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Machine Learning in Agriculture

Bindu T D and Phani Kumar Pullela

School of Computer Science Engineering (SOCSE),

RV University, RV Vidyanikethan Post,

8th Mile, Mysuru Road, Bengaluru – 560059

Abstract ML is a subset of Artificial Intelligence and

Computer Science. It focuses on using data and
Machine Learning (ML) technology has made algorithms to learn the same way humans do. ML is
harvesting, processing, marketing, disease pest, already playing an essential role in agriculture by
and water detection possible without human making it more efficient and effective. Precision
interference. ML is the scientific field that allows agriculture includes gathering data, processing and
machines to learn without being specifically analysis for more efficient agricultural production.
programmed. It has enabled a combination of in- Today, we can collect data using technology such
ground sensor data of moisture, fertilisers and as GPS-based soil sampling, automated hardware,
national nutrients to predict and analyse plant sensors, cameras, robots, drones, etc. ML
growth patterns. The concept of smart farming is technology has made harvesting, processing,
emerging, which makes agriculture more efficient marketing, crop prediction, disease-Pest detection,
and effective, and the mechanism that drives and water detection possible without human
smart farming is ML. While the traditional way of interference. Artificial Intelligence, ML and
species recognition involves manually comparing Internet of Things sensors now provide real-time
the shape, size and colour of species, ML has now data that significantly help the agriculture sector.
introduced the capacity to provide more accurate Artificial Intelligence and ML-based surveillance
and faster results by analysing the leaf vein systems can look into every crop field's real-time
morphology, which carries more Information. A video and identify any animal or human breaches,
Survey of the application of ML to reduce sending an alert immediately. Another place where
problems in the pre-harvesting, post-harvesting ML plays an important role is by reducing
and harvesting stages of agriculture is also accidental destruction of crops by domestic or wild
discussed. ML has given more precision and animals and break-ins or burglaries in remote-form
accuracy to agriculture. ML and Remote Sensing locations. Twenty 20 solution is a leader in the field
(RS) have moulded precision agriculture in many of ML, which has helped farmers secure remote
ways, like crop identification water stress facilities, optimise crops and deter trespassers with
management, with better accuracy than just using the help of ML to identify people who work on-
and remote sensing. The paper also brings into site. Artificial Intelligence and ML, using real-time
light various ML algorithms that can be utilised sensor data and visual analytics data from drones,
to build models to solve multiple agricultural help predict crop yield. ML has enabled a
issues. Many studies have used ML models based combination of ground sensor data of moisture,
on land use data to map land suitability fertiliser and natural nutrients for predicting and
efficiently. This research embodiment presents a analysing crop growth patterns. [1]
review of research dedicated to the application of
ML in Agriculture. Agriculture is the world's primary sector, and ML
plays an essential role in improvising this Sector.
Keywords: Computer Application, Machine The concept of smart farming is emerging, which
Learning, Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Smart makes agriculture more efficient and effective. ML
Farming is the mechanism that drives smart farming. Big
data technology and high-performance computing
have made way for, unravel, qualify and recognition involves comparing the shape, size, and
understand data-intensive processes in agriculture. colour of specie by humans, ML now has
The use of ML in agricultural operations begins introduced the capacity to provide more accurate
with a seed being planted in soil, soil preparation, and faster results by analysing the leaf vein
seed breeding, and water required measurement morphology which carries more Information, (C)
and ends when robots, with the help of ML and Crop quality: in comparison to humans, the
Artificial intelligence, pick up the crop by machine can make use of the seemingly meaning
determining its ripeness using computer vision, fewer data and connections to reveal new attributes
proving ML is everywhere throughout the whole that would help in an overall increase in quality of
growing and harvesting cycle. Below are some the crops. Thus, increasing the market value of the
areas where ML is used in agriculture (a) Species crops and reducing waste. [2]
breeding. When the data of almost a decade is
loaded into the model, it analyses the crop Figure 1 details the role of ML in Agriculture. The
performance in various climates and new above figure gives a quick view into what ML is.
The machine can learn to live the human brain
characteristics developed in the process. Based on does. Drones are being used for spraying pesticides
this, a model that would predict which genes will and insecticides. ML is also used to carry out crop
be beneficial to a plant is built, (b) Species and soil analysis, agriculture robots for harvesting,
recognition: while the traditional way of species to detect the ripeness of the harvest and a lot more.
The figure above depicts a gist of the same. [3]

