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This is to certify that experiments for the Subject

Mathematics PAPER – 08(B)(Practical)Introduction to GEOGEBRA
duly recorded and initiated in this Journal were performed to
my satisfaction by Mr./Miss ________________________________
of class B. Sc. Semaster -6 (Mathematics) in the academic Year
2019 – 2020 in the Computer laboratory of this college.
His/Her Roll No.:____________




Lab in-charge’s signature Head Of

the Department

Exam seat no: ________________ Examiner’s Signature

T.Y. B.Sc. Mathematics SEMESTER - 6

Introduction to GeoGebra

Title of Practical Date Sign
Introduction to the interface of
Use of tool bars to draw various
Geometric Shapes like lines, line
segments, triangles, polygons, circles
and conics and to find centroid, in-
center, circum -center and ortho-center,
area and parameter of triangles.
Verification of important theorems of
3 geometry (like Pythagoras theorem and
Thels theorem) using GeoGebra.
Drawing of various types of Graphs like
complete graph, bipartite graph,
directed and undirected graph, Graphs
containing parallel ages, self loop,
pendent vertex, isolated vertex, binary
tree etc.
Drawing of graphs of functions of one
variable and to find properties of the
function (like increasing, decreasing,
continuity, differentiability, area,
length, curvature, multiple points, min-
max, range, tangent, normal etc.,) using
function inspector (include piece wise
continuous functions also).
Drawing of graphs of curves when
equation of the curves are given in
6 Polar or parametric form (Cardioids,
rose curves, lemniscates etc.,) Using
To find L(P, f ) and U(P, f ) for a
7 given function f and for given partition
Solve an LPP by Graphical Method using
Numerical methods: bisection,
regulafalsi, NR, successive approx.
(animation through navigation using
Numerical Calculus: Trapezoidal rule,
Euler method.
Practical -1

Objective: - Introduction to the interface of


Interface of GeoGebra

GeoGebra is free and multi-platform educational dynamic

mathematics software that joins geometry, algebra, and calculus
in an easy to use package.

Main interface has four components

(1) Tool Bar
(2) Algebra View
(3) Graphics View
(4) Input Bar
Deferent views of GeoGebra:

Toolbars of Geogebra

1. Observe the file menu of Geogebra and create one new .ggb

2. Try view menu and make changes in default views - close and
reopen all the viewslike Graphics view, Algebra view,
Spreadsheet view and Input Bar.
3. Go to Options >Restore Default Settings to restore views,
and restart GeoGebra.


GeoGebra’s Tools enable you to produce new Objects using your

pointing device. They canbe activated by clicking on the
corresponding buttons of the Toolbar.

Note: All Tools have their Commands equivalents which are

suitable for more complicated constructions.

Different Toolbars for Different Views

Each View except the Algebra View has its own Toolbar,
providing Tools specific for the View you are working with.

Graphics View Toolbar

3D Graphics View Toolbar
CAS View Toolbar
Spreadsheet View Toolbar
Once you start using another View within the GeoGebra window,
the Toolbar changes automatically. If you open another View in
a separate window, it will have its Toolbar attached.

Each Toolbar is divided into Toolboxes, containing one or more

related Tools. You may opena Toolbox by clicking on one of the
default Tools in the Toolbar (GeoGebra Web and Tablet Apps) on
the little arrow in the lower right corner of the default Tools
(GeoGebra Desktop).

You can reorder these Toolboxes and save the setting in the
GeoGebra Worksheet (*.ggb).

More Information about Tools

Movement Tools

Movement tools are by default grouped under icon (the first

from left) in the toolbar.

Two movement tools are currently available:

Move tool
Move around Point tool
Freehand Shape tool
Pen tool

Move Tool in the Graphics View

Drag and drop Free Objects.

If you select an object by selecting it in Move mode, you


• delete the object by pressing the Delete key

• move the object by using the arrow keys (see section Manual

Note: If you are using the GeoGebra Desktop Version, then you
can quickly activate the Move Tool by pressing the Esc key of
your keyboard.

Move around Point Tool

Note: This tool is only available in the GeoGebra Desktop


Select the center point of the rotation first. Then, you may
rotate free objects around this point by dragging them with the

Point Tools
Point tools are by default grouped under icon (the second from
the left) in the toolbar.

Currently there are six point tools:

Point tool
Point on Object tool
Intersect tool
Midpoint or Centre tool
Attach / Detach Point tool
Complex Number tool
Extremum tool
Roots tool

Point Tool

Click on the drawing pad in the Graphics View in order to

create a new point. The coordinates of the point are fixed when
the mouse button is released.

