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-neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 5. A lens is made up of 3 different transparent media as, Physics - Section A shown in the figure. A point object O is placed on its 1. The variation of susceptibility (x) with absolute axis beyond 2f. How many real images will be obtained temperature (T) for a paramagnetic material ig 0 the other side? Pry xA IL 2. O° > > WT 1/T ie Ry xA [No image will be formed [43 b. I 6. The diameter of a spherical bob, when measured with vemier callipers yielded the values: 3.33 em, 3.32 em, > P| 3.34 cm, 3.33 cm and 3.32 cm. The mean diameter to /T 1/T. | appropriate significant figures is: 1.3.328em 2.330m 3 2. Abullet of mass m hits a block of mass M elastically. The transfer of energy is the maximum, when: 4.3.32 em CM 2M Im iMcem 2.0m the bat eli end which oe ison the lng teal ar the sal iy? Tema 3. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is 2 Silver waa ev The egy nell one bpogen som 3-Cl8 from its second excited state will be: 8. The mechanical quantity, which has dimensions of i. fiseev reciprocal of mass (M™~), is B. [La1ev [es eV Baev [angular momentum 4. The escape velocity of a body on the earth's surface is -{°0efficient of thermal conductivity b. 11.2 kms. Ifthe same body is projected upward with a Plerque velocity 22.4 kmis, the velocity of this body at infinite [gravitational constant distance from the center of the earth will be: 1.1L.2V2 kms 2. zero 3.11.2 kmis 4.11.2V3 kmis Page: 1 -neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 9. The position ofa particle is given by; 12. An ac source is connected to the given circuit. The F(t) = 40) 4285 + 5% value of ¢ will be: where tis in seconds and r in metre, Find the magnitude (:)a and direction of velocity v(t), at ¢= 1, with respect 0 *. 1002 x-axis. SOOT [t-J4v2 ms! 45°]2/4v2 ms“! 60° B.3V2ms—1,30"[4 [872 mst, 45) 10. For the given cycle, the work done during the o isobaric process is: V=220 sin (100 mt + d) volt P(N/m)A op. _o0 B. [30° 4. [a5 3x10" 2x10? 13. The given circuit is equivalent to: 10? A + ott ve) B 1.2005 7 2. zero JA: 3.4003 ! 4.6003 11. The equivalent capacitance of the arrangement shown in the figure is; Ae 1 r| ot 15 pF “ef <> 11 1k |Ac iS aE po uF @ < > BO uF 8.25 uF 14. 4 particle moves with a velocity (51 — 3) + 6k) ms 1 horizontally under the action of constant force (10i+10j)+20k) N. The instantancous power supplied to the particle is 1.200 W 2 zero 3. 100 W 4.140 W Page: 2 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 1S. A certain wire A has resistance 81. The resistance of another wire B of the same material and equal length but of diameter thrice the diameter of A will be: Lala 290 3.7299 4,243.2 16. ep and jy are the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space respectively. If the corresponding quantities of a medium are 2e9 and 1.549 respectively, the refractive index of the medium will nearly be: 17. The amount of clastic potential energy per unit volume (in ST unit) of a steel wire of length 100 em to siretch it by 1 mm is: (if Young's modulus of the wire ~ 2.0 10" Nv? pop a ho” oF 18. The 4 overtone of a closed organ pipe is the same as that of the 3" overtone of an open pipe. The ratio of | 21. 4 ball is projected from point A with velocity 20 ms " at an angle 60° to the horizontal direction. At the highest point B of the path (as shown in figure), the velocity » ms“ of the ball wil be: 20 ms"! B. (Zero [4 22. Which of the following statement is not true? [Coefficient of viscosity is a scalar quantity] [Surface tension is a scalar quantity B [Pressure is a vector quantity [4 [Relative density isa scalar quantity 23. A uniform electric field and a uniform magnetic field are acting along the same direction in a certain region. If fan electron is projected in the region such that its velocity is pointed along the direction of fields, then the electron: [will turn towards right of direction of motion| 19. A long straight wire of length 2 m and mass 250 g is suspended horizontally in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 0.7 T. The amount of current flowing through the wire will be (g = 9.8 ms~): 1.2454 2.2254 3.2754 4B 20, According to Gauss law of electrostatics, electric flux through a closed surface depends on: [he arca of the surface 2, |the quantity of charges enclosed by the surface| B.|the shape of the surface late volume enclosed by the surface the length of the closed pipe to the length of the open {Will tum towards left of direction of motion. pe is B.|speed will decrease lees ppt [4 speed will increase Bees Biro Page: 3 sneetPreP 24, A horizontal ray of light angled prism with prism angle 6 NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 incident on the right 27..f Z and Za are the impedances of the given circuits If the refractive index (a) and (b) as shown in figures, then choose the correct of the material of the prism is 1.5, then the angle of option: ‘emergence will be: 9 10° 4 6 2, A p-type extrinsic semiconductor is obtained when Germanium is doped with: [I fantimony 2. [phosphorous B.farsenie |. boron SmH 109 TH oo ABD. tt ev OK 220 V, 50 He, figure (a) figure (b) a < Za PA + Za = 200 A= Za [ale > Ze 28, The wavelength of Lyman series of hydrogen atom appears in visible region far infrared region lultraviolet region infrared region 26, Which set of colors will come out in air for a situation shown in figure? Air } Green > White, Glass 1. Yellow, Orange and Red 2. Blue, Green and Yellow 3, Orange, Red and Violet 4.All Page: 4 29, c a E zB The above figure shows the circuit symbol of a transistor, Select the correct statements given below: [The transistor has two segments of p-type {A)|semiconductor separated by a segment of n-type semiconductor. (@B)| The emitter is of moderate size and heavily doped (Ofte central segment is thin and lightly doped. [The emitter base junction is reverse biased in (PJeommon emitter amplifier circuit. fr [cand Dy b._[(A)and (D) B._[(Ayand By Is. [Byand ©) 30. The de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron, accelerated by a potential difference of 81 V is, NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 33. Two particles A and B initially at rest, move towards each other under mutual force of attraction. At an instance when the speed of A is v and speed of B is 30, the speed of center of mass is: Be 2. pero Bb fie 34. A charge Q nC i placed atthe centre of a ube, The Fux coming ou fiom any one ofits faces will btn SL um 12x10 2.22 x10 3.210" @ a0 42x 35. The viscous diag acting on a metal sphere of diameter 1 mm, falling through hid of viscosity 0:8 Pas with a velocity of 2 ms is equal to: 1.15 x 10°N 2.30 x 10° N 3.15 x 103N 4.20 x 10 °N, given by . . 