Figure 1: Machine Learning In Agriculture

including India. There are three main stages in

agriculture: pre-harvesting, harvesting and post-
II. PRIOR ART harvesting. Technological advancements in ML
have enabled farmers to improve their harvest, get
Vishal Meshram et al. expressed that food is an
the right price, and market their crops. It has also
essential requirement for everyone and is provided
benefited agriculturists in reducing loss in yield by
to us through agriculture. Agriculture is also
providing them with information about crops and
considered an economic background and the
providing recommendations in each stage of
primary source of employment in many countries,
agriculture. The author presents a survey of the
application of ML in agriculture to reduce and quantity of agricultural harvest. [5] Evan J
problems in the pre-harvesting, post-harvesting and Croopersmith et al. have viewed the use of ML for
harvesting stages of agriculture. Advancements in assessing soil drying in the field used for
ML have given more precision and efficiency to agricultural planning. The traditional way of
agriculture. [1] Anna Chilingaryan et al. have wetting and drying plays a very important role in
brought to our notice the application of ML and agriculture and involves heavy machinery, and
Remote Sensing (RS) inaccurate estimation of yield unpaved terrain makes it difficult. If the soil
and optimising nitrogen management which is condition turns moist, the equipment can get stuck
essential in agriculture. RS is currently being used in the mud, leading to more expenses and delays.
to improve yield and nitrogen management while One of the ways to assess soil dryness is by
reducing costs and adverse effects on the remotely monitored in situ sensors. Farmers refuse
environment. Agriculturists face problem with to install this for various reasons: cost, complexity,
remote sensing is that it requires processing a large and sometimes a lack of physical visits to remote
amount of remotely sensed data from various locations. This paper has addressed these
platforms. This is the season attention is now being limitations by carrying out the wetting-drying
deviated to ML due to its ability to process data and process through ML procedures. The data required
handle nonlinear tasks. This paper draws attention for this is hydrologic data which assesses soil
to various research developments conducted within condition using publically available resources.
the previous 15 years on ML-based technology to These analyses concluded that accurately
predict accurate crop yield and nitrogen status predicting current soil conditions is possible using
estimation. The paper concludes by bringing only precipitation and potential evaporation data.
readers' attention to the fact that quick This is how ML helped in decisions without
advancements in ML will pave the way for cost- needing more time, visit expenses or expensive
effective solutions for better crop and decision- sensory grids. [6]
making. More development of ML techniques
combined with other technologies might be a part Yaping kai et al. have analysed the use of ML for
of precision agriculture shortly. [4] high performance and in-season classification of
field-level crop type. An infield-level classification
Thenmozhi kasinathan et al. have expressed the system for corn and soybean is put forward in this
classification and detection of insects in the field paper. Accurately and timely spatial classification
using ML techniques. Food is the minimum of crops is essential for both practical and scientific
requirement of all humans, and the agriculture purposes⋅ Crop type information can be used for
sector plays the utmost important role in fulfilling the estimation of crop area and, in turn, be used for
food needs and providing people with nutritious crop insurance, land rental, financial marketing
and sufficient food. But one of the significant forecasting and many others. The experiment was
challenges faced by agriculturists is pests and carried out to know what information is required
insects since they damage a substantial amount of for training the ML model for crop type
crops and cause hindrances in the quality of the classification. The conclusion was that the method
harvest. Traditional way or manual way of pest put forth in this paper promises accurate and cost-
detection is a tedious process and will require a effective classification. [7] Figure 2 details the
well-trained taxonomist to identify the evolution of ML in agriculture. The figure above
morphological features of the pest accurately. Due gives the readers an idea of ML's evolution. It tells
to this drawback, experiments were conducted to the readers that ML and deep learning are the
classify 9 and 24 insect classes of Wang and Xie subsets of Artificial intelligence. Then it proceeds
(insect dataset) to overcome this. The insect shape to educate the reader on building an ML model.
feature was the key data. ML techniques such as The step begins with data collecting, then comes
Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Brayers training the machine, making the model and ends
(NB), and K- Nearest Neighbours (KNN) were with implementing the model in the real world. The
used. The result of this experiment was the application of the ML model that is built is used in
accuracy of classification used to recognise the pest plant disease detection. It helps the agriculturist by
at an early stage enabling the agriculturists to get predicting market values, forming a map to detect
rid of it soon, paving the way to enhanced quality the area, and even predicting soil erosion.
Figure 2: Prior Art in Machine Learning In Agriculture

