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Analyzing the impact of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in the Finance and Banking


Preprint · December 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24001.22889

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3 authors, including:

Karan Sambre
Bournemouth University


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Analyzing the impact of Artificial Intelligence(AI) in the Finance
and Banking sector

Karan Sambre Deepanshu Joshi Ashutosh Thapliyal

Department of Computing and Department of Computing and Department of Computing and
infomatics infomatics infomatics
Bournemouth University Bournemouth University Bournemouth University
Bournemouth,UK Bournemouth,UK Bournemouth,UK
Abstract- Artificial intelligence is a cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence:
technology that has established itself as a game- In the year 1950, a query was posed by Alan Turing
changing innovation. The artificial intelligence “Can a computer think?” since then, applications of
sector has expanded at an unprecedented rate artificial intelligence (often referred to as AI) have
because of the greater adoption of new had different degrees are successful. However,
technological developments, and it is currently recently there has been a resurgence of attention, and
being used in a wide range of industries. Artificial AI has discovered cutting-edge uses in the global
Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of financial services sector. The most recent Artificial
the most demanding and fast-paced industries Intelligence outcome increase has been significantly
including the banking sector. The banking affected by big data accessibility, technologically
industry is one of the few that has shown a decent advanced cloud computing, and speedier specialized
degree of adoption and application of this hardware. The young Fintech industry's growth is
technology, even if certain sectors have embraced being accelerated by machine learning (ML) and AI
artificial intelligence (AI) more extensively than expertise. The word "Fintech" broadly refers to the
others. With the potential to significantly change initial companies, institutions, and technologies that
how banks engage with consumers, manage risk, has transformed the fintech organization. It includes
and simplify operations, artificial intelligence (AI) blockchain, robot-advising, smart contracts, Online
is being implemented by the banking industry at a paying, and Artificial Intelligence environment(15).
rapid rate. This study investigates how AI is AI may imitate acts it has already witnessed or been
affecting the banking industry, emphasizing both taught without the need for additional interaction.
the potential advantages and difficulties it Machine learning is a specific method of artificial
presents. The report begins by outlining the intelligence that uses data sets or gathered data and
situation of the banking industry today and how ML algorithms that applies to novel situations and
artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied to patterns without having to be explicitly programmed.
enhance customer experience, automate Deep learning is a sub category of machine learning.
procedures, and simplify risk management. The Deep Learning empowers systems with the
possible advantages and difficulties of AI in the algorithms, they need to learn and understand the
banking industry are then discussed, including fundamentals of action and large amounts of data.
cost reductions, better customer service, The knowledge and skills they are provided can then
compliance and fraud prevention, and higher be combined so that they can learn on their own and
security. The debate of the future of AI in banking expand upon them. In the financial services sector,
and its prospective effects on financial institutions high-speed communications and computer programs
and their clients serves as its conclusion. are used for high-frequency trading (HFT) and
Keywords- Artificial Intelligence, Finance, Banking, algorithmic trading. Financial organizations are
Fintech, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Traditional employing machine learning to find online scams
Banking, such as credit card defaulting(26).