1.13.6 nm Physics - Section B 2186 am 36. Ri the radius of the earth and g is the 3 186mm acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface. Then the mean density ofthe earth will be: 31, The maximum powers dissipated foran acinaian: fi. [2S fp. EE B lk KS 3 inductive circuit|4 [capacitive circuit] SRG aR 32, The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted otoeleetrons in photoelectric effect is independent of j,]vork function of J, [intensity of meident material radiation frequency of incident |, wavelength of meident b. [radiation i [radiation 37. A copper wire of radius 1 mm contains 10 free electrons per cubic metre. The drift velocity for free electrons when 10 A current flows through the wire will be: (Given, charge on electron = 1.6 x 107 C) 1, S20" iy ie hss 2, $8 x 108 mis 3 4, mis Page: 5 “neetPreP NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 38. An object is mounted on a wall. Its image of equal size isto be obtained on a parallel wall with the help of a convex lens placed between these walls. The lens is kept at distance « in front of the second wall. The required focal length of the lens will be: less than = |more than = but less than = 2. B. ls 39, If» conducting sphere of radius R is charged. Then the electric field ata distance r > R) from the centre of the sphere would be, (V=potential on the surface of the sphere) i = b= b f= E 40. A block of mass 2 kg is placed on inclined rough surface AC (as shown in the figure) of coefficient of friction yx. If g = 10 ms, the net force (in N) on the block will be: Block £ 30° A B ovs few 0 bo 41. 4 container of volume 200 em? contains 0.2 mole of hydrogen gas and 0.3 mole of argon gas, The pressure of the system at temperature 200 K (R = 8.3 JK"! mol'!) will be: [p.15 x 10° Palp, [4.15 x 10% Pala. 6.15 x 10" Pal [4.15 x 10° Pal 42. To produce an instantaneous placement catent of DinA in the space between the paral! plates of 8 capacitor of capactance 4.F, the rate of change of applied vase poesia dirence (2) must be 1. 800 V/s 2.500 V/s 3.200 V/s 4,400 V/s 43. An emf is generated by an ac generator having 100 turn coil, of loop area 1 m2. The coil rotates at a speed of fone revolution per second and placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.05 T perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the coil. The maximum value of emf is: 1.3.14V 2.314V 3.62.8V 4.6.28V 44, For very high frequencies, the effective impedance of the circuit (shown in the figure) will be: 190 1eF imH {}- 8805, 2 pF [OOO 2mH 32 22 140 260 3.10 430 48. A constant torque of 100 N-m tums a wheel of moment of inertia 300 kg-m? about an axis passing through its centre, Starting from rest, its angular velocity after 3 sis 1.1 rad/s 2.5 rad/s 3. 10radis 4.15 rads Page: 6 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 46. The emf of a cell having internal resistance 1 9 is, balanced against a length of 330 cm on a potentiometer wire. When an external resistance of 29 is connected across the cell, the balancing length will be: 1.220em 2.330.em 3.115 em 4.332.em 47. 4 1 kg object strikes a wall with velocity 1 ms"! at an angle of 60° with the wall and reflects at the same angle. If it remains in contact with the wall for 0.1 s, then the force exerted on the wall is: L.30v3N 2. nero 3.10V3N 20V3N 48: The angular momentum ofan lston moving nan oto ydogen stm i 15(8). The energy inthe same orbit is nearly 1.-15eV 2.-16eV 3.-18eV 4.-14eV 49. A particle is executing uniform circular motion with velocity # and acceleration @. Which of the following is true? Chemistry - Section A 51. Incorrect set of quantum numbers from the following 1.4153, my =3,-2,-1, 0, +1, +2, 43, m=1/2 2.5, 1-2, my =-2,-1, 41, +2, moH/2 3. ne4, 162, my =-2, -1, 0, 1,42, m=-/2 4, We$,163, my =-3,-2,-1, 0,41, +2, $3, m, +2 82. [ionization enthalpy increases along each| [Assertion (A):|scrics of transition elements from left to right. However, small variations occur There is a corresponding inerease in lnuctear charge which accompanies the Filling of electrons in the inner d~ orbitals Reason (R): [(A) is correct but (R) is not correct [2,[(A) is not correct but (R) is correct [Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct lexplanation of (A) |Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct lexplanation of (A) '53. Given below are two statements: one is labelled as ‘Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). [risa constant; @ is not a constant [fis not a constant; @ is not a constant B.[v is a constant; is a constant [4 [@ is not a constant; @ is a constant 50, A simple pendulum oscillating in ait has a period of V3 5s. IF itis completely immersed in non-viscous liquid, having density (+)" of the material ofthe bob, the new period will be: 1 3 4. [Lithium and beryllium unlike their other respective group members form lcompounds with pronounced ionie character Lithium and Magnesium have similar properties due to a diagonal relationship In the Tight of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: [Adis true but (R) is false [2.[(A) is false but (R) is true [Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe correct lexplanation of (A) |Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct lexplanation of (A) [Assertion (A); Reason (R): b. Page: 7 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 84, For a weak acid HA, the percentage of dissociation is nearly 1% at equilibrium. If the concentration of acid is 0.1 mol L, then the correct option for its Ky at the same temperature will be: fixi0* 2. [ix10 B. [ixi0* a. [tx a0 58, The density of 1 M solution of a compound 'X' is, 1.25 g mL", The correct option for the molality of solution is: Molar mass of compound X = 85 f. Jo.705m_—_[2. [1.208 m B.[1165m___[4. [0.858 m 56, Consider the given reaction: 48. B08, cacocty "SY » x» ‘The functional groups present in the compound 1, Ketone and double bond 2. Double bond and aldehyde 3. Aleohol and aldehyde 4. Alcohol and ketone 57. The B® values for AI‘ /Al = 40.55 Vand TI'/TI= -0.34.V Al /Al = -1.66 V and TI** /TI = +1.26 V The incorrect statement among the following is 1. Alis more eleetropositive than TT 2. TP is a good reducing agent than T1"* 3. AI" is unstable in solution. 4, Tl can be easly oxidized to TI” as compared to TH 58, The correct order of dipole moments for molecules NH, HS, CH, and HF is [Ci > HS > NH, > HF [aS > Nis > HP > CH, BIN, > HF > CH, > iS [ZF > NH > IS > CH ‘59. The molar conductance of an electrolyte increases with dilution according to the equation: An = Ms AYE Consider the following four statements: [This equation applies to both strong and weak A. lelectrolytes The value of the constant A depends upon the nature lof the solvent [The value of constant A's the same for both BaCl, and MgSO, |The value of constant A is the same for both BaCl, and Mg(OH)» Ic. Ib. Which of the above statements are correct? 1. (A) and (B) only 2.(A),(B), and (©) only 3.(B) and (C) only 4. (B) and (D) only 60, Cheilosis occurs due to a deficiency of: [Thiamine 2 B[Pyridoxamine [. [Nicotinamide [Riboflavin 61. The correct value of cell potential in volt for the reaction that occurs when the following two half cells, are connected, is Fei, + 2e- > Fe(s),E” = -0.44V Cr20% fq) + 14H + Ge > 201" 4 THRO, EP = 4133V I. Fa77V__p F265 V a EN 62. Consider the following reactions: wx R- COOH ——> R- CH,OH (4) mopner ox cn-cn,——“*__.p R- - CH, - CH, - On Identify °X’ in above reactions: I. [B2Fe i. [Liat B.