III. THEORY Markov Random Fields (MRF) are also used in ML

for herbicide resistance modelling of ryegrass is
Shyamala S. Virnodkar et al. have detailed remote also taken into account. This approach has had an
sensing and ML for crop water stress determination excellent result for crop protection. [9]
in crops. ML provides a practical approach to
construct a model for regression and classification Robert J McQueen et al. have discussed the
of a multivariate and non-linear system and learns application of ML to agricultural data. The process
from past experiences. To date, the technologies of of acquiring knowledge from empirical data is very
ML and RS have given hope to farmers and tedious and prone to errors. Many techniques and
decision-makers to teach this technology to meet technologies have also been developed to learn and
the worldwide food demands and have also simplify the same. Though these techniques are
improved agricultural outcomes. ML and RS have plausible, very well theoretically and work good on
moulded precision agriculture in many ways, like more or less artificial data sets, they depend on
crop identification and water stress management, making sense of real-world data. Hence, to
with better accuracy and efficiency than using only overcome these problems regarding agricultural
RS. [8] Ryan H.L et al. have opinionated on using data, a wide range of ML strategies are applied in
ML for crop protection. Crop protection is one of agriculture and horticulture. [10] Garcia Pedrero et
the most crucial steps of agriculture, and it explains al. have an opinionated ML approach for
the science of protecting and managing crops from agricultural parcel delineation. Delineation refers to
pests, weeds, and insects. Since pests and weeds the portraying. A correct portrayal of agricultural
have evolved resistance to herbicides, farmers face parcels is of primary importance for any parcel-
complexity in controlling weeds. The technology of based application, as in estimating agricultural
big data and ML for weed control is very assuring. subsidies. Though RS images provide helpful
information to delineate parcels, it is very time- prediction. ML algorithms like Artificial Neural
consuming. Hence, arose a need to create methods Networks (ANN), Random Forest (RF) and
to produce this automatically. ML approach to Support Vector Regression (SVR) are used, and
delineate panels is explored to combine Super results show RF produces the most accurate crop
pixels and supervised classification to decide which yield prediction. [12] Figure 3 details the process
adjacent is supposed to be merged, converting involved in agriculture and ML's uses in each step.
segmentation issue into ML matter. The visual The above figure brilliantly takes the reader
evaluation of results obtained through this through the various stages in agriculture while
methodology has shown that applying ML educating them about how ML is implied, applied
algorithms to this field is promising. [11] and used in every step. The cycle begins with soil
preparation, where ML is used to detect the amount
Maya Gopal P.S and Bhargavi R have analysed the of nitrogen and other mineral content. At the same
performance evaluation of the best feature subset time, sowing seeds ML robots are used. Adding
for crop yield prediction using ML. The demand fertilisers utilises ML in detecting the type of
for crop yield prediction has increased due to the fertilisers and uses drones. ML is used in irrigation
rapid innovation and liberal market economy in by letting the agriculturist know the water level.
agriculture. ML algorithms and the selected Weed protection is looked at by pest detection and
features play a significant and vital role in accurate insecticide spraying ML technology. Harvesting
forecasts. The performance of any ML algorithm and storing marks the end of the cycle. It uses an
will improve when provided with a distinct set of ML robot to detect the proper harvest and the
features in the training dataset. The paper has stated predicted price.
the essential features for the accuracy of crop yield