Like other Fintech industries, AI presents both

potential and difficulties. The expanding use of
Technologies such as ai in financial markets is willing
to decrease entry barriers for many consumers who still don't know how to strategically use AI in their
may have not previously had access to financial businesses.
markets, which will promote financial inclusion. The
most valuable big tech businesses in the world, The amount of information available and the
including Apple co., web services giant Amazon, and improvement in processing power affordability have
Alibaba, have been supporting Artificial Intelligence made artificial intelligence (AI) systems and
research. According to comments made by American techniques widely adopted in the financial industry.
economist Robert Shiller at the 2019 Davis Foram, AI such trend is anticipated to continue, and some
also poses a significant element of confusion such as estimates claim that among 2021 through 2025,
revolutionary technology. budget is spent on AI will quadruple, going from
Technological advancement in the current financial $55.1 billion to even more than 113 billon USD.
market are no longer optional for banking
FinTech’s are massively utilizing AI in a variety of
organizations; Rather such digital advancements now
are essential for banking firms to handle a much more fields inside this banking industry. For instance,
competitive market and increase client expectations. corporate and retail financing (tailor made goods,
Artificial intelligence (AI) has acted as the main virtual assistant for customer relations, credit
engine powering several new digital technologies in reporting but also credit risk management judgement,
the period of banking services, leading to creative loan losses predicting the future, anti-money
shocks of financial scenarios such as ATM machines, laundering (AML), fraud tracking and sensing,
internet banking, customer support, Natural Language Processing
(NLP) for sentiment analysis); investment
Artificial intelligence (AI) is extensively used in
management (automated financial, management of
banking, with applications like voice assistants and
financial assets, regulatory compliance, sentiment
biometrics in the front office, complicated legal, anti-
analysis) Importantly, financial regulators and the
fraud risk monitoring and compliance workflows in
public sector too are implementing Artificial
middle office(18). Through using AI applications,
Intelligence in RegTech and SuperTech projects.
banks might just save $447 billion by 2023. In the
USA, around 80% of banks are aware of the potential By reducing friction costs (like commissions and
advantages that AI could provide(10). charges associated with transaction execution) and
increasing productivity levels, the use of AI
Indeed, the development of AI has led to a wide
techniques in finance can create efficiencies that
range of opportunities and difficulties. The uses of
increase profitability. Automated and digitally
artificial intelligence in the finance industry has
assisted lower costs provide for better spending
facilitated more uninterrupted sales and aided in the
management, resource reallocation, and judgement
creation of efficient customer relationship
transparency. Applications of Artificial intelligence
management (CRM) systems. While automating
to the financing also can improve the extent of
credit scoring, analytics, and the granting process
modification as well as personalized of these kinds of
used to be the main focus, capabilities have advanced
assets, raise the range of goods available, and
to support internal systems and operations as well.
improve the quality of services and valuable device
The study of artificial intelligence (AI) evolved to consumers. Applications of AI to the provision of
toward the Web 2.0 era in 2005 after the dot com financial services can also improve the caliber of
bubble burst in 2000. Continued study into AI and its services and goods provided to consumers, raise the
capabilities was motivated by the growth of data and customization and personalization of such goods, and
the accessibility of knowledge. New inventions in far broaden the range of goods available.
more recent years have made it possible using
Intelligence to provide corporate machine learning
and artificial intelligence, that entails incorporating
techniques inside apps to help business operations.
This involves accelerating up details analytics,
The first Industrial Revolution started in the UK in
producing higher reliable illustrates, as well as
1760 and lasted until 1870. It involved the adoption
empowering individuals to perform elevated duties.
of new steam-powered industrial methods. The usage
AI-based technologies are efficient and useful in of machine is more feasible after using power sources
recent years. However, a lot of corporate executives
such as coal, and the concept of producing with or life management tool. This revolution ushers in an
machines has gained popularity quickly. Due to an era of intelligent devices that can communicate with
increase in individuals relocating to cities to work in one another, start acting on their own, and be
factories, the First Industrial Revolution was also a controlled by one another without the need for human
major driver in the growth of urban areas. For interaction. The Industrial Internet of Things enables
instance, by 1800, 10% of Britons had relocated to information sharing.
London in search of employment(1).
From 1870 to 1914 countries like Great Britain, INTELLIGENCE?
Germany and America were in the second industrial
revolution. By historians that period is known as the AI refers to a method which allow machines,
technological revolution as oil, steel and The socio- especially computer networks, to carry out intelligent
economic landscape of the planet is altered by activities(17). Speech, machine vision, natural
electricity. as iron took the place of steel and the language processing, intelligent agents, and voice
establishment of railways got possible due to the recognition seem to be some uses of Artificial
massive production of steel which improved the intelligence.
transportation of goods and people. Candles had been
supplemented by lightbulbs, Graham Bell credited
with inventing the very first phone in 1876, Karl How Artificial Intelligence work?
Benz acquired the very first vehicle patent in 1885,
and Henry Ford revealed his first vehicle decade Investors have also been working aggressively
later, in 1896. However, Ford also tried to introduce attempting to demonstrate connect their products and
systematic workspaces, which saw cars assembled in services incorporate.The hype surrounding
phases from location to location. Artificial Intelligence had already increased. To build
and enhance algorithms for machine learning AI
requires a foundation of dedicated software and
