Social Anxiety in "Pride and Prejudice" A Psychological Exploration of MR Darcys Mind

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Lobato, Camila Daniela

LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro

Literary Essay

Escuela Normal Superior N°15 "Domingo Faustino Sarmiento"

Profesorado de Inglés

Literature of the English Speaking Countries II

4th Year - 2023

Title: Social Anxiety in Pride and Prejudice: A Psychological Exploration of Mr

Darcy’s Mind

Student: Lobato, Camila Daniela

Teacher: Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro

Presentation date: October 30th

Lobato, Camila Daniela
LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro
Literary Essay

Social Anxiety in “Pride and Prejudice”: a psychological exploration of Mr Darcy’s


Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice is renowned for its astute portrayal of social
conventions and interpersonal relationships in early 19th-century England. While it is
primarily seen as a romantic novel, a closer examination reveals unknown psychological
issues in those times. Social anxiety is one of them, several characters exhibit signs of it,
significantly influencing their actions and decisions. In this essay, we will explore how it is
depicted in this world-famous novel, focusing on the experiences of its main character and the
societal factors that exacerbate his anxieties.

In the intricate dance of human interaction, social anxiety emerges as a formidable

spectre that casts its shadow on the lives of many. Social anxiety disorder or social phobia is
more than shyness or occasional nerves, it involves intense fear of certain social situations -
especially those unfamiliar to the person. Underlying this illness is the fear of being
scrutinised, judged or embarrassed by others in public”(Smith. M, Seagal J. 2023). It may
manifest as avoidance behaviours, excessive self-consciousness, or physical symptoms such
as trembling or sweating. According to the World Health Organization (2019), an estimated
4% of the global population experience an anxiety disorder, making it one of the most
common of all mental disorders. By examining these manifestations, we can gain insights into
the intricate ways social anxiety shapes an individual’s lived experiences.

Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy

Mr Darcy is one of English literature's most iconic and complex characters. As one of
the central figures in the novel, he undergoes significant character development, evolving
from a seemingly proud and reserved aristocrat into a more self-aware and compassionate
individual. “In recent years, Austen lovers on social media have praised the character for a
different reason: their identification with his perceived social anxiety.” (MacMahon, J. 2021)
Social anxiety shapes his interactions with others, influences his decision-making, and
contributes to the initial misunderstandings surrounding him.
Lobato, Camila Daniela
LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro
Literary Essay
I. Social aloofness and reserved behaviour

Mr Darcy is initially portrayed as aloof and reserved, often avoiding social

engagements and dancing at balls, the crowded and socially charged atmospheres of these
events act as triggers for Mr Darcy's social anxiety. While others may interpret his
interactions as pride, they reveal a veneer of social distance that goes beyond a mere
aristocratic demeanour. A self-imposed isolation by himself is recognisable in the novel,
Darcy prefers solitude and frequently withdraws to his state, Pemberley, to avoid the social
scene of London.
Moreover, “John Wright’s 2005 Pride and Prejudice, a now beloved Austen
adaptation, contributed to the fan theory that Darcy has social anxiety. The script and the
actor Matthew Macfayden’s portrayal made Darcy seem more awkward than he does in the
original novel.” (MacMahon, J. 2021).

II. Fear of social judgement

Social Anxiety builds on his reluctance to engage with others and stems from his fear
of being judged based on his social status, wealth, and family background. Within social
interactions, Mr Darcy’s quiet behaviour becomes evident, unlike the more effusive
characters in the novel, he often chooses brevity over verbosity. This communication style is
a defence mechanism, a shield against the potential examinations he might face in
The fear of judgement and the pressure to conform to societal expectations contribute
to his decision to maintain a certain distance. At the Meryton ball, Mr Darcy is notably
reticent to partake in the dance festivities. His hesitation is not due to a lack of skill or desire
but is rooted in the fear of social judgment. As a wealthy and influential gentleman, his
actions are under constant scrutiny, and any deviation from expected behaviour can become
fodder for gossip and speculation.

III. Communication difficulties

Mr Darcy’s communication difficulties are a reflection of internal struggles. One of

the most notable instances occurred during the first proposal to Elizabeth. Rather than
Lobato, Camila Daniela
LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro
Literary Essay
express his genuine feelings, he couches his words in a mix of pride and awkwardness. The
proposal became a verbal paradox- a blend of genuine affection and the societal expectations
that cloud his true emotions. Moreover, the fear of saying the wrong things, coupled with his
social anxiety, hinders him from easily expressing himself. These challenges contribute to
growing tension between the characters.