[NabHy — |a. [th/Pa Page: 8 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 63, ora easton 3A + 28 The average eof apenane of B i given by SZ The correct relation between the average rate of appearance of B with the average rate of disappearance of Ais given in option: ep = 281A aid) 30 I [Far 64, The following conversion is known as: ° t aN Hy or” “a a Pa Ba50y 1, Stephen reaction 2; Gattermann-Koch reaction 3. Btard reaction 4. Rosenmund reaction 65, Which amongst the following is used in controlling depression and hypertension? fl JSeldane 2. [Valium 3. [Equant [4. [Prontosit 66. Which one of the following represents all isoelectronic species? 1, Na*,Cl-,0-,NO 2. N30, N04, NO*, NO a”, Mg**,O~, F~ 4, 0a**, Ar, K*,Ct 67. Given below are two statements: [The value of wave function, W depends upon the kcoordinates of the electron in the atom The probability of finding an electron at a point jvithin an atom is proportional to the orbital wave function I: i Im light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1. Statement I is true but Statement Il is false. 2, Statement | is false but Statement IL is tru. 3. Both Statement I and Statement IT are true. 4, Both Statement [ and Statement II ate false 668, The correct van der Waals equation for 1 mole of a real gas is 1 (P+4)(V—8) = Rr 2(P+2yv—) Ar 3.(P+ =v nb) = RT 4.(P + 22)(V nb) = RT 69. The correct option in which the density of argon (Atomic mass =40) is highest: Si 2. J0%C, 2 atm [0c 4aim [4.273°C, 4 aim 70. Which of the following is correctly matched? 1. Basic oxides - In 0s, KO, SnO; 2. Neutral oxides - CO, NO2, N20 3. Acidic oxides - Mn07, S02, TeOs 4, Amphoteric oxides -BeO, Gaz0s, GeO 71. Which of the following is a positively charged sol? 1. Methylene blue sol 2. Congo red sol 3.Siver sol 4, SbaSs sol 72, Match List -I with List-Il [oscit ist Technique used for otiresSampiey | [Teshris puyeerot fom spent fay fgfeam distillation ye [Chloroform + , By ores (10) fractional distillation Kcleractons or rude oi [nn Pstlation under reduced [DJ Aniline=water [V)[Distitlation ‘Choose the correct answer from the options given below fOptions: [AY [(B) (©) [D) o im ftv oie Pa. a B. i o_ [iv ls io fv Page: 9 “neet! 73. Which amongst the following reactions of alkyl halides produces isonitriles as a major product? A.R-X+HCN > B.R-X+AgCN> CR-X+KON5 0 D.R-X+NaCN > onon Choose the most appropriate answer from the options ven below: [L[D) only [2.[(C)and (Dy only {5 [08) only [&,[Ay and (B) only 74, The List- with List-Il ist ise it |(ydride)] [ctype of Hydride) IAINaHt__[()_[Flectron precise iBIPH; [a [Satine (Gey [amp |Metatic [D[LaH e7 [dv)fFlectron rich Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [Options Ta) [B) (©) [D) I mtv | b. [arity B. fia fo_fiv i iv fe 75. Which one of the following statements is incorrect, related to Molecular Orbital Theory? [The x° antibonding molecular orbital has a node [between the nuclei lin the formation of a bonding molecular orbital, the 12,jtwo electron waves of the bonding atoms reinforce leach other. [Molecular orbitals obtained from 2P, and 2P, ‘orbitals are symmetrical around the bond axis. [A x-—bonding molecular orbital has Targer electron Kdensity above and below the internuclear axis NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 76. Which of the following, when mixed, will make an acidic buffer? [Weak acid and is salt with a strong base. [Equal volumes of equimolar solutions of weak acid land weak base [Strong acid and its salt with a strong base, [Strong acid and its salt with a weak base, |(The pK, of acid = pK of the base) 77. Reagents which can be used to convert alcohols to carboxylie acids, are: (A) C103 - HS, {B) K,C107 + 1,80, (©) KMn0, + KOW/H30 (D) Cu, 573K {B) C103, (CHyCO),0 Choose the most appropriate answer from the options ven below: [(B), (©) and (D) onlyfe [(A), (B) and (©) only [B), (D) and (E) only] (A), (B) and (B) only] ‘78. Select the element (M) whose trihalides cannot be hydrolysed to form [M(H,0)g]* i. [GB In Blas. 79. The correct options for the rate law that corresponds to overall frst order reaction is [\]Rate = KA (BE 2[Rate = KATE] [Rate — KA)" [BP [a [Rate — KA) (B)7| ‘80. Which amongst the following compounds/species is Teast basic? HN @ a HN C-OH Page: 10 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 81. Which of the following forms a set of complex and a double salt, respectively? 1. CuS04.5H 0 and CuCl, 4NHy 2. PtCly.2NHg and PtCly.2HC1 3. KyP{Cl;.2NH; and KAI($4)9.12H,0 4, NiCly,6H,0 and NiCI3(H;0), 82. Given below are two statements: [High density polythene is formed in the presence oF {catalyst tricthylaluminium and titanium tetrachloride. in: |High density polymers are chemically inert I: In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1. Statement-I is correct but Statement-I is false 2. Statement-t is incorrect but Statement-II is true. 3. Both Statement-I and Statement- IT are true 4, Both Statement- and Statement-IL are false. 83. Which amongst the following compounds will show geometrical isomerism? 1, Pent-L-ene 2. 2,3-DimethyIbut- 3. 2-Methylprop-I-ene 4.3,4-Dimethylhex- 84, Given below are two statements: [Hydrated chlorides and bromides of Ca, Srand Ba fon heating undergo hydrolysis. |Hydrated chlorides and bromides of Be and Mg on Ineating dehydration, tn In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: I. Statement is correct but Statement-Il is false. 2. Statement is incorrect but Statement-II is true. 3. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are true. 4, Both Statement-I and Statement-IL are false. 85, The comet order for the rate of a, f dehydrohalogenation for the following compounds is Ki oo Veo I iy I [L.|@) < Gi) < Gii))2.G) < @ < Gi} Blain = ao < fad = Gi) <0) Chemistry - Section B 86, How many numberof tetrahedral voids are formed in 5 mol of a compound having cubic close packed structure? (Choose the correct option) 1.[1.550 x 10% f2[3.011 x 10% [3.[3.011 x 10% |4.|6.022 x 10% 87. Type of isomerism exhibited by compounds [CX(H,O)6Cls. [Cr(H20)sCl|ClH20, [Cr(H0),Cly]CL2HO and the value of coordination number (CN) of central metal ion in all these ‘compounds, respectively is: 1. Geometrical isomerism, Cd 2. Optical isomerism, CN 3. lonisation isomerism, CN =4 4. Solvate isomerism, CN 88. The correct sequence given below contains neutral, acidic, basic, and amphoteric oxide cach, respectively, i:s i JNO, Zn0, Co>, Cao, NO, CO;, Zn0, Cada [Zn0, NO, Ca0, CO} INO, CO;, CaO, Zn0| Page: 11 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 89, Read the following statement and choose the set of 93. Given below are two statement: correct statements: [in an organic compound, when inductive and [Chrome stcel is used for cutting tools and crushing [* |machines. I: electromeric effects operate in opposite directions, Ihe inductive effect predominates. [The fine dust of aluminium is used in paints and hacquers. i: |ilyperconjugation is observed in o-xylene. In the light of the above statements, choose the correct (C.