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Module 1: Meet and Greet

This module focuses on meeting and becoming more familiar with your professors and classmates. It would also give
you a glimpse of how and what this module is all about. I encourage you to take this step-by-step; be committed to
reading and comprehending each lesson with honesty and integrity. Your professor will always be right here to guide you for
any concerns that you may have.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:
 define the concept of the self.
 discuss the meaning of identity.
 identify the different parts of Johari Window.
 illustrate the use of Johari Window for practical living.

For this module, you will be needing:
 An internet connectivity
 Module 1: Meet and Greet
 Internet connection for video clip
 Three trusted people

 The Nature of Self
 The Process of Discovering the Self
 The Johari Window


_______ 1. According to the Johari Window Theory, the self can be understood using the four quadrants: Open, Blind,
Hidden, and Unknown.
_______ 2. The greatest challenge in discovering the self is in adulthood.
_______ 3. The title of the theory “Johari Window” comes from the names of its proponents.



When we talk about the self, many terminologies can be attributed to it: self-awareness, self-concept, self-esteem,
identity, ego, and the like. These terms direct us to our inner being who experiences every task, responsibility, and commission
that we have.
Magalona (2018) has also described the self as the following:

1. The self is thinking and feeling being within us and within ourselves. It pertains to a person's capability to process
his thoughts and emotions.
2. The self is the distinct identity which is a summation of the experiences of an individual. These experiences,
either good or bad in the person's life, are all part of the summation of the self. Meaning to say all our affairs are being
held or contained together to build up one's identity.
3. The self is commonly defined by the following characteristics: separate, self-contained, independent, consistent,
unitary, and private. All this can also point us to our uniqueness. There can be similarities in our experiences, but
there isn't complete sameness. That's why one cannot genuinely claim that one's life is better than the other.

The Process of Discovering the Self

So, now the question lies, “How do we discover the self?” The answer to this question may be pretty tricky
to achieve. That is because we struggle for a long time to search for our identity. The greatest challenge here is in
adolescence. It’s the time when young people are in search of who they are. They tend to discover themselves
with friends, family, significant others, and from the people that they respect and adore. However, the challenge
here lies in what we call “the surge of hormonal imbalance.” It happens during these years.

In this surge, studies say that “adolescents may give the same cognitive responses and reasoning just like adults;
however, they are prone to be driven to seek experiences that produce strong feelings and sensations due to these
hormonal surges that happen in the brain of an adolescent.” Meaning to say their decisions will mainly be based
on the experiences that impact them more emotionally. No matter how reasonable or irrational their choices are,
it doesn’t matter, which gives way to many complications in the upcoming years of their lives.

Nevertheless, one should never lose hope. That is because the search for our true identity “is a process of learning,
relearning, and unlearning the lessons that we acquire from the teachings of life.” One must open the self for self-
evaluation. The things you hold dearly in your life right now may not be the same things that you will uphold in the
upcoming years. One must be ready to question what they stand for and what they believe. Remember that every
experience that you have and will have is part of your self-evolution and progression.


“This model was developed in 1955 at the University of California Los Angeles by Joseph Luft and Harrington
Ingham who are both American psychologists. This
model allows the participants to understand
themselves well and their corresponding relationship
with the significant others through the four quadrants
determining the traits relative to oneself and other’s
judgment.” Obviously, the title of this theory came
from its proponents: Joseph and Harrington.


There’s nothing new under the sun on this window.

Everybody knows this part of you - your name, your
talents, and your abilities. Perhaps, these are the
things that you love to showcase to other people
when asked, “Who are you?” Sometimes, they’re not
such good information about you, but it’s the
beautiful one that you care to brag about most of the


Oh, this part is such a delight and a horror to know about you. It depends on what kind of information this window
conveys. It could be a secret talent, a secret aspiration, a personal inspiration, or a dirty little secret.


It’s about you that most of the time, you’re curious and conscious to know. Your curiosity arises if this window
whispers to you something pleasing to your ears. You may want to know those people who say good things about
you. But, on the other hand, you’ve become conscious when you hear something that’s not so good. Sometimes,
this window praises; there are times this window hurts.


No one knows about this yet. Perhaps, only the Almighty One - a mystery that waits to unfold in the proper time.
No need to hurry. As long as you live, you’ll have this window of your life. May you have the courage to face reality
when that time comes.

You may also want to visit this site for audio-visual explanation of the model. It would help you increase your self-
awareness: “Johari Window Model by Communication Coach Alex Lyon”

Magalona, E., Sadsad, E., & Cruz, E. (2018). Chapter 1: The Self: Its Nature and Significance. In E. Magalona, E. Sadsad, & E.
Lyon, C. C. (2020, April 28). Retrieved from

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