project Details: The painting project involved a team of

volunteers from the organization, along with members of the
local community and students from the school. The project was
meticulously planned to ensure the efficient use of resources
and the involvement of all stakeholders.


1. Preparation: Prior to the painting day, the school building

was inspected, and necessary preparations were made,
including cleaning the walls and procuring painting
2. Painting Day: On the designated day, volunteers,
students, and community members came together to
paint the school building. Various colourful designs and
educational murals were created on the walls to make the
environment more vibrant and engaging.
3. Community Engagement: The painting activity served as
an opportunity to engage the local community in
supporting education. Residents of the slum area actively
participated in the painting process, demonstrating their

commitment to improving educational facilities for their
4. Educational Messages: Along with aesthetic designs,
educational messages and inspirational quotes were
incorporated into the artwork to promote learning and
positive values among students.


1. Improved Learning Environment: The painting initiative

transformed the school premises, creating a visually
stimulating and inspiring learning environment for
students. The vibrant colours and engaging artwork

contributed to a positive atmosphere conducive to
learning and creativity.
2. Community Involvement: The project fostered a sense of
ownership and pride among students, teachers, and
community members towards their school. The
collaborative effort strengthened community bonds and
highlighted the importance of collective action in
improving educational infrastructure.
3. Impact on Students: The colourful and artistic
environment had a positive impact on students' morale
and motivation. It instilled a sense of pride in their school
and inspired them to take greater interest in their studies.

Conclusion: The School Painting Initiative in the adopted slum

area was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of
beautifying the school premises and promoting community
involvement in education. The project demonstrated the

transformative power of art in creating vibrant learning spaces
and fostering a sense of belonging among students and
community members. Continued efforts are needed to sustain
the momentum and ensure the long-term impact of such
initiatives on educational outcomes.

Literacy awareness programme

Introduction: The Literacy Awareness Programme was

organized by Dr. Ambedkar institute of technology with the
objective of promoting literacy and education in the
community. The programme aimed to highlight the importance
of literacy in personal development, societal progress, and
economic growth.


1. To raise awareness about the significance of literacy in

personal and societal development.
2. To encourage individuals to pursue education and lifelong
3. To provide resources and support to improve literacy skills
in the community.

Event Details: The Literacy Awareness Programme took place

at [Location] and attracted participants from various age groups
and backgrounds. The event featured interactive sessions,
workshops, and informational displays to engage participants
and disseminate information about literacy.

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1. Educational Workshops: Expert-led workshops were

conducted to address different aspects of literacy,
including reading, writing, numeracy, and digital literacy.
Participants were provided with practical tips and
resources to improve their literacy skills.
2. Awareness Talks: Inspirational speakers shared their
personal experiences and emphasized the transformative
power of education and literacy. Their stories resonated
with the audience, motivating them to pursue education
despite challenges.
3. Resource Distribution: Educational materials such as
books, writing supplies, and educational software were
distributed among participants to facilitate learning and
encourage reading habits.
4. Interactive Sessions: Interactive sessions and group
discussions were organized to address common
misconceptions about literacy and discuss strategies to
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overcome barriers to education. Participants were
encouraged to share their experiences and insights.


1. Increased Awareness: The Literacy Awareness

Programme successfully raised awareness about the
importance of literacy in personal development,
empowerment, and societal progress. Participants gained
a deeper understanding of the benefits of education and
2. Empowerment: The programme empowered individuals
with knowledge, skills, and resources to improve their
literacy levels and pursue lifelong learning. Participants
expressed enthusiasm and determination to continue their
educational journey.
3. Community Engagement: The event fostered community
engagement and collaboration in promoting literacy and
education. It created a supportive environment where
individuals could seek guidance and support from peers
and experts.
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Conclusion: The Literacy Awareness Programme played a
crucial role in promoting literacy and education in the
community. By raising awareness, providing resources, and
fostering community engagement, the programme empowered
individuals to unlock their full potential and contribute to the
socio-economic development of the society. Continued efforts
and collaboration are essential to ensure that literacy remains a
priority and accessible to all.


Health Awareness Programme Report on Blood Donation

Introduction: The Health Awareness Programme on Blood

Donation, organized by DR. Ambedkar institute of technology,
was conducted with the objective of promoting awareness
about the importance of blood donation and encouraging
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individuals to become regular blood donors. This report
provides an overview of the programme's objectives, activities,
outcomes, and conclusions.


1. To raise awareness about the critical need for blood

donation in saving lives during medical emergencies and
2. To dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding blood
donation and educate participants about the safety and
benefits of donating blood.
3. To motivate individuals to become regular blood donors
and contribute to the blood supply for patients in need.

Programme Details: The Blood Donation Awareness

Programme comprised a series of informative sessions,
interactive activities, and practical demonstrations aimed at
engaging participants and promoting a culture of voluntary
blood donation.