|Copper is used for the reduction of alcohol answer from the options given below: [p [Zine dust is used as a reducing agent in the |manufacturing of paints. 1. Statement I is true but Statement II is false. 2. Statement [is false but Statement II is true [E [iron is used for galvanising zine. 3. Both Statement I and Statement II are true, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below. 1. (D)and (F) only 2. (A) and (D) only 3.(A), (B), and (D) only 4,(B), (©), and (D) only 90. Choose the correct sequence of reagents in the |&[Cathode and anode together conversion of 4-nitrotoluene fo 2-bromotoluene. NaNO, /HCl; Sn/HCl; Bro; Hy0/H;PO, 2. SWHCI ; NaNOg/HCl; Bry;H0/H;PO, 3. Bry:Sn/HCl;NaNOy/HCI;H0/H3PO, 4, SwHCLBry;NaNO,/HCI;H,0/HPO; 91, How are edge length ‘a of the unit cell and radius '" of the sphere related to each other in cep structure? (Choose correct option for your answer) 4, Both Statement I and Statement I] are false. ‘94. The correct option for a redox couple is: [Both are oxidised forms involving same element. [2.Both are reduced forms involving same clement. [Both are reduced and oxidized forms involve same b. [* element, 98, Given below are two statements: lonisation enthalpies of early actinoids lare lower than for early lanthanoids, [Electrons are entering Sf orbitals in lactinoids which experience greater shielding from nuclear charge. [Assertion (A); Reason (R): [far Pla—r/2v2 Bile=arjv [ela 2var 92, Identify the product in the following rection: 1 tyxen OMG Os raduct (i) Br/red phosphorus (iyo coor coor n b er a Br b of [Both (A) and (R) are Truc and (R) is the correct lexplanation of (A. [Both (A) and (R) are True but (R) isnot the correct lexplanation of (A) [(A) is True but (R) is False. [(A) is False but (R) is True. 96, Consider the following reaction:- 2Ha(g) ~ O2(g) —> 2H20(g) Ac HI = ~483.64kJ. What is the enthalpy change for the decomposition of ‘one mole of water? (Choose the right option) 1.1209) 2,241.82 kd 318k 4.100 kJ Page: 12 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 97. Which statement is not true about photochemical smog? j,PPhotochemical smog is harmful to humans but has no leftect on plants. Biology - 1 - Section A 101, Match List with Lit - 11 Lise ise Plants like Pinus, Juniparus can help in reducing the b. [photochemical smog, [, [Photochemical smog occurs in warm, dry, and sunny climates. [Common components of photochemical smog are \4.ozone, nitric oxide, acrolein, formaldehyde, and Iperoxyacetyl nitrate, . Which amongst the following aqueous solution of electrolytes will have minimum. elevation in boiling int? ‘Choose the correct option:- [AfProein [C=C dole bonds [B)[Unseturted Ty acl Phosphodiestr bond [OfRueleic acid Jt) [tyeosidic bonds [DfPotysaccharde IV) [Peptide bonds Choose the correct answer from the options given below: fOptions: (A) [(B) (©) (0) o iv b vi ii B. iv [fo i iv oa h bt Sof p{_\-ohp(_\-» f.[o.0s MNact_[2.)0.1 MCI b [0.1 M MgSO, [4 I M Nac 102, Match List - with List IL [List -1 ist -T1 liydrarch [Gradual change in the species 99, Identify 'X’ in the following reaction, (succession | _feomposition RXerarch [Faster and climax reached we Nc gioinamnedse 2x [fesein | fact _— }Ecological c conditions {1.0 mol] {1.0 mol) [Jsuccession _ [2 [Lchens to mesic condi Secondary > Phytoplankton to mesic po-_\-oy [OYsuceession |" onditons Choose the correct answer from the options given below: foptions: TA) [B) [© [) IL iv [oi ft p. im iv a 100. The major product formed in the following Fj iv in int conversion i lk iv io 103. In Calotropis, aestivation is: I. [Valvate 2. |Vexillary fiwisted [3 limbricate |. Page: 13 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 104. Match List - with List - I 108, The dissolution of synaptonemal complex occurs Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (Options: TAY FB) [© [O) f mit _fiv ft b. mf |iv [a B. in io t_ iv i ivi fn_fe 105. Nitrates and farms into water phosphates flowing from agricultural ies are a significant cause of: [Humification| h [Eutrophication [Mineralisation [Stratification| 106. Match List - I with List - 1 hypothesis. [List-T [List 11 uring ((A)|Chiorophyil al()_[Yellow to yellow orange| I. [Pachytene — [2. [Diplotene (B)|Chlorophyll b[ai) Yellow green [3 [Diakinesis [4 [Leptotene (©[Xanthophytt [CD [Btue green (DifCarorenoids [UV Yellow 109, Identify the correct statements regarding Mass flow [Mass flow is faster than diffusion, IMass flow is the result of pressure difference between] the end points, Different substances involved in mass flow move at [different paces. IMass flow can result through either a positive ora |ncgative hydrostatic pressure gradient. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [(A). ©, (D) onlyf2 (1B), (©, ) only] (A), B.C only). 2), yen] 110, Doubling of the number of chromosomes can be achieved by disrupting mitotic cell division soon after: 107. How many times decarboxylation occurs during each TCA cycle? fl. [Thrice 2 Many B._ Once [a [fwice List 1 List — U1 I. [anaphase 2. [Telophase [ype of eros: |(Phenotypie ratio) B. [Prophase i. Metaphase (Al|Monohybrid eross [fit ((B)[Dihybrid eross jan [2a (©incomplete dominance [3:1 11. Given below are two statements (Dy[Test cross lavippa3 [statement 1; UBISCO is the most abundant enzyme in Choose the correct answer from the options given the world below: [Statement [Photorespiration does not occur in Cy foptions: [AY [S) [© [> It plants I mt irv ot In the Tight of the above statements, choose the most b. nv arn semi wer fom the options piven below v Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect p ne 2. Statement [is incorrect but Statement II is correct o Wy fa ft 3. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct, 4, Both Statement I and Statement IT are incorrect 112, In rivet popper hypothesis’, Paul Ehrlich compared the rivets in an airplane to ipocies within a genus [DJgenctic diversity ecosystem [4 Jgenera within a family Page: 14 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 113. In a pea flower, five petals are arranged in a specialized manner with one posterior, two lateral and two anterior. These are named as, and. respectively. JKecl, Wings and [Vexitlum, Keel and {standard standard Keel, Standard and \Carina }4|Standard, Wings and Keel 114, In which of the following sets of families, the pollen grain are viable for months? 1 Solanaceae, Poaceae and Liliaceae 2. Brassicaceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae 3. Rosaceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae 4, Leguminosae, Solanaceae and Rosaceae 11S, Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of another flower of same plant is known as: [L[Geitonogamy [2.[Xenogamy B.[Autogamy —_[4.