When Intel created the microprocessor in 1969, the hardware components, as which frequently just one
new industrial revolution took place. It ultimately element of what people mean when they refer to
leads to the creation of the home computer. The "AI." Although there is no single language of
original computers were really basic yet huge in programming that has been exclusively associated
regard to size and faster processors. In industry 3.0 with Artificial Intelligence, a number are, such as
human labor was replaced by automated equipment Python, R, as well as Java(21).
on the assembly line such as programmable logic
controllers. Despite the existence of automated
systems, they still required human input and In order to anticipate future states, Ai technologies
involvement The terms that approach for acquiring typically ingest massive quantities of labeled data,
and understanding data that make firms run more look for relationships but also trends, and then utilize
efficiently include Material Requirements Planning, this information. Likewise, to how a Chabot will
Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain learn to also have realistic conversations with others
Management, and Business Intelligence. This through being given instances of written comments, a
information was transmitted via the Internet, which machine vision tool may be able to distinguish and
stimulated the development of cloud computing and identify objects in photographs by studying millions
e-commerce(22). of instances. Artificial Intelligence has some main
topics which are as follows: Learning, Reasoning,
Cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Self-Correction.
cloud computing, and cognitive computing are
examples of Industry 4.0's core components. Processes of Learning: The capacity of Artificial
Technology advancements such as 3G, 4G, and 5G Intelligence software to compile information and set
are examples of how the Fourth Industrial Revolution a list of guidelines on how to extract meaningful
has affected communication and networking. It has information from the data. These sets of guidelines
been also claimed, technological advancements in are called algorithms and are fed into the computer
manufacturing, such as three-dimensional printing, via a program and then follow the guidelines step by
would prevent us from shipping finished goods step to get the desired outcome.
around the world and instead cause us to ship raw
materials that will subsequently be manufactured and
assembled locally. It starts with a cell phone, tablet,
Mechanisms of Reasoning: This Programming Deep Blue, the IBM chess program that defeated
development skill deals with selecting the ideal Garry Kasparov in the 1990s. Deep Blue is capable
algorithms to accomplish the desired output. of recognizing pieces on a chessboard and making
forecasts, however, it is memoryless and hence
unable to do so when making predictions.
Self-Correcting Mechanisms: This capability of AI
programming focuses on repeatedly looping the Limited memory. These AI technologies have
algorithms times till they provide the most accurate memory, allowing them to draw on the past to guide
output possible their actions today. This is how some of the judgment
methods utilized by identity cars are created.
Why is artificial intelligence(AI) necessary? Theory of mind. It is a word used in psychology.
When used to AI, it implies that the technology
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is crucial because, in
would possess the social intelligence necessary to
certain circumstances, it may surpass people in some
comprehend emotions. For AI systems to function as
functions and because it may offer organizations
essential members of human teams, they must be able
previously undiscovered insights into their
to predict behavior and infer human intentions.
operations. In particular, AI systems typically finish
work fast and with very few mistakes whenever it Self-awareness. Since AI systems are self-aware,
comes to repetitive, detail-oriented jobs like they fit under this category and are considered to be
reviewing multiple legal papers to ensure that crucial conscious. Self-aware machines were conscious of
sections were filled in precisely. their surroundings. Such AI doesn't exist at the
Due to this, productivity has increased dramatically,
and some larger organizations now have access to
entirely new market possibilities. It would have How was AI introduced in Finance?
seemed inconceivable to imagine using software to
Until the 1950’s Artificial intelligence never got
link people with cabs well before the latest wave of
AI, but now that Uber has gained global size by acceptance. Even if the term "artificial intelligence"
doing that. Because of the suggested machine has gained popularity, it has been around for a while.
We can trace the development of AI back to the
learning algorithms' reliability in predicting when
period of classical philosophers, who attempted to
consumers in certain locations are likely to really
compare human thought to a symbolic system.
need rides, it may be done in advance to put drivers
Despite widespread disagreement about accepted
on the roads. Another illustration is Google, which
has grown into one of the leading providers of a practices, the conference had a positive reaction
variety of online services by utilizing deep learning overall.
to analyze user behavior and then enhance its The need for technologies to automate some of the
services. Sundhar Pechaai, CEO of Google, declared activities arose after World War 2, when there was a
that the organization will prioritize artificial substantial rise in paperwork. However, researchers
intelligence (AI) in 2015. predict the possibility of job losses brought on by
Today's most powerful and wealthy companies use Bayesian statistics received a lot of attention in the
AI to improve processes and surpass competitors. 1960s and were actively utilized in machine learning.
Its prominence is due to the use of Bayesian Theory
Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI): in the field of auditing. The Bayesian approach
provides objective and logical probability to enable
Arend Hintze, an associate professor of interrelated auditors to do assessments with more accuracy.
physiology and computer programming at Michigan Additionally, it gets rid of errors in judgment brought
State University, trimerized how AI can be broken on by the auditor's feelings.
down into four classifications, starting with task-
specific smart sensors, which are already widely The cutting-edge technology was well received by
used, and moving on to self-aware systems, that are professionals, and AI grew until the 1970s.
not yet occur.
Reactive machines. This Artificial intelligence sys
are task-specific and lack memory. An example is
Figure 1-Artificial Intelligence Timelines