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1. Educational Presentations: Expert speakers delivered

presentations on the importance of blood donation, the
process of blood collection, and the impact of blood
donation on patient care. These sessions provided
participants with accurate information and addressed any
concerns they may have had about donating blood.
2. Testimonials and Success Stories: Blood donors and
recipients shared their personal experiences and
testimonials, highlighting the life-saving impact of blood
donation. These stories served to inspire and motivate
participants to take action and become blood donors
3. Blood Donation Camp: A blood donation camp was
organized in collaboration with local blood banks or

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healthcare facilities. Participants were given the
opportunity to donate blood under the supervision of
trained medical professionals. The donation process was
explained in detail, and all necessary precautions were
taken to ensure the safety and well-being of donors.
4. Distribution of Informational Materials: Pamphlets,
brochures, and posters containing information about
blood donation, eligibility criteria, and post-donation care
were distributed to participants. These materials served as
handy references and reminders for individuals interested
in becoming blood donors.

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1. Increased Awareness: The Blood Donation Awareness

Programme successfully raised awareness about the
importance of blood donation and its impact on saving
lives. Participants gained a better understanding of the
urgent need for blood donors, particularly during
emergencies and medical procedures.
2. Motivated Donors: Many participants expressed interest
in becoming blood donors following their participation in
the programme. They were motivated by the stories
shared by donors and recipients and felt inspired to make
a difference in the lives of others by donating blood
3. Community Engagement: The programme fostered
community engagement and collaboration in promoting
voluntary blood donation. Participants appreciated the
opportunity to contribute to a noble cause and support
their community members in times of need.

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Conclusion: The Blood Donation Awareness Programme served
as a platform for promoting health literacy, dispelling myths,
and inspiring altruistic behavior among participants. By
encouraging individuals to become regular blood donors, the
programme has contributed to strengthening the blood supply
chain and saving lives. Continued efforts and collaboration are
essential to sustain the momentum and address ongoing
challenges in ensuring an adequate supply of blood for patients
in need.

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Date: 01/02/2024

Organized by: National Service Scheme (NSS)

Clean Campus promotes Hygiene, It improves hygiene level in
campus and also helps to reduce the spread of sickness, maintaining a
clean college environment sets a good example to students.
Cleanliness encourages learners to take pride in their college, which
makes them less likely to drop litter and as such they will potentially
make a bigger effort to maintain their environment. Cleanliness gives
rise to a good character by keeping body, mind, and soul clean and
peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living
because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our
personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology has organized a Clean Campus

campaign on 1st of February 2024, to educate and to promote civic
sense among students community. Extra curricular club students went
to all the classes and briefed about the importance of cleanliness of
the campus. Students were advised not to throw paper plates, water
bottle, paper cups, tissues, and many unwanted things on campus
Lawns, Library, cafeteria, umbrella canteen, garden, sitting Area,
corridors, class rooms, pathway and other open areas which is very
unhygienic to all of us. They were also informed to make the college
campus & class rooms a beautiful place for one and it makes
individuals healthier when the environment around them is healthy.

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Objective: The primary objective of the campus cleaning
programme was to promote cleanliness and environmental
awareness among students and faculty members. By actively
participating in this activity, we aimed to contribute to the
beautification and maintenance of our campus while instilling a
sense of responsibility towards our environment.

Activities Conducted:

1. Preparation and Planning:

 Formation of an organizing committee comprising

NSS volunteers and faculty members.

 Assessment of campus areas requiring cleaning and

identification of key tasks.

 Procurement of cleaning equipment and materials.

2. Awareness Campaign:
 Conducted an awareness campaign to inform

students and faculty about the upcoming cleaning


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Utilized posters, flyers, and social media platforms to

spread the message.

 Emphasized the importance of waste segregation and

responsible waste disposal.

3. Execution of Cleaning Programme:
 On the designated day, volunteers assembled at the

campus with necessary cleaning supplies.

 Divided into teams and assigned specific areas for

cleaning, including classrooms, corridors, gardens,

and common areas.
 Engaged in sweeping, mopping, garbage collection,

and removal of debris.

 Implemented waste segregation practices to ensure

proper disposal.
4. Collaboration and Coordination:
 Collaborated with campus maintenance staff to

streamline cleaning efforts and maximize efficiency.

 Coordinated with local authorities for the disposal of

collected waste, especially hazardous or non-

biodegradable materials.
5. Evaluation and Follow-up:
 Conducted a post-event evaluation to assess the

impact of the cleaning programme.

 Solicited feedback from participants to identify areas

for improvement.
 Established plans for ongoing maintenance and

future cleaning initiatives.

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 Noticeable improvement in the cleanliness and tidiness of

campus facilities.
 Raised awareness among students and faculty about the
importance of maintaining a clean environment.
 Fostering a sense of community and collective
responsibility towards campus upkeep.
 Strengthened collaboration between NSS volunteers,
faculty members, and administrative staff.

Challenges Faced:

 Limited participation from some segments of the student

body due to conflicting schedules or lack of engagement.
 Disposal of certain types of waste, such as electronic waste
or hazardous materials, required specialized handling and
 Ensuring sustained cleanliness beyond the event remains
an ongoing challenge that requires continued effort and

Conclusion: The campus cleaning programme organized by

the NSS was a commendable initiative that contributed
significantly to improving the cleanliness and hygiene standards
on our campus. It served as a reminder of our collective
responsibility towards preserving our environment and
fostering a culture of cleanliness and sustainability. By working
together and continuing to prioritize cleanliness, we can create
a more pleasant and conducive learning environment for all
members of our campus community.