[Cliestogamy 116. The phenomenon which is influenced by auxin and also played a major role in its discovery: 1, Phototropism 2. Root initiation 3. Gravitropism 4. Apical Dominance 117, The Transverse section of plant part showed polyarch, radial and exarch xylem, with endodermis and erieycle, The plant is identified as: [Monocot root)2,Dicot root B.[Dicat stem _[4.|Monocot stem| 119. The last chromosome sequenced in Human Genome roject was: [Chromosome 6 [2 [Chromosome 1 [Chromosome 22] [Chromosome 14] 120. The amount of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, potassium and caleium present in the soil at any given time is referred to as: [Standing state)2,[Standing crop] BJtumus ——_[4.[Detritus 121, Plants offer rewards to animals in the form of pollen and nectar and the animals facilitate the ollination process, This is an example of: [Amensalism _[2[Competition [3 [Commensalism|4 |Mutualism 122. The species of plants that plays a vital role in controlling the relative abundance of other species in a ‘community is called lalien species B.fendemic species lexotie species keystone species] 123, Match List - I with List - IL List-1 [List-t1 (A)[Pteropsida |) [Psilonum (@B)[Lycopsida [CI Equisenum kO)PPsitopsida [ty Adiantum [dD)|Sphenopsidal(IV) |Selaginelt Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 118, What will happen if fresh water Take gels Goo contaminated by the addition of polluted water with high [OP* KA) (8) KC) D) BOD? h. nf tiv JAmount of dissolved oxygen inthe Take will B. im ftv ldccrease. B in (ov 2. |The lake will remain unaffected kK in iv fe i, [Number of submerged aqua plants in the Take will [4.[Number of aquatic animals in the lake will increase 124, Inulin is a polymer of: [L [Fructose _[2.|Galactose [Amino Acids _[4.[Glucose Page: 15 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 125, Thermostable DNA polymerase used in PCR was isolated from: 1. Thermus aquaticus 2. Escherichia coli 3. Agrobacterium tumifaciens 4, Bacillus thuringiensis 126, Name the component that binds to the operator rogion of an operon and provents RNA polymerase from transcribing the operon. [Promotor B. [Regulator protein] inducer 8 [Repressor proteinft. 127. A heterozygous pea plant with violet flowers was crossed with a homozygous pea plant with white flowers. Violet is dominant over white. Which one of the following represents the expected combinations among 40 progenies formed? 1, 30 produced violet and 10 produced white flowers 2. 20 produced violet and 20 produced white flowers. 3. All 40 produced violet flowers 4, All 40 produced white flowers 128. Fatty acids are connected with the respiratory pathway through: I. Acetyl Coa, 2. a- Ketoglutarie acid 3, Dihydroxy acetone phosphate 4, Pyruvie acid 129. Ligation of foreign DNA at which of the following site will result in loss of tetracycline resistance of pBR322? LPsTI 2.Pvul 3. BeoR I 4, BamHI 130, Match List - I with List - IL iuat=t [ea Promos nals Tower Trmaton fasfaucin fon [Psmotes ele omer format (ay Ko) [Gibberelin|() [Overcoming apical dominance [amass i e entho rape [(.V) [Promotes flowering in pineapple Icytokinin [cD)[Emytene Choose the correct answer from the options given below: fOptions: AY [BY (fC) [D) r nv im b. iva B. [Cfo fiv_ it bs iar fo kv 11. During symport two different molecules: move across the membrane: in same direction with the help of different carriers located at a common site jin same direction with the help of different carriers located at different sites in the same cell [in same direction with the help of same carrier [sin opposite direction with the help of same cartier h 132, Which classes of algae possess pigment fucoxanthin and pigment phycoerythrin, respectively? 1. Phacophyceae and Chlorophyceae 2. Phacophyceae and Rhodophyceac 3. Chlorophyceae and Rhodophyceae 4, Rhodophyceae and Phacophyceae 133, In which disorder change of single base pair in the ‘gene for beta globin chain results in change of glutamic acid to valine? [Thalassemia [2 [Haemophilials. Bickle cell anemia [Phenyiketonuria 134, For chemical herbivores, Calotropis has I Cardiac glycosides)? [strychnine Bihtoxie ricin [distasteful quinine| defense against Page: 16 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 138. Consider the following tissues in the stellar region ofa stem showing secondary growth. (A) Primary xylem (B) Secondary xylem (C) Primary phloem (D) Secondary phloem Arrange these in the correct sequence of their position from pith towards cortex. LA. ®), 0), ORB. ©. 0] BIA), B), ©, DIE. [B), A), D), ©] Biology - 1 - Section B 136. Which of the following mineral ion isnot remobilzed in plans? .Possium_[.[Catciam B.[Nitopen [Phosphorus 137, Which out ofthe following statements is incorrect? 139. In angiosperms the correct sequence of events, formation of female gametophyte in the ovule B successive free nuclear divisions in functional |megaspore, [B [Degeneration of 3 megaspores [C.[Meiotic division in megaspore mother call [D [Migration of 3 nuclei towards each pole, [Formation of wall resulting in seven celled lembryosae. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: A.B), 0.0). BIB). ©. (A), ), Of (9. ©, A, 0), BY (O..B), &), ), B] 140. Which of the following statements is true? [All pteridophytes exhibit haplo-diplontic pattern [2 |Sccd bearing plants follow haplontic pattern [3.[Most algal genera are diplontic [.]Grana lamellac have both PS Tand PS II |Cyclie photophosphorylation involved both PS Tand [Ps It |; [Both ATP and NADPH +H’ are synthesised during lnon-cyclic photophosphorylation (4 [Stroma lamellae lack PS II and NAP reductase b. 138, Match List - I with List - IL [Columa - I [Column - IT (A)|Nitrococcus|(I)_|Denitrification (B)|Rhizobium [ay (©)[Phiabacia| CID|Conversion of nitrite to nitrate [Conversion oF atmospheric Ofritrogen to ammonia [Conversion of ammonia to nitrite (D))Nitrobacter Choose the correct answer from the options given below: foptions: A) [) [© [O Q mn iv b iv fa fo B. nv i (m i ov [Most bryophytes do not have haplo-diplontie life leyele. 141. Which of the following statement is incorrect above Agrobacterium tumifaciens ? | tis used to deliver gene of interest in both [prokaryotic as well as eukaryotic host cells [Ti plasmid from Agrobacterium umifaciens used For |gene transfer is not pathogenic to plant cells. [5 |[t wansforms normal plant cells into tumor cells [a [It delivers T-DNA’ into plant cell b. 142, Consider the following plant tissues: (A) Axillary buds (B) Fascicular vascular cambium (©) Interfascicular cambium (D) Cork cambium (E) Intercalary meristem Identify the lateral meristems among the above [(A), (© and (D) only P2[(B), (C) and (D) only [(A), B), (© and) (A), (B), (D) and (Ey only. lonty A Page: 17 -neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 143, Match List - with List - 1 146. A certain plant homozygous for yellow seeds and [List [List red flowers was crossed with a plant homozygous for ~ [Delivers genes nto animal) green sceds and white flowers. The F plants had yellow (A)[Senamyein (eens seeds and pink flowers. The F; plants were selfed to get (ela |) [Selectable marker F, progeny. Assuming independent