It was not straight sailing for artificial intelligence as

several reports criticized the development of AI. The
period between the 1970s – 1980s was known as “AI
winter” because of government funding and less
interest in the field. It resumed in 1983 when the Traditional banking is a term to describe banks with a
British government funded the project for their local banking license and a physical location. For a
research project. Almost 350 million GBP was
very long period, the banking business was
funded to compete with the Japanese fifth-generation
project. considered outdated. Given that banks have been
around for many centuries at this time, this seems
sensible. Banking was limited to the branches, where
According to senior computer scientist Andrew Ng,
neural networks first gained popularity in the 1970s customers had to go in person to withdraw and
and then lost steam in the 1980s. But with the deposit cash, deposit cheques and get an account
abundance of both organized and unstructured data statement. Traditional banks were subject to strict
and the growth of affordable computing power, there control in five main spheres, ranging from expected
is now a resurgence of interest. standby reserves to regional development. The
development of numerous restrictions was driven
Over two-thirds of Fortune 1000 organizations had at solely by the need to preserve the long-term viability
least one AI project in development in the 1980s. of the nation's financial institutions. For instance,
bankers were not permitted to access the cash
An award-winning mathematician named James reserves held by conventional banks. This guideline
Simons launched the quantitative hedge fund was put in place because central banks wanted to
Renaissance Technologies in 1982, which was the achieve two important objectives. The cash reserves
first time AI had a significant impact on the financial were first used as a strategy to limit the amount of
services sector. Renaissance had a market credit that could have an impact on the country's
capitalization of $165 billion as of April 2021. The economy. Second, this money was kept in reserve to
business leverages information from its petabyte- ensure that banks had enough liquidity to cover
scale data warehouse to predict the statistical urgent and unforeseen requirements(23).
likelihood of the trend in securities prices in any
market. These mathematical models use large data The stringent regulation of financial institutions also
analysis to create predictions by first examining non- served as a deterrent to bank competitiveness.
random movements. Regulators were working to establish a strong basis
to ensure the success of banking. But proper
implementation of the aforementioned rules ensured
not only steady growth but also cautious growth. hands the account holder cash in exchange for the
Amid a Developed world defined by capitalism and same token that the ledger clerk had earlier given
the urge to generate profit at every available moment, him.
it is difficult to understand the idea of conservative
growth. As a result, it was not shocking when Interest Calculation and Loan Processing: Because
bankers, government officials, and other interested interest had to be computed manually, it used to be
parties decided that banks ought to be deregulated in one of the most challenging tasks in the banking
order autonomic growth. Banking is based solely on industry, and closing day used to be a holiday for
receiving deposits from the general population and bank customers. Manual interest calculation and
then dispersing those funds to economically entry into the branch ledger would be done by clerks.
underserved areas. Banks performed the same tasks Moreover, there used to be ledgers for loan accounts
before, but it took longer since there were more where folio numbers were used to keep account
human interactions and, consequently, more human numbers. Until recently, interest on the outstanding
errors. Banking has gotten quicker and easier with loan balance had to be manually computed for each
automation in charge, yet the fundamental idea payout or repayment of a loan. This used to take a lot
behind banking hasn't changed and never will. of time, and there was a lot of room for human error.

