Feasibility Study Introduction

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Prelim Exam Coverage

1. Out of all the product or services that you identified during our last meeting, select one (1) that
you want to pursue.
2. Submit your study on marketing aspect of your product/service focusing on the following:
a. Service/Product Description
- Provide description of your product/service. Identify what makes your product/service
b. Target Market
*(Research and review Segmentation-Targeting-Positioning topic in marketing as this
will be your guide in determining your specific target market.)
- Describe your target market and what makes them your target market.
c. Demand Analysis
- Discuss why your product/service will have a great demand. In other words, why your
product/service will be accepted and patronized by your target market. Support this with
your research (You should have an initial valid basis why you think your product will
succeed/accepted in the market).
d. Supply Analysis
*(Research and review forecasting tools.)
- Identify and discusses here the direct and/or indirect competitors of your proposed
e. Pricing Strategy
*(Research and review on the different pricing strategies.)
- Discuss here what pricing strategy and the reason why such strategy will be used.
Included in this part the estimated price of your product or service.
f. Promotion and Advertising Strategy/ies
*(Research and review the different promotional strategies/activities.)
- Discuss here the advertising and promotional strategies that will be used by your
proposed business. Included in this part your estimated costs of each advertising and
promotional strategies.

Submit this in a hard copy on Friday. Use short bond paper. Font: Times New Roman. Font size:
11. Margin “1 inch” all sides. Follow the format illustrated on the next page.

3. Each member of the group should familiarize themselves about your initial marketing
aspect study.

Component of Prelim Exam
1. Hard copy of Marketing Aspect.
2. Test Question type exam on the following topics:
a. Market segmentation, targeting, positioning
b. Forecasting tools
c. Pricing strategies
d. Promotional/advertising strategies
e. Content of your marketing aspect study
Date of Prelim Exam: Friday, February 23, 2024

Students should all be present during the prelim exam. Only valid reason for absence will be accepted.
College of Accountancy
Product/Service: BANANA
Group Members:
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A

a. Service/Product Description

b. Target Market

c. Demand Analysis

d. Supply Analysis

e. Pricing Strategy

f. Promotion and Advertising Strategy/ies

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