assortment of the striction site two characters, how many phenotypic categories are (retroviruses [220 Restriction sit expected fr these characters in the F generation? (D)[Kanamycin gene _[{1V)]Antibiotic resistance 0 pp 6 bk fe Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 147. During which stages of mitosis and meiosis, options A) [B) [© [O respectively does the centromere of each chromosome I a or split? b. mt iv I [Metaphase, Metaphase Ip. [Prophase, Telophase I B. hv mt in [3Telophase, Anaphase 1 _[4,|Anaphase, Anaphase Ul] i nv on 148, Which of the following statements is not correct? Phase of ce elongation of plant cells is characterized 144, Given below are two statements: |by increased vacuolation. [, [Celis in the meristematic phase of growth exhibit [The process of copying genetic information from one] [ |abundant plasmodesmatal connections I: ftrand of the DNA into RNA is termed as [3 [Plant growth is generally determinate franscription [4 [Plant growth is measurable [A transcription unit in DNA is defined primarily by Ii:fthe three regions in the DNA i.e. a promoter, the ktructural gene and a terminator. 149, Match List «I with List - 1 [Type oF flower] [Example In the light of the above statements, choose the correct [A)|Zygomorphic |) [Mustard answer from the options given below: T'Statement is tue but statement Ii false [@]rypoxynous fy Pum 2, Statement | is false but statement II is true (O)[Perigynous [dD |Cassia 3. Both statement I and statement II are true (D)fEpigynous —_[aVvy|Cucumbe 4, Both statement I and statement II are false Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 145. Which scientist conducted an experiment with 2p and *5s labelled phages for demonstrating that DNA is [OPtions:_|(A) [(B) (C) (D) the genetic material? L Hf ftv a 1. James D. Watson and FH. Crick b. a _fin_fiv 2. AD. Hershey and M.J. Chase B a 3.. Grtfith ki a a 4, 0.T. Avery, CM. MacLeod and M, MeC Page: 18, “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 150, Given below are two statements: f, [Tae process translocation through phloem is lunidirectional but through xylem, it is bidirectional 154, Arrange the sequence of different hormones for their role during gametogenesis: [Gonadotropin LH stimulates synthesis and secretion Im light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: 1, Statement I is correct but Statement II is correct 2, Statement | is incorrect but statement II is correct 3. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct 4, Both Statement I and Statement II ate incorrect Biology - 2 - Section A 11. Which of” the following sexually transmitted infections ae completely erable? 1 HIV infection and Trcheenonials 2. Syapilis and Trcharnoniais 2: epaitse and Genial herpes 4. Genital Herpes and Genta warts 182. Match List - with List «II ls. 1, [The most readily mobilized elements are Jof Androgen lphosphorus, sulphur, nitrogen and potassium, [B. [Gonadotropin releasing hormone from hypothalamus| (C.[Androgen stimulates spermatogenesis [p [Gonadotropin FSH helps in the process of |spermiogenesis f, [Gonadotropins from anterior pituitary gland bel Choose the correct answer from the options given Low LE. A). D). B). ©] PIO. A), O. ©). B) B. i [@)..A), ©, Of [D), B, &).©. B] 5. House fly belongs to. family. [Cyprinidae 2, |Hominidae [Calliphoridac [4. [Muscidae 156, Select incorrect statement, regarding chemical Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (Options: TA) TB) [© [O) I iv or b. ov fo B. ni iv i Inv for fr 153. Which of the following is not a secondary metabolite? [L [Curcumin 2. Morphine B.[Anthocyanin [4 [Lecithin [Lis-1 [List structure of insulin (Altyphoid [a [Protozoan [Mature insulin molecule consists of three polypeptide (B)[Elephantasis| My [Salmonella [chains -A, B and C. (O[Ringworm — [i [Aschelminthes Jlnsulin is synthesized as prohormone which contains (D[Mataria—__|aV)) Microsporum lextra stretch of C-peptide [C-peptide is not present in mature insulin molecule. Polypeptide chains A and B are linked to disulphide bridges. 157. Which one of the following is the quiescent stage of cell eycle? I. /M pf Ba bo Page: 19 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 158, Given below are two statements: ise RNA BSE ATE, maa ater IRINA can directly code for eynthesis of {Statement I:fproteins hence can easily express the kebaracters 161. Which of the following statements are correct with ect to the hormone and its function? ls. [Thyrocaleitonin (TCT) regulates the blood calcium level lin mates, FST and androgens regulate |spermatogenesis Inv the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1, Statement I is correct but Statement II is false 2, Statement | is incorrect but Statement II is true 3. Both Statement I and Statement IT are true 4, Both Statement [ and Statement II are false 159, Given below are two statements: one is labelled as “Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) [Hyperthyroidism can lead to goitre [Glucocorticoids are secreted in Adrenal Medulla EPS Parathyroid hormone is regulated by circulated levels lof sodium ions jose the most appropriate answer from the options en below .[(©) and (E) ony] (AY and (B) only In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: [Ascending limb of the loop of Henle is] (Band (©) only}4[(A) and (D) only ssertion (ay fmPExeable to water and allows [Assertion (A): leansport of electrolytes actively or assively. 162, Select the sequence of steps in Respiration [Dilution of filtrate takes place duet | [4 [Piffusion of gases (03 and CO;) across alveolar [Reason (R): _ efflux of electrolytes in the medullary |membrane. ia [p[Ditfusion of Oy and CO, between blood and Hawues [Cfranspar of gases by the blood Ip. [Pulmonary ventilation by which atmospheric airis [drawn in and CO, rich alveolar air is released out. 160. The Cockroach is: [Ammonotelic only[2. [Ureotelic only |. [Gricotelic only [Ureotelie and Uricotelie [. J(A) is tue, (R) is False [Utilisation of O> by the cells for eatabolie reactions 2. [(A)is false, (R) is true land resultant release of CO, i, [Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe correct lexplanation of (A) Thoose the correct answer from the options given [, [Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct | below lexplanation of (A) i>. A, ©, @), OP(O. @, 0, ©. oO] 31@), ©.6. 0), AKA. ©, ®, ©, 0 163. Which of the following is/are cause(s) of biodiversity losses? 1. Over-exploitation, habitat loss and fragmentation 2. Climate change only 3. Over-exploitation only 4, Habitat loss and fragmentation only Page: 20 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 164. Match List - with List - IL [List-1 [bist ir 167. Which of the following can act as molecular (Al|Contractite vacuole |) [Asterias [Restriction enzymes[2,[DNA ligase ((B)|Water vascular system|(I1) [Amoeba BJRNA polymerase _[4.