Note: By clicking on a segment (or interval), straight line,

polygon, conic section, function, or curve you can create a
point on this object. Clicking on the intersection of two
objects creates this intersection point (see also Intersect
ToolIntersect tool and Intersect CommandIntersect command).

Attach / Detach Point Tool

To attach a point to a path or region click a free point and

the path or region. From now on, the point can still be moved
via Move Tool, but only within the path or region.

To detach a point that is defined as point on path or region

simply select the point. The point will become free.

Note: You can also use Point Command and PointIn Command for
attaching a point.

Complex Number Tool

Click into the Graphics View in order to create a new complex

number. The value of the complex number point is fixed when the
mouse button is released.

Point on Object Tool

To create a point, which is fixed to an object, activate the
tool first and then select the object.

This new point can be moved via Move Tool, but only within the

Note: To put a point in the interior of a Circle or Ellipse you

will need to increase the Opacity from 0 first. If you click on
the perimeter of an object (e.g. Circle, Ellipse, Polygon),
then the point will be fixed to the perimeter rather than the

Intersect Tool

Intersection points of two objects can be created in two ways:

Selecting two objects creates all intersection points (if


Directly clicking on an intersection of the two objects

creates only this single intersection point.

Note: Sometimes it's useful to display only the portions of the

intersecting objects near theintersection point. To do so, open
the Properties Dialog of the intersection point, and check the
option Show trimmed intersection lines in the Basic tab of the
Properties dialog of the object, then hide the intersecting

Outlying Intersections

For segments, rays, or arcs you may specify whether you want to
Allow outlying intersections on tab Basic of the Properties
Dialog. This can be used to get intersection points that lie on
the extension of an object. For example, the extension of a
segment or a ray is a straight line.

Note: See also Intersect command.

Midpoint or Center Tool

You may click on either two points or one segment to get its
midpoint. You can also click on a conic section (circle or
ellipse) in order to create its center point.

Note: See also Center and Midpoint commands.

Line Tools

Line tools are by default grouped under icon (the third from
left) in the toolbar. Currently

there are seven line tools:

• Line tool
• Segment tool
• Segment with Given Length tool
• Ray tool
• Polyline tool
• Vector tool
• Vector from Point tool

Line Tool
Selecting two points A and B creates a straight line through A
and B.

Notes:The line’s direction vector is (B - A)See also Line

CommandLine command.

Segment Tool

Select two points A and B in order to create a segment between

A and B.

Segment with Given Length Tool

Select the point that should be the starting point of the
segment. Specify the desired length of the segment in the
appearing window.

Note:This tool creates a segment with a specific length and an

endpoint which may be rotated around the starting point by
using the Move ToolMove tool.

Ray Tool

Selecting two points A and B creates a ray starting at A

through B.

Note:In the Algebra View the equation of the corresponding line

is displayed.

Polyline Tool :Successively select at least three points which

will be the vertices of the polyline. Finally select the
starting point again to finish the polyline. Holding down the
Alt key when drawing a Polyline allows to get angles that are a
multiple of 15°.

Vector Tool : Select the starting point and then the end point
of the vector.

Vector from Point Tool :Select a point A and a vector v to

create the new point B = A + v as well as the vector from A to

Similar manner other tools can be explaine. Students are

advised to practice each tool.
Practical 2
Objective : Use of tool bars to draw variuos geometric shapes
including lines, line segments, triangles, polygons, circles
and conics and to find centroid, in-center, circum -center and
ortho-center, area and parameter of triangles.

Problem 1:

(1) Draw a star having five vertices. Name the vertices.

(2) Draw a star having seven vertices. Name the vertices.
(3) Draw regular polygons having vertices respectively 3, 4,
5, 6 and 7.
Problem 2: Perform the following:

(1) Draw a parabola with focus (-1,0) and a directrix.

(2) Draw ellipse with foci (1,2), (2,1) and passes through
(3) Draw the hyperbola having foci at (1,2), (2,1) and
passes through (3,3).

Solutions :



Problem 3: Perform the following:

(1) Draw = 6 and = 4 in the same plane. Find its

point of intersection.
(2) Draw + = 1 and + = 1 in the same plane and find
point of intersections.
(3) Draw − = 1.
(4) Circle having equation : + − 3 + 5 – 7 = 0.



