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Certificate of Analysis

EMD Chemicals Inc.

480 S. Democrat Road
Gibbstown, NJ 08027
Phone 856−423−6300
Fax 856−423−4389

Name: Dibutyl Phthalate Formula: C6H4(COOC4H9)2

For Synthesis

Item Number: 8.00919, 8.00919−2500, 8.00919.2500 Formula Wt: 278.35

Lot Number: 44022 Data Order No: 000083539


Min. Max.
Assay (GC, area %) 99 99.8 %
Identity (IR−spectrum) Conforms
Density (d 20°/4°) 1.045 1.047 1.046

Charles M. Wilson,
Quality Assurance Manager
Release Date: 1/27/2004

EMD Chemicals Inc.

(Formerly EM Science, A Division of EM Industries, Inc.)
An Affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany


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