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Submitted by: C L SHAMALA




Introduction: The Tree Plantation Programme was organized

by Dr. Ambedkar institute of technology with the aim of
promoting environmental sustainability and increasing green
cover in the region. The event aimed to raise awareness about
the importance of trees in combating climate change and
fostering a healthier ecosystem.


1. To increase green cover in the region.

2. To raise awareness about the importance of trees in
mitigating climate change.
3. To encourage community participation in environmental
conservation efforts.

Event Details: The Tree Plantation Programme commenced at

a place near the college with the participation of few of my
classmates. The event started with a brief introduction

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highlighting the significance of tree plantation and its impact
on the environment. Participants were provided with saplings of
indigenous tree species suitable for the local climate and soil


1. Tree Plantation: Participants actively engaged in planting

saplings in designated areas under the guidance of
environmental experts. Each participant planted a sapling,
contributing to the collective effort of increasing green

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2. Educational Sessions: Concurrent educational sessions
were conducted to educate participants about the role of
trees in carbon sequestration, air purification, soil
conservation, and biodiversity conservation. Interactive
discussions encouraged participants to share their
perspectives and insights.
3. Environmental Awareness Campaign: A poster
exhibition and distribution of informational pamphlets
were organized to disseminate information about the
importance of trees and sustainable environmental
practices. Participants were encouraged to take a pledge
to nurture the planted saplings and adopt eco-friendly
habits in their daily lives.


1. Increased Green Cover: The Tree Plantation Programme

resulted in the planting of saplings , significantly
contributing to the increase in green cover in the region.
2. Awareness and Engagement: The event successfully
raised awareness among participants about the
importance of trees in environmental conservation.
Participants expressed enthusiasm and commitment to
continue supporting such initiatives.
3. Community Participation: The Tree Plantation
Programme fostered community participation and
collaboration in environmental conservation efforts. It
strengthened the sense of collective responsibility towards
safeguarding the environment for future generations.

Conclusion: The Tree Plantation Programme served as a

significant step towards promoting environmental sustainability

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and fostering a culture of conservation. The event not only
contributed to increasing green cover but also empowered
individuals to take proactive steps towards protecting the
environment. Continued efforts and collective action are
essential to address environmental challenges and create a
greener, healthier planet for all.


Introduction: The involvement in cultural activities within DR.

Ambedkar institute of technology has been a cornerstone of
our collective identity and ethos. These activities serve as a
conduit for expression, celebration, and the preservation of our
rich cultural heritage. This report aims to encapsulate the
breadth and depth of our engagement in cultural endeavours
over the past 8th of January.


1. To promote cultural diversity and inclusivity within our

2. To provide opportunities for creative expression and talent
3. To foster a sense of belonging and pride among

Cultural Activities Undertaken:

1. Cultural Festivals: Throughout the year, we organized

several cultural festivals celebrating the diversity of our
community. These festivals showcased traditional music,

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dance, cuisine, and art forms, providing a platform for
members to share and celebrate their cultural heritage.
2. Performing Arts Workshops: Regular workshops were
conducted to hone skills in various performing arts
disciplines such as theatre, dance, music, and storytelling.
These workshops were open to all members of the
community, regardless of prior experience.
3. Cultural Competitions: Inter-school/inter-community
cultural competitions were organized to nurture talent and
promote healthy competition. Participants showcased their
talents in areas such as singing, dancing, painting, and
poetry recitation, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and
mutual respect.
4. Cultural Exchanges: Collaborative efforts were made to
organize cultural exchange programs with neighbouring
communities or institutions. These exchanges provided
opportunities for cultural immersion, dialogue, and
5. Community Outreach: Cultural activities were not limited
to internal participation but extended to the broader
community through outreach programs. These included
cultural performances at local schools, nursing homes, and
community centres, spreading joy and fostering
intergenerational connections.

Participated in

drawing competition

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Participated in dance

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Participated in modelling logo


1. Enhanced Cultural Awareness: Participation in cultural

activities has heightened awareness and appreciation for
the diverse cultures within our organization/community.
2. Talent Development: Cultural activities have served as a
platform for talent discovery and development, nurturing
the creative potential of individuals across various age
3. Community Cohesion: Engaging in cultural activities has
strengthened social bonds and fostered a sense of
belonging and unity among participants.
4. Promotion of Diversity: Cultural activities have promoted
diversity and inclusivity, creating an environment where

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every individual feels valued and respected irrespective of
their cultural background.

Participated in designing logo

Conclusion: In conclusion, our involvement in cultural activities

has been instrumental in fostering a vibrant and inclusive
community. Through these activities, we have celebrated
diversity, nurtured talent, and forged lasting connections.
Moving forward, we remain committed to promoting cultural
exchange, creativity, and unity within our

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Submitted by: C L SHAMALA



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