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Approach B :

Insight : define

Empathy : define and observe

Concrete : problem

Abstract : core

Divergent thinking : multiple choices

Convergent thinking : making a choice, narrow (more people tend to choose this)

Generating empathy : observation + inference

Developing empathy : immerse, observe, engage (Let the people express

themselves, reach main source of problem)

Needs : something missing or not enough..


Empathy Map = Problem domain in approach (B)

In Approahc A it is in : understand and observe

Generating opportunity statement : We nominate opportunity

In Approach A it is in : between define and ideate

Questions in approach B is in Concepts


Generating ideas = ideate stage in approach A

Tools : brainstorming, focus groups, diverge thinking etc..

Brainstorming Rules : required


Prototype and experimentation (prototype and test in approach A)

Prototype : definitions and advantages, why we need prototype and test (until
slide 7)

Read invention cycle 1 & 2

Imagination = dream

Charisma : major components

One of the components to convince others : telling story


Only first page (photo in phone)

 Why small wins?

Because the risks will be small when you aim for smaller wins

 Superstars aren’t lone geniuses : great innovations happen in teams and

networks, it’s a social process
 Blend experts and novices : why?

So that beginners can learn from experts, and experts can learn from novices the
spirits and fearlessness of sacrifice.

 Wisdom
 Learn how and when to fight
 Extreme optimism (We always need to be brave, because a lot of people
will criticize you.)
 Bad is stronger than good.
 Got their backs (protect your followers/supporters because your power is
coming from them)
 Avoid small talk trap (Don’t bark and no bite. Look for results and not


Vision mission and strategy

Definition of strategy, vision

Elements of vision

Definition of mission and elements

Golden Circle (nope)


Baerucrat : normal investor

Types of risks + session 1 risks


Business model and objective (2,3,4, 5, 9, 13, 15, 17) slide + footnotes


3, 6, 7 + 10

Business model

Only 7, 8, 9, 10

Business model canvas ( 4 main dimensions, 9 sub categories)

From 13  25 each category or type put it in canvas

9A (Go to market methods)

Entrepreneurial screen

Slide 9

Respect rules of market

Producet-Market-Team fit (enlarge the dark area)

Potential product = meets markets needs, based on team efforts

Marketing = everything related to costumer from initiating product to delivering

to costumer and after sales (spare parts, warranty..)

Selling = Just selling

Marketing is challenging with startups because startups have to satisfy people’s

needs and surprise them. (Get their attention 100%)

 Marketing
 Market analysis : recognizing opportunities

Crossing the Chasm : at the start, only few will adopt your product. You need to
overcome the chasm (or big hole)

Big hole because some people might not need the product, or don’t recognize the
importance of your product. This is why majority of times products die here.

People are afraid of change.

If you cross the chasm you can have more adaptors.

Difference between business to costumers, and business to business.

You sell directly to costumer You sell to business

(company) to sell them for
you. You need their tech or
popularity etc

Positioning : intangible

Elevator Pitch : Advertisements (hype culture) 2-5 minutes. Consists of three


1. Introduction
2. Description of opportunity
3. Potential of benefits the venture

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