|DNA polymerase (©|Canal system [can |Spongittal ((D)[Flame cells lavi|faenia Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (Options: TAY FB) [© [O) f iv fo ffm b. o_o fiw B. me _t_iw i nto iv 165. Match List - I with List - I List-1 List-I1 (A)[Paim bones [()_[Phalanges ((B)|Wrist bones (C1) [Metacarpals (©Ankle bones| (11H |Carpals 168. [A.[There is a change in the gene for beta-globin inthe Betrsobin, ites valine inthe plas of Select the correct statements about sickle cell [G_[itis an example of point mutation [D [in the normal gene U is replaced by A Choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1 ](B), (©) and (D) only 5A), (By and (D) only [B) and (D) only [Ayand (© only| 169. Given below are two statements: (D)[Digit bones [AV)[Tarsals Choose the correct answer from the options given below: f, [ira Cytopasmie sperm injection (ICSD is another Ispecialized procedure of in-vivo fertilization. infertility cases due to the inability of the male 166. Match List - I with List -I1 List-1 Lise ((Al[Non-medicated 1UDs (i) [Multiload 375 (B)|Copper releasing TUDs_ {I [Rubber barrir| (Otlormone releasing IUDs (DylVautts [1D |Lippes Toop IV)IENG-20 Choose the correct answer from the options given below: foptions: TA) [B) [© [D) I vi 2 n_iv jor B. im iv (o is in iv |o_t foptions: JA) [B) [© [OD ll: [partner to inseminate the female can be corrected by 0 in im iv latificial insemination (AD) b iv o_o In light of the ab oose th F in light of the above statements, choose the correct, pt iV ft ft answer from the options given below: B. fat iv 1. Statement I is correct but statement II is false 2. Statement [is incorrect but statement II is true 3. Both statement I and statement II are true 4, Both statement I and statement II are false Page: 21 -neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 170, Match List - I with List - I 173. Given below are two statements regarding [List-1 [List-Ir oogenesis. (ea) [dElectrical activity of heard [The primary follicles get surrounded by more Tayers lP-wave Id) [Depolarisation of ventricles I: Jof granulosa cells, a theca and shows fluid filled {cavity antrum, Now itis called secondary follicle. {BJ ORS cope fda pele [rasan cere oles he oon Choose the correct answer from the options given jy the light of the above statements, choose the correct below: answer from the options given below: Options: (A) ((B) KC) (D) 2. Statement I is incorrect but statement II is true 171. Match List - I with List - [1 E Ho p: Pp [List-1 [List-IT B ps I 15 ((B) |Lymphocytes [(I1)_[2-3% 175. Given below are two statements: (©)Neutrophils [inp [20-25% The nose contains mucus-coated receptors which are [Options: (A) [B) [© [Dy [I:|middle layer is sclera (thin pigmented layer) and 1. Statement [is true but statement IT is false 2. Statement Tis false but statement IT is truc 3. Both statement I and statement If are true 172. Given below are two statements: 4, Both statement I and statement IT are false Iz [Goblet cells are unicellular glands It [Earwax is the secretion of exocrine gland] 176, Which one of the following acts as an inducer for lac operon? In the light of the above statements, choose the correct [I Buctose _ [2. [Lactose answer from the options given below: B. [Glucose _|4, [Galactose I, Statement [is true but statement Is false 2, Statement Lis false but statement IL is true 3, Both statement I and statement IT are true 4, Both statement I and statement IT are false Page: 22 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 177. Match List - I with List - I 180, Which of the following statements are correct? [List-1 [List [Responsible for heating of [4 JReproductive health refers to total well-being in all laspects of reproduction to non-forested areas (A)[Deforestation fa) farts surface and Ip [Amniocentesis is legally banned for sex latmosphere {determination in India (yfteroresation an [Conversion oF forested arcas| |G ['Saheli”-a new oral contraceptive for Females was [developed in collaboration with ICMR (New Delhi). [Natural ageing of lake by {iF nutrient enrichment of its water IGreen-house (ettect [Process of restoring a forest \rvyfthat once existed but was removed (D)}Eutrophication [Amniocentesis is used to determine genetic disorders P. [and survivability of foetus. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: [(B) and (C)only fe [(D) and (©) only] Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [(A), B) and (D) only|4.[A) and (©) only foprions: TA) [B) [© JD) 181. Match List - I with List -11 tL vo for List-1 [Lista 2. ifn ((A)[Terpenoides [)_[Codeine B. im itv (eB)[Unsaturated fatty acid|() [Diterpenes i iv io (O)[Nucteic acid (amp [icin 178, Diacetyl morphine is also called as: [(D)[Polysaccharide __|IV)|Concanavalin A| Choose the correct answer from the options given below: IX - Generie name, Y - Specific epithet, Linnaeus IX - Specific epithet, ¥- Whittaker [x - Specific epithet, ¥- Generic name, Z - Carolus ILinnacus IX - Generie name, Y - Specific epithet, Z - RH Whittaker ~ Carolus nerie name, Z- RH. [Amphetamine 2 [Barbiturate [Options: [AY [iB [© _[D) B [crack le [Smack fh in_ iv fmf b. int fv 179, °X° and "Y' are the components of Binomial whe nomenclature, This naming system was proposed by ZH Hv fe 182, Given below are two statements: [, Jt bacteria, the mesosomes are formed by the lextensions of the plasma membrane. In, The mesosomes, in bacteria, help in DNA replication land cell wall formation, In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: 1. Statement [is correct but statement IL is incorrect 2. Statement Lis incorrect but statement Il is correct 3. Both statement I and statement IT are correct 4, Both statement I and statement If are incorrect Page: 23 -neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 183. Select the correct sequence of substages of Prophase - I of Meiotic division (A) Zygotene (B) Pachytene (©) Diakinesis, (D) Leptotene (©) Diplotene Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [D). © A. ©. OR[A. BO), ©. 8.|(D), (A). (B), (&), OBA), D), B) ©, 184, Brain stem of the human brain consists of: 1. Mid-brain, Pons and Medulla Oblongata 2, Forebrain, Cerebellum and Pons 3. Thalamus, Hypothalamus and Corpora quadrigemina 4. Amygdala, Hippocampus and Corpus Callosum 185. Identify the fossil of a man who showed the following characteristics: (A) Brain capacity of 1400 ce (B) Used hides to protect their body. (C) Buried their dead bodies In the light of above statements, choose the correct, answer from the options given below: [L [Homo erectus]2,JNeanderthal man| 187, Select the correct sequential steps regarding the absorption of fatty acids and glycerol, in the intestine: [Micelles are reformed into small protein-coated fat |zlobules called chylomicrons. [B.[Micelles move into intestinal mucosa, [Fatty acids and glycerol are incorporated info small [droplets called micelles. [p [Escteals release the absorbed substances into the [bloodstream [E.[Chylomicrons are transported into lacteals Thoose the correct answer from the options given below: (A. ©. @). 0), OPO, ©. 8).