For people who like a personal touch in their The Past: Banking, being one of the oldest known
banking, traditional banks are a preferable choice. enterprises, are typically the basis of healthy
You can visit your neighborhood branch and find a businesses. The financial infrastructure required for
happy face there (instead of spiraling through the thriving economies is provided by sound financial
multiple-choice labyrinth of a customer service call). systems, which are at the forefront of technological
people who handle enormous sums of money. development. Banking has changed significantly
Traditional banks offer branches where you can from the time of the industrial banks, and current
deposit and withdraw more money than digitalized banking firms 're constantly innovating to meet the
banks, which only employ ATMs and are subject to much more tough problems.
daily withdrawal limits and penalties. Traditional Banking was done before there were coins by
banking provides its customers with investing exchanging grain and other commodities. While their
services, either directly or through partnerships with next harvest was developing, farmers might deposit
brokerage houses. Those who are interested in grain with a grain bank and periodically withdraw it
accumulating wealth find this benefit appealing. to ensure a steady supply of food. The ancient
Cash Deposit: Each bank account holder used to Egyptians refined grain banks after the Babylonians
have a unique account number that was represented in Mesopotamia invented them in the Fertile
by a folio number in the ledger accounts of the Crescent. The wheat finance sector in Egyptian
branch where all transactions involving that account Civilization was just so developed, as per
were logged. Therefore, the cashier would accept the archaeologists. so it, from either a transactional
money and hand the voucher to the clerk who was perspective volume and interconnected banks, it was
sitting with the ledgers when someone went to the comparable to modern banking networks. Handling
bank to deposit cash. Once the name and folio all the grain, food, and cattle was a logistical
number were located, the clerk would enter the challenge for a banking system based on
transaction history in the account. commodities. As a result, as civilizations spread over
the globe, new goods dominated international trade.
Cash Withdrawal: Withdrawing cash was a time- However, there was no universally accepted
consuming operation back then. The clerk would centralized medium of exchange.
issue a token after confirming whether or not the
account owner's account was in balance by receiving Both currencies and banks evolved. The Lydians,
the passbook, the withdrawal slip, or the cheque. The who lived in 700 BC, are thought to have been the
voucher would then be given to the officer, who first civilization in the western hemisphere to create
would check the signature against a card kept at the metal coins for use as money. Considering precious
branch for every client that had the client's photo, resources like gold, silver, as well as bronze were
signature, and other information. If the signature is already extensively exchanged there at period, metals
acceptable, it is handed to the cashier, who then money was really a feasible approach towards the
economic problems raised by kings and princes. For issues, coming up with hypotheses or suggested
several millennia, metallic pennies were always the solutions, acquiring, organizing, and analyzing data,
principal form of currency. At about this period, coming up with justifications and conclusions, and
accounting became typically accomplished in then putting those findings to the test to see if they
institutions for devotion. However, banking started support the hypothesis are all part of the research.
moving to private depositories throughout the Roman The research methodology outlines the inquiry's path
empire, serving more regular people. Roman banking and describes the main tasks that the researcher
was dismantled along with the empire. Banking performs throughout the investigation. Sociologists
continued, but these institutions were frequently employ a number of qualitative and quantitative
governed by the state. The Chinese did not introduce variables of research methods, such as participant
paper money until sometime in the 10th century. observation, tests, surveys, document analysis, and
Because managing tax collection was made much data. The discussion of methods chosen and applied
simpler and paper currency was less expensive to Research technique is used in this research article.
maintain than metal currency, modern governments For this study, the qualitative research approach was
favored having a standardized currency(13). employed to examine how artificial intelligence is
affecting the financial services sector as well as its
Nearly every development in retail banking over the use and impact in finance. The elements for a more
last century or more can be attributed to a detailed estimation were taken from the qualitative
technological leap. Consider the ATM, which method. This strategy aims to explore Artificial
stunned the globe in the 1960s when it first emerged Intelligence in the finance sector in a more
in a London suburb. Or portable point-of-sale comprehensive and in-depth manner. Numerical
systems, which enable micro-vendors to transform research examines quality elements or phenomena
interests into lucrative businesses. Technology is that are affected by or involve quality. A qualitative
everything, according to George Bassos, CEO and study aims to analyze certain approaches or activities
CTO of Palm Harbor, Florida-based Affirmative before illuminating how they might be merged and
Technologies, a provider of payments technology. combined to yield tangible outcomes. This kind of
Real-time payments, according to him, are the most analysis is more cautious and demands selection
recent technical advancement poised to transform factor interpretation. This method set has the benefit
retail banking and the entire business sector. Yet a of being adaptable, simple to adjust to changes in the
paradigm change of this size depends on a series of study setting, and frequently inexpensive. The
lesser developments, from enhanced core processing systematic method of document analysis allows for
to tokenization and increasingly dependable network the examination and evaluation of both printed and
security. Because "for most bankers, technology isn't electronic (computer-based and Internet) content
their primary job," keeping up with the most recent materials. The choice of "document analysis" as a
technological developments is a "big struggle," research methodology has various advantages,
Copper cents were always the normal process of including assisting the researcher in reaching "
payment for many millennia. Around a certain time, persons or subjects. A ton of works in the "public
financial reporting started to really be done mostly in domain" were created by professionals and include a
establishments. The timeline on the following few wealth of knowledge, as well as documentary sources
pages summarizes some of the disruptions bankers that may be accessed for very little money and meet
have already experienced and provides a preview of the highest standards.
far more profound developments to come. The rush
of new technologies over the past five years has been Because they are produced for national or
unprecedented, according to Brent. "And the international objectives, such documents can also be
improvements will keep coming swiftly," a very trustworthy source of data. Due to the
opportunity to analyze data gathered by professional
people, that can seldom ever be gained by any other
research approach, and the fact that these records are
V. RESEARCH METHODS: also readily accessible, document analysis for
The goal of this study is to determine the implications qualitative data collection has been chosen for this
of artificial intelligence on the financial services study. For instance, reports from different
business. A thorough study plan constitutes a international organizations are based on lengthy
research approach. Characterizing and redefining
reports that are impossible for a single person to manufacturing sector, artificial intelligence (AI) and
complete. The majority of these documents are machine learning (ML) have considerably increased
available through the official websites of specific productivity, among other impressive
organizations, which has made them highly useful for accomplishments. These industries can effectively
this study(9). use artificial intelligence thanks to the quick-paced
digital environment we live in, which helps to
promote organizational growth, profitability, and
sustainability. There has been a dramatic impact of
VI. WHY AI IN BANKS? WHY NOW? artificial intelligence on the banking and financial
Due to Artificial Intelligence (AI), the banking industries, completely altering the way in which
industry's quality of products and services is banks operate, develop goods and services, and
changing. In addition to bettering user experience and modify the way in which clients interact with them.
developing better data handling techniques, it has The banking sector is changing as a result of AI in
also accelerated, simplified, and redesigned the following ways:
conventional processes to increase their
effectiveness. Data has evolved into an organization’s AI minimizes operating costs:
most valuable asset as a result of the availability of
AI technologies. More than ever, banks are familiar The banking industry will obviously have to deal
with cutting-edge and economical solutions(4). with a number of issues, including the paperwork.
Bank employees must manage lots of paperwork
AI offers and realizes that, despite its importance, every day. Such laborious, repetitive processes might
asset size would no longer be sufficient to create a increase operating costs and are more prone to
very successful company on its own. Instead, how involve mistakes made by humans. Artificial
well BFSI firms use technology to make the most of Intelligence could be used to overcome this. These
their data to create unique and creative goods and time-consuming and error-prone human activities can