Problem 4:Draw the different types of triangles according to

sides (Equilateral, Isosceles and Scalen).
Problem 5: Draw different types of triangles. Find perimeter,
area, medians, perpendicular bisectors, angle bisectors and find
its centers viz. centroid, in-center, circum-center and ortho-center.
Problem 6:Draw the following circles.

(1) Circle having center (0,0) and radius 1.

(2) Circle having center (3,2) and radius 3.
(3) Circle passing through (1,2), (3,5) and (7,2).

Solutions: (1) & (2)

Problem 7:Using compass tool draw the following.

(1) A triangle with side lengths 2,3 and 4.

(2) A square with side length 3.
(3) A rectangle with side lengths 2 and 4.
(4) A regular hexagon.

Solution: (1) & (2)

Practical 3 :
Objective : Verification of important theorems of geometry,
algebra and calculus using GeoGebra.

Problem 1: Verification of following theorems of geometry:

(1) Pythagoras theorem

(2) An angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle
(Thales Theorem).

Solutions 1)


Practical 4
Objective : Drawing of various types of Graphs like complete
graph, bipartite graph, directed and undirected graph,
Graphs containing parallel ages, self loop, pendent vertex,
isolated vertex, binary tree etc.

Problem 1: Perform the following:

(1) Draw complete graph .

(2) Draw Bipartite graph , .
(3) Draw a binary tree of 9 vertices.
(4) Draw a graph contains self loop, parallel edges, pendent
vertex and isolated vertex.


Practical 5 :
Objective : Drawign of graphs of function of one variable for
carteasian equation using menu bar and to analyze the function
using function inspector tool.

In following problems analyze the function in given interval

with the help of function inspector tool. Tabulat the foolowing
proprties minimum value, maximum value, number of roots, root,
incresing or decreasing nature, symmetry, even-odd, intgral of
the function in the interval, area covered by curve and x-axis,
mean of the function, continuity, differentiability, length of
the curve in given interval. Preapare a table indicating value
of derivative, second derivative and curvature at given points.
Check wether one-one or not by drawing horizontal line, if not
find domain in wich function is one-one.

Problem 1:Analyze ( ) = in [0, 2 ].


 Minimum value: -1
 Maximum value : 1
 Range: [−1,1]
 Odd function
 Not one-one, because any horizontal line intersecting
graph at infinitely many points within range. In − , ,…
function is one-one.
 Mean : 0
 Continuous function everywhere
 Differentiable function everywhere
 Length of curve in [0, 2 ]: 7.6359
 Area bounded by curve and X-axis in [0, 2 ]: 4
 Integral over[0, 2 ]: 0
 Increasing in − , , decreasing in , …
 Periodic function with period: 2
 Roots of function: , ∈ (Multiple roots).
Problem 2: Analyze ( )=3 3 −2 in [− , 2 ].

Point Derivative Curvature
-2.3 6.5385 -23.516 -0.0813
0 -2 -27 -2.415
1 -2.3507 28.4127 1.7044
2.5 -6.8397 -8.1622 -0.0247
5.2 -1.9068 25.0759 2.5122
Problem 3: Analyze ( )= − − 5 − + 8 in [−2, 2]. Find
derivative, second derivative and curvature at -1.9,-1,0,
1.5,1.8, 2.

Point Derivative Curvature
-1.9 72.3305 -135.78 -0.0004
-1 11 -24 -0.0178
0 -1 -10 -3.5355
1.5 2.5625 48.5 2.3303
1.8 23.768 95.84 0.0071
2 47 138 0.0013
Problem 4: Analyze ( ) = ( )in [−3, 3].Find derivative, second
derivative and curvature at -2.8,-2.5,-1.5,0,1.3,2.

Point Derivative Curvature
-2.8 0.0607 0.0605 0.0601
-2.5 0.0818 0.0813 0.0804
-1.5 0.2176 0.2066 0.1927
0 0.5403 -0.3012 -0.2051
1.3 -3.1701 3.6095 0.0983
2 3.3129 -45.4899 -1.0977
Problem 5: Draw the graphs of the function f(x) = ln . Analyze the

X Y(x) Derivative 2nd Derivative Curvature

2 0.6931 0.5 -0.25 -0.1789
4 1.3863 0.25 -0.0625 -0.0571
6 1.7918 0.1667 -0.0278 -0.0267
8 2.0794 0.125 -0.0156 -0.0153
10 2.3026 0.1 -0.01 -0.0099
12 2.4849 0.0833 -0.0069 -0.0069
14 2.6391 0.0714 -0.0051 -0.0051
16 2.7726 0.0625 -0.0039 -0.0039
18 2.8904 0.0556 -0.0031 -0.0031
( )
Problem 6: Analyze ( ) = in [−8, 8].Find derivative, second
derivative and curvature at -7,-5,-2.3,0,2,5,6.

