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Lesson # 1
Button, Button
1. Why Norma did considered the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?
2. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
OR Why did Arthur disagree with Norma?
3. Why did Norma try persuading her husband to agree with her?
0R Why Norma did perused her husband to accept the offer?
4. Why did Mr Steward continue persuading Norma?
5 .What is the significance of Arthur's life insurance policy?
6. What was the massage Norma received on pushing the button?
OR How was Arthur killed?
7. What is the significance of Author's life insurance policy?

Lesson # 2
Clearing in the sky
1. Why didn't the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
OR Why don't Jess father follow the advice of the doctor?
2. In the story "Clearing in the Sky "What had the doctors told the old man?
OR What had the doctors told the old man?
OR What Advice did the doctor tell the old man?
3.Why did the old man take the steep path?
OR Why did the old man (Jess's father) take the steep path? Why did the son at the age of six cry?
4. Why did the son at the age of six cry?
5. Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
OR What had the old man planted his secret garden?

Lesson # 4
Thank you Ma'am
1 What was the nature of the woman's job?
OR What was the nature of Luella's job?

OR What is the nature of large women's job?

2.What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse of Mrs's Jones?
OR What did happen to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse of the women?
3. How did the boy who snatched the purse look physically?
OR How did the boy look physically?
4. What was the conduct of the people when they saw the incident? (Thank You Ma'am).
OR What was the condition of the people when they saw the incident?
5. Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?

Lesson # 5
The piece of string
1.What did the diners discus at the great big hall?
OR What did the diners discuss?
2. Why did the Manana accuse Herbert of picking the lost pocket-book?
OR On what ground did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book?
3 . Why did George give the pocketbook to his employer?
4. Why did not the Mayor believe the innocence of Hubert?
OR Why did the Mayor not believe the innocence of Hubert?
5. Why did Hubert keep claiming his innocence till his death?
OR Why did the keep claiming his innocence before his death?
OR Why did of Mr Hubert keep claiming his innocence?
6. What made Hubert shameful?
OR What did make Hubert shamefull?
7 Why did the people make fun of his innocence?
Lesson # 7
The use of Force
1. What was the condition of the parents of the sick girl on the arrival of the doctors?
2 .Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen?
OR Why was the sick girl kept in the kitchen by her parents
3. Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
OR Why did the doctor coax the child? (The use of Force).
4. What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor?
OR What was the behaviour of the Mathilda with the doctor?
5. Why did the girl break the wooden blade?
6. What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?
7. Why did the parents rebuke their daughter?
OR Why did the parents rebuke the girl?
OR Why did the parents rebuke their sick girl?

Lesson # 8
The Gulistan of Sa'adi"
1. What should be the role of Qazi?
2. What was the remedy suggested by the physician for the disease of the King?
OR What remedy did the physicians suggest for the disease of the king?
OR What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the treatment of the king?
3. Why did the boy look to the sky and smiled?
4 Why did the king weep?
5. How did the diseased king recover?
OR How did the king recover in "The Gulistan of Sa'adi"
6. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?

Lesson #9
Foolish Quack
1.The Foolish Quack How did the camel-men cure their camel?
2. What did the quack pretend to cure?
3. How did the quack try to cure the old woman?
OR What did the quack do with the old women?
OR What was the result of the treatment extended to the old women by the quack?
OR How did the quack treat the old women?
OR How did the quack treat the old women and with what result?
4 .What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
OR How did the villagers punish the quack?
5. What did the quack do in the next village?
OR What did the quack say to the people of the second village before starting the cure of the old man?
6. Why did the quack come back to the camel-men?
OR Why did the quack return to the camel-men?

Book 3 Play 1
Heat Lightning
1. Why couldn't the girl describe the killer?
2. What did the girl see when she was walking along the road?
OR What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car?
OR Why did the Girl leave her car? (Heat Lighting)?
OR What were the circumstances that forced the girl to leave her car on the rod?
OR What forced the girl to leave her car on the road?
OR Why was the girl walking along the road all along at midnight?
3. What did the girl see in the flash of lighting as she came out of her car?
OR What was the man dragging out of the car?
OR What did the girl see when reached near the car?
4. What was the condition of the weather?
OR What was the condition of the weather in the play of "Heat Lighting"?
5. Why did the girl consider the first man her helper?
OR Why does the girl ask for help from the First Man?
OR Why did she ask for help from the first man?
6. Why did the Second Man accuse the First man of lying?
OR How did the Second Man accuse the First man of lying?
7. Why didn't the girl accompany the second man?
OR Why did she think ill of Second Man?
OR What was the girl's impression about the second man?
OR Why did the girl not accompany the second man?
OR What was the impression of the girl about second man?
OR What was the reaction of the girl on seeing the second man?
8. Who saved the life of the girl in the play of "Heat Lighting"?
OR How did the girl succeed in escaping from the killer?
OR What are the factors that played a role in saving the Girl?

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