Transformation through self-awareness: Mr Darcy’s Journey from Social Anxiety to

Authentic Connection

In Pride and Prejudice, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy undergoes a profound transformation

that transcends his initial social anxiety. This transformation was marked by self-awareness,
introspection, and a recalibration of his attitudes towards societal expectations. As he evolves,
Mr Darcy not only overcomes his issue but also learns to forge authentic connections,
particularly with Elizabeth Bennet, before her, he maintained a close relationship with his
sister only.

A. Recognition of prejudices

The first crucial step in Mr. Darcy's transformation is the recognition of his prejudices.
His initial proposal to Elizabeth, marked by condescension and an emphasis on social
standing, serves as a wake-up call. Through Elizabeth's vehement rejection and subsequent
conversations, Mr. Darcy confronts the biases ingrained in him by societal expectations. This
acknowledgement is the foundation upon which his self-awareness is built.

B. Humility in love

Love becomes a powerful catalyst for change in Mr. Darcy's life. His genuine
affection for Elizabeth challenges the walls of pride and social anxiety he had built around
himself. The humility that emerges through his love for Elizabeth enables him to reassess his
values and priorities. Love becomes the driving force that compels him to overcome the fear
of societal judgment and express his true self. Mr. Darcy's second proposal to Elizabeth at the
parsonage reflects this humility. He opens himself up, admitting his faults, and emphasizes
his admiration for her character without the veil of social pretence.
Lobato, Camila Daniela
LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro
Literary Essay

C. Acts of Selflessness

Mr. Darcy's transformation is not confined to mere introspection; it manifests in

tangible acts of selflessness. His intervention in the Lydia Bennet and Mr. Wickham scandal
was a pivotal moment. Despite the potential damage to his reputation, Mr Darcy acts with
genuine concern for the well-being of the Bennet family. This act of selflessness signifies a
departure from the self-centred motivations driven by social anxiety to a more altruistic and
compassionate mindset.

D. Authentic expression of feelings

As Mr. Darcy's self-awareness deepens, so does his ability to authentically express his
feelings. His communication style undergoes a transformation from guarded and reserved to
open and sincere. The evolution of his interactions with Elizabeth reflects a newfound
confidence that emerges from his journey of self-discovery. In the final stages of the novel,
Mr Darcy's candid and heartfelt proposal to Elizabeth showcases this transformation. His
words are a testament to his growth, emphasizing mutual respect and admiration rather than
social expectations.

E. Bridging social divides

Mr. Darcy's transformation extends beyond personal growth to a willingness to

challenge and bridge social divides. His pursuit of happiness with Elizabeth necessitates
confronting societal norms that previously dictated his actions. By marrying Elizabeth, a
woman of lower social standing, Mr. Darcy breaks free from the constraints of societal
expectations and asserts his autonomy.


“After this re-reading of Pride and Prejudice, I am seeing Mr. Darcy as someone who
struggles with anxiety. While he is prideful in some ways, I can't help but think that maybe
the reason he is so quiet and dismissive is actually due to an anxiety disorder, rather than cut-
Lobato, Camila Daniela
LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro
Literary Essay
and-dry pridefulness” (Rocha, M. 2022). In the resolution of "Pride and Prejudice," Mr.
Darcy emerges not as a flawless hero but as a man who, through introspection and love,
transcends the limitations imposed by societal expectations. His overcoming of social anxiety
is not merely a triumph for his character but resonates as a universal message—an ode to the
human capacity for change, connection, and the pursuit of authentic selfhood.

To conclude, Mr. Darcy's journey reminds us that societal norms, however confining,
can be challenged; that love, when genuine, has the power to dismantle the walls of fear; and
that the most profound transformations often unfold within the crucible of self-awareness and
authentic connection. As we bid farewell to "Pride and Prejudice," Mr Darcy stands not only
as an emblematic figure in literature but as a beacon of hope—a reminder that, even in the
face of social anxiety, the human spirit can soar beyond the constraints of societal
Lobato, Camila Daniela
LITERATURE II 2023/ Lic. Prof. Romina Paola Piñeyro
Literary Essay

McMahon, J. (2021, June). Pride and Prejudice: Mr Darcy’s Social Anxiety

Representation. The Daily Fandom.
Rocha, M. (2022, February). Pride and Prejudice and Social Anxiety. Roses and
Smith, M. & Seagal, J. (2023, Mach). Social Anxiety Disorder. Help Guide.

World Health Organization (2023, September). Anxiety Disorders. World Health



Austen, J. (1813). Pride and Prejudice. T. Egerton, Whitehall.

Cleveland Clinic (2021). Health Essentials: Need Help Overcoming Social Anxiety? 6 Tips
from An Expert.

Mariah, G. (2022, February). Pride and Prejudice Review. NetGalley.

Wright, J. (Director). (2005). Pride and Prejudice. [Film; DVD]. Working Title Films.

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