How is AI transforming the banking industry?

Figure 2-Applications of AI in Finance

services is increasingly used to measure their be eliminated. A study cited in Business Insider
performance. suggests that switching to an AI banking system
might result in savings for banks of up to USD 456
billion by the end of 2023. For example, financial
The most demanding and quick-paced industries institutions may utilize ml algorithms (ML),
today largely rely on artificial intelligence. In the automated tools, and Artificial Intelligence assistance
to automate many elements of human work. AI is
also necessary for enabling financial institutions to because compliance requirements change regularly,
broaden the scope of their present operations, which banks must continually adapt their procedures and
reduces operational costs and generates new sources operations to ensure compliance. As a result, banks
of income(8). may be able to overcome today's massive regulatory
compliance difficulties by selectively using AI-
Improvement in customer services through AI: powered central complaisance solutions.
Financial firms have been able to change how their
clients view them as a result of artificial intelligence's
influence on banking, notably in the sector of VII. DRAWBACKS OF AI IN FINANCE:
customer service. An institution's success and Artificial intelligence is expected to significantly
bottom line are directly impacted by customer impact banks and traditional financial services as
happiness, and the banking sector is no exception. well. Here is a list of some of its shortcomings(6):
Thanks to Ai - powered chatbots and voice assistants,
banks can provide customer care around the clock Highly Expensive:
regardless of the time zone or region. Additionally,
banks may effectively meet client requests by Artificial intelligence development and upkeep are
employing AI and ML for quicker and more thorough incredibly expensive due to how complex they are.
research to gain pleasure take from their digital To keep up with the needs of the environment,
footprints and payment activity. The bank may sophisticated AI software packages must also be
continue to expand its present clientele by using AI to updated constantly. In the event of significant
personalize its offerings to a completely other failures, the effort to restore the system and recover
demographic. AI enables financial institutions to lost codes may be exceedingly time-consuming and
provide the right services to their consumers at the expensive.
right moment. Bad Calls:
AI improves risk management: Though it can learn and grow, artificial intelligence
Risk management in the financial sector has been cannot yet make judgments. AI may never be able to
significantly impacted by artificial intelligence. make judgments in the same way that humans do by
Financial organizations like banks are in danger taking into consideration unique circumstances and
because of the sort of data they handle on a daily judgment calls. If AI takes the role of adaptive
basis. Banks, for example, deploy AI-powered human behavior in human-and-thing ecosystems, it
solutions that can quickly discover trends from could act irrationally.
several sources and analyze massive amounts of data. Unemployment:
This might assist foresee and minimize credit hazards
by detecting persons or businesses that might be If machines replace people, there may be widespread
unable to repay their loans. Additionally, it may spot unemployment as a result. A further consequence of
dishonest behavior like identity fraud and financial widespread AI use is that humans will grow
crimes. Risk management has been altered by AI dependent on technology and lose their creative
technology and algorithms, making banking more faculties. A socially unpleasant issue is
secure and reliable. Therefore, it is evident that risk unemployment. People without any activities to
management has been enhanced through the use of engage in can use their minds destructively. Whether
AI technology in finance. it is used in the banking sector or any other business,
artificial intelligence may drastically increase the
AI provides better central complaisance: unemployment rate.
This is one of the underutilized uses of machine Distribution of Power:
learning in banking. The banking sector is the one
that is most strictly and rigorously regulated globally. There is ongoing concern that AI may substitute or
For the purpose of preventing, identifying, and replace humans. A lot of power might be given to
correcting any operational deviations, illegalities, or the select few in charge of artificial intelligence. AI
non-conformities, banks must adhere to stringent therefore poses a danger, takes away human agency,
rules, regulations, and standards. Furthermore, and dehumanizes conduct in a number of ways.
As a consequence of COVID-19, buyers are using
Automation services like automation, E-KYC (Know
Your Client), and robotic advisors more consistently.
Comparing digital banks to traditional banks reveals The organization Is Now Investing a sizable amount
a vast array of benefits. Fintech tends to be more of financial resources in lowering operating costs and
adaptable, filling in holes in the market or utilizing enhancing the economy. Artificial intelligence stands
cutting-edge technology like cloud computing to out as the ideal option in this situation since it is
grow and safeguard their businesses, so they can quicker, more dependable, and less prone to error
easily do things that traditional banks can’t. In turn, than a human. Due to all the low-cost technologies,
they have been able to compete with the enormous physical robots, holograms, chatbots, and virtual