©.A] BIO. B.A), ©), Ds [B). (©. B.A, D 188, Given below are two statements: one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R) [A person goes to high altitude and lexperiences "Altitude Sickness" with lsymptoms like breathing difficulty and heart palpitations, [Duc to low atmospheric pressure at high [Reason (R): altitude, the body does not get sufficient loxygen [Assertion (A); 8.|Hlomo habilis|4.|Australopithecus Biology - 2 - Section B 186. With reference to Hershey and Chase experiments Select the correct statements Viruses grown in the presence of adoacive hosphous contained radioactive DNA, fp Viruses grown on radioactive sulphur contained fadioactve proteins Viruses grown on radioactive phosphors contained [piss grown on adioacive sulphur contined jadioactive DNA, Wiruses grown on radioactive protein contained fadiouctive DNA, ls. Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below: In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: [(A) is true but (R) is false [2A is fase but (R) is true [ [Both (A) and (R) are true and (RY isthe comect [explanation of (A) [, Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct lexplanation of (A) 189, The salient features of genetic code are: (A) The code is palindromic (B) UGA act as initiator codon (C) The code is unambiguous and specific (D) The code is nearly universal Choose the most appropriate answer from the options jven below: [(A) and (D) only 1B) and (C) only [(A) and (B) only}. (©) and (D) only} f.{@D) and (2) only. [AY and (B) only] B.(A) and (C) only|4,[(B) and (D) only] Page: 24 -neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 190. Arrange the events of Renin-Angiotensin 193, Select the correct statements: ‘mechanism in correct sequence [, [Platyhelminthes are triploblastic pseudococTomate [L[Activation of JG cells and release of renin land bilaterally symmetrical organisms, (2 [Angiotensin Il activated release of aldosterone Ip [Ctenophores reproduces only sexually and {,[Fall in glomerular blood pressure fertilization is external [In tapeworm, ferilization is internal by sexes are not [separate [Ctenophores are exclusively marine, diploblastic and [bioluminescent organisms ; [In sponges, fertilization is external and development lis direct. |, |Reabsorption of Na* and water from distal {convoluted tubule [; [Angiotensinogen is converted to Angiotensin Tand Ithen to Angiotensin IL Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (0. . B). DPA) OH). ©, B] BJA), 0), ©, 8), OB(B), (0, ©. O),} Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [(A), (©) and (D) only [B), (©) and (D) only] [5(A) and (E) only [4.[(B) and (D) only 191. Select the correct statements regarding dissolved ‘Oxygen and Biochemical Oxygen demand [L BOD is inversely related to dissolved oxygen Low dissolved oxygen and high BOD lead to Toss of aquatic lite |AlGene therapy |e [:|High BOD leads t high dissolved oxygen [, [Both BOD and dissolved oxygen are indicator of 194, Match List - L with List - I List-1 [Lise Ir [Separation of DNA lragments (B)|RNA interference [(UI) [Diagnostic test for AIDS b. lncalth of a water body (@|ELISA [ai|Cellular defence [Both BOD and dissolved oxygen are affected by pel ry) Allows correction of a gene’ [Jamount of organic matter in the water body. [Pfeicctrophoresis |) fdofect Choose the most appropriate answer from the options Choose the correct answer from the options given given below: below I. J(AY, @), (cB) only)2AY, (B),(D), only fortions: FAY [B) (©) J) [JCA), @, (©). (DY only|4 |B), (©), D), (E) only a b. ivf B iva nf 192. Given below are two statements Er iw a [Statement [Parathyroid hormone acts on bones and lt: stimulates the process of bone resorption [Parathyroid hormone along with [Thyrocalcitonin plays a significant role in |carbohydrate metabolism, In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: I, Statement I is correct but Statement II is false 2, Statement [is incorrect but Statement IT is true 3, Both Statement I and Statement If are true 4, Both Statement I and Statement IT are false \Statement in: Page: 25 “neet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 195. Which of the following statements are correct in the context of Golgi apparatus? 198, Match List - I with List - IL ist-T [List [vis the important site for the formation of lstycoprotein and glycolipids [B [it produces cellular energy in the form of ATP. ls. ((A)|Columnar epithelium |) [Duets of glands [inner lining of stomach land intestine \(B)|Ciliated epithelium |) (¢ [lt modifies the protein synthesized by ribosomes on [ER linner lining of {0} [bronchioles [Squamous epithetium|111) [D [it faciitates the transport of fons [Endothelium [(D)|Cuboidal epithelium (AV) IE. [it provides mechanical support Choose the most appropriate answer fom the options given below: jose the correct answer from the options given below: [Ferilised eggs at 4to 6 cells - stages are recovered 1. Jnon-surgically from a super-ovulating cow and lransferred to a surrogate mother: 2, [itis used to increase herd size in a short me |Cow is administered with hormones to induce super- b. lovutation, ISuper-ovulating cow is either mated with an elite [bull or is artificially inseminated 197. Given below are two statements: (8) and (CY only KAY and (©) onl] [Options [AY [BY [O_[O) [3.J(A) and (D) only}4.((D) and (E) only] L a a a b mj 196. Select th “L state ch E Hf iv . Select the incorrect statement with respect (0 ; Mutple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (wort) fv jor fy technology. 199, Match List - 1 with List - List ist caries [p |Mucus coating of [Ai]cytokine b OO eres mee [Gp] Cetiatar barriers [) [Imerferons ~ [Physiological [Neutrophils and (oarriers (PI Macrophages [DyPhysical barriers —[OV)[Tears and Saliva Choose the correct answer from the options given below: Im light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below: 1. Statement I is correct but statement Il is false 2, Statement I is incorrect but statement II is true 3. Both statement I and statement II are true 4, Both statement and statement II are false [, [i cockroaches, the forewings are transparent and] [Options: (A) [(B) [(C) [0D) rothoracic in origin. q ijt ive {|v cockroaches, the hind wings are opaque, leathery | [2 io iv i land mesothoracie in origin B. a ( ls io iv Page: 26 ‘Oyneet! NEET 2023 Exam Paper - Manipur Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718 200. Select the correct statement/s with respect to ‘mechanism of sex determination in Grasshopper. [A [itis an cxample of female heterogamety IMale produces two different types of gametes either |with or without X chromosomes, [Total number of chromosomes (aufosomes and sex {chromasomes) is same in both males and females. [All eggs bear in additional X chromosome besides Ihe autosomes. i. ic ID. Choose the correct answer from the options given below: fL[0B) and (>) onlyf2.[(A), (©) and (D) only] [fay only [4-[A) and (C) only: Fill OMR Sheet* If above link doesn't work, please go to test link from where you got the pdf and fill OMR from there CLICK HERE Page: 27

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