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I’m standing here in front of you to talk about the importance of laughter in our lives.

I know you’re
all probably thinking, "Hmm, great, another boring lesson that talks about the benefits of laughing."
But fear not, because I promise to keep things light and, well, humorous.
Before I begin, I'd like to share a short story with you all. So, this past few days, I often felt
sleepy, but at night, I was having trouble trying to sleep. I am always lacking in sleep. Then one day
my uncle asked me to cook rice for lunch, and I immediately did as he said. After a few minutes, my
uncle came back to ask me to get the rice. Then there’s me, the confident one, who stands up, but
what I see just shocks my soul out of me. The rice was cooked without water. That's when I
remembered turning on the rice cooker without filling it with water. I panic as my uncle enters the
kitchen to ask why it is taking me so long to get the rice. I told my uncle the truth, and as expected,
his mouth transformed into a machine gun, and instead of being sad and scared, I am standing there
quietly laughing as I realize what I just did was hilarious and embarrassing at the same time.
Okay, I know that was not a funny joke, but it’s for the sake of laughter. And speaking of
laughter, let’s talk about why it is so important.
Seriously, laughter is important. It can reduce stress, improve our mood every day, and even
boost our immune system. Most importantly, laughter brings joy and happiness into our lives. And
who doesn’t need that more, especially in these days?
How do we bring laughter into our lives? Well, there are a few simple things that we can do.
First, surround yourself with funny people. Whether it's friends, family, or anyone you enjoy
spending time with. Your conversation can be funny and entertaining by just bringing up some funny
topics that you have experienced. You can also watch funny movies and talk about them later with
your friends and family.
And finally, don’t be afraid to be silly. Whether it’s telling bad jokes, making funny faces, or
even acting out a scene from your favourite movie.
Before I finish with my speech, let me tell you another joke. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand
up by itself? because it was two-tired.
I know, I know, that was a terrible joke, but at least I had something to say.
So, let’s make a pact to laugh more and have fun. And if all else fails, we can always fall back
on knock-knock jokes. Thanks for listening, and remember to laugh often.

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