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I miss him

The given bar chart compares the figures for time that parents in
Australia spent on assisting their children with four different
activities in 2013.
Overall, mothers participated in most activities more frequently
than fathers did. While mothers spent the highest amount of time
on dressing with their offsprings, fathers liked to play games
with their children.
Regarding mothers, the data of dressing was the highest, at 70%
followed by those of homework and bed-making, at 60% and
about 45% respectively. The lowest amount of time allocated by
mothers was for playing games, at 25%.
The percentage of time spent on playing games with children by
their father was the highest, at 70% while that of dressing had an
opposite experience, at 20%. The data of bed-making was 50%,
almost twice as high as that of dressing, at 30%.
Finally, the figures for time spent by both parents were much
lower than those of each parent. The proportion of time spent on
preparing for beds was the lowest, at around 2% which is five
times lower than that of doing homework, at 10%. The
percentages of time allocated to dressing and playing games
were relatively similar, at around 4% and 6% respectively.

Large corporations invest a huge amount of money in marketing

and promoting their products, which results in consumers’
attraction towards them. This essay will discuss the problems
caused by this, such as the closure of local businesses, and
unemployment. There are several solutions to these problems.
Understandably, people usually prefer getting products from
large brands as they offer safety and reduce the risk of
disappointment. For example, when someone is on a business
trip, they tend to eat at a national restaurant instead of a local
one since they are familiar with the national brand and they know
what to expect. Due to this, most local businesses can hardly
attract customers, even with their high quality products. This
explains the dominance of big firms, which makes many local
companies run out of business. As a consequence, thousands of
people can lose their jobs.
There are several measures that should be taken into account to
encourage people to purchase local products. Firstly, the
government should enact a law to strictly monitor and ban when
needed any deceptive advertisements from the mass media.
Moreover, consumers should compare the product quality from
different shops before purchasing. Furthermore, local
businesses should be financially supported by the government
so that they can also invest in promoting their products to easily
reach their potential customers.
In conclusion, the absolute dominance of large corporations by
allocating a huge amount of money to marketing results in the
suffering of local businesses. The government can help them by
enacting needed laws and giving financial support.

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