Figure 3: Process of Agriculture and Machine Learning’s use in each step

Agriculture is a source of survival and the

economic backbone of any country. Rapid growth
IV. APPLICATION in precision agriculture has helped the agricultural
industry enter the world of ML and big data
Rashmi Priya and Chawanth Ramesh have detailed
technologies. The advanced machine-wearing
ML-based sustainable precision agriculture.
technology would bring up many agro-sectors. Aqib Ali et al. have expressed the ML approach for
There are different types of data sets available from classifying corn seeds. Seed purity is one of the
various sources. ML offers favourable most critical indicators of crop seed quality. Corn is
computational as well as analytical solutions for the an essential crop with 40% worldwide production.
study of the same. The study introduces the core This was the primary reason for experimenting
concept of ML to understand its application in with corn. This experiment aimed to learn the
agriculture. The paper also brings into light various usefulness of the ML approach for classifying
ML algorithms that can be utilised to build models different types of corn seeds. Six corn varieties
for various agricultural issues. [13] Hailei Zhao has were taken through a digital camera. The acquired
analysed future price predictions of agricultural dataset was converted to a hybrid feature dataset.
products based on ML technology. The future of For each corn image, a total of 55 hybrid features
agricultural products is as important as agriculture were collected. Nine optimised features have been
is to economic development. Predicting agricultural obtained. To build a classification model, Random
products' future prices plays a crucial role in the Forest (RF), Bayers Net (BN), Logit Boost (LB)
stability of the market's future economy. To and Multilayer Reception (MLP) were used. When
improve the accuracy of the future price prediction compared, among 4 ML classifiers, MLP
of agricultural products by keeping ML algorithms performed the best. [16]
as the basis, this study uses ML methods by
analysing fundamental factors affecting agricultural S. Sahoo et al. have viewed ML algorithms for
product future prices. The research results show modelling groundwater level changes. Water is as
essential to plants as it is for human beings.
that the proposed model has specific effects and Climate, groundwater interaction and water flow
provides a theoretical reference for related have a nonlinear relationship with groundwater
research. [14] levels in agricultural regions. A new assembling
modelling framework using spectral analysis, ML
Tanzeel. U. Rehman et al. detailed ML's current and uncertainty analysis as the basis was used to
and future applications for agriculture machine predict the groundwater. This model was developed
vision systems. With the increase in population and as an alternative to very complex and
demand for more and more food, the need for good computationally advanced physical models. Data is
inputted by combining mutual information, Lag
food production has arisen. But due to decreased
analysis and genetic algorithm and then used to
agricultural land, it is challenged to meet the stimulate seasonal groundwater level change. [17]
demands. Machine vision seems like a solution to Figure 4 explains the application of ML in the
this as it ensures increased crop production by agriculture sector. The application of ML in
using automatic, non-destructive and cost-effective agriculture is vast, and the above figure gives a
techniques. In previous years agriculture has seen glimpse of its extensive applications, involving
remarkable development and achievements crop monitoring drones, crop spraying drones,
health assessment drones, irrigation drones and
combined with ML techniques on machine vision.
much more. The agricultural yield has increased
Despite many applications of different ML manifold times due to the indulgence of ML.
techniques, this paper focuses on statistical ML
technologies with machine vision systems. [15]
Figure 4: Application of Machine Learning in Agriculture