institutions known as the large banks and even assistants will develop over time and saturate the
represent a threat to them. Which should you select, market. Conceptually speaking, man as an individual
then? Most people find it simple to recommend will be rendered useless and unable to handle the vast
fintech start-ups or digital banks because there is a amount of daily knowledge that is required. All of us
wide selection of niches that are filled, such as a will require a personal assistant to handle tasks for
digital bank for SMEs. You only need to pick the us, from setting up meetings to serving as a mentor or
specialty that best meets your requirements. Modern educators for a particular field of interest. To increase
banking was made possible by deregulation. To productivity, existing systems encompass human
promote growth and raise the integrity of the intelligence, pattern recognition, robotic process
country’s financial services, regulators and automation (RPA), and sophisticated analytics. And
policymakers provided their assent. Nevertheless, the more, according to a McKinsey analysis, “a second
fusion of cutting-edge technologies and the lifting of wave of automation and AI developing in the next
constraints gave rise to complex cross-border few years, where robots will undertake approximately
transactions and the quick flow of capital throughout 10 to 25 percent of job across bank activities,
the globe. Bankers were trying to optimize earnings expanding capacity and enabling staff to perform on
thanks to deregulation. But it also led to one of the greater jobs and projects.”
biggest financial collapses in recorded human history.
The utilization of automated robotic process software
Facilities like Robo-advisors, which are covered in packages, such as UiPath, Automat Nowhere, or
the Contributed largely service guidance, can help Blues Prism, to incorporate computer as well as
with products and services it provides, financial embedded controller programming robotic systems,
resolution of problems, as well as improved living thing smart men, or attendants to aid conduct
performance for simple tasks. The topic has advanced repetitive financial sector is termed as financial
to focus on questions relating to strategic insights services automated processes. Once installed and in
since AI really does have proven such as be a clear place, banking bots use a mouse and keyboard to
solution towards optimizing financial processes, perform repetitive operations like clicking, copying
boosting client satisfaction, and improving earnings. data from one financial industry to another, and
the focus of present study has been on examining installing applications. These bots operate on a field-
how AI can be used to influence commercial by-field basis, acting much equivalent to a surpassing
strategies. Additionally, the COVID-19 epidemic has macroeconomic in financial services.
created a wide range of difficulties for artificial
Robotic process automation (RPA) has become a
intelligence's applied to the financial sector.
formidable force since it was first introduced to the
Relatively brief developments in Artificial
financial industry. The online hiring has helped
intelligence having diminished as a consequence of
numerous banks save costs but also, in the many
the decrease in earnings, despite this, financial
occasions, completely eliminating living thing
institutions continue to demonstrate a significant
assistance in the completion of formerly labor-
amount of interest in these innovations. Wu and
intensive processes involving human work. Those
Olson (2020) emphasize the requirement for global
advances it contributes to side operations and or the
banks to make investments in Artificial intelligence
guest experience parallel the financial rewards of
in order to decrease potential dangers and improve
automation in financial services. Robotic process
cooperation across both online and offline channels.
automation, in plenty of other words, permits banks
to work faster economically despite expending less There has been much excitement about AI and its
than manpower. possible use in the investment advice process, but the
implementation of such a service model needs to be
Banks have invested a lot of time and resources in strictly assessed while taking ethical considerations
front-office and digital upgrades during the past ten of openness and accountability into account. Two
years, altering the “interaction layer” where clients researchers concurred that using AI for personal
interact with the institution immediately (and with financial planning and management is becoming
employees). The issue with this way of thinking is more common and is seen as a more reliable tool for
that the middle and back offices account for 80 predicting. They discovered that banking firms still
percent of the total customer experience. Service favor human investment planners for matters
automation is a top issue for banks that are concerned concerning humans, such as buying a home, or a car,
with enhancing the client experience and doing so in and making retirement plans.
a time of staffing shortages. Consider the following
instance for customer service: A client contacts the According to researchers, AI is unlikely to ever fully
bank to report what they believe to be a fake credit replace financial counselors. He claimed that
card transaction. The bank employee then initiates a financial advisers use tools to assist clients to earn
series of procedures that demand that the query be more money and frequently investigate options that
“affected” by numerous individuals. most people don't think of, and that AI frequently
lacks the capacity to do so.