Point Derivative Curvature
-7 0.1016 1.4992 1.4763
-5 -2.8913 1.1028 0.0385
-2.3 -0.6059 -10.6007 -6.6318
0 2 4 0.3578
2 -0.6133 2.2221 1.3764
5 -0.974 2.8975 1.0652
6 0.9869 2.9206 1.0531
Practical 6:
Objective : Drawing of graphs of curves when equation of
the curves are given in Polar or parametric form
(Cardioids, rose curves, lemniscates etc.,) Using slider.

Problem 1. Draw the following parametric curves. Also put a

slider for the parameter.

1) = 3 − 2, = 5 + 1, −2 ≤ ≤ 3.
2) = 5 cos , = 5 sin , 0 ≤ ≤ 2 .
3) = 2 + 5 cos , = −3 + 5 sin , 0 ≤ ≤ 2 .
4) = 3( − sin ), = 3(1 − cos ), 0 ≤ ≤ 6 .
5) = sin 5 , = cos , 0 ≤ ≤ 6 .
6) = sin , = cos , 0 ≤ ≤ 2 .
Problem 2: Draw the following cardioids with a slider for 0
≤ ≤ 2 , = 3(1 + cos )

1) = 3(1 − cos ) 2) = 3(1 + sin ) 3) = 3(1 − sin )

Problem 3:Draw the following rose curves with a slider for

0 ≤ ≤ 2 , = 3 cos 3

1) = 3 cos 4 4) = 3 cos 5
2) = 3 sin 2 5) = 3 sin 4
3) = 3 sin 3 6) = 3 sin 5

Problem 4: Draw the following lemniscates with a slider

for0 ≤ ≤ 2 , = 4 cos 2

1) = 9 cos 3 2) = 4 sin 5 3) = 9 sin 4

Problem 5: Draw the following circles with a slider for0 ≤ ≤2

1) = cos 2
2) = 3 + 2 cos 2
= 3 + 3 sin 3
Practical 7:
Objective : To find L(P, f ) and U(P, f ) for a given
function f and for given partition P.

Problem 1: Let f(x) = x2 -3x + 1 , x Є [-1,2]. Find L(P, f) and U(P, f) by dividing the
given interval in to (1) 4 , (2) 10 , (3) 100 equal parts.
(1) n = 4,

(2) n = 10,
(3) n = 100

Problem 2: Let f(x) = 6sinx – 2x , x Є [0,2]. Find L(P, f) and U(P, f) by dividing the
given interval in to n equal parts using slider.
Practical 8:
Objective : To Solve an LPP by Graphical Method using Geogebra.

Problem 1: Maximize Z = 5x + 7y

Subject to x + y ≤ 4 , 3x + 8y ≤ 24, 10x + 7y ≤ 35 , x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.

Problem 2: Minimize Z = 20x + 10y

Subject to x + 2y ≤ 40 , 3x + y ≥ 30, 4x + 3y ≥ 60 , x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.
Practical 9:
Objective : Numerical methods: bisection, Newton Raphson
method successive approx. (animation through navigation
using spredsheet).

Problem 1 : Find an approximate root of the equation x2-2 = 0 correct up to 4

decimal places by bisection method using Geogebra.

Conclusion : A root of given equation correct up to four decimals is 1.4160.

Problem 2 : Find an approximate root of the equation x3-2x2 -3 = 0 correct up
to 4 decimal places by bisection method using Geogebra.

Conclusion : A root of given equation correct up to four decimals is 2.4863.

Problem 3 : Find an approximate root of the equation x3-3x + 1 = 0 correct up to
4 decimal places by Newton Raphson method using Geogebra.

Conclusion : A root of given equation correct up to four decimals using Newton

Raphson method is 1.5321.
Practical 10:
Objective : Numerical Calculus: Trapezoidal rule, Euler method.

Problem 1 : Find the value of ∫ by Trapazoidal rule.

Problem 2 : Find the value of ∫ by Trapazoidal rule.

Problem 3 : Let = 2x + y, y(0) = 1. Find value of y at x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0 by Euler’s

Problem 4 : Let = 1 - y, y(0) = 0. Find value of y at x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 by Euler’s


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