considering patterns of the transformed frequency

spectrum. The result was that all models expected
V. CURRENT STATUS the over-mature coconuts right, but they got mixed
up with mature-premature and matured with over-
Dilli Paudel et al. have detailed ML for large-scale
matured coconuts. [19]
crop yield forecasting. In this research
embodiment, amounts of data are being collected Jan Behmann et al. have discussed the advanced
and published hence, ML is a promising method. It ML methods for detecting biotic stress in precision
is combined with agronomic principles of cop crop protection. Crop protection requires early and
modelling. An ML baseline, which is workflow precise detection of biotic stress. Several methods
emphasising correctness, and modularity for large and techniques of ML have been used in recent
crop yield forecasting, is built. This workflow is years, which include Neural Networks and SVM
for classification, self-organising maps and u-
used to run repeatable experiments, and the results
means for unsupervised learning. These methods
serve as starting point for further optimization. The work for linear and nonlinear models and adapt to a
baseline is further improved by adding new data, wide range of data when provided with few
designing more predictive features and evaluating statistical assumptions. Triumphant application of
ML algorithms. [18] June Anne Caladcad et al. the above-mentioned technique includes early
have analysed the process of determining coconut detection of plant disease by
maturity levels using ML in the Philippines. Since considering spectral features and weed detection
coconut is a tropical fruit with a unique structure, it because of shape description. This is possible by
tends to have limited studies. In this research the supervised or unsupervised ML method. [20]
embodiment, a classification of a real coconut Konstantinos G Liakos et al. have reviewed ML in
dataset is collected by tapping system and learned agriculture. ML is the scientific field that allows
by three well-known ML techniques - ANN, RF machines to learn without being specifically
and SVM. One hundred twenty-nine coconut programmed. Agriculture is the foundation of
samples were well collected and divided into three economic stability for many countries, including
maturity levels-premature, mature and over-mature. India. Pressure on the agriculture system is
A 3-second tapping system collected 1,32,300 data increasing with the increasing population. This
points through signal processing and house research embodiment presents a review of research
reduction. Each model predicted maturity by dedicated to the application of ML in agriculture,
which include categories line (a) crop management,
which includes application in yield prediction, model implemented on maize production in
weed, pest, insect detection, crop quality detection, Mozambique. This model showed how the above
species recognition, (b) water management approach could help produce country broad risk
profiles by considering aggregation of local,
involving water stress management, irrigation
heterogeneous exposure, rainfall precipitation and
management, (c) livestock management and soil excess temperature. Then a framework was
management. [2] developed to quantify the economic gains. [21]
Figure 5 explains the present status of ML in
Enrico Biffis and Erik Chavez discuss satellite data agriculture. The figure first exposes the reader to
and ML for weather risk management and food various fields which use ML in the current world.
security. The increase in the severity and This includes medicine, finance, traffic prediction
unpredictable nature of the weather poses a strong (Google Maps), facial recognition and many more.
inconvenience and risk factor for agriculturists and Then it proceeds to the current status of ML in a
the agriculture sector globally. This research few areas of agriculture, including precision
embodiment shows how ML is used to overcome agriculture, determining the phenotype, reducing
this problem. ML can be used to mine data from deforestation and managing forest fires, to name a
satellites and identify the pixel-level optimal few.
weather indices. This research model has an ML