But meanwhile, based on the positioned properly,

IX. FUTURE SCOPE: both today and in the future, professional financial
The belief that machine learning can take the place of consultants will continue to be mandatory in addition
people investment planners appears to be the to AI and lot more effective than the bulk of other
widespread view, therefore people in the field must techniques, which could also assist money managers
evolve or run the danger of falling ahead. But before save quite a lot of time. Using AI could minimize
coming to that decision, it's worthwhile to consider timing differences in market survey. That amount of
several crucial issues, such as what comes next, time required for data analyses is such issue with
whatever is required, and who is in dire need of it. both the conventional method of working. Moreover,
Personal mobile applications with machine learning AI can increase the veracity of information, it can
and artificial intelligence capabilities have begun to also be making assets more visible as a whole. The
thrive in the marketplace, adding value above more job of a person authorized is fairly demanding. For a
conventional methods(14). financial consultant, regular monitoring of customers'
revenues, spending, debts, fees, and assets is not a
Furthermore, AI is enabling the completion of straightforward experience. There really are
activities more quickly and inexpensively. Internally, situations when the equations therefore the findings
AI is changing how businesses interact with their are incorrect.
clients, other businesses, and the general public. Of
course, the epidemic has hastened the banking A smartphone app based on artificial intelligence
industry's digital transition, with some financial could take steps to correct all of the initial problems.
businesses scrambling to embrace cloud-based In those other words, Machine learning should be
technologies to provide their customers with implemented to enhance investment planners and
significantly superior service. A growing number of assist them in making sense of the research and other
banking startups employ a variety of technologies to data that they do not even have time to analyze. The
deliver digital internet services that were formerly very finest innovation is one that improves human
offered by financial sector mainstays. Automated lives effortlessly. That is what Intelligence can
financial serves to streamline the user experience for accomplish because it is a huge task that we might
users and makes advisory services available to both not always be best suited to do to break down a wide
rich investors and clients with smaller investable range of product possibilities.
quantities. Private investment is rising as a result of
robot counselors, particularly among low-income
investors who sometimes lack access to financial
X. CONCLUSION: whole will need to adopt new practices and learn how
This report is aimed at analyzing the impact of AI in to employ cutting-edge technology. AI will be a must
the modern world and specifically in the banking for businesses to stay competitive, and workers may
sector. Also find out the applications of AI, have to modify existing skill sets to maintain
drawbacks, future scope, and impact on jobs and employment. Implementing AI, in my opinion, will
functions. This study employed the document make financial operations more efficient. AI can
analysis of the qualitative technique to collect data on improve client and staff communication, analyze data
the use and effects of AI as well as suggestions for from diverse sources to find connections or patterns
the financial sector to use AI. that a human could not, and respond to inquiries
about real-time investment. With AI's positive
The study discovered that AI has advanced along a effects, intelligent systems will replace people in
broad front in recent years. Across their value chains, many decision-making roles in the upcoming years.
AI provides financial institutions opportunities However, I believe that one of the main difficulties
regardless of the industry, bringing about major AI may encounter is data privacy. The use of AI can
adjustments ranging from conventional practices to increase prosperity and the global economy.
radical, sector-changing innovations. Numerous
actual use cases of AI have been shown to increase
company income and reduce costs in the present
sectors. Numerous uses of AI are used by businesses XI. REFERENCES:
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