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Name : Kaisya Pradia

Class : 1B

1. (1) companies (4) hotel

(2) practical information (transport) (5) exhibits
(3) the weather (6) the trade fair
(7) home town/country

topics place
Companies, hotel At the hotel
Practical information, At a bus stop
weather, home country, the
trade fair, companies
Practical information, the In a café at a trade fair
trade fair, exhibits

3. (1) sorry, noticing (7) based

(2) way (8) about, do
(3) with (9) mind, join
(4) excuse me (10) all
(5) from, near (11) so
(6) looking after (12) checking

(a) 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 (b) 10, 12 (c) 3, 6, 7, 8, 11

4. 2-a-G 6-b-A
3-f-B 7-g-C
4-e-D 8-c-E

6. (1) their new wireless printer.

(2) she has another appointment in then minutes.
(3) right after her appointment.
(4) probably not!

7. (1) that’s very kind of you. but I should probably get going.
(2) it’ll only take a minute.
(3) I’m actually supposed to be meeting someone in ten minutes.
(4) I’m sure they won’t mind if you’re couple of minutes late.
(5) why don’t I come back afterwards to take a look?
(6) I’m afraid I really should go.
(7) I’ll come right back after my appointment.
(8) see you in a little while then.

Ute : 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
Thomas : 2, 4

8. (2) that would be nice, but I’ve just seen someone I really need to talk over there.
(3) actually, I should get going. I have another appointment in a few minutes.
(4) I’m really sorry, but I don’t really have time at the moment. My boss is waiting for
me, I’m afraid.
(5) I’m sorry, I really have to go now. Let me give you my card. Perhaps you could call
me next week.

10. (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 3 (e) 1 (f) 4

11. (1) hand out (4) weird (7) ever

(2) look (5) experiences (8) keep
(3) amazes (6) imagine (9) hate

13. (1) h (6) f

(2) b (7) a
(3) g (8) e
(4) I (9) d
(5) j (10) c

1. mentioned 2. department
4. pick up 3. take
7. black 5. kind
9. I’m afraid 6. Join us
11. meet 7. By the way
14. last 8. Main course
15. relations 10. restroom
17. catch 12. Get going
18. to 13. Used to
19. on 14. location
20. actually 16. originally
22. miss 21. bill
24. starving 23. staff
25. get 27. exhibition
26. unemployed 28. down
29. freezing

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