Figure 5: Current Status of Machine Learning in Agriculture

The traditional way of seeing rice plant disease is

subjective, whereas it is time-consuming in the
VI. FUTURE SCOPE laboratory. Due to this, developing image-based
systems for detecting and classifying rice plant
Vimal.K. Shrivastava and Monoj K. Pradhan have
disease is a growing research area in the
expressed a classic example of ML using rice plant
agricultural domain. Colour is the essential feature
disease classification by detecting colour features.
for detecting rice disease, 14 different colour
spaces were explored, and four features were inequalities using ML techniques like SMOTE and
extracted from each colour channel giving rise to focal loss with deep convolutional neural networks.
172 features. Then the ML technique of the SVM [24] Anders Bjørn Møller et al. have researched if
classifier was used to achieve an accuracy of machine warnings can be used to assess
94.65%. Training and testing of models were agricultural land suitability. The farmer needs to
performed on 619 images of a dataset. [22] Anat know which land is suitable for them to grow their
Goldstein et al. have analysed applying ML on crops. Many studies have used ML models based
sensor data for irrigation recommendation. Jojoba on land use data to map land suitability efficiently.
Israel is a world-leading producer of jojoba This is wholly based on the assumption that
products, and they have sensors that collect data on agriculturists & cultivate their crops in best-suited
moisture content in the soil to look into the plants' areas. The assumption is not tested. This research
needs in real time. In addition, the data on weather embodiment aimed to test this assumption. Forty-
irrigation and yield are recorded from different one suitable areas were marked for speciality crops
sources. To date, there has been no attempt to use using ML. Then the predicted land suitability was
the entire data set and conclude. This part of the compared with the mechanistic model ECROP
research focuses on how other ML models are used (Ecological Crop Requirement). There was only a
for the same. The ML models were derived using little agreement between the two. Most of the time,
eight different variable types to know which model ML predicts Socioeconomic suitability, but the
and which variable gave the most accuracy. In term land suitability may lead to misinterpretation.
comparison, it was concluded that Gradient Booster [25]
Regression trees were the most accurate regression
model with 93.1% accuracy and Boosted Tree Newman Gamal Rezk et al. have expressed an
Classifier was the best classification model with efficient Internet of Things (IoT) based smart
farming using ML algorithms. This study suggests
95.1% accuracy. [23]
IoT for smart agriculture and an ML technique
called WPART for drought prediction and crop
G.Sambashivam and Geoffrey Duran Opiyo have
productivity. This new technology of drought
stated a predictive ML application in agriculture by prediction and crop productivity benefits
taking Cassava disease detection. This research agriculturists and countries that depend on the
aimed to detect Cassava disease using five fine- agriculture sector. In this work, an intelligent
grained Cassava leaf disease categories with 10,000 method based on the blend of wrapper feature and
labelled pictures. The detection is usually and PART classification technique in ML is put forth
for crop productivity and drought prediction. Five
traditionally carried out by physical inspection.
data sets were used for the same, and the results
But, this can be tiresome and expensive, and the were robust, accurate and precise compared to
farmers might not get the results on time. existing techniques. [3] Figure 6 details the future
Therefore, a machine warning approach was used. scope of ML in agriculture. The future of ML in
A particular dataset provided by the ML technique, agriculture shines bright. The above figure takes us
Convolutional Neural Network, was very through some new technology and already existing
challenging to use due to the dataset being small in fields that can undergo many more innovations.
There is the evolution of agriculture from the
size and the dataset had high-class imbalance and
traditional ways to now becoming precision
was very biased towards Cassava Mosaic agriculture and smart farming by inculcating many
Disease(CMD) and Cassava Brown Streak vinyl ML technologies. There is future Scope for ML in
disease. This class imbalance is problematic in ML. agriculture, and still, a long way to go and advance.
This research embodiment, therefore, focuses on
techniques soon to achieve accuracy despite
Figure 6: Technology that awaits in Machine Learning in Agriculture

CONCLUSION yield by providing them with information about

crops and recommendations in each stage of
ML is a subset of Artificial intelligence and agriculture. ML approach to delineate parcels is
computer Science. It focuses on using data and explored through combining superpixel and
algorithms to learn the same way humans do. It is supervised classification to decide which adjacent
already playing an essential role in agriculture by superpixel is to be merged, converting the
making it more efficient and effective. Using segmentation issue to ML matter. To improve the
Artificial Intelligence and ML-based surveillance accuracy of the future price prediction of
system, agriculturists can look into every crop agricultural products by keeping ML algorithms as
field's real-time video and identify any animal or basic several methods and technologies of ML have
human breaches, sending an alert immediately. The been used in recent years, which include Neural
use of ML in agricultural processes begins with Networks and SVM for classification and U-means
seed being planted in soil, soil preparation, seed and self-organising maps for unsupervised learning.
breeding, and water requirement measurement. It The class imbalance is problematic in ML.
ends when robots, with the help of Artificial Therefore, there are techniques shortly that would
Intelligence and ML, pick up crops by determining help achieve accuracy despite inequalities using
their ripeness using computer vision. Compared to ML techniques such as SMOTE and Neural
humans, machines can make use of seemingly Networks.
meaningless data and connections to reveal new
qualities that would help in an overall increase in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
the rate of crops. Technological advancements in
ML have enabled farmers to improve their harvest, This research is funded by a student research grant
get the right price, and market their produce. It has from RV University through a technical writing
also benefited agriculturists in reducing loss in course.

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